[GlowHost] Spam-O-Matic for vB 3.8 (StopForumSpam, Akismet, Auto-Moderation ...)
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    Thành Viên KingSky's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Feb 2014
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    Thanked 7 Times in 5 Posts

    Icon14 [GlowHost] Spam-O-Matic for vB 3.8 (StopForumSpam, Akismet, Auto-Moderation ...)

    We have released a mod for your vBulletin 3.8 that should stop almost all forum spam on your vBulletin boards. It is basically an (anti)Social Networking RBL to keep your forums clean!

    This version is BETA and was developed specifically for vBulletin 4. However we believe this should work on vBulletin 3.8 so we have put it here for you in case you want to try a more robust Spam solution than what is currently available.

    BETA is not a good word, this is more of an "Unsupported Backport" for earlier versions of vB.

    The "REAL" Spam-O-Matic system was developed for vB4. This version is for you guys and gals that need to spend less time managing the spamers on your board(s). We hope it helps! The important features should work.

    The original mod for vB 4 is located here:
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Look at the URL above,
    (sorry for caps)This version is for vBulletin 4.x though has been reported to work on 3.6+
    We only offer support on vBulletin 4.x as the 4.x version will have features not possible in the 3.x series.

    This module has the ability to submit new spammer details to the StopForumSpam or Akismet databases automatically, all without any new templates or manual template modifications! [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Just install the product in the product manager, upload a few files, configure the system and you are done. (Estimated time: 5-10 minutes)

    How it works:

    New registrations are checked against the known spammer database at StopForumSpam.com. If the email, IP, or username exists in their database, the user (or bot as the case may be) is denied registration on your forums. If they make it past the SFS check, they are checked against several Automatic Moderation rules, and are also checked against the Akismet service for known comment spam.

    A) StopForumSpam:

    The StopForumSpam Module lets you:
    • Check a registrant's IP address.
    • Check a registrant's email address.
    • Check a registrants Username.
    • Disable or enable any of the above checks.
    • Block and log, or, allow and log known spammers.
    • All registration attempts are logged for your viewing pleasure.
    • Several other performance tuning options

    If they are not found in the StopForumSpam database or are allowed registration by your rules, their registration details are passed to the built-in vBulletin registration system. (Human verification, etc)

    It is completely invisible to humans who are registering that this process is taking place. Bots are stopped dead in their tracks.

    If a spammer is able to sneak past the first line of defense, and manages to post, then there are secondary and tertiary protections.

    B) Auto-Moderation:

    Auto Moderation lets you:
    • Define how many URLs a new member can post before being sent to moderation.
    • Define keywords that will send a post to Auto-moderation (viagra, porn, meds, etc)
    • Define minimum post count to avoid Auto-moderation.
    • Excludes admin and moderators from Auto-moderation.
    • Completely disable Auto-moderation if you don't want it.

    B) Akismet Service

    Spammers that make it past the StopForumSpam and Auto-Moderation will be checked against the Akismet service. If they manage to make a post, and then are found on Akismet, they can be auto-moderated.

    The Akismet settings let you:
    • Set the number of posts that Akismet will check from each user. After this number is exceeded, Akismet checking will be disabled for that user.
    • Auto-Submit spammers that post on your boards back to the Akismet service so that other forums and blogs do not do not receive the same spam.
    • Completely disable the Akismet service.

    Punitive Actions:

    If you find a spammer has made it past your 3 lines of defense, and has managed to post on your forum, then you can help the community...

    The spammer's details can be sent to the Stop Forum Spam and Akismet databases automatically, preventing them from registering or posting on other forums. When other forums do the same, the protection is reciprocated.

    Simply moderate a post and choose the option to "Delete Posts As Spam..." an then choose the option to "Ban User." Banning the user sends their details to either Akismet, StopForumSpam, (or both) depending on how you set it up.

    The next version will add a "Spam-O-Matic" option to the Postbit Moderation Tools menu to better streamline the process and make it two-click process instead of the long and cumbersome way that vBulletin Ban options are presented now. This new menu option will be available only for vBulletin 4.x series.

    API Keys:

    API Keys are NOT required for this system to stop spammers on your forums.

    A StopForumSpam API key is required if you want to contribute to the StopForumSpam blacklists by adding your spammers to their database. By submitting spammers you help keep other forums and blogs clean.

    An Akismet API key is required if you want to enable any Akismet auto-moderation features in this module.

    You can obtain a Stop Forum Spam API key which is free from stopforumspam.com.

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    You can obtain an Akismet API key from Akismet.com.
    Akismet offers free and paid API keys so choose your version based on your situation.

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Why it is better than the other anti-spam solutions on vBulletin.org:

    • Works with all of vBulletin 4 functions including Facebook automatic registration.
    • Report spammers that you find to the Stop Forum Spam Database.
    • Report spammers that you find to the Akismet Database.
    • Built-in Auto-moderation.
    • Auto-moderation rules based on post count.
    • Auto-moderation rules based keywords.
    • Auto-moderation rules based Akismet results.
    • Enable or disable any actions that you do not want.
    • Customizable "Registration Rejected" message.
    • Consolidates 3 popular methods of spam prevention into one product.
    • No Manual Template Modifications!
    • Supported!


    vBulletin 4.0.x - but for 4.x you should [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] instead.

    vBulletin 3x versions that have been reported to work:

    *vBulletin 3.8.4 Patch Level 2
    *vBulletin 3.8.5
    *vBulletin 3.8.6 Patch Level 1
    *vBulletin 3.8.7
    *vBulletin 3.8.7 Patch Level 1
    *vBulletin 3.8.7 Patch Level 2 ([Only registered and activated users can see links. ])

    (Add your version here by sending us a PM or post in the thread!)

    Should you decide to install this on an vB3, we are interested in your feedback. Let us know if it works or fails miserably. [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Reported Conflicts or reproducible known issues:

    None at this time for this release.


    2 table alterations

    9 hooks used:

    - register_addmember_process
    - register_addmember_complete
    - userdata_presave
    - useradmin_edit_column1
    - userdata_delete
    - userdata_postsave
    - newpost_process
    - threadfpdata_presave
    - postdata_presave

    No new templates or template modifications!

    4 files. (2 PHP, 2 XML)
    1 Product Manager Upload




    If you like this mod, sure, you can donate.
    But the **** donation would be to nominate us for [Only registered and activated users can see links. ], to tell your friends and others about this mod, and if you are in need of web hosting, order it from [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] to show your thanks.

    We hope you enjoy the mod, spread the word to keep all of our forums clean. [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]


    1) Download the attached file
    2) [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    3) Extract the zip file, and view the readme file.

    If you like this mod, please nominate us for [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]


    Original concept credits go to the authors of vBStopForumSpam and MonkeyStop
    File Kèm Theo File Kèm Theo
    Lần sửa cuối bởi KingSky, ngày 10-02-14 lúc 10:48 AM.
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng KingSky xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!



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