[DigitalvB.com Styles] vBFour 4.2
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    Thành Viên
    Ngày tham gia
    Feb 2014
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    Thanked 5 Times in 5 Posts

    Icon14 [DigitalvB.com Styles] vBFour 4.2

    vBFour by DigitalvB.com
    vBulletin 4.2

    vBFour to stylize your vBulletin4 with simple aesthetically pleasing colors
    LIVE DEMO - vB Four Style
    Brandfree Version - Brandfree vB Four Style

    Fluid and Fixed Format (960px).
    This style is made for vBulletin 4 Suite - Forum+CMS+Blog supported - new
    Upload the 'digitalvb' folder from 'upload' to your Forum Root.
    Select your XML from XML folder and goto Download/Upload Styles and upload the XML
    PSD Available for Logo changes etc..

    4.2 Released
    4.1.12 Released
    4.1.11 Released
    4.1.10 Released
    4.1.9 Released
    4.1.8 Released - Fixed header pixel issues/Changed the font from pt sans to open sans
    4.1.7 Released
    4.1.5 Released
    4.1.4 Released
    Q: Is there Branding FREE version available
    A: Yes its available vBFour Brandfree

    Clicking INSTALL easiest way to support this FREE Style.Feel free to post suggestions and Bugs
    More information also available at DigitalvB.com

    Show Your Support

    To receive notifications regarding updates -> Click to Mark as Installed.
    If you like this modification -> Click to Nominate for Modification of the Month.
    If you like this modification support the author by donating.
    This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
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