[UPDATE] SCFMT EP2 Server Files rev.5.21.06
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    Mr.One davidhuynhvan's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    May 2006
    Bài viết
    Thanked 44 Times in 13 Posts

    [UPDATE] SCFMT EP2 Server Files rev.5.21.06

    Phiên bản cập nhật mới bản của SCF Muserver SCF 5.21.06
    Bản này so với bản [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] vẫn chưa có nhiều thay đổi nổi bật cho lắm.

    Bản chỉ dành cho những ai đã có nhiều kinh nghiệm test server và dev. Mu server, các new member chờ bản Final hoặc bản hoàn thiện tí rồi test nhé ! Không hổ trợ sữa lỗi, chỉ tiếp nhận các lỗi phát hiện được các bạn re-post lên đây để xem xét nhé !

    = SCF MU TEAM - 1.00.18 SERIES - V 5
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    ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Fixs & Adds in v5.2.0.1:
    Fixs & Adds in v5.2:
    . DW can learn SM skills							[GS/GSCS]
    . News System									[GS]
    . Summoner First, Second Level Quest Fix					[GS]
    . ERROR-L3 FIX									[GSCS]
    . Summoner spells can't be learned (won't appear in the skill list) 		[GS]
    . Quest Request will reset after each logout 					[GS/GSCS]
    . Skills with 10/1D protocol dont have damage 					[GSCS]
    . Monster Visual Bug [Not proper Location] 					[GSCS]
    . Energy Elf Monster Summons are invisible 					[GS/GSCS] 
    . Kalima Gate works but does not appear						[GS/GSCS]
    . MG Skills dissapear after logout 						[GS/GSCS]
    . HP and MANA become 0 , SD and AG become 1 on login 				[GS/GSCS]
    . Map Loading to any number 							[GS/GSCS]
    . DC on login Fix 								[GS]
    . PK Item Drop Fix 								[GS/GSCS]
    · Summoner lvl3 wings can make in Chaos Machine 				[GS/GSCS]
    · Summoner lvl3 wings visual bug fix 						[GS/GSCS]
    · You cant wear wings lvl3 of summoner if its +1 or with exc opt 		[GS/GSCS]
    . SPEEDHACK.CPP Season3 folder, finish writing skips for the functions 		[GSCS]
    . Added DL,MG luciano classes style (49 and 65) [Backwards compatability] 	[GS/GSCS]
    . Illusion Temple 6 for 3rd Classes only 					[GS]
    . Illusion Event Timer 								[GS]
    · Quest Mob counter does not work [3rd level quest] 				[GSCS]
    · New Gates Over 255 								[GS/GSCS]
    · New MoveReq over 30 								[GS/GSCS]
    · New World 56 									[GS/GSCS]
    · Player Die in Eleblnd 							[GS/*]
    · Add Summoner 1st level Wings to 2nd Wings Combination 			[GS]
    · Make 2nd Wings of Summoner with Chaos Machine 				[GS]
    · Elf Soldier Visual Bug 							[GS]
    · Make 1st Wings of Summoner with Chaos Machine 				[GS]
    · Teleport Skill 								[GS/GSCS]
    · Reflex Skill (Summoner) 							[GS/GSCS]
    · And Much More
    Fixs & Adds in v5.10.02 and Up:
    · Monsters Bad Location on GSCS FIX
    · Kalima Gate works but does not appear (Visual Bug ONLY) FIX
    · MG Skills dissapear after logout FIX
    · HP and MANA become 0 , SD and AG become 1 on login FIX
    · Disconnect Bug on login FIX
    · PK Item Drop FIX
    · Summoner lvl3 wings can make in Chaos Machine Added
    · Summoner lvl3 wings visual bug FIX
    · You cant wear wings lvl3 of summoner if its +1 or with exc opt (thanks to Sartigan for the tip) FIX
    · Illusion Temple 6 for 3rd Classes only Added
    · Illusion Event Timer Added
    · Quest Mob counter [3rd level quest] on GSCS Added
    · Little Fixes
    · New MoveReq & Gate System with SCF_GateMoveReq.txt - Now you can add more of 255 Gates
    · New MoveReq & Gate System with SCF_GateMoveReq.txt - Now you can add more of 30 MoveReqs (up to 285)
    · Quest > Summoner to Bloody Summoner FIXED
    · New Command /level for get your current level
    · Books and Scrolls of Summoner was disabled in GSCS FOR NOW
    · Summoner PvP FIX
    · Summoner Skills Buff Time Control on INI file
    · Night Skill Fixed (Attack Rating  Decrease)
    · Fixs on Summoner Skill issues
    · No more logs on SCF-PacketsLog.log
    · Summoner can eat all skills of DW - FIXED
    · Corrects DW Skills on Summoner dont save - FIXED
    · SCF_ItemDropRate - FIXED
    Fixs & Adds in v5:
    · Player Die in Eleblnd
    · Make 1st Wings of Summoner with Chaos Machine
    · Make 2nd Wings of Summoner with Chaos Machine
    · Teleport Skill
    · Elf Soldier Visual Bug on Buff
    · Remove invalid skills on Summoner
    · Illusion Temple Event 80% Done
    · "Eat" Summoner scrools 100%
    · Added NEW SKILL on Summoner (Version 1.04X and UP) MagicSpeed Up
    · Added NEW SKILL on Summoner (Version 1.04X and UP) MagicDefense Up
    · Added Night Skill 90%
    · Added Sleep Skill 90%
    · Added Reflex Skill 100%
    · Added Electric Surge Skill 100%
    · Added Book of Sahamutt 100%
    · Added Book of Neil 100%
    · Added Chain Lighting Skill 100%
    · Added Chain Drain Life Skill 100%
    · Wear invocation skill when place those items in the left hand
    · Marlon Quest for Summoner 100%
    · Priest Sevina Quest for Summoner 100%
    · Priest Devin Quest for Summoner 99% (Some visual window error like 5kk and not 7kk window)
    · SCFIsDisconnectFix Option added
    · SCFLoadEpisode2 OPTION added
    · New Map Added (Elbeland)
    · Talk with @@, @, ~
    · FIX NPC
    · FIX /MOVE
    · New items for summoner
    · Summoner can wear items
    · New mobs Support
    · Some bugs on 3rd Quest FIXED
    Fixs & Adds in 4.15.95:
    · Ban/Unban Char & Account command Enabled/Dissabled Option Added
    Fixs & Adds in 4.15.94:
    · Some fixes on vip issues
    Fixs & Adds in 4.15.93:
    · Season 3 Wings Recovery Option 100%
    · /item Command Enable/Dissabled Option FIX
    Fixs & Adds in 4.15.92:
    · New /Add System command coded (now u can add how much points as you like)
    · Block Stats if u pass the limit of stats
    Fixs & Adds in 4.15.91:
    · Fix on crashes
    · 380 Item FIXED
    Fixs & Adds in 4.15.90:
    · SCFFixDKTwistingLvl1 Option (DK can use Twisting Slash on lvl 1) added
    · Party Exp System Options added
    · /online Command added
    Fixs & Adds in 4.15.89:
    · Disconnection problem FIX re-edited
    · SCFIsDesconnectionFix Option Added
    · Fix on crashes
    Fixs & Adds in 4.15.88:
    · SkyEvent NPC warp FIX
    · SkyEvent NPC some other fixes
    Fixs & Adds in 4.15.87:
    · Golden Tantallos Invasion FIXED
    · SCF Editor Splash Screen FIXED
    Fixs & Adds in 4.15.86:
    · Fly to Kanturu with new Wings FIX
    · Third Wings Recovery Option FIXED 100%
    Fixs & Adds in 4.15.85:
    · Reset Log System Added (SCFIsResetLog Option Added)
    Fixs & Adds in 4.15.84:
    · Disconnection problem FIX
    · Some isues with Reset FIX
    · SCFEditor Updated to 1.06 version
    Fixs & Adds in 4.15.83:
    · /reload 4 Command added (4: SCF_EventManagement.dat  ) 
    · Button Reload SCF_EventManagement.dat added in dll window
    Fixs & Adds in 4.15.82:
    · Third Class can use Marlon Quest (Quest(kor).txt FIX)
    · Third Class can use Priest Devin Quest
    Fixs & Adds in 4.15.81:
    · /reload [0 to 3] Command added (0: Monsters ; 1:ShopData  ; 2:EventInfo  ; 3:GameEtcInfo  )
    Fixs & Adds in 4.15.80:
    (LevelUpPoints after Priest Devin Quest)
    · SCFNormalLUP_3rdChgUp Option added on GS and GSCS
    · SCFMGLUP_3rdChgUp Option added on GS and GSCS
    · SCFDLLUP_3rdChgUp Option added on GS and GSCS
    · Visual Bug on MG on GSCS
    · Message of blocks the CHAR to place more than 65000 points on GSCS Added
    · Command /pkclear PLAYERNAME for GM's Added
    · Command /pkset PKLEVEL PLAYERNAME for GM's Added
    Fixs & Adds in 4.15.76:
    · SCFResetClearSevinaQuest Option Added
    Fixs & Adds in 4.15.75:
    · NPC WareWolf Querrel warp to Barracks of Ballgass in part of Kill Dark Elf FIX (in GS)
    · SCFS3ExcWingRandom Option Added
    · When Illusion Temple Finish warp all players to other map FIX
    · SCFIsItemCommand Option added
    · ItemMoveLimit Options added again
    Fixs & Adds in 4.15.72:
    · An other Divisor for DK GreaterFortitude Skill Added
    · Potion bug on GSCS FIX
    · +16 bug on GSCS FIX
    Fixs in 4.15.71:
    · Excellent Drop Rate OPT FIX
    Fixs in 4.15.70:
    · Buffer ELF it crash the GameServer. FIX
    · GS_CS: welcome message don't work FIX
    · GS_CS: can't kill mob using skill (evil spirit, blast, inferno etc) hitting mob with sx mouse click work.... FIX
    · Count Dark Elf (HERO) FIX
    · [POST] tag added on /post command (in gs and gscs)
    · "Lag" on GSCS FIX
    New in SP4 ( SP Version 4.15.5 ):
    Added and Fixed:
    · /skin "MOB PLAYER" Command for admin
    · /skin "MOB" Command for Players
    · New SCF Configs, more easy to config!
    · SCFEventServer UNION
    · Change Monsters Option of Summon Elf Orb Skill
    · Max Level Limit Change
    · DK Twisting Slash and the others skills FIX (With Weapon)
    · DK GreaterFortitude Orb Divisor Opt
    · DK GreaterFortitude Orb Duration Opt
    · ChaosCastle Min Players Change Opt
    · Season 3 Wings Repair
    · Season 3 Wings Luck
    · Season 3 Wings Opt
    · Go to Kanturu Event with Season 3 Wings FIX
    · Go to Kanturu Event with Cape of Lord
    · Max Level Config on GSCS
    · 64k Stats on GSCS
    · Chaos Castle reward item option change
    · New SCFS3WingPercent Option
    · New SCFResetClearEvolutions Option (To make Marlon Quest with 3rd class after reset put SCFResetClearQuests=1)
    · New NPC (Quest and others) Chat Dialog FIX
    · Reload Option of GS Fixed!
    · New MapLoading System
    · Golden Invasion Message Show FIX
    · Selection Screen FIXES
    · Less MSSQL Uses
    · ItemsDurationTime Option Added
    · GSCS "LAG" FIX
    · 100% Stable
    · GSCS DK GreaterFortitude Orb Options Added
    · GSCS DW ManaShield Options Added
    · SkyEvent FIX
    · SkyEvent Mobs Delete Fixed
    · Add SkyEvent Reward Item
    · Illusion Temple Invitation Combination (already done in previews SP)
    · Illusion Temple NPC Dialog Talk
    · Illusion Temple NPC Warp to diferents floors (Works with the invitation)
    · Illusion Temple in SCF_EventManagement.dat Time Config
    · Illusion Temple X Minutes in Map Config
    · Illusion Temple Mini Map
    · Season 3 Full Quest (Counting mobs)
    · Season 3 Quest NPC Teleport GateKeeper
    · Season 3 Quest NPC Teleport Werewolf Quarrel
    · SCFElfSoldierMaxLevel Option Added
    · SCFBCRewardItemType Option Added
    · SCFBCRewardItemID Option Added
    · SCFRingEventOrcRewardItemType Option Added
    · SCFRingEventOrcRewardItemID Option Added
    · SCFFireDragonEventRewardItem1Type Option Added
    · SCFFireDragonEventRewardItem1ID Option Added
    · SCFFireDragonEventRewardItem2Type Option Added
    · SCFFireDragonEventRewardItem2ID Option Added
    · SCFCWRewardItem1Type GSCS Option Added
    · SCFCWRewardItem1Index GSCS Option Added
    · SCFCWRewardItem2Type GSCS Option Added
    · SCFCWRewardItem2Index GSCS Option Added
    · Season 3 Full Quest on GSCS added(Counting mobs)
    · Season 3 Quest NPC Teleport Werewolf Quarrel on GSCS added
    · HappyHour Event
    · Sky Event 2 (100% DONE) (SCF Version) (Four Levels for this event)
    · Illusion Temple (25% DONE) (SCF Version)
    · Blue Event
    SP3 Fixes and Adds:
    Added and Fixed:
    · Season 3 CLASSES on Selection Screen 100% -> NO VISUAL BUG
    · Season 3 CLASSES SQL CODE Works 100%
    · Season 3 Wings Without Fenrir Works 100% -> NO VISUAL BUG
    · Season 3 Wings With Blue Fenrir Works 100% -> NO VISUAL BUG
    · Season 3 Wings With Black Fenrir Works 100% -> NO VISUAL BUG
    · Season 3 Wings With Red Fenrir Works 100% -> NO VISUAL BUG
    · Season 3 Wings on Selection Screen 100% -> NO VISUAL BUG
    · Season 3 Golden Fenrir 100% -> NO VISUAL BUG
    · Season 3 Golden Fenrir on Selection Screen 100% -> NO VISUAL BUG
    · Post Colour Change in INI (you can change the /Post Colour to Gold, Blue, Yellow or Green)
    · The sames features on GSCS (SEASON 3 FEATURES)
    · New WZ DataServers with new maps support
    · GSCS /post added
    · Send Messages OFFLINE added (on dll window; like ! admin command) 
    · DK GreaterFortitude Orb Control in INI
    · Hydra Chaos Items Drop FIX
    · Remedy of Love = Kundum Box -> FIX
    · ManaShield Options Added on GSCS
    SP2 Fixes and Adds:
    · UDP Port Option added
    · New command for users: /statistic
    · Client sometimes disconnect -FIX-
    · Jewell Drop Crash -FIX-
    · GM CtlCode Option for GM commands added
    · Changed: /adddex to /addagi
    · Changed: /addcmd to /addcom
    · /addcom -FIX-
    · SCFConnectNotice Option added
    · SCFAllianceRequireMembers Option added
    · #X-Upload v6.2
    · SCFdb Manager v0.4.5.0 (SCF DataServer)
    SP1 Fixes:
    - Bless on New Wings
    - When using /addene 200, charactere increase points in vitality.
    - When using /addvit 200, charactere increase points in energy.
    - when you are PK lvl 3 (psico), nobody can hit u and u cant hit anyone.
    - when Triple shot is used and u hit a monster, u get dc.
    - when evil spirit is used and u hit a monster, u get dc.
    - when Comet Fall is used and u hit a monster, u get dc.
    - when Aqua Beam is used and u hit a monster, u get dc.
    - when Fire Slash is used and u hit a monster, u get dc.
    - even if i disable the reset by game the guards still try to reset people. (npc)
    - +28 its fixed.
    - GS crash when it is making the NewQuest and it goes to kill the Phoenix or Death Beam Knight or Hell Maine to drop items of quest.
    - /banchar [GM]
    - /unbanchar [GM]
    - /banacc [GM] 
    - /unbanacc [GM]
    - /whois [GM]
    - /ring [GM]
    - /vipstatus [GM]
    Installation notes.
    1.- Restore your SCFMuTeam DB under "DB Backs".
    2.- Copy an SCFdb Manager.exe for each GS.
    3.- Configure the SCFDataServer.ini DONT open the SCFDataServer port to internet. You must specify the ListenPort for every GS in every SCFDS. If you run more than 1 GS on the same computer configuration must be something like this:
    (On SCFDataServer.ini)
    Example: Server 1
    ListenPort = 5152     <- Port listen of SCFDS
    GSPort     = 55901    <- GS Port
    Example: Server 2
    ListenPort = 5153     <- Port listen of SCFDS
    GSPort     = 55902    <- GS Port
    4.- Open the SCF_Common.ini and configure this section:
    Then GS will connect and do the SQL jobs ;) without security faults or lags.
    ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ MORE INFO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    [Common] under SCF_Common.ini has lot of security stuff, like Speed hacks checking ;) none has it brothers and sisters :D . Anti speed hack for combo skill and extra defence formulas based in points x level.
    [Add] under SCF_Common.ini
    SCFIsOpenOnlineAddPoint=1 <-- Enable
    SCFOnlineAddPointMaxNumber=500 <-- MAx points for /add
    [Warehouse] not working ATM, please DONT activate it.
    I will finish this document later, that is all folks , i must sleep now :P
    ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ READ READ READ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    GS_CS Release dont finished ATM.
    Custom events will be soon on a EventServer ;) for prevent overflow of monsters. This is the latest and stable release of SCFMT, tested with more than 200 users for 1 month pelase REVIEW ALL FILES before ASK.
    bet0x - SCF Mu Team
    PS: IcaruS was here too ^^
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    All Skill Work
    GS_CS now 100% work
    All 10 summoner skills work
    Server Does not crash
    Summoner Can be created
    Elbeland maps work
    Elbeland Mobs work
    Level 2 summoner wings no visual bug
    All New Summoner items work including scrolls
    Dataserver no system overflow errors & does not Delete Summoner Tables
    All eventitembags all dropable items etc
    All custom events working
    All normal events working
    All guild and party options 100% function
    All Quests 100%
    Refuge GateKeeper Enter During 3rd class quest work.
    Summoner wings Chaos machine mix work for Level 1,2 not Tested for 3
    Illusion Temple 1-6 working for 1st and 2nd and 3 class
    All Gates now working: Client fixed
    Master (3rd classes) Can enter Chaos Castle 7
    Summoner Damage Increases 100%
    Summoner Stamina Increase 100%
    Summoner add HP per level 100%
    All episode 1 working
    Blood Castle 8 work
    Devil Squar 7 work
    Chao Castle 8 work
    IlLucion Temple work 100%
    New Map 56
    Fix of SCFMT in dll
    · DS7 add New Event Room [GS]
    . BC8 add New Event Room [GS]
    . CC8 add New Event Room [GS]
    May 02, 2008
    * Post Command FIX
    * Summoner Defense Bug
    May 06, 2008
    * Summoner Marlon quest (ring of glory) FIX
    * Summoner Night spell formula FIX
    decrease the defense of the enemy = EnemyDefense / ((YOUR Level/100) + 2)
    May 11, 2008
    * Hero Status Quest - Marlon - proper points reward award
    * Can not use Fruits Fix
    * Fixed timing on the Blood Castle +8 invitation
    * DS7, BC8 Invitation Mixes [Mastering Level]
    * Chaos Castle Mastering Level Ticket Zen FIX
    May 13, 2008
    * Creating Cape of Dark Lord might give 2nd level wings of Summoner
    * Cannot use lvl1 summoner wings to make cape of lord.
    * Summoner attack damage formula is not working
    May 18, 2008
    * Kalima Entrance Gate protocol fix
    * Zen Bug after death, shows a lot more zen than there really are
    * Players get DC alot in CASTLE [SPEED HACK CHECK]
    * Exp Formula for lvl 1000
    * Protocol of Skill List for 1.04N+ Fixed
    Download Mu Server Full:
    + [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    + Mirror: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    + Mirror: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Link upload by CLBGAMESVN.COM - Một bản nguyên gốc, một bản đã c.r.a.c.k rồi, mọi người cùng test và phát triển nhé ! Gồm 2 bản 1 gốc nguyên thùng của SCF còn cái kia đã c.r.a.c.k

    *** Link Bitroad dùng Fifox 2.0.14 để mở link, nó sẽ cài 1 add-on vào download rất nhanh kết hợp với IMD. Còn dùng IE thì nó download cài Tools cài vào máy nhưng 99% bị chương trình Anti-Virus del.

    ================================================== =============================
    MuserverSCF 5.21.06 Downloads and Fixs...
    MuserverSCF 5.21.06 No cracked: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    MuserverSCF Gameserver 5.21.06 Cracked: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    MuserverSCF 5.21.06 Cracked: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Wzag cracked: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    WZAG Cracked <---- New and recommended fix more crash of gs: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Jesica Update: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    bug overflow 999 fixs:
    Dataserver fix: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    exdb fix: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Exdb fix & dataserver fix: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Dataserver bug overflow 999 fix+Swamp of calmmnes support:
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Lần sửa cuối bởi davidhuynhvan, ngày 22-06-08 lúc 09:55 AM.
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng davidhuynhvan xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  2. #2
    Thành Viên Tâm Huyết Lãng Tử Sầu's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Jun 2008
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    Thanked 473 Times in 134 Posts

    Ðề: [UPDATE] SCFMT EP2 Server Files rev.5.21.06

    All Skill Work
    GS_CS now 100% work
    All 10 summoner skills work
    Server Does not crash
    Summoner Can be created
    Elbeland maps work
    Elbeland Mobs work
    Level 2 summoner wings no visual bug
    All New Summoner items work including scrolls
    Dataserver no system overflow errors & does not Delete Summoner Tables
    All eventitembags all dropable items etc
    All custom events working
    All normal events working
    All guild and party options 100% function
    All Quests 100%

    Nice Work!
    Thanks For Share !
    Test now!
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng Lãng Tử Sầu xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  3. #3
    Thành Viên
    Ngày tham gia
    May 2006
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    Thanked 37 Times in 33 Posts

    Ðề: [UPDATE] SCFMT EP2 Server Files rev.5.21.06

    không có thông tin gì về IT và Administrator
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng vietpro8x xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  4. #4
    Mr.One davidhuynhvan's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    May 2006
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    Ðề: [UPDATE] SCFMT EP2 Server Files rev.5.21.06

    Trích dẫn Gửi bởi vietpro8x [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    không có thông tin gì về IT và Administrator
    Là sao nhĩ ? Không rõ ý của bạn lắm ! ^^
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng davidhuynhvan xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  5. #5
    Thành Viên haiuyen's Avatar
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    Ðề: [UPDATE] SCFMT EP2 Server Files rev.5.21.06

    Sao em Cài xong chạy tất cả các Links Ok nhưng chỉ có Links GameServer là bị lỗi Don't Send
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng haiuyen xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  6. #6
    Thành Viên
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    May 2008
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    Ðề: [UPDATE] SCFMT EP2 Server Files rev.5.21.06

    MEDIAFIRE đi anh David...........................................
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng MuKyNguyen xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  7. #7
    Hóng JX2 Team dragonwall's Avatar
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    nơi đây hóng Jx2
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    Ðề: [UPDATE] SCFMT EP2 Server Files rev.5.21.06

    Trích dẫn Gửi bởi vietpro8x
    không có thông tin gì về IT
    Không phải không có mà là sự kiện IIusion Event của tụi SCF Team đang bị Bug (phải nói là nặng) :biggrin:.Do đó muốn khám phá Sự kiện này thì nên dùng của Endi là rõ nhất!
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng dragonwall xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  8. #8
    Thành Viên
    Ngày tham gia
    Jun 2007
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    Thanked 4 Times in 4 Posts

    Ðề: [UPDATE] SCFMT EP2 Server Files rev.5.21.06

    Có bác nào Run được GS_CS không nhỉ, mình chỉ Run được GS còn GS_CS thì potay.com không làm kiểu gì Run được, bấm vào nó cứ trơ ra không nhúc nhích gì,thành thử không test được xem MG có bị bug skill khi move đến cryswolf hay không? và soul có bị bug Evil ở map đó không nữa. Bác nào Run được GS_CS xin share cho với thanks nhiều.
    Mình chưa test kĩ nhưng nghe chừng ở GS là rất good, MG không bị bug skill, Sumo cũng tốt, có điều wing 2 Sumo vẫn không phát quang,đặc biệt chạy nhẹ hơn bản 5.10.2 vào game không bị giựt như bản cũ
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng tungcz xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  9. #9
    Thành Viên
    Ngày tham gia
    Apr 2007
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    Ðề: [UPDATE] SCFMT EP2 Server Files rev.5.21.06

    Trích dẫn Gửi bởi dragonwall [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Không phải không có mà là sự kiện IIusion Event của tụi SCF Team đang bị Bug (phải nói là nặng) :biggrin:.Do đó muốn khám phá Sự kiện này thì nên dùng của Endi là rõ nhất!
    Bản của ClbMuVn không bị bug cái này, envet chạy tốt nhưng mà đi event 1 thì hình như là có lúc bị có lúc không .Phần thưởng là viên ngọc chaos ...
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng bachcotsau xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  10. #10
    أبجدية عربية ’ huntersun's Avatar
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    Mar 2008
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    A Town Where You Live
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    Thanked 328 Times in 65 Posts

    Ðề: [UPDATE] SCFMT EP2 Server Files rev.5.21.06

    Ai download được rồi Up lên Mediafire hộ với !
    Chớ Download 19MB = Sendspace, Rapid share chắc chết !



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    Trả lời: 262
    Bài viết cuối: 10-03-10, 11:49 PM
  2. [Release] SCFMT EP2 Server Files rev.5.70.01 PAKECT
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    Bài viết cuối: 16-07-08, 01:45 PM

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