[MU] Source Custom Gloves(RF) Season 6 muemu
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    Source Custom Gloves(RF) Season 6 muemu

    Source Custom Gloves(RF) Season 6


    #ifndef __ITEM_H__
    #define __ITEM_H__
    #define oBattleGlove_Load            0x0050DE38
    #define oBattleGlove_Hook            0x0050DC31
    #define oBattleGlove_Texture        0x0050E043
    #define oBattleGloveProp4_Hook        0x005CD419
    #define oBattleGloveProp4_Allowed    0x005CD422
    #define oBattleGloveProp4_Return    0x005CD454
    #define oBattleGloveProp5_Hook        0x005CEFE7
    #define oBattleGloveProp5_Jump        0x005CF01C
    #define oBattleGloveProp5_Return    0x005CEFFB
    #define oBattleGloveGlow_Hook        0x005F91C2
    class cRFItem
        void Load();
        // ----
        static void BattleGloveLoad();
        // ---
        static void BattleGloveAssoc();
        static void BattleGloveTexture();
        // ----
        static void BattleGloveProp4(); // Inventory Position
        static void BattleGloveProp5(); // Inventory Rotation
                                        // ----
        static void BattleGloveGlow();
        static void AddInventoryPos();
        // ----
    extern cRFItem gRFItem; // 


    #include "Stdafx.h"
    #include "BattleGloves.h"
    //#include "TMemory.h"
    //#include "ItemAsm.h"
    //#include "Import.h"
    #include "Util.h"
    #include "Defines.h"
    #include "Item.h"
    #include "CustomWeapons.h"
    #include "CustomGloves.h"
    cRFItem gRFItem;
    void __declspec ( naked ) cRFItem::BattleGloveLoad() {
        static DWORD BattleGloveModel   = 0x00614D10;
        static DWORD BattleGloveReturn  = 0x0050DE83;
        // ----
        static PCHAR DragonRoarModel    = "Sword45";
        static PCHAR DragonRoarLeft     = "Sword45L";
        static PCHAR DragonRoarRight    = "Sword45R";
        // ----
        LoadItemModel(GET_ITEM_MODEL ( 0, 41 ),"Custom\\Item\\RFGloves\\","Sword41",-1);
        _asm {
            PUSH -1
            PUSH 0x00D28B88
            PUSH 0x00D28B90
            PUSH 0x4B6
            CALL BattleGloveModel
            ADD ESP, 0x10
            PUSH -1
            PUSH 0x00D28B9C
            PUSH 0x00D28BA8
            PUSH 0x268
            CALL BattleGloveModel
            ADD ESP, 0x10
            PUSH -1
            PUSH 0x00D28BB4
            PUSH 0x00D28BC0
            PUSH 0x269
            CALL BattleGloveModel
            ADD ESP, 0x10
            // ----
            JMP BattleGloveReturn
    #define sub_50D810_Addr        ((int(__thiscall*)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4)) 0x50D810)
    #define sub_512D50_Addr        ((void*(__thiscall*)(void* a1)) 0x512D50)
    #define sub_513C60_Addr        ((char*(__thiscall*)(char *This, void *a2, int a3)) 0x513C60)
    #define sub_5135F0_Addr        ((char*(__thiscall*)(DWORD *This, int a2, int a3)) 0x5135F0)
    #define sub_512D60_Addr        ((void(*)()) 0x512D60)
    void GlovesAssoc(char *This)
        sub_50D810_Addr((int)(This + 92), 1203, 610, 611);
        void* v2 = sub_512D50_Addr(This + 92);
        char* v3 = sub_513C60_Addr(This, v2, (int)(This + 92));
        sub_5135F0_Addr((DWORD *)This + 15, (int)This, (int)v3);
        // ----
        sub_50D810_Addr((int)(This + 92), 1204, 612, 613);
        v2 = sub_512D50_Addr(This + 92);
        v3 = sub_513C60_Addr(This, v2, (int)(This + 92));
        sub_5135F0_Addr((DWORD *)This + 15, (int)This, (int)v3);
        // ----
        sub_50D810_Addr((int)(This + 92), 1205, 614, 615);
        v2 = sub_512D50_Addr(This + 92);
        v3 = sub_513C60_Addr(This, v2, (int)(This + 92));
        sub_5135F0_Addr((DWORD *)This + 15, (int)This, (int)v3);
        // ----
        sub_50D810_Addr((int)(This + 92), 1206, 616, 617);
        v2 = sub_512D50_Addr(This + 92);
        v3 = sub_513C60_Addr(This, v2, (int)(This + 92));
        sub_5135F0_Addr((DWORD *)This + 15, (int)This, (int)v3);
        // ----
        sub_50D810_Addr((int)(This + 92), 1211, 610, 611);
        v2 = sub_512D50_Addr(This + 92);
        v3 = sub_513C60_Addr(This, v2, (int)(This + 92));
        sub_5135F0_Addr((DWORD *)This + 15, (int)This, (int)v3);
        // ----
    void __declspec ( naked ) cRFItem::BattleGloveAssoc() {
        static DWORD BattleGloveCall1   = 0x0050D810;
        static DWORD BattleGloveCall2   = 0x00512D50;
        static DWORD BattleGloveCall3   = 0x00513C60;
        static DWORD BattleGloveCall4   = 0x005135F0;
        static DWORD BattleGloveCall5   = 0x00512D60;
        // ----
        static DWORD BattleGloveJump    = 0x0050DCB0;
        // ----
        _asm {
            PUSH 0x269                                        //; /Arg3 = 269
            PUSH 0x268                                        //; |Arg2 = 268
            PUSH 0x4B6                                        //; |Arg1 = 4B6
            MOV ECX, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0x9C]                  //; |
            ADD ECX, 0x5C                                     //; |
            CALL BattleGloveCall1                             //; \Main.0050D810
            MOV EAX, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0x9C]
            ADD EAX, 0x5C
            PUSH EAX                                          //; /Arg2 => ARG.ECX+5C
            MOV ECX, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0x9C]                  //; |
            ADD ECX, 0x5C                                     //; |
            CALL BattleGloveCall2                             //; |
            PUSH EAX                                          //; |Arg1
            LEA ECX, [EBP-0x70]                               //; |
            CALL BattleGloveCall3                             //; \Main.00513C60
            MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0xB8], EAX
            MOV ECX, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0xB8]
            MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0xBC], ECX
            MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0x4], 3   // -> Battle Glove Number
            MOV EDX, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0xBC]
            PUSH EDX                                          //; /Arg2 => [LOCAL.46]
            LEA EAX, [EBP-0x7C]                               //; |
            PUSH EAX                                          //; |Arg1 => OFFSET LOCAL.31
            MOV ECX, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0x9C]                  //; |
            ADD ECX, 0x3C                                     //; |
            CALL BattleGloveCall4                             //; \Main.005135F0
            MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0x4], -1
            LEA ECX, [EBP-0x70]
            CALL BattleGloveCall5                             //; [Main.00512D60
            // ----
            PUSH 0x611                                        //; /Arg3 = 611 -> Right
            PUSH 0x610                                        //; |Arg2 = 610 -> Left
            PUSH 0x4BC                                        //; |Arg1 = 4BF -> ITEM2(0,41)
            MOV ECX, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0x9C]                  //; |
            ADD ECX, 0x5C                                     //; |
            CALL BattleGloveCall1                             //; \Main.0050D810
            MOV EAX, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0x9C]
            ADD EAX, 0x5C
            PUSH EAX
            MOV ECX, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0x9C]
            ADD ECX, 0x5C
            CALL BattleGloveCall2
            PUSH EAX
            LEA ECX, [EBP-0x70]
            CALL BattleGloveCall3
            MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0xB8], EAX
            MOV ECX, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0xB8]
            MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0xBC], ECX
            MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0x4], 5   // -> Battle Glove Number
            MOV EDX, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0xBC]
            PUSH EDX
            LEA EAX, [EBP-0x7C]
            PUSH EAX
            MOV ECX, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0x9C]
            ADD ECX, 0x3C
            CALL BattleGloveCall4
            MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0x4], -1
            LEA ECX, [EBP-0x70]
            CALL BattleGloveCall5
            // ----
            JMP BattleGloveJump
    void __declspec ( naked ) cRFItem::BattleGloveTexture() {
        static DWORD BattleGloveTexCall = 0x00614710;
        static DWORD BattleGloveTexJump = 0x0050E09D;
        // ----
        LoadItemTexture(GET_ITEM_MODEL ( 0, 41 ),"Custom\\Item\\RFGloves\\","Sword41",-1);
        _asm {
            PUSH 1
            PUSH GL_NEAREST
            PUSH GL_REPEAT
            PUSH 0x00D28CC8
            PUSH 0x4B6
            CALL BattleGloveTexCall
            ADD ESP, 0x14
            PUSH 1
            PUSH GL_NEAREST
            PUSH GL_REPEAT
            PUSH 0x00D28CD0
            PUSH 0x268
            CALL BattleGloveTexCall
            ADD ESP, 0x14
            PUSH 1
            PUSH GL_NEAREST
            PUSH GL_REPEAT
            PUSH 0x00D28CD8
            PUSH 0x269
            CALL BattleGloveTexCall
            ADD ESP, 0x14
            // ----
            JMP BattleGloveTexJump
    void __declspec ( naked ) cRFItem::BattleGloveProp4() {
        static DWORD BattleGloveProp4_Return    = 0x005CD454;
        static DWORD BattleGloveProp4_Jump      = 0x005CD491;
        // ----
        _asm {
            CMP DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+0x8], GET_ITEM_MODEL ( 0, 41 )
            JNZ BattleGloveProp4_Label1
            FLD DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0x4C]
            FSUB QWORD PTR DS:[0x0D27CA8]                     //FLOAT 0.004999999888241291
            FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0x4C]
            FLD DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0x48]
            FADD QWORD PTR DS:[0x0D254B8]                     //FLOAT 0.01499999966472387
            FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0x48]
            FSTP DWORD PTR DS:[0x82C6320]                     //FLOAT 0.0
            FSTP DWORD PTR DS:[0x82C6324]                     //FLOAT 0.0
            FSTP DWORD PTR DS:[0x82C6328]                     //FLOAT 0.0
            JMP BattleGloveProp4_Jump
            // ----
            // ----
            CMP DWORD PTR SS : [EBP + 0x8], GET_ITEM_MODEL ( 0, 41 )
            JNZ BattleGloveProp4_LabelReturn
            FLD DWORD PTR SS: [EBP - 0x4C]
            FSUB QWORD PTR DS: [0x0D27CA8]                    //FLOAT 0.004999999888241291
            FSTP DWORD PTR SS: [EBP - 0x4C]
            FLD DWORD PTR SS: [EBP - 0x48]
            FADD QWORD PTR DS: [0x0D254B8]                    //FLOAT 0.01499999966472387
            FSTP DWORD PTR SS: [EBP - 0x48]
            FSTP DWORD PTR DS: [0x82C6320]                    //FLOAT 0.0
            FSTP DWORD PTR DS: [0x82C6324]                    //FLOAT 0.0
            FSTP DWORD PTR DS: [0x82C6328]                    //FLOAT 0.0
            JMP BattleGloveProp4_Jump
            // ----
            // ----
            JMP BattleGloveProp4_Return
    DWORD IsGlovesItem = 0;
    DWORD GlovesPosition = 0x005CD422; // 1.04D ENG
    DWORD NextGlovesPosition = 0x005CD454; // 1.04D ENG
    void __declspec(naked) cGlovesAddInventoryPos()
            mov ecx, dword ptr ss : [ebp + 0x8]
                mov dword ptr ss : [ebp + 0x8], ecx
                mov IsGlovesItem, ecx
        // ---
        //console.Log("","FUCK [%x]",IsGlovesItem);
        if (IsGlovesItem == 0x04B6)
            _asm{jmp GlovesPosition}
        else if (IsGlovesItem >= GET_ITEM_MODEL(0, 41) && IsGlovesItem <= GET_ITEM_MODEL(0, 50))
            _asm{jmp GlovesPosition}
            _asm{jmp NextGlovesPosition}
    void __declspec ( naked ) cRFItem::BattleGloveProp5() { // Масштаб
        static DWORD BattleGloveProp5_Return    = 0x005CEFFB;
        static DWORD BattleGloveProp5_Jump      = 0x005CF01C;
        // ----
        static float a1 = 0.00480000;
        //a1 = GetPrivateProfileFloat("Custom", "a1", 0, "./Settings.ini");
        _asm {
            CMP DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+0x8], GET_ITEM_MODEL ( 0, 35 )
            JNZ NextBattleGlove1
            FLD DWORD PTR DS: [0x0D2C618]                       //FLOAT 0.003000000
            FSTP DWORD PTR SS: [EBP - 0x2C]
            JMP BattleGloveProp5_Jump
            // ----
            // ----
            CMP DWORD PTR SS: [EBP + 0x8], GET_ITEM_MODEL ( 0, 41 )
            JNZ ReturnBattleGlove_Load
            FLD DWORD PTR DS:[a1]                       //FLOAT 0.003800000
            FSTP DWORD PTR SS: [EBP - 0x2C]
            JMP BattleGloveProp5_Jump
            // ----
            // ----
            JMP BattleGloveProp5_Return
    static BOOL bBattleGlovesGlow_Switcher;
    void __declspec ( naked ) cRFItem::BattleGloveGlow() {
        static DWORD dwBattleGlovesGlow_Pointer;
        static DWORD dwBattleGlovesGlow_Buffer;
        static DWORD dwBattleGlovesNewGlow_Buffer;
        static DWORD dwBattleGlovesGlow_Jump = 0x005F94E8;
        // ----
        bBattleGlovesGlow_Switcher = FALSE;
        // ----
        _asm {
            MOV dwBattleGlovesGlow_Pointer, EAX
        // ----
        if ( dwBattleGlovesGlow_Pointer == GET_ITEM_MODEL ( 0, 35 ) ) {
            bBattleGlovesGlow_Switcher = TRUE;
        else if ( gCustomGloves.CheckGloves(dwBattleGlovesGlow_Pointer-ITEM_BASE_MODEL)/*dwBattleGlovesGlow_Pointer == GET_ITEM_MODEL ( 0, 41 )*/ ) {
            bBattleGlovesGlow_Switcher = FALSE;
            // ----
            _asm {
                MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0x4], 0x2C
                JMP dwBattleGlovesGlow_Jump
        // ----
        if ( bBattleGlovesGlow_Switcher == TRUE ) {
            _asm {
                MOV dwBattleGlovesGlow_Buffer, 0x005F91C9
                JMP dwBattleGlovesGlow_Buffer
        else {
            _asm {
                MOV dwBattleGlovesGlow_Buffer, 0x005F91D5
                JMP dwBattleGlovesGlow_Buffer
    __declspec(naked) void cRFItem::AddInventoryPos() // OK
        static DWORD IsRFItem = 0;
        static DWORD RFPosition = 0x005CD084; // 1.04D ENG
        static DWORD NextRFPosition = 0x005CD086; // 1.04D ENG
        _asm {
            mov ecx, dword ptr ss : [ebp + 0x8]
            mov dword ptr ss : [ebp + 0x8], ecx
            mov IsRFItem, ecx
        // ---
        if ( IsRFItem == 0x04B3 ) {
            _asm {jmp RFPosition}
        else if ( IsRFItem == GET_ITEM_MODEL ( 0, 41 ) ) {
            _asm {jmp RFPosition}
        else {
            _asm {jmp NextRFPosition}
    void cRFItem::Load() {
        int LoadGloves = GetPrivateProfileInt("Other","CheckRFGloves",0,".\\Data\\Custom\\Settings.ini");
        if (LoadGloves != 1)
        //SetRange (oBattleGlove_Load, 75, ASM::NOP );
        //SetOp(oBattleGlove_Load, &this->BattleGloveLoad, ASM::JMP);
        // ----
       // SetRange (oBattleGlove_Hook, 127, ASM::NOP );
        //SetOp(oBattleGlove_Hook, &this->BattleGloveAssoc, ASM::JMP);
     //   // ----
       // SetRange (oBattleGlove_Texture, 90, ASM::NOP );
        //SetOp(oBattleGlove_Texture, &this->BattleGloveTexture, ASM::JMP);
     //   // ----
        //SetRange (oBattleGloveProp4_Hook, 59, ASM::NOP );
        //SetOp(oBattleGloveProp4_Hook, &this->BattleGloveProp4, ASM::JMP);// -> Inventory Position
        //SetRange(oBattleGloveProp4_Hook, 6, ASM::NOP);
        //SetJmp((LPVOID)iBowAddInventoryPos, cBowAddInventoryPos);
        //SetOp(oBattleGloveProp4_Hook, &cGlovesAddInventoryPos, ASM::JMP);
     //   // ----
       // SetRange (oBattleGloveProp5_Hook, 20, ASM::NOP );
        //SetOp(oBattleGloveProp5_Hook, &this->BattleGloveProp5, ASM::JMP); // -> Inventory Rotation
     //   // ----
        SetRange (oBattleGloveGlow_Hook, 7, ASM::NOP );
        SetOp(oBattleGloveGlow_Hook, &this->BattleGloveGlow, ASM::JMP);
        //SetRange (0x005CD07D, 7, ASM::NOP );
        //SetOp(0x005CD07D, &this->AddInventoryPos, ASM::JMP);


    #pragma once
    #define MAX_CUSTOM_GLOVES    100
        int Index;
        int ItemIndex;
        char ModelName[32];
        int TextureLeftIndex;
        char TextureLeftName[32];
        int TextureRightIndex;
        char TextureRightName[32];
    class cCustomGloves
        virtual ~cCustomGloves();
        void Init();
        void Load(CUSTOM_RF_GLOVES* info);
        void SetInfo(CUSTOM_RF_GLOVES info);
        CUSTOM_RF_GLOVES* GetInfoByID(int index);
        void AssocGloves(char* This);
        bool CheckGloves(int ItemID);
    }; extern cCustomGloves gCustomGloves;


    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include "CustomGloves.h"
    #include "NEWConsole.h"
    #include "Item.h"
    cCustomGloves gCustomGloves;
    cCustomGloves::cCustomGloves() // OK
    cCustomGloves::~cCustomGloves() // OK
    void cCustomGloves::Init() // OK
        for(int n=0;n < MAX_CUSTOM_GLOVES;n++)
            this->m_CustomGlovesInfo[n].Index = -1;
    void cCustomGloves::Load(CUSTOM_RF_GLOVES* info) // OK
        for(int n=0;n < MAX_CUSTOM_GLOVES;n++)
    void cCustomGloves::SetInfo(CUSTOM_RF_GLOVES info) // OK
        if(info.Index < 0 || info.Index >= MAX_CUSTOM_GLOVES)
        this->m_CustomGlovesInfo[info.Index] = info;
    CUSTOM_RF_GLOVES* cCustomGloves::GetInfoByID(int index)
        for (int i=0;i<MAX_CUSTOM_GLOVES; i++)
            if (this->m_CustomGlovesInfo[i].Index == -1)
            if (i == index)
                return &this->m_CustomGlovesInfo[i];
        return 0;
    #define sub_50D810_Addr        ((int(__thiscall*)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4)) 0x50D810)
    #define sub_512D50_Addr        ((void*(__thiscall*)(void* a1)) 0x512D50)
    #define sub_513C60_Addr        ((char*(__thiscall*)(char *This, void *a2, int a3)) 0x513C60)
    #define sub_5135F0_Addr        ((char*(__thiscall*)(DWORD *This, int a2, int a3)) 0x5135F0)
    #define sub_512D60_Addr        ((void(*)()) 0x512D60)
    void cCustomGloves::AssocGloves(char* This)
        for (int i=0;i<MAX_CUSTOM_GLOVES; i++)
            if (this->m_CustomGlovesInfo[i].Index == -1)
            sub_50D810_Addr((int)(This + 92), this->m_CustomGlovesInfo[i].ItemIndex+ITEM_BASE_MODEL, this->m_CustomGlovesInfo[i].TextureLeftIndex, this->m_CustomGlovesInfo[i].TextureRightIndex);
            void* v2 = sub_512D50_Addr(This + 92);
            char* v3 = sub_513C60_Addr(This, v2, (int)(This + 92));
            sub_5135F0_Addr((DWORD *)This + 15, (int)This, (int)v3);
    bool cCustomGloves::CheckGloves(int ItemID)
        for (int i=0;i<MAX_CUSTOM_GLOVES; i++)
            if (this->m_CustomGlovesInfo[i].Index == -1)
            if (ItemID == this->m_CustomGlovesInfo[i].ItemIndex)
                return true;
        return false;

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    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng muonlinegr2 xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to muonlinegr2 For This Useful Post:

    anhtuanapt (11-11-18), huntersun (11-11-18), thanhluan_lndh (14-11-18)



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