Who has read a Thread
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Chủ đề: Who has read a Thread

  1. #1
    Thành Viên PandavB's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Feb 2014
    Bài viết
    Thanked 13 Times in 11 Posts

    Icon14 Who has read a Thread

    For vBulletin 4.1.0 Only

    Versions Attached

    4107: vBulletin 4.1.0 to 4.1.7
    4108: vBulletin 4.1.8 to 4.1.10
    4111: vBulletin 4.1.11 to 4.1.12
    This modification is not available for vBulletin 4.0.x

    This modification is not required for vBulletin 4.2 onwards

    Part of this functionality has been added to the vB4.2 Core.
    The functionality not added is available as a new modification here.

    Please remember to click Mark as Installed if you use this modification.
    Please fee free to nominate this modification for the MOTM, and/or use the donate link provided (Support Developer).

    This displays who has read a thread, and the time they last looked at it.

    The main features of the 4.x version are as follows ;

    (Note, items in this colour are those added to vB4.2 core)

    1. Turn the system on/off.
    2. Restrict the display to certain usergroups
    3. Restrict the IP display to certain usergroups.
    4. Restrict the display to a set number of days.
    5. Option to allow thread author to view who read information.
    6. Option to turn on the who read cutoff date (reset) function
    7. Restrict use of reset function to certain usergroups.
    8. Option to set whoread data records to be cleaned out after xxx days.
    9. Clicking on a user will display a page of their thread viewing history, most recent first.
    10. Restrict the display to certain forums only.
    11. The display can be set as always collapsed on initial page load.
    12. Restrict the list of reader names to certain usergroups.
    13. Restrict the list of recent threads a member has read to certain usergroups.
    The set/reset facility allows members to click on the 'set' link which then sets a personal 'cutoff' time - only showing who has read the thread after that time. The time can be reset as many times wanted, and also completely cleared again.

    There is also a link to allow you to view a seperate list of all readers of the thread, this is where the ip will be shown [if you have permission].

    Warning: When using the set/reset option - there is only a limited capacity of entries per thread (several thousand) - therefore you should only allow this feature to be used by a limited number of people - typically Staff usergroups. Allowing all members to use it will probably slow down your forum and cause errors if more than about 3000 members set a date on one thread.

    Note: When using option 4 or the set/reset facility, the data is still kept beyond this limit, so they can be changed at any time.

    All settings are located in vBulletin Options > Who Has Read a Thread

    To install, download the zip, extract the XML file and import using the vb Product Manager.


    Limited support will be provided for vBulletin 4.1.8 - 4.1.12 (No bug fixes).
    Support will not be provided for Alpha & Beta versions, or anything prior to vBulletin 4.1.8.
    Low priority will be given to posters who do not have this marked as installed
    In some cases, support can only be provided if I have an admin login and ftp access.


    v4.0.1 : 21-Dec-2009 : Initial release for vb 4.0.0 Gold.
    v4.0.2 : 21-Dec-2009 : Add missing template to cache.
    v4.0.3 : 22-Dec-2009 : Minor display fix as posted by Raug.
    v4.0.4 : 24-Dec-2009 : Install code updates.
    v4.0.5 : 31-Dec-2009 : Fixed bug in forum selection feature.
    v4.0.6 : 03-Jan-2010 : Fixed template cache bug due to v4.0.5 changes. Display css updates.
    v4.0.7 : 10-Jan-2010 : Minor display fix.
    v4.0.8 : 16-Jan-2010 : Added always collapsed option, updated install code.
    v4.0.9 : 19-Jan-2010 : Fix collapse icon position when thread information block enabled.
    v4.0.10 : 23-Jan-2010 : Fix minor display issue. Settings updated. Other minor changes.
    v4.0.11 : 18-Feb-2010 : Installer & code updates.
    v4.0.12 : 23-Feb-2010 : Fix Author display.
    v4.0.13 : 27-Feb-2010 : Style code updates for vB 4.0.2.
    v4.0.14 : 29-May-2010 : Fix error in upgrade section of install code.
    v4.0.15 : 11-Jul-2010 : Internal ip address changes, not released.
    v4.0.16 : 22-Oct-2010 : Fixed for style changes in vB 4.0.8.
    v4.0.17 : 25-Oct-2010 : Fix missing action links, broken by v4.0.16.
    v4.0.18 : 06-Nov-2010 : Install code updated.

    v4.1.0 : 04-Dec-2010 : Updated for vBulletin 4.1.
    v4.1.1 : 27-Dec-2010 : Fix permission bug.
    v4.1.2 : 30-Dec-2010 : Fixed small permission bug in set/reset. Added new display permissions.

    v4.1.7.0 : 16-Oct-2011 : Updated for vBulletin 4.1.7.
    v4.1.8.0 : 18-Nov-2011 : Updated for vBulletin 4.1.8 onwards (only).
    v4.1.11.0 : 03-Mar-2012 : Updated for vBulletin 4.1.11 image changes.
    Hình Kèm Theo Hình Kèm Theo
    File Kèm Theo File Kèm Theo
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng PandavB xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!



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