Spiders Display on Forumhome and Who's Online for vb4
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    Thành Viên PandavB's Avatar
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    Feb 2014
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    Icon14 Spiders Display on Forumhome and Who's Online for vb4

    What does this product do?
    This product will display the number of spiders on Forumhome and Who's Online. It will also add the count behind the spider name on Forumhome if there is more than one of a certain spider [ i.e. Google (3) ].


    A big thank you goes out to Adrian for helping me come up with the fix for this for vB 4.1.2, and straightening me out on keys in an array. Also, thanks to Paul M and Mosh for the comma fix for 4.1.8. Another thanks goes out to Mosh for the image file as well as making the mod work with all versions of vB 4. And yet another thank you goes out to HMBeaty for helping me find the fix for vB 4.1.10 and testing it thoroughly.

    Version Information:
    Version 1.0.0 --Initial release for vB 4
    Version 1.0.1 --The count variable was wrong for the spider plural convention. Thanks goes out to Mosh for catching it. Also, the spiders_vbulletin.xml file has been updated to a more recent version, and the link for it below has been changed to another site that is keeping it up to date better than the original spiders list.
    Version 1.0.2 --Fixed double comma issue with vB 4.0.5 in IE8.
    Version 1.0.3 --Fixed issue with spiders displaying in a vertical listing in some browsers. The phrase ",with 0 spiders" will no longer show when there are no spider names listed.
    Version 1.0.4 --Fixed to work with vB 4.1.2. Also, the "spiders_vbulletin.xml" file has been updated to the latest version as of February 15, 2011. => vBulletin 4.1.2 only
    Version 1.0.5 --Added a setting to change the color of the spider name in the listing. Added a setting for Allowed Usergroups who can view spiders in the listing. Added a "View Map" link that will show up behind the spider count (or guest count if no spiders are currently on the site) on both the Forumhome and Who's Online. This link will only be visible if you have the "Digital Point User Map" mod installed. The spiders_vbulletin.xml file has also been updated to the latest version as of February 25, 2011. => vBulletin 4.1.2 only
    Version 1.0.6 --Removed font color setting and added Style Variable setting for the Spider Display Font Color, so it can be set for each style separately. Set the dependency minversion to 4.1.2 in the xml file so there would be no improper version installs anymore. The spiders_vbulletin.xml file has also been updated to the latest version as of March 15, 2011. => vBulletin 4.1.2 only
    Version 1.0.7 --Now fully phrased, as requested. => vBulletin 4.1.2 only
    Version 1.0.8 --Should now work with all versions of vB 4, from 4.0.0 and up, including 4.1.8. Added a spider image to show before each spider, if the setting is enabled. It is off by default. The "spiders_vbulletin.xml" file has been updated to the latest version as of November 29, 2011.
    Version 1.0.9 --Added a white spider icon image to go with styles that are dark. A setting has been added to choose what color image (black or white) you want to display before each spider name in the listing. The "spiders_vbulletin.xml" file has been updated to the latest version as of January 1, 2012.
    Version 1.1.0 --Removed setting to choose the color of the spider icon and replaced it with a new style variable for the path to what spider image you wish to display for each style.
    Version 1.1.1 --Added a setting to set the vertical alignment of the Spider Image. Added some more spider images.
    Version 1.1.2 --Fixed to work on vB 4.1.10.
    version 1.1.3 --Fixed to work with DragonByte Tech InfoPanels version 2.04 and above only.

    NOTE: The word "Spider" or "Spiders" will no longer show up after each spider name listed in the activeusers listing on the Forumhome.

    Installation overview:

    1 Product XML (6 Plugins, 15 Phrases, 3 Settings, 2 Style Variables)
    1 spiders_vbulletin.xml (located in the upload/includes/xml directory of this product ZIP file)
    6 Spider Image files (located in the upload/images/misc directory of this product ZIP file)

    Installation Instructions:
    1. Upload the spider image files to the forums/images/misc directory on your site.

    2. Upload spiders_vbulletin.xml to the forums/includes/xml directory on your site.

    NOTE: Go to the following link for spiders_vbulletin.xml updates: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    3. Go to 'Admin CP -> Settings -> Options -> Who's Online Options -> Enable Spider Display' and make sure it is set to 'Yes'

    4. Go to your Admin CP
    Scroll down to 'Plugin System'
    Click 'Manage Products'
    Click 'Add/Import Product'
    Click the 'Browse' button, and locate the 'product-boofo_spiderdisplay.xml' file on your computer

    5. Go to your Admin CP -> vBulletin Options -> 'Spiders Display on Forumhome and Who's Online' and set the following options:
    Spiders Display : Allowed Usergroups: These usergroups can view the Spiders Display on Forumhome. (Default is: '0' - All Usergroups)
    Spiders Display : Show Spider Icon: Show Spider Icon to the left of each spider? (Default is: '1' - Yes)
    Spiders Display : Spider Icon Vertical Position: Set the vertical-align property of the Spider Image. (Default is: 'bottom')

    6. Style Variables:
    Go to your Admin CP -> Styles & Templates -> Style Manager -> Style Variable Editor -> Click Go Button -> Boofo -> boofo_spiders_color
    Enter the color code of the font color that you want the spiders to show up in.
    Go to your Admin CP -> Styles & Templates -> Style Manager -> Style Variable Editor -> Click Go Button -> Boofo -> boofo_spiders_icon_image
    This is your spiders display icon image. Set to the path of the spiders display icon image you want to use.

    NOTE: You will need to do this for all styles.


    PHP Code:
    if ($mark_as_installed != 'clicked')
    $you_get 'squat';
    $you_get 'support';

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    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng PandavB xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!



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