Starsgames Control Panel 4.6.4
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  1. #1
    Thành Viên
    Ngày tham gia
    Feb 2014
    Bài viết
    Thanked 17 Times in 9 Posts

    Icon14 Starsgames Control Panel 4.6.4


    PHP Code:
    fixed e-mail filter processing
    fixed automatic update system
    fixed bad display in SLS page
    fixed some bug in Privilege Control
    now limit 512 characters of bug posting
    * and added security code in bug report 

    # Register
    # Ro Message
    # Ro News
    # Bug Report
    # Download
    # Guild War Report
    # Server Information
    # Custom language select
    # Custom theme select
    # Administrator

    • Account Management
    • easy to search an account
    • edit account profile
    • block id
    • block ip
    • block ip from site
    • Forum Management
    • add, edit, delete category
    • add, edit, delete forum
    • forum permission
    • forum ordering
    • Member Titles/Rank
    • add, edit, delete rank
    • Message Control
    • add, edit, delete Ro Message
    • add, edit, delete Server Information
    • News Control
    • add, edit, delete news
    • Privilege Control
    • add, edit, delete privilege
    • Delete user
    • can delete user not login...
    • CP update checker
    • Automatic Update
    • Manual Update
    • Forum
    • add, edit, delete, move topics
    • add, edit, delete polls
    • add, edit, delete posts
    • pin, close topics

    # Members

    • Change password
    • Change SLS password
    • Chane email
    • Player Ranking
    • sort by character name
    • sort by job
    • sort by base level, job level, zeny, HP and SP
    • sort by status
    • can limit rows
    • Guild Ranking
    • Character Management
    • Manage zeny freely within account
    • reset position
    • reset hair style
    • reset clothes color
    • reset equip
    • Forum
    • add, edit topics
    • add, edit posts
    • bb code support
    • SLS (Self Locking System)

    # Ajax scripts
    # and more features

    Do not forget set config.php

    PHP Code:
    // Database Settings
    $CONFIG['sql_host']            =    'localhost';            // SQL host
    $CONFIG['sql_username']        =    'root';            // SQL username
    $CONFIG['sql_password']        =    '';            // SQL password
    $CONFIG['sql_dbname']        =    'ragnarok';            // ragnarok database name
    $CONFIG['sql_cpdbname']        =    'sgcp';            // sgcp database name
    $CONFIG['mysql_charset']        =    'auto';            // Mysql charset (auto, tis620, UTF8 and etc)
    $CONFIG['server_name']        =    'Ragnarok Online';        // Server name
    $CONFIG['language']        =    'Thai';            // Default cp language (Thai, English)
    $CONFIG['default_theme']        =    'SGCP_Default';        // Default cp theme
    $CONFIG['time_offset']        =    'GMT+0700';        // Time zone (default : GMT+0700)
    $CONFIG['admin_email']        =    '[email protected]';    // E-Mail Address
    $CONFIG['gzip']            =    '0';            // Enable Gzip (0: disable 1: enable)
    $CONFIG['save_type']        =    '0';            // Save type (0: Cookie 1: Session)

    // SMTP Settings
    $CONFIG['smtp_host']        =    'localhost';            // SMTP Host (default: localhost)
    $CONFIG['smtp_port']        =    '25';            // SMTP Port (default: 25)

    // Main Page Settings
    $CONFIG['language_select_mode']    =    '1';            // Enable Language Select? (0: disable 1: enable)
    $CONFIG['theme_select_mode']    =    '1';            // Enable Theme Select? (0: disable 1: enable)
    $CONFIG['show_ro_news_per']        =    '5';            // How many news lines on Homepage
    $CONFIG['show_last_topic_reply']    =    '1';            // Show Last Topic Reply in Homepage? (0: no 1: yes)
    $CONFIG['show_last_topic_reply_per']    =    '5';            // How many Last topic reply lines on Homepage
    $CONFIG['show_guild_standing']    =    '0';            // Show Guild Castle Standing in Homepage? (0: no 1: tes)
    $CONFIG['show_all_id']        =    '0';            // Show total accounts and total characters in left menu? (0: no 1: yes)
    $CONFIG['lost_pass_mode']        =    '0';            // Enable Lost Pass (0: disable 1: enable)

    // Administrator Settings
    $CONFIG['AM_per_page']        =    '30';            // How many account line on Account Mangement Page

    // Members Settings
    $CONFIG['download_mode']        =    '1';            // Can guest use download menu? (0: no 1: yes)

    // Player/Guild Ranking Settings
    $CONFIG['player_rank_mode']        =    '1';            // Can members use Player Ranking? (0: no 1: yes 2: Admin only)
    $CONFIG['guild_rank_mode']        =    '1';            // Can members use Guild Ranking? (0: no 1: yes 2: Admin only)
    $CONFIG['show_gm_ranking']        =    '0';            // Show GM users in Player Ranking? (0: no 1: yes)
    $CONFIG['min_gmlv_ranking']        =    '50';            // Minimum GM level not show in Player Ranking
    $CONFIG['guild_per_page']        =    '50';            // How many guild lines on Guild Ranking Page

    // Login/Registration Settings
    $CONFIG['register_mode']        =    '1';            // Registration Mode (0: closed 1: enable 2: enable with E-Mail Activation)
    $CONFIG['md5_support']        =    '0';            // Use MD5 Encryption? (0: no 1: yes)
    $CONFIG['security_mode']        =    '1';            // Registration-Security Code Mode (0: unuse 1: number 2: alphabet 3: number and alphabet)
    $CONFIG['change_password']        =    '1';            // Can members change password? (0: no 1: yes)
    $CONFIG['change_slspassword']    =    '1';            // Can members change sls password? (0: no 1: yes)
    $CONFIG['change_email']        =    '1';            // Can members change email? (0: no 1: yes)

    // Character Management Settings
    $CONFIG['char_manage_mode']    =    '1';            // Can members use Character Management? (0: no 1: yes 2: Admin only)
    $CONFIG['manage_zeny_mode']    =    '1';            // Can members manage their zeny? (0: no 1: yes)
    $CONFIG['max_zeny']        =    '1000000000';        // Max zeny per character safe bug when update zeny (default: 1000000000)

    // Status Server Settings
    $CONFIG['check_server']        =    '0';            // Check Server Status? (0: no 1: yes)
    $CONFIG['maintenance']        =    '0';            // Use Maintenance Mode? (0: no 1: yes)
    $CONFIG['time_check_intervals']    =    '120';            // Time intervals for check server status (second)
    $CONFIG['server_ip']            =    '';            // Server IP
    $CONFIG['loginport']            =    '6900';            // Login Port
    $CONFIG['charport']            =    '6121';            // Char Port
    $CONFIG['mapport']            =    '5121';            // Map Port

    // Forum Settings
    $CONFIG['forum_name']        =    'Ragnarok Online Forum';    // Forum Name
    $CONFIG['uploads_folder']        =    'uploads';            // Uploads foder name
    $CONFIG['avatar_folder']        =    'uploads/avatars';        // Avatar folder name
    $CONFIG['upload_avatar']        =    '1';            // Can members upload avatar? (0: no 1: yes)
    $CONFIG['uploads_size']        =    '200';            // Maximum uploads file sizes (Kb.)
    $CONFIG['avatar_size']        =    '50';            // Maximum avatar file sizes (Kb.)
    $CONFIG['max_img_size']        =    '600';            // Resize images when images width over? (pixels)
    $CONFIG['delay_post']        =    '30';            // Flood Protection Timeout (seconds)
    $CONFIG['t_per_page']        =    '15';            // Maximum topic per forum page
    $CONFIG['per_page']        =    '20';            // Maximum reply per topic showing page
    $CONFIG['max_post_length']        =    '20480';            // Maximum post length
    $CONFIG['max_signature_length']    =    '500';            // Maximum signature length
    $CONFIG['guest_can_post']        =    '1';            // Can guest post/reply topics? (0: no 1: yes)

    // Log Setting
    $CONFIG['log_select']        =    '0';            // Log SELECT queries?
    $CONFIG['log_insert']        =    '1';            // Log INSERT queries?
    $CONFIG['log_update']        =    '1';            // Log UPDATE queries?
    $CONFIG['log_delete']        =    '1';            // Log DELETE queries?

    // CP Settings
    $CONFIG['height']            =    '900';            // CP height pixels (can input with %)
    $CONFIG['width']            =    '850';            // CP width pixels (can input with %) 
    Hướng dẫn cài đặt:

    After downloaded Starsgames Control Panel extract file to directory C:\Appserv\www
    -> 1.1 Installation with CP installer.
    - 1.1.1 This installation must to set config.php before.
    - 1.1.2 Go to [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] if you didn't create a sgcp database it will show same this picture.

    - 1.1.3 Press "Create a database".
    - 1.1.4 Finish this installation.
    - 1.1.5 If you can't install with this installation go to step 1.2.

    -> 1.2 Manual installation
    - 1.2.1 Go to [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] (Or other link u set)
    - 1.2.2 When you've visited create a sgcp database as this picture.

    - 1.2.3 Go to sgcp database.
    - 1.2.4 After that click "SQL" and browse a sgcp_database.sql file in folder sgcp/install/sql-files as picture then open and "Go"

    - 1.2.5 It will show same this picture.

    - 1.2.6 Finish this installation.

    Q: Why the CP display:
    Please check these following errors. [error code: 01]
    - MySQL-Server isn't running.
    - MySQL username or password isn't correct.
    A: set $CONFIG['sql_username'] or $CONFIG['sql_password'] in config.php isn't correct to connect MySQL.

    Q: Why the CP display:
    Please check these following errors. [error code: 02]
    �����- XXX database not found.
    A: ragnarok database hasn't created.

    Q: How can I login with Administrator?
    A: The first you must login account with account_id 704554. if you want to create a new one you can insert an account_id in privilege table of sgcp database.
    - account_id field input your account_id.
    - privilege field input 5.

    Q: How can I edit Ro Message, Server Information?
    A: If you logged in with Administrator ID you can select "Message Control" in Admin Menu for edit them.
    If you want to edit Server Information look "-- Select Action --" and select "Edit Server Information".

    Q: Why status server is disable?
    A: open config.php file and change $CONFIG['check_server'] 0 -> 1.

    Q: How can I don't show some castles of Guild Standing?
    A: you can edit in config_guild.php.
    File Kèm Theo File Kèm Theo
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng VuaRO xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  2. Các thành viên gởi lời cảm ơn đến VuaRO vì bài viết này !

    huntersun (11-07-14)

  3. #2
    Thành Viên
    Ngày tham gia
    Mar 2013
    Bài viết
    Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts

    Ðề: Starsgames Control Panel 4.6.4

    Giúp e với, em không hiểu lắm cách để vào AdminCP
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng ilpcsub1 xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!



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