[MU] Share ZTeam Season 6 EP3 + Source By Ragezone !
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    Thành Viên thiensu_muvn's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Jul 2014
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    Thanked 35 Times in 27 Posts

    Share ZTeam Season 6 EP3 + Source By Ragezone !

    Source codes: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Client : [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Server Files : [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    DB 2000 : [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    pass: z-team.pro

    Update 1:
    - Rebuilded Source Code GS
    - No Errors In Database
    - Converted DB for SQL 2000 , 2008
    - Configurated Files
    - New StartUp Server Easy Way
    - BackDoor Removed
    - Custom Wings Enabled

    Server Files Update 1:

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Update 2:
    - Added Wings Level 4 Support
    - Double Goer Event Fix
    - Pets Fix
    - Client Support Wings Level 4
    - Client mini bugs fixed
    - Client gates corrected
    - GameServer Updated
    - GameServer Reset Limit Fixed
    - Reset Command / Options Fixed
    - Commands Rebuilded and Fixed
    - Item.txt Rebuilded

    Update 3:
    - Added missing files Server/Custom
    - Added fix for items
    - Added Sphere Server / Cliend Side
    - Added DL fixes
    - Added Pet Fixes
    - Dataserver fixed
    - Mix Jewels Fix
    - Double Goer Fixed
    - Elf Summon Fix
    - /give15bless Fix
    - Drop Zero Money Fix
    - JewelOfHarmony Fix
    - Aliennation Added
    - BalanceSystem Added
    - ItemDropBlock Added
    - New ItemDropEx Added
    - MonsterSpawner Added
    - Custom Wings Mix Added
    - New Client Close Added
    - /openware Added

    Update 4:
    - Fixed Messages
    - Fixed Item Options
    - Fixed Chaos Machine Mixes
    - Some other errors and more..

    Server Files Update 5:
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Client Patch Update 4:
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Source Files Old:
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Client Full:
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Setup Guide:
    1. Open Server>Tools>Encoder
    2. Open Common.txt
    3. Edit your IP , save file
    4. Drag the file Common.txt to Econder.exe
    5. Copy Common.z to Client>data>custom

    UPDATE Character SET Offtrade = 0, GrandReset = 0

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    1> Need delete old period system and include it to periodex system
    1> Need finish CashShop
    1> Need add all items effects (cashshop rings and etc)
    1> Try Attack In Not Attack Area error when using 265 (Dragon Slasher) & 262 (Chain Drive) skills
    1> Need check all calls to gObjRemoveBuffEffect
    1> ResistanceCheck -> decompile
    1> [stafx.h] Added define 'SEASON6DOT3_ENG'
    1> Deleted SEASON5DOT2_JPN, all changes undefined
    1> Changed XOR32 keys
    1> More test changes in DSProtocol, user and etc
    1> [JewelMixSystem.cpp] Fixed item delete in ::MixJewel
    1> [JewelMixSystem.cpp] New mix system finished, 99% decompiled from 6.2 THA
    1> Finished 'ExpandedInventory' and 'ExpandedWarehouse' systems, defined in <EXPINV>
    1> [zzzitem.h] define <MAX_TYPE_PLAYER> changed from 6 to 7, added MONK
    1> [zzzitem.cpp] <OpenItemScript> Updated, added MONK class read for item script
    1> [protocol.cpp] <PChatProc> Gens chat added, decompiled from 6.2 THA, but without exdb function
    1> Deleted ExpandedInventory' and 'ExpandedWarehouse' systems, becoz are bugged, need start from null again
    1> [ItemSeedSphere.cpp] Fully decompiled from 1.01.00, all names are original
    1> [GameMain.cpp] <GameMainInit> Changed map loading to 1.01.00
    1> Max magic size changed to 150 (450) by 1.01.00
    1> Many changes with some skills check for RF
    1> [ObjUseSkill.cpp] Added 7 new functions to class, <SkillCharge> & <SkillMonkBuff> fully decompiled from 1.01.00
    1> [ObjUseSkill.cpp] <EnableSkill> changed, added RF skills (no master>
    1> [ObjUseSkill.cpp] <UseSkill> changed, added new cases for RF & doppelganger (1.01.00)
    1> [ObjUseSkill.cpp] <RunningSkill> changed, added new casses for RF (1.01.00)
    1> [ObjUseSkill.cpp] Changed 1 function name to original (SkillAreaMonsterAttack)
    1> [ObjUseSkill.cpp] <SkillEvilMonster> (90%), <SkillMonkBarrageJustOneTarget> (100%) decompiled
    1> [ObjAttack.cpp] <Attack> Changed (+2 new arguments) by 1.01.00
    1> [protocol.cpp] Added new cases 0x4A & 0x4B for RF attacks
    1> [protocol.cpp] Added 3 new functions <GCMonkMagicAttack> (0%), <GCMonkDarkSideTargetSelect> (60%), <GCMonkMagicAttackNumberSend> (95%) by 1.01.00
    1> [ObjUseSkill.cpp] Finished <SkillMonkBuffApplyParty>, <SkillMonkBarrageJustOneTarget>, <SkillMonkDarkSideGetTargetIndex> (all decompiled from 1.01.00 by eRRoR, thanks)
    1> [Attack.cpp] Finished <CObjAttack::Attack> (decompiled from 1.01.00, but for temp master elements are commented, thanks for eRRoR again)
    1> Added "Base" folder by 1.01.00 with some test templates for new libs
    1> Added "Lua" folder with lua lib and files for MuLua
    1> Added LuaFun / LuaSample / MuLua cpp & h files fully decompiled from 1.01.00
    1> Added WinConsole, fully decompiled from 1.01.00
    1> [LogProc.cpp] Updated, added some new functions from 1.01.00 (all done)
    1> [StdAfx.h] Added lua51.lib load
    1> Added MonsterRegenSystem, fully decompiled from 1.01.00
    1> Added MonsterStatCalc, fully decompiled from 1.01.00
    1> [user.h] Added MASTERLEVEL_PASSIVE_SKILL_OPTION struct (98% decompiled) & defined in OBJECTSTUCT by m_MPSkillOpt
    1> [zzzitem.cpp] Fully decompiled from 1.01.00, Period argument on Convert defined in "TEMP_PERIOD_VAR" for temp
    1> All BuffSystem decompiled from 1.01.00, all names are original
    1> Added lua NpcTalk extension (LuaNPC) + some classes to work with lua scripts
    1> Added lua MonsterDie extension (LuaMonsterDie)
    1> Expanded inventory fully complete, one by one from 1.01.00 (decompiled)
    1> [user.cpp] Added <CheckOutOfWarehouse>, <WarehouseExtentCheck> (fully decompiled from 1.01.00)
    1> Expanded warehouse fully complete, one by one from 1.01.00 (decompiled)
    1> Added <PeriodItemEx> system, fully decompiled from 1.01.00, need refenses for "TEMP_PERIOD_VAR" define and add data to DB & DS
    1> More fixes with RF, all move gates are work normaly for now
    1> Added TemporaryUserManager (for now only to PartySystem), 95% decompiled from 1.01.00 (5% for defines on etc files =D)
    1> [prodef.h], [protocol.cpp], etc - increased max chat len from 60 to 89 for GMO 6.3 (SEASON6DOT3_ENG)
    1> ImperialGuardian / ImperialGuardianRewardExp / EventDungeonItemBag fully finished, decompiled from 1.01.00
    1> Fixed all warp / map attr / gate bugs with ImperialGuardian
    1> [MasterLevelSystem.cpp] Fully decompiled from 1.01.00 (All names are original), need include
    1> [MasterLevelSystem.cpp] Finished, but need uncomment some calls after complete SkillSystem and etc
    1> [ItemBag.cpp] Compared with 1.01.00 - All OK
    1> [ProbabilityItemBag.cpp] Complete for 1.01.00, but need test, bcz don't sure on 100%
    1> [protocol.cpp] <CGItemDropRequest> Complete for 1.01.00, but need test too)
    1> [Event.cpp] Added 6 new functions from 1.01.00 for new itembags
    1> [GameMain.cpp] <LoadItemBag> Added new boxes, but need recheck all after luckysystem and etc. blya
    1> [Event.cpp] <GMPresentBoxItemBagOpen> Fixed box open (X / Y)
    1> [GensSystem.cpp] <CalGensClass> Fixed class calculation for Super Knight
    1> [GensSystem.cpp] Gens Reward system are finished
    1> Monk wings & mini wings complete (exception: 005A43CB, 00665F52)
    1> [GensSystem] Remaded RankingUpdater, included to zDataServer timer
    1> [JewelOfHarmonySystem.cpp] Checked for 1.01.00
    1> [protocol.cpp] <CGInventoryItemMove> OK, <CGItemGetRequest> ~OK (without doppel) for 1.01.00
    1> [user.cpp] <DbItemSetInByte> OK for 1.01.00
    1> [user.cpp] <gObjInventoryMoveItem> OK for 1.01.00
    1> [protocol.cpp] <CGChaosBoxItemMixButtonClick> OK for 1.01.00
    1> [MixSystem.h] Class struct, enum CHAOS_TYPE and positions are finished, decompiled from 1.01.00
    1> [MixSystem.cpp] <EventDungeonKeyItemMix>, <GoldenNSilverBoxMix> fully decompiled from 1.01.00
    1> [QuestInfo.cpp] Added Monk reader
    1> [MUHelper.cpp] Complete, but for now without data save in db
    1> [protocol.cpp] <GCMonkDarkSideTargetSelect> decompiled from 1.01.00
    1> [protocol.cpp] <GCMonkMagicAttack> decompiled from 1.01.00
    1> [MixSystem.cpp] Revised for 1.01.00, added new wings support
    1> [BloodCastle.cpp] Decompiled 5 new functions, fixed 4 names & added 1 new m_BridgeData var by 1.01.00
    1> [TemporaryUserManager.cpp] <ResumeBloodCastle> decompiled from 1.01.00
    1> [SetItemOption.cpp] Decompiled <LuckyItemGenSetOption> 1.01.00
    1> [LuckyItem.cpp] Class fully decompiled from 1.01.00
    1> [LuckyItem.cpp] Class included to project (all calls compared, exeption 2 calls from monster class)
    1> [protocol.cpp] <CGInventoryItemMove> fixed for LuckyItem mixes
    1> [LuckyItem.cpp] More fixes
    1> [ObjBaseAttack.cpp] Revised all function for 1.01.00, added byBarrageCOunt in MissChecks
    1> [ObjBaseAttack.cpp] Fixed RF pvp attack
    1> [user.cpp] <gObjMagicAdd> fixed RF skill icons after reading (last argument BYTE -> short by 1.01.00)
    1> [logproc.cpp] Log system from 1.01.00 disabled, down to 1.00.90 (temp, bad decompilition)
    1> Fixed RF weapon skill add (gObjWeaponMagicAdd call with BYTE to WORD)
    1> New socket system fully included to GS (1.01.00 / 1.00.93 decompilition)
    1> [ItemSocketOptionSystem.cpp] Fixed mistakes with -1 / -2 values
    1> All monster configuration removed in "Monster\\" folder
    1> All shop configuration removed in "Shop\\" folder
    1> Removed "TEMP_PERIOD_VAR" (exept: CashShop.cpp), all varibles added
    1> [zzzitem.cpp] Compared all calls for PeriodItem functions by 1.01.00
    1> [zzzitem.cpp] <BufferItemtoConvert3> fixed 28 option up
    1> [zzzitem.cpp] <ItemByteConvert> fixed m_PeriodItemOption flag send
    1> [PeriodItemEx.cpp] <SetPeriodItemInfo> Fixed apply period flag
    1> [protocol.cpp] <CGInventoryItemMove> Fixed SendPeriodItemInfoOnce call
    1> [PeriodItemEx.cpp] <SetExpireNotMatchedData> Fixed bIsValidMatchedItem check (missing !)
    1> [GameShop.cpp] Finished package addon, more fixes and changes, writed complete list of items
    1> [DSProtocol.cpp] Added 4 functions for expand inventory, decompiled from 1.01.00
    1> [protocol.cpp] Added <GCResultForExtendInvenOrWarehouse>, decompiled from 1.01.00
    1> [protocol.cpp] <CGUseItemRecv> Added to use Magic Backpack & Vault Expansion
    1> [GameShop.cpp] Added protect before buy <CanBeBuy>
    1> [protocol.cpp] <CGUseItemRecv> Added SD potion to use
    1> [user.cpp] <gObjUseRecoveryPotion> revised, added SD potion
    1> [MagicInf.cpp] Decompliled from 1.01.00 for new master skill tree update
    1> [SkillAdditionInfo.cpp] Revised to 1.01.00, some decompiled
    1> [DoppelgangerPosInfo.cpp] Decompiled from 1.01.00
    1> [DoppelgangerLua.cpp] Decompiled from 1.01.00
    1> [MasterLevelSystem.cpp] <GDReqMasterLevelInfo> fixed check for m_bMasterLevelDBLoad
    1> Fixed all <fopen> calls and <fclose> ends
    1> [LuaFun.cpp] <g_Generic_Call> fixed
    1> [MagicDamage.cpp] Fully decompiled from 1.01.00
    1> [MagicInf.cpp] Fixed
    1> Working with master passive data
    1> [ObjCalCharacter.cpp] <gObjCalcMLSkillItemOption> decompiled from 1.01.00, but some missing
    1> [ObjAttack.cpp] <GetAttackDamage> fixed for new master tree
    1> [ObjAttack.cpp] <GetAttackDamageWizard> fixed for new master tree
    1> [DarkSpirit.cpp] Revised for 1.01.00
    1> [protocol.cpp] <GCMagicListMultiSend> Added temp fix for master skill brands
    1> [MasterLevelSkillTreeSystem.cpp] <MLS_WeaponSkillAdd> Fixed skill add after delete
    1> [zzzitem.h] <GetDetailItemType> Added new type <12> for RF gloves
    1> [user.cpp] <gObjWeaponMagicAdd> Added temp fix for add exist magic or brand based
    1> [BuffEffect.cpp] Added ADD_OPTION_IGNOREDEFENSE for monk buff
    1> [MasterLevelSkillTreeSystem.cpp] Tree finished, but need test and maybe fix some
    1> [protocol.cpp] <CGReqEnterDoppelganger> decompiled from 1.01.00
    1> [TMonsterSkillManager] <MAX_MONSTER_SKILL_INFO_ARRAY> increased to 700 by 1.01.00
    1> [TMonsterSkillManager] <FindMagicInf> Decompiled from 1.01.00
    1> [Doppelganger] finished, decompiled from 1.01.00
    1> [DBSockMng.cpp] <Connect> DataServer 2 enabled for more stable, maybe in future im delete it after all socks fixes
    1> Fixed RF pvp skill work, but need check, maybe some skills work only in gens zones for pvp
    1> [user.cpp] <gObjSetCharacter> Added TempororyManager changes by 1.01.00 (fixed exit from doppelganger)
    1> [Doppelganger.cpp] <ChangeUserIndex> Fixed return in game with temporary status, need fix status 4 on Connected
    1> [protocol.cpp] <ProtocolCore> defined DEBUG_PROTOCOL for enable / disable packet trace
    1> [SetItemOption.cpp] Revised, fixed all positions and bad decompiling
    1> [MonsterItemMng.cpp] Decompiled from 1.01.00
    1> [BuffEffectSlot.cpp] <gObjClearBuffEffect> fixed all calls
    1> Total remove of settings files
    1> [DSProtocol.cpp] Temp fix for character buttons in "CHARCREATE_TEMP" define
    1> [NpcTalk.cpp] <NpcChaosCardMaster> Fixed dialog open
    1> [CheatGuard.cpp] Added XOR key read / Disconnect option
    1> [spe.h] Added reading XOR from CheatGuard
    1> [GameMain.cpp] Fixed some commonserver.cfg value and renamed / deleted some
    1> [Shop.cpp] Added Excellent option for shop items (On reader too)
    1> [MUHelper.cpp] Added data settings reader
    1> [MUHelper.cpp] Finished loading from DB
    1> [ObjUseSkill.cpp] <SkillDeathPoisonForMeDusa> Decompiled from 1.01.00
    1> [gObjMonster.cpp] <gObjMonsterSelectSkillForMedusa> Decompiled from 1.01.00
    1> [gObjMonster.cpp] <gObjMonsterAttack> Some added from 1.01.00
    1> [gObjMonster.cpp] <gObjMonsterDieGiveItem> Added Medusa prize (1.01.00)
    1> Some add for monster 561 regen / skill attack (medusa)
    1> [MonsterRegenSystem.cpp] All calls compared, system enabled (1.01.00)
    1> [zzzitem.cpp] <CItem::Value()> fixed item price
    1> [MixSystem.cpp] All formuls fixed
    1> [NewPVP.cpp] Finished, fully included and fixed
    1> [ObjAttack.cpp] <GetAttackDamageSummoner> Fixed wiz. damage
    1> [MixSystem.cpp] <BloodCastleItemChaosMix> Fixed call to GetMapNumByBCBridge / switch check
    1> [BloodCastle.cpp] <CheckChoasMixItem> Fixed return values to new (from 1.01.00)
    1> [MUHelper.cpp] <SendMacro> Fixed checking lpRequest->btResult
    1> Added 566, 567, 568, 577, 578 NPC by 1.01.00
    1> [Shop.cpp] Added shop 20(19), max shop value up to 21 by 1.01.00
    1> [MixSystem.cpp] <CherryBlossomMix> Fixed item dur for GMO protocol
    1> [ItemSocketOptionSystem.cpp] <IsEnableSocketItem> Added summoner socket items
    1> [License.cpp] New license system finished!
    1> [ObjUseSkill.cpp] <SkillEvilMonster> Redecompiled, now identical with 1.01.00
    1> [gObjMonster.cpp] <gObjMonsterMagicAttack> Fixed BeAttack case
    1> [MasterLevelSystem.cpp] Fixed config loading, added monster list reader
    1> [MuHelper.cpp] Rewrited, now work on multi threads
    1> [ProbabilityItemBag.cpp] Fixed luck if item is Excellent
    1> [ObjUseSkill.cpp] <SkillChainLightning> Fixed
    1> [DSProtocol.cpp] <ItemSerialCreateRecv> Fixed blood castle serial recv (wrong call to GetBridgeIndexByMapNum)
    1> [SkillAdditionalInfo.cpp] Added skill use level reader
    1> [IllusionTempleProccess.cpp] Fixed Class count (extern to 7 by 1.01.00)
    1> [IllusionTempleEvent.cpp] <EnterIllusionTemple> Disabled for time check with event server
    1> [protocol.cpp] <PMoveProc> Fixed attr check, mistake with _CS server side
    1> [JewelOfHarmonySystem.cpp] <SmeltItemBySmeltingStone> Fixed max option level by 1.01.00
    1> [IllusionTempleEvent.cpp] Added m_MinPlayerCount
    1> [protocol.cpp] <CGModifyRequestItem> Added check for DL pets, don't know why wz remove it
    1> [ComboAttack.cpp] <GetSkillPos> Added 6.3 MS skills
    1> [protocol.cpp] <GCMagicListMultiSend> Changed to 1.01.03
    1> [protocol.cpp] <PMSG_MAGICLIST> Revised to 1.01.03
    1> [MasterLevelSkillTreeSystem.cpp] <MLS_WeaponSkillAdd> Revised to 1.01.03 (fixed bug with base skill add)
    1> [GameServer] Remaked menu
    1> [GameServer.cpp] <WinMain> Added reading ports / ips from ServerInfo.dat
    1> [protocol.cpp] <CGActionRecv> Revised to 1.01.03
    1> [HacktoolBlockEx.cpp] Decompiled from 1.01.03
    1> [PacketStatistics.cpp] Decompiled from 1.01.03
    1> [GameShop.cpp] Added inventory save
    1> [GameShop.cpp] User data moved to class from OBJECTSTRUCT
    1> [protocol.cpp] <CGInventoryEquipment> Decompiled from 1.01.03
    1> Added max drop zen fix
    1> Added new talismans support (128 - 134)
    1> [GameShop.cpp] Added <IsInventoryBuff>
    1> [ObjCalCharacter.cpp] <gObjGetSetItemOption> Fixed lucky item ancient options
    1> [GameShop.cpp] Fixed slot delete
    1> [GensSystem.cpp] <BattleZoneChatMsgSend> Fixed (1.01.03)
    1> [user.cpp] <gObjSecondDurDown> Fixed lucky item dur down (point *)
    1> Fixed golden cherry blossom branch count (50 -> 255)
    1> [GameShop.cpp] Return to OBJECTSTRUCT...
    1> Fixed warehouse / value expand numbers
    1> [protocol.cpp] <CGBuyRequestRecv> Fixed dark lord pets buy
    1> [zzzitem.cpp] <PetValue()> Fixed price for pets
    1> [JewelMixSystem.cpp] <UnMixJewel> Fixed inventory size check
    1> [BloodCastle.cpp] <Load> Fixed time reload
    1> [GMMng.cpp] Fixed system message fox post command
    1> [ChaosCastle.cpp] Added MinPlayersCount
    1> [LuckyItem.cpp] <DGAnsLuckyItemList> Fixed pointer to inventory
    1> [Shop.cpp] Added Ancient item support in shop
    1> [GMMng.cpp] Change method for stats update after add commands
    1> [DSProtocol.cpp] <JGPGetCharList> Fixed character creation read
    1> [GameServer.cpp] Added commonserver reloading (with cs fix)
    1> [user.cpp] <gObjSetCharacter> Fixed PShop inventory item delete
    1> [gObjMonster.cpp] Fixed guard message say
    1> [BloodCastle.cpp] Added prize reader [5]
    1> [user.cpp] <gObjCheckXYMapTile> Fixed false teleport to location for ELF
    1> [ResetSystem.cpp] <FinishResetReq> Added hidden teleport to original location
    1> [CashItemPeriodSystem.cpp] <Initialize> Fixed thread cleaning
    1> Removed "Bill" system
    1> [MUHelper.cpp] <Init> Fixed clearing data if slots isnt null
    1> [user.cpp] <gObjLifeCheck> Added medusa dead message
    1> [ChatFilter.cpp] Fixed cyrillic reading
    1> [MasterLevelSkillTreeSystem.cpp] Fixed reloading
    1> [MUHelper.cpp] Delete slots, now work with objectstruct
    1> [user.cpp] <gObjGetIndex>, <gObjGetIndexByAccount> fixed check NULL chars
    1> [PartyClass.cpp] Fixed party PK status
    1> [user.cpp] Fixed PK item drop without option
    1> [BuffCalc.cpp], [ClassCalc.cpp] - Fixed calls if player is not online and dofile
    1> [ChatFilter.cpp] Fixed check for null chars
    1> [ResetSystem.cpp] Fixed money pay & stats after reset
    1> [gObjMonster.cpp] Added ItemExcDropRate
    1> [GameShop.cpp] Fixed open shop if disabled
    1> [CheatGuard.cpp] Fixed level check
    1> [CheatGuard.cpp] Added <m_SpeedHackCheck>
    1> [ObjAttack.cpp] Fixed DarkSide, Chain Drive, Dragon Roar AOE damage formul
    1> [gObjMonster.cpp] Added Zen increase in MapData.txt
    1> [ObjBaseAttack.cpp] Fixed Monk AttackRate / DefenseRate formuls
    --- UPDv81
    1> [BuffEffectSlot.cpp] <CheckItemOptForGetExpEx> Fixed return of bonus EXP

    Ragezone members
    Lần sửa cuối bởi freepro921, ngày 08-06-15 lúc 09:38 PM.
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng thiensu_muvn xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to thiensu_muvn For This Useful Post:

    duongsonbn (09-06-15), nammm (08-06-15)

  3. #2
    Thành Viên
    Ngày tham gia
    May 2015
    Bài viết
    Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post

    Ðề: Share ZTeam Season 6 EP3 + Source By Ragezone !

    a ơi bản Mu này có wing ss8 k a với 2.5 wig4 ạ
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng nammm xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  4. #3
    Thành Viên thiensu_muvn's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Jul 2014
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    Thanked 35 Times in 27 Posts

    Ðề: Share ZTeam Season 6 EP3 + Source By Ragezone !

    Full hết bạn ạ dame không gh và hp bar nhiều tính,năng nhưng cần phải giỏi mới dv thêm dc
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng thiensu_muvn xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  5. Các thành viên gởi lời cảm ơn đến thiensu_muvn vì bài viết này !

    duongsonbn (09-06-15)

  6. #4
    Thành Viên tieugiao's Avatar
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    Ðề: Share ZTeam Season 6 EP3 + Source By Ragezone !

    cái này có ngon ko vậy để mình thử xem
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng tieugiao xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  7. #5
    Thành Viên Tâm Huyết
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    Ðề: Share ZTeam Season 6 EP3 + Source By Ragezone !

    Trích dẫn Gửi bởi tieugiao [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    cái này có ngon ko vậy để mình thử xem
    quá ngon xúc luôn thôi chờ gì nữa
    Nhận setup + cài đặt MU Online - Mu Mobi Bản 2.6.9 + Quảng cáo đánh đúng đối tượng 2000.000 Thành viên tiềm năng
    Chi phí liên hệ inbox

  8. #6
    Thành Viên
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    Dec 2010
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    Ðề: Share ZTeam Season 6 EP3 + Source By Ragezone !

    Cái này share bên ragezone lâu rồi mà, quan trọng giờ là biết cách build + tim lỗi, code lại.
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng huyhieudam xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  9. Các thành viên gởi lời cảm ơn đến huyhieudam vì bài viết này !

    vip6789 (06-08-16)

  10. #7
    Thành Viên amocthong1's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Jul 2014
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    Ðề: Share ZTeam Season 6 EP3 + Source By Ragezone !

    Bản Update 13 được 1 men ragezone fix lỗi từ trang 186 đến 221 các bạn có thể tải về build ra nhưng nó là vitualstudio 2013 nhá fix gần như full lỗi từ 186 >> 221 còn lỗi gì thì chưa rõ

    Trích dẫn Gửi bởi Anonym11 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Server Files + Source - Included update 13 + all fix from 186-221 pages. (Updated to Visual Studio 2013) // add one fix , updated to VS2013, compiled GS.
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Client included last updates.
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Last patch:
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng amocthong1 xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  11. Các thành viên gởi lời cảm ơn đến amocthong1 vì bài viết này !

    Van_Bom (16-07-15)

  12. #8
    Thành Viên tieugiao's Avatar
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    Ðề: Share ZTeam Season 6 EP3 + Source By Ragezone !

    zteam toi it sai nen ko thich
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng tieugiao xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  13. #9
    Vi phạm quy định
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    Ðề: Share ZTeam Season 6 EP3 + Source By Ragezone !

    ai cho mình hỏi server zteam này chạy được web NBB không vậy
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng 16102012 xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  14. #10
    Thành Viên Trong's Avatar
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    Icon9 Ðề: Share ZTeam Season 6 EP3 + Source By Ragezone !

    Nó bị lõi item socket ai cso file cho xin với.
    Bộ queen với mấy đò SM cái thì ko hiện cái thì vô hình.
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng Trong xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!


Trang 1 của 2 1 2 CuốiCuối

Các Chủ đề tương tự

  1. [MU] Cho mình xin hướng dẫn cài đặt server zteam season 6 ep3 share bên box Release
    Bởi fnlove trong diễn đàn Hỏi Đáp/ Yêu Cầu
    Trả lời: 9
    Bài viết cuối: 27-06-15, 02:17 PM
  2. [MU] Main zTeam Season 6.3
    Bởi embenho trong diễn đàn Hỏi Đáp/ Yêu Cầu
    Trả lời: 2
    Bài viết cuối: 06-05-15, 09:06 AM
  3. [MU] [Leech] Source code zTeam Season 6.3 Share by SmallHabit!
    Bởi huythao229 trong diễn đàn Development
    Trả lời: 71
    Bài viết cuối: 09-09-14, 04:11 AM
  4. [MU] ai cài giúp mình server zteam season 6 ep3 share bên box Release với
    Bởi Lifetime2602 trong diễn đàn Hỏi Đáp/ Yêu Cầu
    Trả lời: 3
    Bài viết cuối: 28-07-14, 10:56 AM

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