[MU] [AddOn] MiniMap
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  1. #1
    Thành Viên Trong's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Sep 2014
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    Thanked 425 Times in 128 Posts

    Icon14 [AddOn] MiniMap

    1. MiniMap Source Code (to client side) 1.04.04 GMO
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    MiniMap.cpp file:

    PHP Code:
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include "MiniMap.h"
    #include "TMemory.h"
    #include "Interface.h"

    // Buffers -> Using this method.. is not necesary mov esi, 0x00XXX or: mov edi, //0x00XX and prevents.. possible problems with information registers

    DWORD LoadImg1    0x007721E0;
    DWORD LoadMap1    0x00860FC0;
    DWORD LoadMap2    0x008615F0;
    DWORD LoadMap3    0x00886C20;
    DWORD LoadMap4    0x004E65C0;

    MiniMap        gMiniMap//Small MiniMap Class Initialization (Only for: Hook Main Function)

    bool IsValidMap(int MapId)
    char FullMapName[200];
    sprintf_s(FullMapName"World%d\\Map1.jpg"MapId 1);

    struct stat buffer;

        if (
    stat(FullMapName, &buffer)) // -> On this way Minimap not have crashs on Event Maps... xD
            switch (
    0: return true;//Lorencia
    case 1: return true;//Dungeon
    case 2: return true;//Devias
    case 3: return true;//Noria
    case 4: return true;//LostTower
    case 6: return true;//Stadium
    case 7: return true;//Atlans
    case 8: return true;//Tarkan
    case 10: return true;//Icarus
    case 24: return true;//Kalima 1
    case 25: return true;//Kalima 2
    case 26: return true;//Kalima 3
    case 27: return true;//Kalima 4
    case 28: return true;//Kalima 5
    case 29: return true;//Kalima 6
    case 30: return true;//Valley of Loren
    case 31: return true;//Land of Trials
    case 33: return true;//Aida
    case 34: return true;//Crywolf
    case 36: return true;//Kanturu 1
    case 37: return true;//Kanturu 2
    case 38: return true;//Kanturu 3
    case 42: return true;//Barracks
    case 51: return true;//Elbeland
    case 56: return true;//Swamp of Calmness
    case 57: return true;//Raklion
    case 58: return true;//Raklion Boss
    case 63: return true;//Vulcanus
    case 80: return true;//Kalrutan 1
    case 81: return true;//Kalrutan 2

            // Invalid MiniMap
    default: return false;

    void LoadImageJpgForMap(charImagePatchDWORD PrintCode)
    PUSH 0
            PUSH 1
            PUSH 0x2900
            PUSH 0x2601
            PUSH 0x7B7A
            PUSH ImagePatch
            CALL LoadImg1 
    // -> Here is not used: mov edi and anothers bad instructions to memory is only direct CALL to Main Offset :D:
    ADD ESP,0x18

    int LoadMap(int Map)
    char FullMapName[200];
    sprintf(FullMapName"World%d\\Map1.jpg"Map 1);

    void ChangePath(const charMap)

    bool MapCheckerCore1(int Map)
        if (

    void MapCheckerCore2(int Map)
        if (

    CALL LoadMap1
                MOV ECX
                CALL LoadMap2
                MOV ECX
                CALL LoadMap3

    PUSH Map
            CALL LoadMap4 
    // -> Here on: 1.04d main.exe is not necesary POP EBP instruction.. I don't know why ^^ I like think that is by call convention type (__cdecl or __stdcall on original main function).

    #define oMapCheckerHook1    0x007D3B6D
    #define oMapCheckerHook2    0x00886B87
    #define oMapCheckerHook3    0x0062EB3D

    // Cool Info ^^
    #define oMiniMapKeyPushOffset    0x007D3B55    //0x09 = TAB - 0x10 = SHIFT
    #define oMiniMapKeyCallOffset    0x007D3B6D    //This call must be hook to MapCheckerCore1 proc
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #define oScreenMapKeyOffset        0x007D3BA5    //0x09 = TAB - 0x10 = SHIFT

    void MiniMap::Load()
    SetOp((LPVOID)oMapCheckerHook1, (LPVOID)MapCheckerCore1ASM::CALL);
    SetOp((LPVOID)oMapCheckerHook2, (LPVOID)MapCheckerCore1ASM::CALL);
    SetOp((LPVOID)oMapCheckerHook3, (LPVOID)MapCheckerCore2ASM::CALL);

    MiniMap.h file:
    PHP Code:
    #pragma once
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    #include <sys\stat.h>
    #include "Import.h" // -> This is not necesary.. on my zClient Modified Source I only use this.. to make a small new mod (is TEST) xD

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    int        LoadMap(int Map);
    void        LoadImageJpgForMap(charImagePathDWORD PrintCode);
    bool        MapCheckerCore1(int Map);
    void        MapCheckerCore2(int Map);
    void        ChangePath(const char*Map);
    bool        IsValidMap(int MapId);

    void        Load();
    // ----
    }; extern 

    PHP Code:
    #include "MiniMap.h"
    extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)void Init()
    DWORD OldProtect;
    // ----



    2. Other MiniMap
    Trích dẫn Gửi bởi scrome [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    I don't have originals: .tga files from Nemesis, but maybe this: .jpg from my minimap can help to you bro:

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    ps: and here I leave too: .tga from Interface for external minimap that: Nemesis, use in his code:

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    and my own modified from original (without Illusion Event buttons that not works xD in the same .rar file):

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    ps 2: I leave here too.. a small experiment that I make.. a long time ago.. (without Success xD) sorry, but I don't know so much of programming... to try to implement something like this:

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    I make this textures .tga using.. directX texture tool and my brain xD look:

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    ps3: YES, this is from another knowded game... I know : Hahaha.. is my failed trying.. to re-create Arieth Radar Mini Map...

    ps4: and here I leave.. pseudo-code decompiled from: 1.04d GMO main.exe with my IDA 6.6 from original Webzen MiniMap Proc (maybe to some person here is util this):

    //----- (00887490) --------------------------------------------------------
    char __usercall sub_887490@<al>(int a1@<ecx>, int a2@<ebx>, int a3@<edi>, int a4@<esi>)
      int alpha; // ST2C_4@1
      int v5; // eax@1
      int v6; // eax@1
      int v7; // eax@1
      float v8; // ST34_4@1
      float v9; // ST30_4@1
      float v10; // ST08_4@1
      float v11; // ST04_4@1
      float green; // ST24_4@1
      float red; // ST20_4@1
      float v14; // ST24_4@1
      float v15; // ST20_4@1
      int v16; // ST2C_4@2
      int v17; // eax@2
      GLfloat v18; // ST2C_4@6
      GLfloat v19; // ST2C_4@7
      GLfloat v20; // ST2C_4@10
      GLfloat v21; // ST2C_4@11
      int v22; // ST18_4@12
      int v23; // ST14_4@12
      int v24; // eax@12
      float v25; // ST1C_4@13
      float v26; // ST18_4@13
      float v27; // ST24_4@14
      float v28; // ST20_4@14
      int v29; // edx@14
      int v30; // edx@14
      int v31; // edx@15
      int v33; // [sp+34h] [bp-104h]@1
      char v34; // [sp+38h] [bp-100h]@1
      char v35; // [sp+39h] [bp-FFh]@1
      v33 = a1;
      v34 = 0;
      sub_9CF4B0((int)&v35, 0, 255);
      glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, *(float *)(v33 + 128));
      alpha = (int)dword_E8C58C;
      v5 = (int)sub_41FE10(a2, a3);
      sub_420120(v5, alpha);
      v6 = (int)sub_41FE10(a2, a3);
      sub_420040(v6, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu);
      v7 = (int)sub_41FE10(a2, a3);
      sub_4200B0(v7, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      v8 = (double)*(signed int *)(v33 + 124) * 0.5;
      v9 = (double)*(signed int *)(v33 + 124) * 0.5;
      v10 = (double)*(signed int *)(v33 + 16);
      v11 = (double)*(signed int *)(v33 + 12);
      sub_637C60(a2, a3, a4, 31610, v11, v10, 128.0, 128.0, *(float *)(v33 + 116), *(float *)(v33 + 120), v9, v8, 1, 1, 0.0);
      green = (double)*(signed int *)(v33 + 8);
      red = (double)*(signed int *)(v33 + 4);
      sub_790A00(a2, a3, a4, 31608, red, green, 154.0, 162.0);
      v14 = (double)*(signed int *)(v33 + 24);
      v15 = (double)*(signed int *)(v33 + 20);
      sub_790A00(a2, a3, a4, 31609, v15, v14, 134.0, 37.0);
      glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, *(float *)(v33 + 128));
      if ( sub_8CAF90() )
        v16 = (int)dword_E8C590;
        v17 = (int)sub_41FE10(a2, a3);
        sub_420120(v17, v16);
        if ( flt_5EF5A1C - *(float *)(v33 + 144) > 500.0 )
          *(float *)(v33 + 144) = flt_5EF5A1C;
          *(_BYTE *)(v33 + 134) = 1;
        if ( *(_BYTE *)(v33 + 134) )
          if ( *(_DWORD *)(v33 + 140) >= 10 )
            v19 = *(float *)(v33 + 140);
            sub_50D100(a3, a4, (int)&v34, (int)"%d:%d", *(_DWORD *)(v33 + 136));
            v18 = *(float *)(v33 + 140);
            sub_50D100(a3, a4, (int)&v34, (int)"%d:0%d", *(_DWORD *)(v33 + 136));
        else if ( *(_DWORD *)(v33 + 140) >= 10 )
          v21 = *(float *)(v33 + 140);
          sub_50D100(a3, a4, (int)&v34, (int)"%d %d", *(_DWORD *)(v33 + 136));
          v20 = *(float *)(v33 + 140);
          sub_50D100(a3, a4, (int)&v34, (int)"%d 0%d", *(_DWORD *)(v33 + 136));
        v22 = *(_DWORD *)(v33 + 24) + 10;
        v23 = *(_DWORD *)(v33 + 20);
        v24 = (int)sub_41FE10(a2, a3);
        sub_420150(v24, v23, v22, (int)&v34, 134, 0, 3, 0);
      (*(void (__thiscall **)(int))(*(_DWORD *)v33 + 12))(v33);
      glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, *(float *)(v33 + 128));
      v25 = (double)*(signed int *)(v33 + 104);
      v26 = (double)*(signed int *)(v33 + 100);
      sub_6378A0(v26, v25, 3.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0);
      glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, *(float *)(v33 + 128));
      if ( *(_BYTE *)(v33 + 132) == 1 )
        v27 = (double)*(signed int *)(v33 + 32);
        v28 = (double)*(signed int *)(v33 + 28);
        sub_790A00(a2, a3, a4, 31614, v28, v27, 128.0, 53.0);
        sub_888730(v33, a2, a3, a4);
        sub_779540(v33 + 188, v29, *(float *)(v33 + 128), 1);
        sub_779540(v33 + 360, v30, *(float *)(v33 + 128), 1);
        sub_7797A0(v33 + 188, a2, a3, a4, 0);
        sub_7797A0(v33 + 360, a2, a3, a4, 0);
      sub_790880(v33 + 532, (int)dword_E8C58C);
      sub_779540(v33 + 532, v31, *(float *)(v33 + 128), 1);
      sub_7797A0(v33 + 532, a2, a3, a4, 0);
      return 1;
    // 5EF5A1C: using guessed type float flt_5EF5A1C;
    Lần sửa cuối bởi Trong, ngày 11-06-16 lúc 07:16 PM.
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng Trong xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  2. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Trong For This Useful Post:

    DAMMEMU (11-06-16), lovemu2012 (11-06-16), stevenit (12-06-16), thanhchung (21-08-16), thanhluan_lndh (02-07-16)



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