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Ðề: Server TSBD 0.3 update kết hợp hút hít (topic 2)
Mình chép 2 Script này vào thì bị lỗi không nc đc với Võ Lmâ Chí Tôn để gia nhập lãnh địa :
Code:-------Author: Ohishu --Date: 06/06/2010 Include("\\Script\\GM.lua") Include("\\Script\\source\\sourcejx49.lua") Include("\\Script\\source\\hamchuot.lua") Include("\\script\\global\\lanhdia\\phongtinhluyen.lua") function manager() i = GetPlayerCount() SayEx({"Xin ch祇 Admin, hi謓 c?<color=yellow>"..i.."<color> nh﹏ v藅 online", "L蕐 trang b?laytrangbi", "K?n╪g 90 /kynang90", "Nh薾 v藅 ph萴/vatpham", "Nh薾 甶觤/getpoint", "Nh薾 v?kh?vkhk", "Danh hi謚/setrank", "L蕐 ng鵤/layngua", "K?n╪g h?tr?GM/htgm", "Tho竧/Exit"}) end function laytrangbi() Say("L鵤 ch鋘 trang b?,4,"Ho祅g Kim/hktb","B筩h Kim/bktb","?Kim/oktb","Tho竧/no") end function tieptheo() if kiemtraft() == 1 then Say("<color=green>M玭 ph竔 : Thi誹 L﹎",4,"T?Kh玭g/thieulam","M閚g Long/thieulam","Ph鬰 Ma/thieulam","Tho竧/thoat") elseif kiemtraft() == 2 then Say("<color=green>M玭 ph竔 : Thi猲 Vng",4,"H竚 Thi猲/thienvuong","K?Nghi謕/thienvuong","Ng?Long/thienvuong","Tho竧/thoat") elseif kiemtraft() == 3 then Say("<color=green>M玭 ph竔 : Л阯g M玭",5,"B╪g H祅/duongmon","S﹎ Ho祅g/duongmon","Thi猲 Quang/duongmon","мa Ph竎h/duongmon","Tho竧/thoat") elseif kiemtraft() == 4 then Say("<color=green>M玭 ph竔 : Ng?чc",4,"Ch?Phc/ngudoc","U Lung/ngudoc","Minh 秓/ngudoc","Tho竧/thoat") elseif kiemtraft() == 5 then Say("<color=green>M玭 ph竔 : Nga My",4,"V?Ma/ngamy","V?Gian/ngamy","V?Tr莕/ngamy","Tho竧/thoat") elseif kiemtraft() == 6 then Say("<color=green>M玭 ph竔 : Thu?Y猲",3,"T?Ho祅g/thuyyen","B輈h H秈/thuyyen","Tho竧/thoat") elseif kiemtraft() == 7 then Say("<color=green>M玭 ph竔 : C竔 Bang",3,"уng C鮱/caibang","мch Kh秈/caibang","Tho竧/thoat") elseif kiemtraft() == 8 then Say("<color=green>M玭 ph竔 : Thi猲 Nh穘",4,"Ma Ho祅g/thiennhan","Ma Th?thiennhan","Ma S竧/thiennhan","Tho竧/thoat") elseif kiemtraft() == 9 then Say("<color=green>M玭 ph竔 : V?ng",3,"C藀 Phong/vodang","L╪g Nh筩/vodang","Tho竧/thoat") elseif kiemtraft() == 10 then Say("<color=green>M玭 ph竔 : C玭 L玭",4,"Sng Tinh/conlon","L玦 Khung/conlon","V?秓/conlon","Tho竧/thoat") else Talk(1,"","<color=yellow>B筺 ch璦 gia nh藀 m玭 ph竔 n祇") end end function thieulam(sel) n = sel + 1 if n == 1 then SetTaskTemp(35,1) Say("<color=yellow>T?Kh玭g - Thi誹 L﹎ o ",6, "竜/ao", "Bao Tay/baotay", "Nh蒼/nhan", "i L璶g/dai", "Tr?l筰/hopthanh", "Tho竧/thoat") elseif n == 2 then SetTaskTemp(35,2) Say("<color=yellow>M閚g Long - Thi誹 L﹎ Quy襫 ",7, "竜/ao", "Gi祔/giay", "Ng鋍 B閕/ngocboi", "N鉵/non", "i L璶g/dai", "Tr?l筰/hopthanh", "Tho竧/thoat") elseif n == 3 then SetTaskTemp(35,3) Say("<color=yellow>Ph鬰 Ma - Thi誹 L﹎ B鎛g ",5, "竜/ao", "i L璶g/dai", "Gi祔/giay", "Tr?l筰/hopthanh", "Tho竧/thoat") end end -------------- Thi猲 Vng ----------------------- function thienvuong(sel) m = sel + 1 if m == 1 then SetTaskTemp(35,4) Say("<color=yellow>H竚 Thi猲 - Thi猲 Vng Chu?",6, "竜/ao", "Bao Tay/baotay", "Gi祔/giay", "i L璶g/dai", "Tr?l筰/hopthanh", "Tho竧/thoat") elseif m == 2 then SetTaskTemp(35,5) Say("<color=yellow>K?Nghi謕 - Thi猲 Vng Thng ",6, "竜/ao", "Gi祔/giay", "Bao Tay/baotay", "i L璶g/dai", "Tr?l筰/hopthanh", "Tho竧/thoat") elseif m == 3 then SetTaskTemp(35,6) Say("<color=yellow>Ng?Long - Thi猲 Vng o ",5, "i L璶g/dai", "D﹜ Chuy襫/daychuyen", "Nh蒼/nhan", "Tr?l筰/hopthanh", "Tho竧/thoat") end end --------------- Л阯g M玭 ----------------------- function duongmon(sel) m = sel + 1 if m == 1 then SetTaskTemp(35,7) Say("<color=yellow>B╪g H祅 - Л阯g M玭 Phi o ",6, "竜/ao", "Ng鋍 B閕/ngocboi", "Gi祔/giay", "i L璶g/dai", "Tr?l筰/hopthanh", "Tho竧/thoat") elseif m == 2 then SetTaskTemp(35,8) Say("<color=yellow>S﹎ Ho祅g - Л阯g M玭 Phi Ti猽 ",6, "竜/ao", "Ng鋍 B閕/ngocboi", "Gi祔/giay", "i L璶g/dai", "Tr?l筰/hopthanh", "Tho竧/thoat") elseif m == 3 then SetTaskTemp(35,9) Say("<color=yellow>Thi猲 Quang - Л阯g M玭 T?Ti詎 ",5, "Bao Tay/baotay", "D﹜ Chuy襫/daychuyen", "i L璶g/dai", "Tr?l筰/hopthanh", "Tho竧/thoat") elseif m == 4 then SetTaskTemp(35,10) Say("<color=yellow>мa Ph竎h - Л阯g M玭 B蓎 ",3, "M?non", --"Bao Tay/diaphach", --"Nh蒼/diaphach", --"D﹜ Chuy襫/diaphach", --"i L璶g/diaphach", "Tr?l筰/hopthanh", "Tho竧/thoat") end end ------------ Ng?чc------------- function ngudoc(sel) m = sel + 1 if m == 1 then SetTaskTemp(35,11) Say("<color=yellow>Ch?Phc - Ng?чc B颽 ",6, "M?non", "Bao Tay/baotay", "Nh蒼/nhan", "D﹜ Chuy襫/daychuyen", --"i L璶g/chuphuoc", "Tr?l筰/hopthanh", "Tho竧/thoat") elseif m == 2 then SetTaskTemp(35,12) Say("<color=yellow>U Lung - Ng?чc Chng ",7, "竜/ao", "Gi祔/giay", "M?non", "Bao Tay/baotay", "i L璶g/dai", "Tr?l筰/hopthanh", "Tho竧/thoat") elseif m == 3 then SetTaskTemp(35,13) Say("<color=yellow>Minh 秓 - Ng?чc o ",6, "竜/ao", "Bao Tay/baotay", "Gi祔/giay", "Nh蒼/nhan", "Tr?l筰/hopthanh", "Tho竧/thoat") end end ------------ NGA MY---------------- function ngamy(sel) m = sel + 1 if m == 1 then SetTaskTemp(35,14) Say("<color=yellow>V?Ma - Nga My Chng ",7, "M?non", "竜/ao", "Nh蒼/nhan", "Gi祔/giay", "Ng鋍 B閕/ngocboi", "Tr?l筰/hopthanh", "Tho竧/thoat") elseif m == 2 then SetTaskTemp(35,15) Say("<color=yellow>V?Gian - Nga My Ki誱 ",6, "竜/ao", "Nh蒼/nhan", "Bao Tay/baotay", "i L璶g/dai", "Tr?l筰/hopthanh", "Tho竧/thoat") elseif m == 3 then SetTaskTemp(35,16) Say("<color=yellow>V?Tr莕 - Nga My Buff ",6, "Nh蒼/nhan", "Nh蒼/nhan", "Ng鋍 B閕/ngocboi", "D﹜ Chuy襫/daychuyen", "Tr?l筰/hopthanh", "Tho竧/thoat") end end ------------- C竔 Bang --------------- function caibang(sel) m = sel + 1 if m == 1 then SetTaskTemp(35,19) Say("<color=yellow>уng C鮱 - C竔 Bang Chng ",6, --"M?dongcuu", "竜/ao", "Nh蒼/nhan", "i L璶g/dai", "Bao Tay/baotay", "Tr?l筰/hopthanh", "Tho竧/thoat") elseif m == 2 then SetTaskTemp(35,20) Say("<color=yellow>мch Kh秈 - C竔 Bang B鎛g ",6, "竜/ao", "Nh蒼/nhan", "Bao Tay/baotay", "i L璶g/dai", "Tr?l筰/hopthanh", "Tho竧/thoat") end end ------------- Thu?Y猲 ----------- function thuyyen(sel) m = sel + 1 if m == 1 then SetTaskTemp(35,17) Say("<color=yellow>T?Ho祅g - Thu?Y猲 o ",6, "竜/ao", "Nh蒼/nhan", "i L璶g/dai", "Bao Tay/baotay", "Tr?l筰/hopthanh", "Tho竧/thoat") elseif m == 2 then SetTaskTemp(35,18) Say("<color=yellow>B輈h H秈 - Thu?Y猲 Song o ",6, "D﹜ Chuy襫/daychuyen", "Nh蒼/nhan", "Ng鋍 B閕/ngocboi", "i L璶g/dai", "Tr?l筰/hopthanh", "Tho竧/thoat") end end --------------- Thi猲 Nh穘 --------------- function thiennhan(sel) m = sel + 1 if m == 1 then SetTaskTemp(35,21) Say("<color=yellow>Ma Ho祅g - Thi猲 Nh穘 B颽 ",6, --"M?mahoang", "Bao Tay/baotay", "D﹜ Chuy襫/daychuyen", "Gi祔/giay", "i L璶g/dai", "Tr?l筰/hopthanh", "Tho竧/thoat") elseif m == 2 then SetTaskTemp(35,22) Say("<color=yellow>Ma Th?- Thi猲 Nh穘 o ",7, "竜/ao", "Gi祔/giay", "Ng鋍 B閕 /ngocboi", "D﹜ Chuy襫/daychuyen", "Nh蒼/nhan", "Tr?l筰/hopthanh", "Tho竧/thoat") elseif m == 3 then SetTaskTemp(35,23) Say("<color=yellow>Ma S竧 - Thi猲 Nh穘 Thng ",6, "竜/ao", "Bao Tay/baotay", "i L璶g/dai", "Nh蒼/nhan", "Tr?l筰/hopthanh", "Tho竧/thoat") end end ----------------V?ng ---------------- function vodang(sel) m = sel + 1 if m == 1 then SetTaskTemp(35,24) Say("<color=yellow>C藀 Phong - V?ng Ki誱 ",6, "D﹜ Chuy襫/daychuyen", "Ng鋍 B閕/ngocboi", "i L璶g/dai", "Nh蒼/nhan", "Tr?l筰/hopthanh", "Tho竧/thoat") elseif m == 2 then SetTaskTemp(35,25) Say("<color=yellow>L╪g Nh筩 - V?ng Kh?",6, "Nh蒼/nhan", "Nh蒼/nhan", "Ng鋍 B閕/ngocboi", "竜/ao", "Tr?l筰/hopthanh", "Tho竧/thoat") end end ------------- C玭 L玭--------------- function conlon(sel) m = sel + 1 if m == 1 then SetTaskTemp(35,26) Say("<color=yellow>Sng Tinh - C玭 L玭 o ",6, "竜/ao", "Bao Tay/baotay", "Nh蒼/nhan", "i L璶g/dai", "Tr?l筰/hopthanh", "Tho竧/thoat") elseif m == 2 then SetTaskTemp(35,27) Say("<color=yellow>L玦 Khung - C玭 L玭 Ki誱 ",6, "M?non", "D﹜ Chuy襫/daychuyen", "Ng鋍 B閕 /ngocboi", --"Bao Tay/loikhung", "Nh蒼/nhan", "Tr?l筰/hopthanh", "Tho竧/thoat") elseif m == 3 then SetTaskTemp(35,28) Say("<color=yellow>V?秓 - C玭 L玭 B颽 ",6, "M?non", "Gi祔/giay", "Ng鋍 B閕/ngocboi", --"D﹜ Chuy襫/vuao", "Nh蒼/nhan", "Tr?l筰/hopthanh", "Tho竧/thoat") end end function hktb() SetTaskTemp(34,1) tieptheo() end function bktb() SetTaskTemp(34,2) tieptheo() end function oktb() SetTaskTemp(34,3) tieptheo() end function hopthanh() SetTaskTemp(35,0) tieptheo() end function xacdinhloai() if GetTaskTemp(34) == 1 then return "Hoang Kim" elseif GetTaskTemp(34) == 2 then return "Bach Kim" elseif GetTaskTemp(34) == 3 then return "O Kim" end end function phanloai() if GetTaskTemp(35) == 1 then return "Tu Khong" elseif GetTaskTemp(35) == 2 then return "Mong Long" elseif GetTaskTemp(35) == 3 then return "Phuc Ma" elseif GetTaskTemp(35) == 4 then return "Ham Thien" elseif GetTaskTemp(35) == 5 then return "Ke Nghiep" elseif GetTaskTemp(35) == 6 then return "Ngu Long" elseif GetTaskTemp(35) == 7 then return "Bang Han" elseif GetTaskTemp(35) == 8 then return "Sam Hoang" elseif GetTaskTemp(35) == 9 then return "Thien Quang" elseif GetTaskTemp(35) == 10 then return "Dia Phach" elseif GetTaskTemp(35) == 11 then return "Chu Phuoc" elseif GetTaskTemp(35) == 12 then return "U Lung" elseif GetTaskTemp(35) == 13 then return "Minh Ao" elseif GetTaskTemp(35) == 14 then return "Vo Ma" elseif GetTaskTemp(35) == 15 then return "Vo Gian" elseif GetTaskTemp(35) == 16 then return "Vo Tran" elseif GetTaskTemp(35) == 17 then return "Te Hoang" elseif GetTaskTemp(35) == 18 then return "Bich Hai" elseif GetTaskTemp(35) == 19 then return "Dong Cuu" elseif GetTaskTemp(35) == 20 then return "Dich Khai" elseif GetTaskTemp(35) == 21 then return "Ma Hoang" elseif GetTaskTemp(35) == 22 then return "Ma Thi" elseif GetTaskTemp(35) == 23 then return "Ma Sat" elseif GetTaskTemp(35) == 24 then return "Cap Phong" elseif GetTaskTemp(35) == 25 then return "Lang Nhac" elseif GetTaskTemp(35) == 26 then return "Suong Tinh" elseif GetTaskTemp(35) == 27 then return "Loi Khung" elseif GetTaskTemp(35) == 28 then return "Vu Ao" end end function ao() XacDinhTrangBi(xacdinhloai(),"Ao",phanloai()) end function non() XacDinhTrangBi(xacdinhloai(),"Non",phanloai()) end function giay() XacDinhTrangBi(xacdinhloai(),"Giay",phanloai()) end function dai() XacDinhTrangBi(xacdinhloai(),"Dai",phanloai()) end function daychuyen() XacDinhTrangBi(xacdinhloai(),"Day Chuyen",phanloai()) end function ngocboi() XacDinhTrangBi(xacdinhloai(),"Ngoc Boi",phanloai()) end function baotay() XacDinhTrangBi(xacdinhloai(),"Bao Tay",phanloai()) end function nhan(sel) n = sel + 1 if kiemtraft() == 5 then if n == 1 then XacDinhTrangBi(xacdinhloai(),"Nhan",phanloai()) elseif n == 2 then XacDinhTrangBi(xacdinhloai(),"Nhan1",phanloai()) end elseif kiemtraft() == 9 then if n == 1 then XacDinhTrangBi(xacdinhloai(),"Nhan",phanloai()) elseif n == 2 then XacDinhTrangBi(xacdinhloai(),"Nhan1",phanloai()) end end XacDinhTrangBi(xacdinhloai(),"Nhan",phanloai()) end function XacDinhTrangBi(loai,tb,pl) if GetTask(146) == 500 then Msg2Player("B筺 nh薾 qu?nhi襲 Ho祅g Kim") else SetTask(146,GetTask(146)+1) addtbmp(loai,tb,pl) end end function layvukhi() end function layngua() Say("Ch鋘 lo筰 ng鵤 m?b筺 th輈h",9,"Phi V﹏/ngua1","B玭 Ti猽/ngua2","Phi猲 V?ngua3","X輈h Long C﹗/ngua4","Si猽 Quang/ngua5","B筩h H?ngua6","Ho祅g H?ngua7","H綾 H?ngua8","Tho竧/no") end function ngua1() SetTask(147,1) AddItem(0,10,8,10,0,0,0) Msg2Player("B筺 nh薾 頲 m閠 con ng鵤 t鑤") end function ngua2() SetTask(147,1) AddItem(0,10,6,10,0,0,0) Msg2Player("B筺 nh薾 頲 m閠 con ng鵤 t鑤") end function ngua3() SetTask(147,1) AddItem(0,10,7,10,0,0,0) Msg2Player("B筺 nh薾 頲 m閠 con ng鵤 t鑤") end function ngua4() SetTask(147,1) AddItem(0,10,9,10,0,0,0) Msg2Player("B筺 nh薾 頲 m閠 con ng鵤 t鑤") end function ngua5() SetTask(147,1) AddItem(0,10,11,10,0,0,0) Msg2Player("B筺 nh薾 頲 m閠 con ng鵤 t鑤") end function ngua6() SetTask(147,1) AddItem(0,10,12,1,0,0,0) Msg2Player("B筺 nh薾 頲 m閠 con ng鵤 t鑤") end function ngua7() SetTask(147,1) AddItem(0,10,12,2,0,0,0) Msg2Player("B筺 nh薾 頲 m閠 con ng鵤 t鑤") end function ngua8() SetTask(147,1) AddItem(0,10,12,3,0,0,0) Msg2Player("B筺 nh薾 頲 m閠 con ng鵤 t鑤") end function kynang90() SayEx({"<color="..colorS()..">H?th鑞g: ", "Thi猲 Vng /tv90", "Thi誹 L﹎ /tl90", "Л阯g M玭 /dm90", "Ng?чc /nd90", "Nga My /nm90", "Thu?Y猲 /ty90", "V?ng /vd90", "Thi猲 Nh蒼 /tn90", "C玭 L玭 /cl90", "C竔 Bang /cb90", "Tho竧 /no"}); end; --====================== function nd90() AddMagic(118,20) AddMagic(120,20) AddMagic(123,20) Msg2Player("B筺 h鋍 頲 k?n╪g 90 Ng?чc "); end; --====================== function tv90() AddMagic(59,20) AddMagic(57,20) AddMagic(55,20) Msg2Player("B筺 h鋍 頲 k?n╪g 90 Thi猲 Vng "); end; --====================== function tl90() AddMagic(20,20) AddMagic(22,20) AddMagic(24,20) Msg2Player("B筺 h鋍 頲 k?n╪g 90 Thi誹 L﹎ "); end; --====================== function dm90() AddMagic(88,20) AddMagic(91,20) AddMagic(94,20) AddMagic(96,20) Msg2Player("B筺 h鋍 頲 k?n╪g 90 Л阯g M玭 "); end; --====================== function nm90() AddMagic(323,20) AddMagic(149,20) AddMagic(151,20) Msg2Player("B筺 h鋍 頲 k?n╪g 90 Nga My ") end; --====================== function ty90() AddMagic(169,20) AddMagic(172,20) Msg2Player("B筺 h鋍 頲 k?n╪g 90 Thu?Y猲 ") end; --====================== function cb90() AddMagic(325,20) AddMagic(328,20) Msg2Player("B筺 h鋍 頲 k?n╪g 90 C竔 Bang ") end; --====================== function tn90() AddMagic(214,20) AddMagic(216,20) AddMagic(218,20) Msg2Player("B筺 h鋍 頲 k?n╪g 90 Thi猲 Nh蒼 ") end; --====================== function vd90() AddMagic(236,20) AddMagic(239,20) Msg2Player("B筺 h鋍 頲 k?n╪g 90 V?ng ") end; --====================== function cl90() AddMagic(269,20) AddMagic(272,20) AddMagic(274,20) Msg2Player("B筺 h鋍 頲 k?n╪g 90 C玭 L玭 ") end; --====================== function vkhk() Say("<color=cyan>Xa phu ",11,"Thi誹 L﹎/vktl", "Thi猲 Vng/vktv", "Л阯g M玭/vkdm", "Ng?чc/vknd", "Nga My/vknm", "Thu?Y猲/vkty", "C竔 Bang/vkcb", "Thi猲 Nh蒼/vktn", "V?ng/vkvd", "C玭 L玭/vkcl", "Tho竧/no") end; function vktl() AddItem(0,0,9,9,1,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,9,2,1,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,9,3,1,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,10,9,1,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,10,2,1,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,10,3,1,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) end; function vktv() AddItem(0,0,6,9,2,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,6,2,2,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,6,3,2,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,7,9,2,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,7,2,2,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,7,3,2,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,8,9,2,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,8,2,2,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,8,3,2,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) end; function vkdm() AddItem(0,1,3,9,4,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,1,3,2,4,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,1,3,3,4,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,1,4,9,3,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,1,4,2,3,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,1,4,3,3,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,1,5,9,0,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,1,5,2,0,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,1,5,3,0,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) end; function vknd() AddItem(0,0,14,9,2,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,14,2,2,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,14,3,2,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) end; function vknm() AddItem(0,0,11,9,0,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,11,2,0,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,11,3,0,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) end; function vkty() AddItem(0,0,12,9,0,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,12,2,0,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,12,3,0,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,13,9,2,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,13,2,2,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,13,3,2,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) end; function vkcb() AddItem(0,0,15,9,2,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,15,2,2,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,15,3,2,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) end; function vktn() AddItem(0,0,16,9,2,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,16,2,2,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,16,3,2,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) end; function vkvd() AddItem(0,0,17,9,2,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,17,2,2,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,17,3,2,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,18,9,4,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,18,2,4,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,18,3,4,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) end; function vkcl() AddItem(0,0,19,9,2,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,19,2,2,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) AddItem(0,0,19,3,2,1000,10,10,10,10,10,10) end; function getpoint() SayEx({"<color=cyan>Xa phu ", "觤 Ng?B?pointnguba", "觤 Ph骳 Duy猲/pointphucduyen", "觤 Danh V鋘g/pointdanhvong", "Ti襫 v筺/moneypoint", "觤 C鑞g Hi課 LD/pointconghien", "觤 Vinh D?pointvinhdu", "觤 K?N╪g/pointkynang", "觤 Ti襪 N╪g/pointtiemnang", "Tho竧/Exit"}) end; function pointvinhdu() SetTask(57,GetTask(57)+10000) Msg2Player("B筺 nh薾 頲 10 ngh譶 甶觤 Vinh D?) end; function pointconghien() SetTask(41,GetTask(41)+10000) Msg2Player("B筺 nh薾 頲 10 ngh譶 甶觤 C鑞g Hi課 ") end; function pointnguba() SetTask(14,GetTask(14)+10000) Msg2Player("B筺 nh薾 頲 10 ngh譶 甶觤 Ng?B?") end; function pointphucduyen() SetTask(12,GetTask(12)+10000) Msg2Player("B筺 nh薾 頲 10 ngh譶 甶觤 Ph骳 Duy猲 ") end; function pointdanhvong() AddRepute(10000) Msg2Player("B筺 nh薾 頲 10 ngh譶 甶觤 Danh V鋘g ") end; function moneypoint() Earn(500000000) Msg2Player("B筺 nh薾 頲 50 ngh譶 v筺 lng") end; function pointkynang() AddMagicPoint(10000) Msg2Player("B筺 nh薾 頲 10 ngh譶 甶觤 k?n╪g ") KickOutSelf() end; function pointtiemnang() AddProp(10000) Msg2Player("B筺 nh薾 頲 10 ngh譶 甶觤 ti襪 n╪g "); KickOutSelf() end; function vatpham() SayEx({"<color=yellow>Nh薾 v藅 ph秏 ", "Thu?Tinh/thuytinh", "Tinh H錸g B秓 Th筩h/hongbaothach", "Nguy猲 li謚 ch?t筼 trang b?Ho祅g Kim /chetaovp", "Tho竧/Exit"}) end; function chetaovp() SayEx({"<color=yellow>Nguy猲 li謚 ch?t筼 trang b?Ho祅g Kim ", "Ho祅g Kim Чi Ph竝/hkdp", "B筩h Kim Чi Ph竝/bkdp", "Thi猲 T?C萴 Th筩h/ttct", "Th蕋 Чi H祅/tdhvp", "Tho竧/Exit"}) end; function hkdp() AddEventItem(3) Msg2Player("B筺 nh薾 頲 Ho祅g Kim Чi Ph竝 ") end; function bkdp() AddEventItem(150) Msg2Player("B筺 nh薾 頲 Bach Kim Чi Ph竝 ") end; function ttct() AddEventItem(152) Msg2Player("B筺 nh薾 頲 Thi猲 T?C萴 Th筩h ") end; function tdhvp() AddEventItem(74) Msg2Player("B筺 nh薾 頲 Th蕋 Чi H祅 ") end; function thuytinh() AddEventItem(28) AddEventItem(30) AddEventItem(29) Msg2Player("B筺 nh薾 頲 3 vi猲 Thu?Tinh") end; function hongbaothach() for i=1,6 do AddEventItem(31) end Msg2Player("B筺 nh薾 頲 6 vi猲 Tinh H錸g B秓 Th筩h") end function setrank() SayEx({"<color=yellow>Nh薾 danh hi謚 ", "Administrator /rankadmin", "Thi猲 H?е Nh蕋 /thdn", "V?Song Vng Gi?/vsvg", "Tho竧/Exit"}) end; function rankadmin() SetRank(34) Msg2Player("B筺 nh薾 頲 danh hi謚 Administrator ") end; function thdn() SetRank(33) Msg2Player("B筺 nh薾 頲 danh hi謚 Thi猲 H?е Nh蕋 ") end; function vsvg() SetRank(41) Msg2Player("B筺 nh薾 頲 danh hi謚 V?Song Vng Gi?") end; function htgm() AddMagic(359,20) Msg2Player("B筺 h鋍 頲 k?n╪g h?tr?GM") end;
Code:Include("\\script\\global\\Get_NPC.lua") Include("\\script\\source\\sourcejx49.lua") Include("\\script\\两湖区\\巴陵县\\npc\\luyencong.lua") Include("\\script\\source\\timerserver.lua") Include("\\dulieu\\quyensohuu.lua") Include("\\script\\manager.lua") server = 0 function khoidong() w,x,y = GetWorldPos() --if w == 53 then if server == 0 then SetGlbMissionV(27,1) SetGlbMissionV(50,150) print("") print("__________[Server JX Private 2011]__________") antihack() npcallmaps() server = 1 else xaphu() end --else --xaphu() --end end function antihack() curidx = SubWorld idx = SubWorldID2Idx(1); if idx == -1 then Msg2Player("Kh玭g th?ch箉 anti v?maps ch璦 m?) return end SubWorld = idx; OpenMission(1); StartMissionTimer(1,14,60*18); end; listgm={{"GameMaster","Admin"},{"Administrator","Admin"},{"Moderator","Admin"},{"HoangKaKa","Admin"},{"SuperVIP","Admin"}} function admincheck() for i=1,getn(listgm) do if GetName() == listgm[i][1] then if listgm[i][2] == "Admin" then return 1 end end end return 2 end function main() if admincheck() == 1 then SayEx({"<color=cyan>Xa Phu:<color> Xin ch祇 b筺 mu鑞 t韎 u", "Tr?l筰 甶觤 c?backupdiadiem", " t韎 c竎 th祅h th?thanhthi", "Khu v鵦 luy謓 c玭g 1/luyencong1", "Khu v鵦 luy謓 c玭g 2/luyencong2", "Khu v鵦 l穘h a/kvuclanhdia", --"Фo t葃 tu?daott", "C玭g th祅h chi課/congthanhchien", "Ch鴆 n╪g Admin/WritePass", "Tho竧/Exit"}) elseif admincheck() == 2 then SayEx({"<color=cyan>Xa Phu:<color> Xin ch祇 b筺 mu鑞 t韎 u", "Tr?l筰 甶觤 c?backupdiadiem", " t韎 c竎 th祅h th?thanhthi", "Khu v鵦 luy謓 c玭g 1/luyencong1", "Khu v鵦 luy謓 c玭g 2/luyencong2", "Khu v鵦 l穘h a/kvuclanhdia", --"Фo t葃 tu?daott", "C玭g th祅h chi課/congthanhchien", "Tho竧/Exit"}) end end function congthanhchien() if thu[1] == 4 then if quyensohuu[1][2] == "H綾 Чo" then cong = "B筩h Чo" baove = "H綾 Чo" elseif quyensohuu[1][2] == "B筩h Чo" then cong = "H綾 Чo" baove = "B筩h Чo" end elseif thu[1] == 5 then if quyensohuu[1][3] == "Lng Чo" then cong = "H綾 Чo" baove = "Lng Чo" elseif quyensohuu[1][3] == "H綾 Чo" then cong = "Lng Чo" baove = "H綾 Чo" end elseif thu[1] == 6 then if quyensohuu[1][1] == "B筩h Чo" then cong = "Lng Чo" baove = "B筩h Чo" elseif quyensohuu[1][1] == "Lng Чo" then cong = "B筩h Чo" baove = "Lng Чo" end end gio = tonumber(date("%H")) phut = tonumber(date("%M")) if thu[1] >= 4 and thu[1] < 7 then if gio == 20 then SayEx({"<color=cyan>Xa Phu:<color> Xin h穣 ch鋘 phe", "Phe c玭g th祅h ["..cong.."]/phecongthanh", "Phe gi?th祅h ["..baove.."]/phebaove", "Tho竧/Exit"}) else Talk(1,"no","<color=yellow>Чi chi課 di詎 ra v祇 l骳 20h c竎 ng祔 <color><color=red>th?6, 7 v?ch?nh藅<color>") end else Talk(1,"no","<color=yellow>Чi chi課 di詎 ra v祇 l骳 20h c竎 ng祔 <color><color=red>th?6, 7 v?ch?nh藅<color>") end end function phecongthanh() lenhbaicong = 232 if thu[1] == 4 then trunggian = 3 if quyensohuu[1][2] == "H綾 Чo" then cong = 1 baove = 2 elseif quyensohuu[1][2] == "B筩h Чo" then cong = 2 baove = 1 end elseif thu[1] == 5 then trunggian = 1 if quyensohuu[1][3] == "Lng Чo" then cong = 2 baove = 3 elseif quyensohuu[1][3] == "H綾 Чo" then cong = 3 baove = 2 end elseif thu[1] == 6 then trunggian = 2 if quyensohuu[1][1] == "B筩h Чo" then cong = 3 baove = 1 elseif quyensohuu[1][1] == "Lng Чo" then cong = 1 baove = 3 end end if GetTask(42) == 0 then Msg2Player("B筺 ch璦 gia nh藀 phe n祇") elseif GetTask(42) == cong then SetCamp(2) SetCurCamp(2) NewWorld(46, 201*8, 200*16) SetTask(58,2) SetPunish(0) SetRevPos(46,floor((201+1/10)*8*32),floor((200 +6/10)*16*32)) SetFightState(0) Msg2Player("B筺 v祇 khu v鵦 b猲 c玭g th祅h") elseif GetTask(42) == baove then Msg2Player("B筺 kh玭g thu閏 phe n祔") elseif GetTask(42) == trunggian then if GetItemCount(lenhbaicong) >= 1 then SetCamp(2) SetCurCamp(2) DelItem(lenhbaicong) NewWorld(46, 201*8, 200*16) SetTask(58,2) SetPunish(0) SetRevPos(46,floor((201+1/10)*8*32),floor((200 +6/10)*16*32)) SetFightState(0) Msg2Player("B筺 v祇 khu v鵦 b猲 c玭g th祅h") else Msg2Player("B筺 kh玭g c?l謓h b礽 chinh ph箃") end end end function phebaove() lenhbaithu = 233 if thu[1] == 4 then trunggian = 3 if quyensohuu[1][2] == "H綾 Чo" then cong = 1 baove = 2 elseif quyensohuu[1][2] == "B筩h Чo" then cong = 2 baove = 1 end elseif thu[1] == 5 then trunggian = 1 if quyensohuu[1][3] == "Lng Чo" then cong = 2 baove = 3 elseif quyensohuu[1][3] == "H綾 Чo" then cong = 3 baove = 2 end elseif thu[1] == 6 then trunggian = 2 if quyensohuu[1][1] == "B筩h Чo" then cong = 3 baove = 1 elseif quyensohuu[1][1] == "Lng Чo" then cong = 1 baove = 3 end end if GetTask(42) == 0 then Msg2Player("B筺 ch璦 gia nh藀 phe n祇") elseif GetTask(42) == baove then SetCamp(1) SetCurCamp(1) NewWorld(47, 201*8, 198*16) SetFightState(0) SetTask(58,1) SetPunish(0) SetRevPos(47,floor((195+1/10)*8*32),floor((201 +6/10)*16*32)) Msg2Player("B筺 v祇 khu v鵦 b猲 gi?th祅h") elseif GetTask(42) == cong then Msg2Player("B筺 kh玭g thu閏 phe n祔") elseif GetTask(42) == trunggian then if GetItemCount(lenhbaithu) >= 1 then SetCamp(1) SetCurCamp(1) DelItem(lenhbaithu) NewWorld(47, 201*8, 198*16) SetFightState(0) SetTask(58,1) SetPunish(0) SetRevPos(47,floor((195+1/10)*8*32),floor((201 +6/10)*16*32)) Msg2Player("B筺 v祇 khu v鵦 b猲 gi?th祅h") else Msg2Player("B筺 kh玭g c?l謓h b祇 chinh ph箃") end end end function daott() if GetTask(52) < 2 then Say("<color=blue>Xa Phu:<color> B筺 ch?c?2 l莕 t秠 tu?mi詎 ph? b筺 c?mu鑞 l猲 o t葃 甶觤", 2,"Ta mu鑞 l猲 o t葃 tu?daottdimp","Tho竧/no") else Say("<color=blue>Xa Phu:<color> B筺 s?d鬾g h誸 2 l莕 t葃 甶觤 mi詎 ph? c莕 c?6 THBT t葃 甶觤 ti襪 n╪g v?3 Thu?Tinh t葃 甶觤 k?n╪g.", 2,"Ta chu萵 b?/daottdi","Tho竧/no") end end function daottdimp() SetTask(52,GetTask(52)+1) toadox = 1590 - 8 + random(0,16) toadoy = 3180 - 16 + random(0,32) Msg2Player("B筺 l猲 o t葃 tu?); NewWorld(41, toadox, toadoy) SetFightState(0) SetRevPos(0) SetLogoutRV(0) end; function daottdi() if (GetItemCount(28) >= 1) and (GetItemCount(29) >= 1) and (GetItemCount(30) >= 1) and (GetItemCount(31) >= 6) then DelItem(28) DelItem(29) DelItem(30) for i=1,6 do DelItem(31) end toadox = 1590 - 8 + random(0,16) toadoy = 3180 - 16 + random(0,32) Msg2Player("B筺 l猲 o t葃 tu?) NewWorld(41, toadox, toadoy) SetFightState(0) SetRevPos(0) SetLogoutRV(0) else Talk(1,"no","B筺 kh玭g c? 6 THBT v?3 thu?tinh") end end function backupdiadiem() ReturnFromPortal() end function thanhthi() SayEx({"<color=cyan>Xa Phu<color>:", "Tng Dng/thanh", "Phng Tng/thanh", "Dng Ch﹗/thanh", "Th祅h Й/thanh", "Bi謓 Kinh/thanh", "Ba L╪g huy謓./thanh", ---"Giang T﹏ th玭/thanh", ---"Nam Nh筩 tr蕁/thanh", "Tr?l筰/main", "Tho竧/no"}) end function thanh(sel) MoveCastle(sel +1) end function MoveCastle(id) if id == 1 then -- tuong duong post = random(0,3) if post == 0 then MoveNPC(37,179,201,8+random(-2,2),4+random(-2,2),500,0); Msg2Player("Ng錳 y猲! Ch髇g ta n Tng Dng") SetRevPos(53,200*8,200*16) elseif post == 1 then MoveNPC(37,188,196,6+random(-2,2),4+random(-2,2),500,0); Msg2Player("Ng錳 y猲! Ch髇g ta n Tng Dng") SetRevPos(53,200*8,200*16) elseif post == 2 then MoveNPC(37,198,211,5+random(-2,2),0+random(-2,2),500,0); Msg2Player("Ng錳 y猲! Ch髇g ta n Tng Dng") SetRevPos(53,200*8,200*16) elseif post == 3 then MoveNPC(37,212,201,8+random(-2,2),5+random(-2,2),500,0); Msg2Player("Ng錳 y猲! Ch髇g ta n Tng Dng") SetRevPos(53,200*8,200*16) end elseif id == 2 then --phuong tuong post = random(0,3) if post == 0 then MoveNPC(36,191,202,6+random(-2,2),4+random(-2,2),500,0); Msg2Player("Ng錳 y猲! Ch髇g ta n Phng Tng") SetRevPos(53,200*8,200*16) elseif post == 1 then MoveNPC(36,205,204,4+random(-2,2),8+random(-2,2),500,0); Msg2Player("Ng錳 y猲! Ch髇g ta n Phng Tng") SetRevPos(53,200*8,200*16) elseif post == 2 then MoveNPC(36,206,198,5+random(-2,2),1+random(-2,2),500,0); Msg2Player("Ng錳 y猲! Ch髇g ta n Phng Tng") SetRevPos(53,200*8,200*16) elseif post == 3 then MoveNPC(36,194,194,5+random(-2,2),5+random(-2,2),500,0); Msg2Player("Ng錳 y猲! Ch髇g ta n Phng Tng") SetRevPos(53,200*8,200*16) end elseif id == 3 then --duong chau post = random(0,3) if post == 0 then MoveNPC(39,209,187,0+random(-2,2),3+random(-2,2),500,0); Msg2Player("Ng錳 y猲! Ch髇g ta n Dng Ch﹗") SetRevPos(53,200*8,200*16) elseif post == 1 then MoveNPC(39,199,200,5+random(-2,2),1+random(-2,2),500,0); Msg2Player("Ng錳 y猲! Ch髇g ta n Dng Ch﹗") SetRevPos(53,200*8,200*16) elseif post == 2 then MoveNPC(39,215,200,5+random(-2,2),8+random(-2,2),500,0); Msg2Player("Ng錳 y猲! Ch髇g ta n Dng Ch﹗") SetRevPos(53,200*8,200*16) elseif post == 3 then MoveNPC(39,229,191,3+random(-2,2),2+random(-2,2),500,0); Msg2Player("Ng錳 y猲! Ch髇g ta n Dng Ch﹗") SetRevPos(53,200*8,200*16) end elseif id == 4 then --thanh do post = random(0,3) if post == 0 then MoveNPC(40,377,318,0+random(-2,2),3+random(-2,2),500,0); Msg2Player("Ng錳 y猲! Ch髇g ta n Th祅h Й") SetRevPos(53,200*8,200*16) elseif post == 1 then MoveNPC(40,399,324,2+random(-2,2),5+random(-2,2),500,0); Msg2Player("Ng錳 y猲! Ch髇g ta n Th祅h Й") SetRevPos(53,200*8,200*16) elseif post == 2 then MoveNPC(40,408,312,8+random(-2,2),3+random(-2,2),500,0); Msg2Player("Ng錳 y猲! Ch髇g ta n Th祅h Й") SetRevPos(53,200*8,200*16) elseif post == 3 then MoveNPC(40,378,310,1+random(-2,2),0+random(-2,2),500,0); Msg2Player("Ng錳 y猲! Ch髇g ta n Th祅h Й") SetRevPos(53,200*8,200*16) end elseif id == 5 then --bien kinh post = random(0,3) if post == 0 then MoveNPC(38,204,199,6+random(-2,2),0+random(-2,2),500,0); Msg2Player("Ng錳 y猲! Ch髇g ta n Bi謓 Kinh") SetRevPos(53,200*8,200*16) elseif post == 1 then MoveNPC(38,213,201,3+random(-2,2),8+random(-2,2),500,0); Msg2Player("Ng錳 y猲! Ch髇g ta n Bi謓 Kinh") SetRevPos(53,200*8,200*16) elseif post == 2 then MoveNPC(38,233,182,5+random(-2,2),8+random(-2,2),500,0); Msg2Player("Ng錳 y猲! Ch髇g ta n Bi謓 Kinh") SetRevPos(53,200*8,200*16) elseif post == 3 then MoveNPC(38,199,187,7+random(-2,2),6+random(-2,2),500,0); SetRevPos(53,200*8,200*16) Msg2Player("Ng錳 y猲! Ch髇g ta n Bi謓 Kinh") end; elseif id == 6 then --ba lang huyen MoveNPC(53,197,202,6+random(-2,2),4+random(-2,2),500,0); SetRevPos(53,200*8,200*16) Msg2Player("Ng錳 y猲! Ch髇g ta n Ba L╪g huy謓") elseif id == 7 then --giang tan thon MoveNPC(25,432,382,3+random(-2,2),1+random(-2,2),500,0); Msg2Player("Ng錳 y猲! Ch髇g ta n Giang T﹏ th玭") elseif id == 8 then --nam nhac tran MoveNPC(26,198,193,4+random(-2,2),8+random(-2,2),500,0); Msg2Player("Ng錳 y猲! Ch髇g ta n Nam Nh筩 tr蕁") end end function kvuclanhdia() SayEx({"<color=cyan>Xa Phu:<color> H穣 ch鋘 l穘h a mu鑞 v祇", "H綾 Чo/gohacdao", "B筩h Чo/gobachdao", "Lng Чo/goluongdao", "Tho竧/Exit"}) end function gohacdao() maps = 23 x = 1672 + random(-2,2) y = 3264 + random(-2,2) if GetCash() >= 500 then if GetTask(42) == 2 then if quyensohuu[1][2] == "H綾 Чo" then NewWorld(maps,x,y) Pay(500) else Msg2Player("L穘h a c馻 b筺 b?"..quyensohuu[1][2].." chi誱.") end elseif GetTask(42) == 3 then if quyensohuu[1][2] == "Lng Чo" then NewWorld(maps,x,y) Pay(500) end elseif GetItemCount(173) >= 1 then DelItem(173) NewWorld(maps,x,y) Pay(500) else Msg2Player("B筺 kh玭g ph秈 t?H綾 Чo, mu鑞 v祇 ph秈 c?l謓h b礽") end else Msg2Player("S?ti襫 c馻 b筺 kh玭g ") end end function gobachdao() maps = 22 x = 1672 + random(-2,2) y = 3264 + random(-2,2) if GetCash() >= 500 then if GetTask(42) == 1 then if quyensohuu[1][1] == "B筩h Чo" then NewWorld(maps,x,y) Pay(500) else Msg2Player("L穘h a c馻 b筺 b?"..quyensohuu[1][1].." chi誱.") end elseif GetTask(42) == 2 then if quyensohuu[1][1] == "H綾 Чo" then NewWorld(maps,x,y) Pay(500) end elseif GetItemCount(172) >= 1 then DelItem(172) NewWorld(maps,x,y) Pay(500) else Msg2Player("B筺 kh玭g ph秈 t?B筩h Чo, mu鑞 v祇 ph秈 c?l謓h b礽") end else Msg2Player("S?ti襫 c馻 b筺 kh玭g ") end end function goluongdao() maps = 24 x = 1672 + random(-2,2) y = 3248 + random(-2,2) if GetCash() >= 500 then if GetTask(42) == 3 then if quyensohuu[1][3] == "Lng Чo" then NewWorld(maps,x,y) Pay(500) else Msg2Player("L穘h a c馻 b筺 b?"..quyensohuu[1][1].." chi誱.") end elseif GetTask(42) == 1 then if quyensohuu[1][3] == "B筩h Чo" then NewWorld(maps,x,y) Pay(500) end elseif GetItemCount(174) >= 1 then DelItem(174) NewWorld(maps,x,y) Pay(500) else Msg2Player("B筺 kh玭g ph秈 t?Lng Чo, mu鑞 v祇 ph秈 c?l謓h b礽") end else Msg2Player("S?ti襫 c馻 b筺 kh玭g ") end end ------------------------Fan PassWorld ADMIN thay doi tu do---- MATKHAU = {1,1,1,1,1,1} function WritePass() if GetTaskTemp(57) == 1 then manager() else SayEx({"<color=red>H?th鑞g<color>: Xin m阨 nh藀 m藅 kh萿 Admin", "1/number", "2/number", "3/number", "4/number", "5/number", "6/number", "7/number", "8/number", "9/number", "0/number", "Tho竧/finish"}) end end function number(sel) id = sel + 1 if id == 10 then id = 0 end if GetTaskTemp(55) == 0 then if (id == MATKHAU[1]) then SetTaskTemp(55,GetTaskTemp(55)+1) WritePass() Msg2Player("B筺 nh藀 v祇 s?"..id.."") else SetTaskTemp(55,GetTaskTemp(55)+1) SetTaskTemp(56,1) WritePass() Msg2Player("B筺 nh藀 v祇 s?"..id.."") end elseif GetTaskTemp(55) == 1 then if (id == MATKHAU[2]) then SetTaskTemp(55,GetTaskTemp(55)+1) WritePass() Msg2Player("B筺 nh藀 v祇 s?"..id.."") else SetTaskTemp(55,GetTaskTemp(55)+1) SetTaskTemp(56,1) WritePass() Msg2Player("B筺 nh藀 v祇 s?"..id.."") end elseif GetTaskTemp(55) == 2 then if (id == MATKHAU[3]) then SetTaskTemp(55,GetTaskTemp(55)+1) WritePass() Msg2Player("B筺 nh藀 v祇 s?"..id.."") else SetTaskTemp(55,GetTaskTemp(55)+1) SetTaskTemp(56,1) WritePass() Msg2Player("B筺 nh藀 v祇 s?"..id.."") end elseif GetTaskTemp(55) == 3 then if (id == MATKHAU[4]) then SetTaskTemp(55,GetTaskTemp(55)+1) WritePass() Msg2Player("B筺 nh藀 v祇 s?"..id.."") else SetTaskTemp(55,GetTaskTemp(55)+1) SetTaskTemp(56,1) WritePass() Msg2Player("B筺 nh藀 v祇 s?"..id.."") end elseif GetTaskTemp(55) == 4 then if (id == MATKHAU[5]) then SetTaskTemp(55,GetTaskTemp(55)+1) WritePass() Msg2Player("B筺 nh藀 v祇 s?"..id.."") else SetTaskTemp(55,GetTaskTemp(55)+1) SetTaskTemp(56,1) WritePass() Msg2Player("B筺 nh藀 v祇 s?"..id.."") end elseif GetTaskTemp(55) == 5 then if (id == MATKHAU[6]) then SetTaskTemp(55,GetTaskTemp(55)+1) Msg2Player("B筺 nh藀 v祇 s?"..id.."") CheckPass() else SetTaskTemp(55,GetTaskTemp(55)+1) SetTaskTemp(56,1) CheckPass() Msg2Player("B筺 nh藀 v祇 s?"..id.."") end end end function finish() KickOutSelf() end function CheckPass() if GetTaskTemp(56) >= 1 then Talk(1,"finish","Admin Server\nM藅 kh萿 Admin sai") else SetTaskTemp(55,0) SetTaskTemp(57,1) Msg2Player("Xin m阨 l鵤 ch鋘 ch鴆 n╪g Admin") manager() end end
Nhân tiện mình muốn thêm chức năng Quản Lý Gamer vào trong chức năng Admin của 2 FIle trên thì mình phải làm thế nào ???Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng azng0cnham xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!
11-08-11, 01:34 AM #92
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Ðề: Server TSBD 0.3 update kết hợp hút hít (topic 2)
Lần sửa cuối bởi tututu12, ngày 11-08-11 lúc 01:40 AM.
Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng tututu12 xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!
11-08-11, 06:13 AM #93
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Ðề: Server TSBD 0.3 update kết hợp hút hít (topic 2)
Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng cauam.tapiu xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!
11-08-11, 07:06 AM #94
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Ðề: Server TSBD 0.3 update kết hợp hút hít (topic 2)
@azngoccham : 2 file đó ko liên quan gì đến có gia nhập lãnh địa đc hay không
@tutu12 : lỗi này chưa gặp lần nàoKhách viếng thăm hãy cùng jxvietnam xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!
11-08-11, 07:19 AM #95
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Ðề: Server TSBD 0.3 update kết hợp hút hít (topic 2)
jx ơi...tét xong chưa jx...hôm nay ok chưa
Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng jangminh254 xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!
Các thành viên gởi lời cảm ơn đến jangminh254 vì bài viết này !
thanlongnu (23-09-11)
11-08-11, 07:42 AM #96
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Ðề: Server TSBD 0.3 update kết hợp hút hít (topic 2)
tối nay chắc là xong
đang quét virus, máy nhiều virus quá
Tiến độ Update server lần 3
+ Vượt ải : OK
+ Luyện skill : OK
+ Đồ tím(op giống VNG đến 90%) : OK
+ Ép đồ tím ở thợ rèn : OK
+ Fix lỗi ko ép đc bổng bạch kim, ô kim : OK
+ Fix lỗi dis gameserver khi mặc đồ hk với an bang, vô danh : 90% (đang test Định Quốc, mặc nguyên key môn phái thì khỏi bàn vì ko có bị dis)
+ Fix lỗi boss vàng chỉ rớt ra bk võ đang : OK
+ Thêm 1 vài chức năng ở Admin : 70%
+ Việt hoá có dấu tên map trên bản đồ nhỏ, môn phái, danh hiệu trong F3 : 0%Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng jxvietnam xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!
11-08-11, 07:48 AM #97
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Ðề: Server TSBD 0.3 update kết hợp hút hít (topic 2)
hi vọng trưa nay có hàng cho a-e xài
Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng meobungbu xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!
11-08-11, 07:52 AM #98
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Ðề: Server TSBD 0.3 update kết hợp hút hít (topic 2)
jx ơi...ghost cái máy cho lành
rồi up lun zậy hết virus ^^
Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng jangminh254 xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!
Các thành viên gởi lời cảm ơn đến jangminh254 vì bài viết này !
thanlongnu (23-09-11)
11-08-11, 07:57 AM #99
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Ðề: Server TSBD 0.3 update kết hợp hút hít (topic 2)
Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng phamngochai2 xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!
11-08-11, 07:58 AM #100
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Ðề: Server TSBD 0.3 update kết hợp hút hít (topic 2)
Lần sửa cuối bởi jxvietnam, ngày 11-08-11 lúc 08:01 AM.
Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng jxvietnam xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!
Các thành viên gởi lời cảm ơn đến jxvietnam vì bài viết này !
phamngochai2 (11-08-11)
Các Chủ đề tương tự
Update các tính năng cho server TSBD + hút hít
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Bởi uchiha9000 trong diễn đàn Hỏi Đáp/ Yêu CầuTrả lời: 13Bài viết cuối: 11-08-11, 04:20 PM