Comsol Multiphysics 5.1 with Update1 (10/05/15)

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Comsol Multiphysics 5.1 with Update1

Year / Release Date: 2015
Version: 5.1.0 build 145
Developer: Comsol
Bit depth: 32bit and 64bit
Compatible with Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8: full
Language: English
Medicine: Present
System Requirements: All Windows from the Windows Vista and Server2008 to Windows 8.1, and Server 2012 R2, Linux (kernel 2.6.18 and on newer and GNU C Library version 2.8 or later), MacOS from 10.7 to 10.10
1 Gb memory (but preferably 2 or more), 1-4 Gb hard drive space, CPU Pentium4, Athlon or newer
Detailed system requirements, see here
Description: The program for the finite-element analysis of complex scientific and engineering problems. COMSOL Multiphysics package can simulate almost all the physical processes that are described by partial differential equations. The program contains a variety of solvers that can help to quickly cope with even the most complex tasks, and a simple structure for easy application and flexibility. The solution to any problem is based on the numerical solution of partial differential equations by finite element method. The range of tasks that lend themselves to modeling program is extremely broad.
A set of special modules in the program covers almost all spheres of application of partial differential equations.
COMSOL Multiphysics (Femlab) - simulation package that solves systems of nonlinear partial differential equations, finite element method in one, two and three dimensions. It allows you to meet the challenges of the field of electromagnetism, elasticity, fluid dynamics and gas dynamics. Femlab also enables to solve the problem as a mathematical formulation (in the form of equations) and physical (the choice of physical models, such diffusion process). Certainly, in any case will be solved system of equations, and the difference lies only in the possibility of using the physical system of units and physical terminology. In the so-called physical mode, you can also use pre-defined equations for the majority of the phenomena taking place in science and technology, such as the transfer of heat and electricity, the theory of elasticity, diffusion, wave propagation and fluid flow.
What is new stravneniyu with Comsol 5.1
Table windows in the COMSOL Desktop will now never appear blocked.
Recovery files can now be saved also when the filename contains Unicode characters.
General stability improvement for the COMSOL Desktop running on OS X.
The reverse rate constant is now correct also for the last reaction when using a CHEMKIN file input.
How to install Comsol 5.1, see the file Comsol51.txt. If you have already installed Comsol 5.1 and you only need to upgrade to the Update1, you can put more time into the same directory.
Start study program probably easiest for example (select the most appropriate to their tasks). Many examples and others posted here (ComsolPlus-distribution increases as the query).
Solving problems can often be found in the knowledge base komsol (Comsol Knowledgebase). You can search it my mistake. On the tracker knowledgebase posted here (in her new post the materials on request).
You can ask a question in social networks and forums here and here
How to fix the problem
1. If there is a problem with the license (if you install or run) and you're working via remote desktop (remote desktop) then try to use Radmin.
2. If the main screen does not display anything or program hangs at the stage of construction of a grid, then try to change the Options -> Preferences -> Graphics Rendering on something else (the default setting is OpenGL, that is usually necessary to change to DirectX. .. can and Software but it potormoznee)
3. If instead of Russian inscriptions on the charts are drawn only squares, the problem tree is necessary to choose the topmost element (root) and its properties in the Font group to change the default value to something that you like, such as Verdana works well.

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