Track Guest Visits
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Chủ đề: Track Guest Visits

  1. #1
    Thành Viên PandavB's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Feb 2014
    Bài viết
    Thanked 13 Times in 11 Posts

    Icon14 Track Guest Visits

    For vBulletin 4.1.0 Onwards

    Versions Attached

    4107: vBulletin 4.1.0 to 4.1.7
    4108: vBulletin 4.1.8 to 4.1.10
    4111: vBulletin 4.1.11 to 4.1.12
    4200: vBulletin 4.2.0 (+)

    This modification is not available for vBulletin 4.0.x
    Please remember to click Mark as Installed if you use this modification.
    Please fee free to nominate this modification for the MOTM, and/or use the donate link provided (Support Developer).

    This tracks the number of guests that have visited a forum each day. This isn't possible in stock vbulletin as no record is kept of guest visits, they are a 'realtime' display only.

    This modification adds another section to the "What's Going On" area.
    It also has seperate pages to display (1) the list of guests, and (2) the pages a particular guest has visited

    Options / Features ;

    * The ability to turn the whole modification on/off.
    * The ability to turn just the forumhome display on/off.
    * The ability to allow (or prevent) certain usergroups viewing the forumhome display.
    * The ability to switch between 'Today' and Rolling 24 Hours display (default).
    * The script that the Guest is running is logged (e.g. showthread, usercp etc).
    * The request variables in use are logged (e.g. threadid, userid etc).
    * The guest table can be cleaned of old records to help control it's size.
    * The datastore read (for spider detection) will read from the File/APC/Xcache datastore if used [note, not Memcache].
    * Guest Views data collection - tracking each guests viewing of the forum index page, forums and threads.
    * Guest Views data collection can be separately disabled.
    * Multiple guest visits to the same page are logged separately.
    * The option to keep a record of [and display] the most ever guests.
    * Usergroup permissions are done with the standard vbulleten usergroup permissions system.
    * Clicking on the main display icon will list the recent visits by all guests (if allowed).
    * Clicking on a Guest type in the main display will list all recent visits by guests of that type (again, if allowed).
    * Clicking on the option in the guest listing will show that guests viewing data (if enabled, and allowed).
    * The main display can be set as always collapsed on initial page load (4.0.3 +)
    Four new usergroup permissions are provided in the usergroup manager.

    * Can View the Guests Visited Display - Members can view the guests visited display on Forumhome.
    * Can View Guest IP Addresses - Members can see the ip addresses of visiting guests.
    * Can View Guest Visits List - Members can view the list of guest visits page.
    * Can View Guest Tracking Data - Members can view the individual guest visit tracking page.

    * All (non usergroup) modification settings are in vBulletin Options > Guest Tracking.
    To install (or upgrade);
    Unzip the files.
    If upgrading from a previous version, delete any old trg bitfield xml files from your ../includes/xml/ folder.
    Upload the new bitfields file to your ../includes/xml/ folder.
    Import the product into vBulletin using the ACP Product Manager.
    Set your required permissions in the usergroup manager.

    Note that by default no usergroup permissions are given, you must set them.

    You can get an improved Spiders Definition file from this site.

    Note: For Spider detection to work you must set Enable Spider Display to 'Yes' in vBulletin Options > Who's Online Options.
    The installation code will turn this on for you.

    It is recommended that you visit your Who's Online page after installing this mod (or after updating your spiders file) to make sure your spider definitions are built / rebuilt.


    Support & Bug fixes will be provided for vBulletin 4.2.0 onwards.
    Limited support will be provided for vBulletin 4.1.8 - 4.1.12 (No bug fixes).
    Support will not be provided for Alpha & Beta versions, or anything prior to vBulletin 4.1.8.
    Low priority will be given to posters who do not have this marked as installed
    In some cases, support can only be provided if I have an admin login and ftp access.


    Beta Releases

    v4.0.0.2 : 04-Jan-2010 : Initial Beta release for vb 4.0.0 Gold.
    v4.0.0.3 : 05-Jan-2010 : Fix scope error in global hook database write.
    v4.0.0.5 : 06-Jan-2010 : Second stage Beta - Main Guest List Display added.
    v4.0.0.6 : 06-Jan-2010 : Fix IP display error in Guest List Display.

    v4.0.1 : 08-Jan-2010 : Initial release for vb 4.0.0 Gold.
    v4.0.2 : 09-Jan-2010 : Minor code changes and fixes.
    v4.0.3 : 16-Jan-2010 : Added always collapsed option.
    v4.0.4 : 20-Feb-2010 : Internal update, not released.
    v4.0.5 : 27-Feb-2010 : Style code updates for vB 4.0.2.
    v4.0.6 : 19-Sep-2010 : Fix bug in attachment viewing links.
    v4.0.7 : 23-Oct-2010 : Fixed for WGO style changes in vB 4.0.8.

    v4.1.0 : 04-Dec-2010 : Updated for vBulletin 4.1.

    v4.1.7.0 : 16-Oct-2011 : Updated for vBulletin 4.1.7.
    v4.1.8.0 : 18-Nov-2011 : Updated for vBulletin 4.1.8 onwards (only).
    v4.1.11.0 : 03-Mar-2012 : Updated for vBulletin 4.1.11 image changes.

    v4.2.0.0 : 24-May-2012 : Updated for vBulletin 4.2.0.
    Hình Kèm Theo Hình Kèm Theo
    File Kèm Theo File Kèm Theo
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng PandavB xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!



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  1. Track Guest Visits
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    Trả lời: 0
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  2. Limited Guest Viewing -- Motivate Guests to Register
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Quyền viết bài

  • Bạn Không thể gửi Chủ đề mới
  • Bạn Không thể Gửi trả lời
  • Bạn Không thể Gửi file đính kèm
  • Bạn Không thể Sửa bài viết của mình
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