vBSocial.com | Pixel Premium 3.25.2013
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    Thành Viên PandavB's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Feb 2014
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    Thanked 13 Times in 11 Posts

    Icon14 vBSocial.com | Pixel Premium 3.25.2013

    Pixel is a slightly darker theme with black and green transparencies.

    vBSocial.com:Maker of the Most Free vBulletin 4.0 Styles on vB.org

    Compatible with Facebook Open Graph

    All themes are guaranteed to be supported for entire lifetime of 4.0

    Support Me!
    Mark As Installed!

    Pixel Space: Demo

    Pixel Wood: Demo

    Pixel Pixel: Demo

    Pixel Glow: Demo

    Pixel White Car: Demo

    Originally Posted by kishorprins View Post
    Do you have option to buy a branding free for this skin? I really don't like the ad the bottom.
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]


    Support Me!
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    CMS: Yes
    Forums : Yes
    Blogs: Yes
    Works with:
    4.00 Yes
    4.01: Yes
    4.0.2 Yes
    4.03 Yes
    4.04 Yes
    4.08 Yes
    4.1PL2 Yes
    4.2.PL3 Yes

    One Package. Multiple XML's depending on which theme(s) you need to use.

    Fix Log

    v.1.28 Fixed issues on vB4.2.PL3
    v1.27: Updated to 4.1.1
    V.1.26 Fixed Editor Buttons Glitch with version update
    v.1.25 - Fixed about 15 bugs with forum-home, to hover links.
    v1.24 -Fixed additional profile issues. Minor fixes as well.
    v.123 -Profile Issues FIXED! Links & text header bug
    -Blog member pages fixed
    -Sidebar colors updated
    -Larger log-in for people with bad eyes.
    -Pagination fixes.
    -Margin fixes in CMS
    -Upgraded to latest version 4.1PL2
    v.1.22: v.4.08 fixes.
    Fixed Transparency errors. Reduced transparency sizes and widths for faster page load.
    Purely Optimization & SEO Fixes. Optimized the theme to load 97.7% faster than previous versions. Enjoy.

    -Fixed buttons!
    -Custom CSS on CMS allowing for ALL TYPES of backgrounds such as bright yellow/blue or white backgrounds you can now see the text better!

    v1.18: vB Facebook Integration Works with Theme!! Get more members. Works with vB4.04
    v.1.17: * Log-in Register Completely redone [JQUERY]
    * Transparencies for log-in slider and CSS
    * Transparencies for all the backgrounds
    Easier to read posts and threads**
    * New Navbar Look
    * Faster loading times using lighter JPEG Images for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
    * Status Icons including loading on and off
    * New buttons! The basic ones just don't cut it these days.
    * Added two entirely new themes, Space and Glow
    * New Logo with editable regions including the .png file
    * Specific Font colors adjusted to contrast well with themes
    * CMS adjusted for better looks
    * Sidebar widget drastically improved (see for yourself)
    * CSS changes
    * Border changes
    # Pixel Premium Space (Completely New!)
    # Pixel Premium Glow (Completely New!)
    v.1.19 Update to VB4.1.9. Fixed some prolonging glitches.
    v1.18 Minor Changes
    v.1.17 Fixed button alternation & now themes are adjustable to any type of backgrounds including bright wallpapers such as white/yellow/blue backgrounds
    v.1.16: Fixed Type Boxes to white
    v.1.15: Blue Pixels Updated.
    v.1.14: Pixel Car CMS fixes, must upload Entire Pixel.zip and rewrite over pixel car.
    v.1.13: Updated to vB 4.0.3, some style changes to CMS, looks cleaner
    v.1.12: Updated.
    v.1.11: Fixed Profile and Album styling. Two Themes added: White Car and Green Car
    V.1.10 Revised CMS / good for vB1.0.2
    v.1.0.9: All backgrounds Fixed. Image stays put while forums scroll affect.
    v.1.0.8 Fixes Background for Postbit User Glitch. Re-download XML Pixels.zip. No Images need to be re-uploaded. 2/8/2010
    v.1.0.7 Fix Quotations.
    v.1.0.6 Added White Wood and White Pixel. XML's in one folder, images in one folder.
    v.1.0.5: Backgrounds now fits larger screens. Optimized image for faster loading time (cuts load time by 50%). .png -> .jpg file format.
    v.1.0.4 Blue Wood[Pixel] & Green Wood[Pixel] Added. Pixel Lights Scrapped. Fixed a major glitch with thread inputs.
    v.1.0.3 Blue Lights[Pixel] & Green Lights[Pixel] Added
    v.1.0.3 Image fix
    v.1.0.2 Directory fixes. Pixel Blue. Color changes. lighter transparencies
    v.1.01 : Vertical Image Repeat

    Install Directions:
    1. Combine the [pixel pack 2] images folder with pixel pack 1 images.
    These themes use the same image folder so just add them.vBulletin
    has a maximum upload

    2.Open FTP Upload the contents of the folder "upload" into their respective folders:

    "premiumpixel" folder should go in /forum/images/ or root/images/
    "login" folder should go in forum/login or root/login

    3.Open Admincp > Styles and Templates > Upload Styles

    4. Upload the PremiumPixel.xml you want, Rename it as you want.
    (Include Parent Styles) Overwrite yes

    5. Done!

    Frequently Asked Questions:
    Q: The theme is nice, but it messes up my cms all the way to the right or left.
    A: Upload Grid found in attachments. Use that one.
    Go to Grid > AdminCP > Grid Manager > Download/Upload Grid

    You can apply grids that your downloaded when making your Layout which is found : Admincp > Layout Manager > Choose current Layout > Go > Change grid to the downloaded grid.

    Support Me!
    Mark As Installed!

    All themes are guaranteed to be supported for entire lifetime of 4.0

    Q & A:

    Q: Can I change the background?
    A: Yes, simply rename any large sized image to the one provided in the upload or go into stylevars and edit doc_background. This is the background settings for the theme.

    Q: Do lighter images work with this theme.
    A: Recent updates have allowed lighter and brighter images to be compatible.

    Q: How come ads aren't working?
    A: If an ad location doesn't work, which happens alot in vBulletin, just go to the ad templates under the theme, and add the ad code in the respective location where you want it.
    File Kèm Theo File Kèm Theo
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng PandavB xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!



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    Bởi PandavB trong diễn đàn vBulletin 4.x Styles
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  2. vBSocial.com Green SEO Theme Lite (vBulletin 5 Theme)
    Bởi PandavB trong diễn đàn vBulletin 5.x Styles
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    Bởi cuocdoisp trong diễn đàn Hỏi Đáp/ Yêu Cầu
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  5. Set tk premium service !!!
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