[Open Source] Ghost Online Reborn Server Files - Server Project Released!
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    Mar 2012
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    Icon10 [Open Source] Ghost Online Reborn Server Files - Server Project Released!

    ps/: vừa tìm thấy khôg biết là sv ghost online không nữa mog các pro vào xem thử. khôg phãi thì mog mod del bài hộ tks
    This private server project was started in around year Feb 2011 which started by Nati, and we called it Ghost Online Reborn (GOR), our goal is to bring back English version of Ghost Online after it was shut down in around year 2008.

    Dec 2009 - Manage to get closed down Malaysia Ghost Online running by Notherify - Video
    Feb 2010 - A dummy server based on AutoIt using Thailand Ghost Online by badabada - Video 1 | Video 2
    Feb 2011 - A server based on Java was made by Nati - Video 1 | Video 2 | Video 3
    Year 2011 - Ghost Online Reborn! Maybe Nati switched the base server source to TitanMS and more feature and stuff has been added using Korean GO and we also try made a server based on Thailand GO due to complexity of Korean language - Video 1 | Video 2
    Around June 2011 - SoulSaver announced and GOR project stopped.
    Sept 2013 - Source code released to public for research and educational purpose.

    At first we started working on a dummy private server using AutoIt script, after few months or years later Nati (Our main GOR developer) decided to continue to work on private server project in Java language based on Maple Story Private server source code which is TitanMS, and he did all the packet decrypting, .SPR file editing, translating the Thailand Ghost Online and Korean Ghost Online quest language to English and more!,he also manage to get Multi player, moster movement and etc working on the private server too. (Video) , in the middle of the project I found DRX, and he's good in developing stuff, and he joined the dev team too for GOR.

    While we are working on the project there's some good news announced by mgame, they decided to release a global English version of Ghost Online again and they renamed the game to "Soul Saver Online".

    Upon hearing the news, we decided to stop developing the GOR private server and we plan to wait for SoulSaverOnline to be out of beta and completely stable and use SSO as the base of private server game client. Unfortunately this does not happened due to our developers was busy.

    So after few years pass by (As per writing the day of today is Sept 27 2013), I decided to release the source code and files that I have to public before I deleted all those files in future from my harddisk, unfortunately it is untidy and uncompleted and I do not have the latest version of the GOR private server which contain a lot of improvement and feature such as cash shop.

    NOTICE: Some of the software/tools might crash because some of them need msSQL database to run or certain game file placed in a hardcoded location to run. Please decompile the source code yourself to view how it works. Most of GOR tools is coded in c#. And most of the files is imcomplete or messed up, please compare and figure out yourself. If you have any question please post at [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] and I will try my **** to answer you when I'm free

    Download (Contains all the files that I have)
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Mirrors: (Please note that some files I did not upload to this mirros site below due to the file size limits)
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    So here some explanation of the files:

    2012053001.7z (569.8 MB)
    If I not mistaken this was used as the base of the GOR server but I not sure it still working or not since the server and the game packet information might not match but this is year 2012 Korean client so I think it might not working with the GOR server unless you know how to edit and modify it etc. You will need 7zip to open this zip file.

    Ghost Online Private Server.zip (400.2 MB)
    Malaysia Ghost Online client with AutoIt dummy server by badabad, it just a dummy server no moster etc. and server and AutoIt source is provided inside of Ghost Online Private Server.zip which is Server Files.zip

    Ghost Online Reborn Server.zip (62.2 MB)
    Ghost Online Reborn server source code file using Java based on TitanMS

    Ghost Online Reborn.zip (24.6MB)
    This zip file contain the tools that we used to decrypt, edit the packet etc.
    - Packet Viewer
    - Quest Reader
    - SPR Viewer - Yup view all those game data images etc
    - SQL script - No idea, maybe I messed up the file location?
    - GO_interface.7z - Contain all those .spr file that has been converted to images that we plan to change the language to english and convert it back to .spr
    and some sql files and some unknown files that I don't know which one is working.

    Some random hacking guide using Cheat Engine for Malaysia Ghost Online, used to debug and test the game etc.

    GOR_Server.7z (95.1MB)
    Maybe this is the latest GOR server, I not sure Ghost Online Reborn Server.zip is the latest or this.
    Inside contain:
    - OllyDebugger
    - GOR server files
    - Packets information and level packet information
    - Image Dump of all items in Korean Ghost Online in image format (We extracted the data from item.itm)
    - GOR launcher, Item Reader, Map patcher, packet sniffer, string collector, etc
    - GhostOnlineReborn website source code and database and html design
    - and there's a folder caleed [WindowsApplication7] If I not mistaken this is the tools that let you decrypt the packets and modify and send the packet back to the server. (I think you need to set a mssql server to store the data else it may crash)
    - and more!

    GO_Equip_v2.zip and GO_mob_v1.zip
    this images was grabbed manually by myself on official Korean GO website, and it took me few hours to do this.

    i.itm and item.itm
    inside contain all the items information for the game such as the item image and name stats and more! you can use item reader to view and decrypt it.

    That's all.
    Thanks to Nati, DRX, Osher, badabad, Notherify, Evozi staff and admins and all Evozi/GOR fans and user!

    UPDATES: Some files and tools I removed, since that's made by Nati.
    Lần sửa cuối bởi kjtsu, ngày 15-03-14 lúc 10:59 AM.
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng kjtsu xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  2. Các thành viên gởi lời cảm ơn đến kjtsu vì bài viết này !

    Testerss (31-05-23)



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