/awarditem <Item ID>
ID Name
320210-320219 Icy Great-sword Lv. 160
420110-420119 Bloody Sword Lv.110
420100-420109 Charged Sword Lv.100
420120-420129 Magnetic Sword Lv. 120
420190-420199 Photon Sword Lv. 160
410190-410199 Aurora Saber Lv. 160
331210-331219 Phantom Spear Lv.170
51010060-51010100 Polymeric Cyrstals
70000011 10-Million Zero Points
51000022 ALL SKILLS CD!!!<admin item>
72100006 EXP Recorder(Quest Prize)
72100001 150,000 Rose Quartz (Quest Prize)
55100001 One Single Rose Quartz (Quest Prize)
51888884 One Day Military Badge
90100008-90100009 Single-Cycle-Engine Lv. 1
72050075 Raw Meteor (Trade 10 for a met)
72050076 Star-Particle (Trade 10 for a Chomsky Atom)
51000801 Spot Teleporter (Saves Locations)
51000901 Machine-Gun Coolent (MGC)
57002011 Light-Infantry Pilot EXP-CD
57002012 Medium-Infantry Pilot EXP-CD
57002013 Heavy-Infantry Pilot EXP-CD
57002021 Light-Artillary Pilot EXP-CD
57002022 Medium-Artillary Pilot EXP-CD
57002023 Heavy-Artillary Pilot EXP-CD
57020320 Great-Sword-Mastery CD
57001100 Pilot-EXP CD
57041001-57041020 Melee Skill CDs
57041191-57041199 Skill CDs
430149 Destroyer-Axe Lv. 135
700189 Returner-Booster Lv. 180
90400175 Lv.170 EN Module
90800159 Lv.170 HP Module
51000103 5-Pack Triple EXP pots
72040083 2-Pack Dark Stars
72040084 3-Pack Red Stars
72040085 2-Pack Red Stars
72040086 12-Pack Meteors
72040087 6-Pack Meteors
72040088 3-Pack Meteors
72040089 400-Million Gold Bag
72040090 150-Million Gold Bag
72040091 40-Million Gold Bag
72930061 2,000-Amethyst-Cube
72930062 100-Amethyst-Cube
100249 Galaxy-Thruster Lv. 185
200249 Dragon-Shield Lv. 180
200259 Space-Shield Lv. 185
600259 Blaze-Armor Lv. 185
90600249 Fire-Fly-DF-MOD Lv. 185
700199 Fire-Booster Lv. 185
90300189 Fire-Cabin Lv. 185
90800199 Angel-HP-MOD Lv. 185
394259 Nebula-Gauss-Gun Lv. 185
331259 Soul-Spear Lv. 185
90100199 Core-Engine Lv. 185
72090015 Newbie-Core-Prize
72040097 12-Pack-Ultra-EXP-Recorders
72040101 20-Pack-Super-EXP-Recorders
72920026-72920030 Fleet wars Prizes
72070132 20-Pack-Zero-Cores
393249 Thunder-Sniper-Rifle Lv. 180
391249 Bombing-Shotgun Lv. 180
350249 god-Machine-Gun Lv.180
340249 Bloody-Rifle Lv. 180
390249 Destroyer-Flame-Gun Lv. 180
420249 Splendid-Sword Lv. 180
333249 Death-Scythe Lv. 180
432249 Sonic-Hammer Lv. 180
320249 Aurora-Great-Sword Lv. 180
392249 Lv. 180 Frost-gun
430249 Lv. 180 AXE
410249 Lv. 180 Saber
410259 Lv. 185 Saber
72935006 Sealed-Core-Package
72935009 Weekly-PK-Tourny-2nd-Place-Prize
72935010 Weekly-PK-Tourny-3rd-Place-Prize
72935011 Weekly-PK-Tourny-4th-Place-Prize
72935012 Weekly-PK-Tourny-5th-Place-Prize
72935013 Monthly-PK-Tourny-2nd-Place-Prize
72935014 Monthly-PK-Tourny-3rd-Place-Prize
72935015 Monthly-PK-Tourny-4th-Place-Prize
72935016 Monthly-PK-Tourny-5th-Place-Prize
72935017 PK-Tourny-50-Amethyst-Pack
72935018 PK-Tourny-200-Amethyst-Pack
72935019 PK-Tourny-500-Amethyst-Pack
72935019 PK-Tourny-+3 Chomsky-Pack
90300000 Normal-Level-One-Cabin <ADMIN ITEM!!! HAS MORE INVENTORY SPACE THAN A LV 185 CABIN>
72050070 Alliance-Item-Pack
51999998 Super-Exp-Recorder
72925003 4-Zero-Points-Cube
72925002 3-Zero-Points-Cube
72925001 2-Zero-Points-Cube
72900016-7290037 Weekly-Winner-Ultra-Gears-Prize + Chat Effect
72935002 20K-Rose-Quartz-Cube
72935003 30K-Rose-Quartz-Cube
72935004 50K-Rose-Quartz-Cube
72030010-72030013 Father-Mother-Son-GrandFather-Badges
72000011 Lucky-Core-Prize
72060030 5-Saber-Mastery-Pack
72060031 5-Random-Mastery-Pack
72060032 Instant-FULL-HP-box <Quest/Admin item>
72060033-72060034 Single-Zero-Point-Box
72130022 Instant-FULL-Thruster-box <Quest/Admin item>
72130023 Star-Wish-Box (5k rose quartz)
72130025 10K-Rose-Quartz
72040081 One-Hour's-Worth-EXP
72040082 Instant-DF-Recharger-Box <Quest/Admin Item>
================================================== =
Internal command
Normal Function
- use to show FPS
/setlock password
- set password eg. /setlock hello1234
/unlock password
- unlock your password setting eg. /unlock hello1234
/clearlock password
- clear password (no lock anymore) /clearlock hello1234
- change robot type
- reload all .dat data
/scrshot number
- capture picture eg. /scrshot 1
Talk Function
- insert pre tag to make you chat to any chat channel with out change switch mode
/S text
- whisper chat channel
/D text
- team chat channel
/G text
- general chat channel
/B text
- fleet chat channel
/H text
- friend chat channel
/J text
- squad chat channel
/Y text
- rumor chat channel
/K text
- service chat channel
/W text
- broadcast channel
[PM] function
- this is GM,PM function only (you must have [GM] or [PM] in your name)
/Zoom x1 y1 z1
- change your size in x,y,z format (normal = 128, big = 256)
/RoleScale S
- change your size by ratio (normal = 128, big = 256)
- unknow
GM command
Below command need server side for enable your IP to access GM command , your user must have [GM] or [PM] in your name also. [PM] user can use most below command.
- drop item in your inventory randomly
- reborn your robot
- award red crystal
- award blue crystal
- award violet crystal
/awarditem ItemID<XXXXXXXX>
- award item in your inventory, below is sample ItemID
50000000 - 500000XX <- supply
51000001 - 510000XX <- Meteor ,...
51000229 <- virtual cabin 150 cell
51002200 <- 15 core
53000001 <- design cd
90900001 - 90900009 <- HP chip
90900011 - 90900019 <- defend chip
90900021 - 90900029 <- dodge chip
320210-320219 Icy Great-sword Lv. 160
420110-420119 Bloody Sword Lv.110
420100-420109 Charged Sword Lv.100
420120-420129 Magnetic Sword Lv. 120
420190-420199 Photon Sword Lv. 160
410190-410199 Aurora Saber Lv. 160
331210-331219 Phantom Spear Lv.170
51010060-51010100 Polymeric Cyrstals
70000011 10-Million Zero Points
51000022 ALL SKILLS CD!!!<admin item>
72100006 EXP Recorder(Quest Prize)
72100001 150,000 Rose Quartz (Quest Prize)
55100001 One Single Rose Quartz (Quest Prize)
51888884 One Day Military Badge
90100008-90100009 Single-Cycle-Engine Lv. 1
72050075 Raw Meteor (Trade 10 for a met)
72050076 Star-Particle (Trade 10 for a Chomsky Atom)
51000801 Spot Teleporter (Saves Locations)
51000901 Machine-Gun Coolent (MGC)
57002011 Light-Infantry Pilot EXP-CD
57002012 Medium-Infantry Pilot EXP-CD
57002013 Heavy-Infantry Pilot EXP-CD
57002021 Light-Artillary Pilot EXP-CD
57002022 Medium-Artillary Pilot EXP-CD
57002023 Heavy-Artillary Pilot EXP-CD
57020320 Great-Sword-Mastery CD
57001100 Pilot-EXP CD
57041001-57041020 Melee Skill CDs
57041191-57041199 Skill CDs
430149 Destroyer-Axe Lv. 135
700189 Returner-Booster Lv. 180
90400175 Lv.170 EN Module
90800159 Lv.170 HP Module
51000103 5-Pack Triple EXP pots
72040083 2-Pack Dark Stars
72040084 3-Pack Red Stars
72040085 2-Pack Red Stars
72040086 12-Pack Meteors
72040087 6-Pack Meteors
72040088 3-Pack Meteors
72040089 400-Million Gold Bag
72040090 150-Million Gold Bag
72040091 40-Million Gold Bag
72930061 2,000-Amethyst-Cube
72930062 100-Amethyst-Cube
100249 Galaxy-Thruster Lv. 185
100259 Space-Shield Lv. 185
600259 Blaze-Armor Lv. 185
90600249 Fire-Fly-DF-MOD Lv. 185
700199 Fire-Booster Lv. 185
90300189 Fire-Cabin Lv. 185
90800199 Angel-HP-MOD Lv. 185
394259 Nebula-Gauss-Gun Lv. 185
331259 Soul-Spear Lv. 185
90100199 Core-Engine Lv. 185
72090015 Newbie-Core-Prize
72040097 12-Pack-Ultra-EXP-Recorders
72040101 20-Pack-Super-EXP-Recorders
72920026-72920030 Fleet wars Prizes
72070132 20-Pack-Zero-Cores
393249 Thunder-Sniper-Rifle Lv. 180
391249 Bombing-Shotgun Lv. 180
350249 god-Machine-Gun Lv.180
340249 Bloody-Rifle Lv. 180
390249 Destroyer-Flame-Gun Lv. 180
420249 Splendid-Sword Lv. 180
**** Thank LMSIMDIIII for more item code
>>>>> Internal command
- award robot
/uplev XXX
- up your current robot to any level you want
- startship that you current sign up [PM] Only
/killmonster monsterID<XXXXXXX> amount<XX> XX
- simulate kill any monster(monsterID) on your location with item drop
/downlev XXX
- down your current robot
/uplevman XXX
/downlevman XXX
/power XXXXXX
- set power as you want
/life XXXXXX
- set HP as you want
/flytime XXXXXX
- set truster power as you want
/mapdata XX XX XX
/fullxp 100
- set over drive skill percent
/fulltransvalue 100
- set transform percent
/settransvalue XXX
- set transform percent
/awardwskill skillID<XXXXXX> level<XX>
- give you weapon skill point
/awardmagic skillID<XXXXXX> level<XX>
- give you magic skill point
/awardlifeskill skillID<XXXXXX> level<XX>
- give you life skill point
- set # max player that can play
/chgmap mapID<XXX> x_location<XXX> y_location<XXX>
-change location to anyplace that can stand on any map you want
/version 0
- show your current running server
/reloadaction XXXX
/lotterytest XX XX XX XX
- add weapon skill
- add magic skill
/SetModelLev XX XX
/SetHotTemp XXXX
/SetFreeStatus XXXX
Ex./awarditem 70000010 <--- Copy & Paste in game chat bar...
/uplev (number levels) = Lvl up ur char (Ex. /uplev 10 = lvl up 10levels)
/uplevman 1 = Lvl Up Ranking
/fullxp = 100% xp skill
/awardmoney (ammount)
/xp (xp_value) = set your xp skill to xp_value (100 is full xp skill) NOT TESTED
/itemlev (item_num) <--- Not tested
/pro (prof_id) <---sorry IDK the ID)
/weaponexp (weapon_num) (exp) <---sorry IDK the ID)
/itemquality (item_num) <---sorry IDK the ID)
/pk (number) <---not tested
/testmonster (type) (amount) <--- Not tested
/find (playername) <--- Not tested
/life (HP_value) <---Not tested
/chgmap (map_id) (x) (y) ---> WORK 100%