Server Files EmpirePT
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    Thành Viên M.R.X's Avatar
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    Jun 2014
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    Server Files EmpirePT

    We will not use this server files for anything so I decided to post it, along with the release of the rest of the staff.
    The server files was made up on the KPT v2 and the game Quantum. Follow the Info files that contains:

    WideScreen-supported without bugs (set in config.ini)
    -New client configuration file (config.ini) (like a RealmPT)
    Login-rewrite (uses only 1 image) (like a RealmPT)
    Source-identical to the RealmPT
    Aging until 16 (the aging system was redone and can set up everything on. INI file in / emu files folder)
    -All items added to the 102 if I'm not mistaken
    -All items premiuns have been redone and are saving, they are no bug and all correct setup (they save in a new dat, defined with. Edat)
    BP and Deaths in BC-system (can not remember if it's saving, but in a new Db in SQL)
    -All skills can be edited in real time. INI file in server files
    -Crystals not attack (without using crown sod)
    -Crystals follow your character
    -Settings ingame (like the RealmPT)
    -Welcome Message can be easily configured in the file "Server.ini" do not have to restart the server
    -You can adjust the level of each XP in "Server.ini", just set the amount of EXP you want the player to win at that level (works on mobs of 10 or 10 unless convey convey more only)
    Stones-Aging fully functional and can set up your chances in. INI files from server
    New event-exclusive Christmas!
    New level 75 quest totally unique, with new window etc etc!
    -New ingame command to GM's (/ viewplayer), which appears on the mini map the position of the players around him (like the NPC's)
    The MOD-Vormav was added directly to the game and may lead pack etc.
    Window-SOD was redone, much more beautiful and totally unique
    To activate GM-you must use the command / activate, even if your ID is in DLL but you do not use the command you can not do anything (or run, F9 etc as we have in the files) (like a RealmPT)
    No-trampling (both in speech bubble, as the announcement of shop)
    New commands for global GM:
      GM-Slave> Bla bla bla: - / + your nickname in chat example appears
      /> - It is normal that we know, for example: GM> Bla Bla Bla
    And many other things, bugs fixed, etc. etc. etc.

    * To put your ID GM open Server.dll Hex, and look for bocadecao, there are located all IDs as GM3

    * About Bugs, I remember has almost none, but to stir the files you'll need to be at least somewhat knowledgeable in ASM, since the source is not being released: D

    * How might see this server files has many unique things (without being Gambs we know), she was very crafted and should practically all credits to Prog, which I consider one of the most fucks in PT and in a short time managed to do all this and that no one has in years, had several more fuck than these but because of disagreements projects left behind

    * Downloads:
    - Server Files: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    - Full Client: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    - Patch Client: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    * To operate everything right recommend that you place in the folder C: \ ServidorPT \
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng M.R.X xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  2. Các thành viên gởi lời cảm ơn đến M.R.X vì bài viết này !

    saokizayta (05-10-14)



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