[JX] ai chỉ mình cách chạy paysys của jx2 với - Trang 2
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  1. #11
    Thành Viên rGame.Vn's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    May 2014
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    Thanked 11 Times in 10 Posts

    Ðề: ai chỉ mình cách chạy paysys của jx2 với

    Chạy goddess này
    Vĩ lãnh tụ nào vĩ đại và là bậc nhất của Việt Nam ? (gợi ý câu trả lời: Ho Chi Minh)

    [KG_Goddess] Loading %spiIniFileKGLOG_PROCESS_ERROR(%s) at line %d in %s
    VersionnRetCode && "Unable read \"[Version]:Version\""nVersion == 2127.0.0.1ServerDatabaseServernRetCode && "Unable load \"[DatabaseServer]:Server\""UserNamenRetCode && "Unable load \"[DatabaseServer]:UserName\""PasswordnRetCode && "Unable load \"[DatabaseServer]assword\""EnableEncryptnRetCode && "Unable load \"[DatabaseServer]:EnableEncrypt\""(nRetCode == PG_RESULTLENSTD) && "Password Length Error"nRetCode && "Password Error"DatabasenRetCode && "Unable load \"[DatabaseServer]atabase\""GroupKG_GoddessnRetCode && "Unable load \"[KG_Goddess]:Group\""nRetCode > 1 && "length of group"nRetCode < KG_NAME_MAX_SIZE - 1 && "length of group"m_Config.GoddessServerParam.szGroup[0] != DELETE_PREFIX_CHARMaxRoleCountInAccountnRetCode && "Unable load \"[KG_Goddess]:MaxRoleCountInAccount\""m_Config.GoddessServerPar am.nMaxRoleCountInAccount > 0LoopSleepTimenRetCode && "Unable load \"[KG_Goddess]:LoopSleepTime\""AutoDisconnectTimenRetCode && "Unable load \"[KG_Goddess]:AutoDisconnectTime\""SendRecvTimeoutnRetCode && "Unable load \"[KG_Goddess]:SendRecvTimeout\"" && "Unable read \"[KG_Goddess]:ListenIP\""ListenPortnRetCode && "Unable read \"[KG_Goddess]:ListenPort\""RoleStatisticnRetCode && "Unable load \"[RoleStatistic]:ListenIP\""nRetCode && "Unable load \"[RoleStatistic]:RoleStatistic\""nRetCode && "Unable load \"[RoleStatistic]:SendRecvTimeout\""./../Base/SourceCode/ServerFamily/KG_Goddess/../../../Include/Common/KG_AngelLib.hms_pfnGetAngelVersonms_pfnCreateRoleP rocessorms_pfnCreateRoleInfoAug 22 201415:43:09JXOnline II[KG_Goddess] for %s server group Build at %s %s ----- KG_Goddess for %s -----
    %s./../Base/SourceCode/ServerFamily/KG_Goddess/KG_Goddess.cppcszAppFullPathNamestartServer already running
    stop[KG_Goddess] Service is terminated by administrator ![KG_Goddess] Stopping ...
    query-stateset-log-leveldebugKGLOG_DEBUG[KG_Goddess] Log level is set to "%s"
    Set log to debug level ... ... [OK]
    Set log to info level ... ... [OK]
    Set log to warning level ... ... [OK]
    Set log to error level ... ... [OK]
    Operation failed, please check your input!

    ProcessCmdRequest(%s)=[%d]argvargv[1][KG_Goddess] Stopping ...[Goddess] Stopped
    nRetCodenRetCode && "m_AngelLib.GetVersion"[KG_Goddess] Loaded KG_Angel, version %u.%unRetCode > 0%sm_piRoleProcessorpiRoleInfonRetCode && "m_piRoleProcessor->Init"[KG_Goddess] Initializing role database ...[KG_Goddess] Initializing role statistic ...[KG_Goddess] Initializing server manager ...[Goddess] Start success
    [Goddess] Start failed
    KG_Goddess.iniLoadConfigint KG_Goddess::Init(const char*) about
    set-log-level {debug | info | warning | error}
    start [--daemon]
    int KG_Goddess::Run()[KG_Goddess] Started successfulint KG_Goddess::StartService()StartServicestatic int KG_AngelLib::GetVersion(unsigned int*, unsigned int*)static IKG_RoleProcessor* KG_AngelLib::CreateRoleProcessor()static IKG_RoleInfo* KG_AngelLib::CreateRoleInfo()./../Base/SourceCode/ServerFamily/KG_Goddess/KG_GoddessServer.cpppiRequestPacket%s Enter %s()%s Leave %s()uPakSize == sizeof(NOTIFY_INFO)KGLOG_PROCESS_ERROR(%s) at line %d in %s
    datanRetCodepiReplyPacketm_piSocketStreamuRequestP acketSize >= sizeof(TProcessData)pRequestPacketAccountField.uDa taSize > 1AccountField.uDataSize <= KG_NAME_MAX_SIZE%s Query roles list of account "%s"m_piDatabaseRolepiResultnRetCode != -1piRoleListItemspbyRoleListItems%s Can't get the %uth role list itempbyBufferTail >= pbyRoleListItems%s the %uth role list item size error:%upiRoleListpbyRoleList%s Leave %s(%s) uRoleCount=%d nResult=%dListItemAccountpiStatisticpReplyPacket%s Leave %s() size =%u ret=%dnBufferSize == sizeof(PING_COMMAND)pPingPakpPingPak->cProtocol == GDC2S_PING%s Enter %s(time=%u)nRetCode && "Receive packet failed"piRequestPacket->GetSize() > 0pbyBuffer%s Unsupported protocol: %d, size: %upGoddessServerManagerpiRoleInfopiRoleProcessorpi SocketStream!m_pGoddessServerManagerm_GroupField.u DataSize <= sizeof(m_Parameter.szGroup)Server%-3.2u %-15s %-6d %-8s
    nRetCode > 0 && "Group name too long"[Group %s Server %.2u][%s] Server %d created ok!GroupNamevector::_M_insert_auxpGoddessServer[ServerManager] Role "%s" not be locked[ServerManager] Role "%s" already be locked by Server %.2d[ServerManager] Role "%s" already be locked by Server %.2uRoleNameField.uDataSize > 1RoleNameField.uDataSize <= KG_NAME_MAX_SIZE!nRetCode && "Try to read a locked role!"nRetCode == 1nRetCode && "OnRoleLoadFromDatabase"nContinueFlag && "Load be abort by KG_Angel"%s Get role "%s" nResult=%dRoleNameFullInfocszRoleName[ServerManager] Server %.2u will stop, but role "%s" still be locked, auto unlocked it![ServerManager] Server %u will stop, unlock all role [count=%u] m_piRoleInfo%s Started, service for %s:%d%s Connection with %s have been disconnected, wait for being reconnectted![%s] RemoteServer %s:%d crashed%s There are no data arrive during %d/%d second, auto disconnect!%s StoppedpThis[ServerManager] Role "%s" locked by Server %.2u, Server %.2u try to unlock it![ServerManager] Role "%s" unlocked by Server %u[ServerManager] Role "%s" not be locked, Server %.2u try to unlock it![ServerManager] Role "%s" already locked by Server %.2u, Server %.2u try to lock it again! [ServerManager] Role "%s" locked by Server %.2uuRequestPacketSize == sizeof(LOCK_OR_UNLOCK_ROLE )pRoleszRole[0] != '\0'%s Leave %s(Role=%s, Lock=%d) nResult=%d
    ************** Goddess Server List *************
    ServerID RemoteIP Port Group
    %sitGoddessServer != m_GoddessServerList.end()[ServerManager] Server %.2u UnInit error at %d in %s
    Server %d reconnect ok![ServerManager] RemoteServer from (%s:%d) connect ok[ServerManager] Accept from (%s:%d) SocketStream = %pm_GoddessServerList.empty()!m_piRoleInfopRoleSta tistic[ServerManager] Listening at %s:%duBufferSize >= sizeof("2005-01-01 22:22:22")szTime%.4d-%.2d-%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2dnRetCode > 0%s Delete role "%s"LastModifypiRoleDatapiRoleListItemnRetCode && "CreateRole"%s { %s } Create role "%s"nRetCode && "Role name be filtrated."nRetCode < m_Parameter.nMaxRoleCountInAccount%s Leave %s(%s.%s) nResult=%dpvRoleDatanRetCode && "CopyRoleName"nRetCode && "CopyAccountName"%s Save exception role "%s"ExceptionRole%s Role "%s" data check failed at %s()nRetCode && "OnRoleSaveToDatabase"nContinueFlag && "Save be abort by KG_Angel"nRetCode && "GetRoleName"nRetCode && "GetAccountName"%s in %s() Role %s.%s not be locked by server %daUpdateFields[0].pvDatanRetCode && "GetRoleListItem"nRetCode && "GetRoleDataSize"%s Save role end [%s].[%s], LeaveFlag = %d nResult=%dint KG_GoddessServer::_notify_info(IKG_Buffer*)_notify _info_lock_or_unlock_roleint KG_GoddessServer::_lock_or_unlock_role(IKG_Buffer* )_transfer_roleint KG_GoddessServer::_transfer_role(IKG_Buffer*)_quer y_statistic_infoint KG_GoddessServer::_query_statistic_info(IKG_Buffer *)_query_role_dataint KG_GoddessServer::_query_role_data(IKG_Buffer*)_de lete_roleint KG_GoddessServer::_delete_role(IKG_Buffer*)_save_r ole_dataint KG_GoddessServer::_save_role_data(IKG_Buffer*)_cre ate_roleint KG_GoddessServer::_create_role(IKG_Buffer*)_query_ role_listint KG_GoddessServer::_query_role_list(IKG_Buffer*)_pi ngint KG_GoddessServer::_ping(IKG_Buffer*)_SaveException RoleDataint KG_GoddessServer::_SendSimpleReply(unsigned char, long unsigned int, char)_SendSimpleReplystatic void KG_GoddessServer::_WorkThreadFunction(void*)_Threa dFunctionint KG_GoddessServer::_ThreadFunction()int KG_GoddessServer:rocessRequest()ProcessRequestInitint KG_GoddessServer::Init(KG_GoddessServerManager*, IKG_RoleInfo*, IKG_RoleProcessor*, IKG_SocketStream*, std::_List_iterator<KG_GoddessServer*>&, const KG_GODDESS_SERVER_PARAM&, void*)int KG_GoddessServerManager::ClearReconnectGoddessServ er(std::_List_iterator<KG_GoddessServer*>&)IsRoleN amePass_DestroyGoddessServerFromFreeVectorint KG_GoddessServerManager::_DestroyGoddessServerFrom FreeVector()_CreateGoddessServerint KG_GoddessServerManager::_CreateGoddessServer(IKG_ SocketStream*)int KG_GoddessServerManager::_CheckIsReconnect(char*, IKG_SocketStream*)int KG_GoddessServerManager::_ThreadFunction()static void KG_GoddessServerManager::_WorkThreadFunction(void* )int KG_GoddessServerManager::UnInit(void*)Initint KG_GoddessServerManager::Init(const KG_GODDESS_SERVER_MANAGER_PARAM&, KG_RoleStatistic*, IKG_RoleInfo*, IKG_RoleProcessor*, void*)int _GetLocalTimeString(unsigned int, char*)nRetCodeKGLOG_PROCESS_ERROR(%s) at line %d in %s
    piDatabaseRoleExceptionRoleRoleName Account GroupName ListItem ÿÿFullInfo ÿÿLastModifyRoleName Account GroupName FullInfo ÿÿLastModifyKG_InitRoleDatabasem_piTextFilterK GLOG_PROCESS_ERROR(%s) at line %d in %s
    !m_piTextFilterrtfpRoleNameFilter[RoleNameFilte] Unable add role name filter: "%s"IsRoleNamePassUnInitKG_GoddessRoleNameFilter.i niInitnRetCodeKGLOG_PROCESS_ERROR(%s) at line %d in %s
    nRetCode > 0./../Base/SourceCode/ServerFamily/KG_Goddess/KG_RoleStatistic.cpppiBufferuPacketSize == sizeof(uPacketCount)pbyReadPosuPacketSize > sizeof(KG_STATISTIC_DATA_TYPE)piStatistic[RoleStatistic] Received new statistic, size = %u[RoleStatistic] Accept from (%s: %d) SocketStream = %ppThiswbfpStatisticnRetCode == 1save %s when end: size=%upbyBuffernRetCode == (int)uStatisticSizepiRoleProcessorrbload %s when init: size=%uuStatisticSize > 0m_piStatistic[RoleStatistic] listen %s : %d result=%d[RoleStatistic] Listening at %s:%dint KG_RoleStatistic::ReceiveStatistic(IKG_SocketStrea m*)ReceiveStatisticstatic void KG_RoleStatistic::_WorkThreadFunction(void*)Top10_ KG_RoleStatistic.datint KG_RoleStatistic::UnInit(void*)UnInitInitint KG_RoleStatistic::Init(const KG_ROLE_STATISTIC_PARAM&, IKG_RoleProcessor*, void*)--daemonstart[KG_Goddess] Initializing ...[verify_up2date]...-op=vef -d="%s" ./verify_up2date[verify_up2date] Execute command [ %s %s] to verify update failFALSEKGLOG_PROCESS_ERROR(%s) at line %d in %s
    [verify_up2date] ok15:43:09Aug 22 2014[Goddess][Version:%s %s] Begin to start ... ...[KG_Goddess] Set log level ... ... KGLOG_UPTO(KGLOG_DEBUG)nRetCodelogs
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng rGame.Vn xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  2. #12
    Thành Viên
    Ngày tham gia
    Aug 2010
    Bài viết
    Thanked 158 Times in 79 Posts

    Ðề: ai chỉ mình cách chạy paysys của jx2 với

    Hóng cao nhân thôi ...............
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng Anh2SiTinh xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  3. #13
    Thành Viên
    Ngày tham gia
    Oct 2012
    Bài viết
    Thanked 13 Times in 11 Posts

    Ðề: ai chỉ mình cách chạy paysys của jx2 với

    Jx2 bgio mà chạy được có nước mà sập lun cái clbgames vì lượt truy cập mất bão cấp 10 mấy lun ấy chứ k đùa
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng beongo26 xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  4. #14
    Thành Viên
    Ngày tham gia
    Jan 2012
    Bài viết
    Thanked 61 Times in 15 Posts

    Ðề: ai chỉ mình cách chạy paysys của jx2 với

    Trích dẫn Gửi bởi rGame.Vn [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Chạy goddess này
    Vĩ lãnh tụ nào vĩ đại và là bậc nhất của Việt Nam ? (gợi ý câu trả lời: Ho Chi Minh)
    có 1 sự config sai nhẹ
    nVersion == 2127.0.0.1ServerDatabaseServernRetCode && "Unable load \"
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng thovuvu xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  5. #15
    Thành Viên
    Ngày tham gia
    Nov 2015
    Bài viết
    Thanked 10 Times in 5 Posts

    Ðề: ai chỉ mình cách chạy paysys của jx2 với

    Trích dẫn Gửi bởi rGame.Vn [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Chạy goddess này
    Vĩ lãnh tụ nào vĩ đại và là bậc nhất của Việt Nam ? (gợi ý câu trả lời: Ho Chi Minh)
    ông có thể cho tôi xin fb ông đc k . tôi có 1 chút việc muốn hợp tác vs ông . xin fb ông nha
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng phuhieu92 xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!


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