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30-04-13, 03:21 PM #1
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[117] Sưu tập source, npc, etc...
SOURCE v117.1
1/ F***MS
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thay ***= uck nhé
Source này phải sửa lỗi
2/Timeless MS
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Source này không login đc
Đặc điểm:
-Cho phép chỉnh Droprate
-Chuyển nghề hoạt động tốt
-Drop data sửa lại khá giống GMS
-@freeitem / @smega / @vpoint / @online / @aio / @rebirthhelp / @sellitems / @jobchange / @rollthedice / @poop
-Mihile đã ok
-Up nhìu lv cùng lúc
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MF Thanks pthinh145
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Source tốtNhưng k tạo đc char mihile w phantom (fix sau nhé)
chỉh kiểu tóc KIN
id npc: 9900000
Copy code dưới vô notepad, lưu lại tên: 9900000.js
Rồi vô folder source/sript/npc
Paste filee 9900000.js vào folder trên là ok
PHP Code:
/* NPC Name: Kin Map(s): Victoria Road : Ellinia (180000000) Description: Changes your skin, hair, hair color, face and eye color for both male and female*/
var status = 0;var beauty = 0;var facenew;var colors;var hairnew;var haircolor;var skin = Array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13);var mface;var mhair;var mhair2;var mhair3;var fhair;var fhair2;var fhair3;var fface;
function start() { status = -1; action(1, 0, 0); if (cm.isGMS()) { fhair = Array(31000, 31010, 31020, 31030, 31040, 31050, 31060, 31070, 31080, 31090, 31100, 31110, 31120, 31130, 31140, 31150, 31160, 31170, 31180, 31190, 31200, 31210, 31220, 31230, 31240, 31250, 31260, 31270, 31280, 31290, 31300, 31310, 31320, 31330, 31340, 31350, 31360, 31400, 31410, 31420, 31430, 31440, 31450, 31460, 31470, 31480, 31490, 31510, 31520, 31530, 31540, 31550, 31560, 31570, 31580, 31590, 31600, 31610, 31620, 31630, 31640, 31650, 31660, 31670, 31680, 31690, 31700, 31710, 31720, 31730, 31740, 31750, 31760, 31770, 31780, 31790, 31800, 31810, 31820, 31830, 31840, 31850, 31860, 31870, 31880, 31890, 31910, 31920, 31930, 31940, 31950, 31990);
fhair2 = Array(33960, 34000, 34010, 34020, 34030, 34040, 34050, 34060, 34070, 34080, 34090, 34100, 34110, 34120, 34130, 34140, 34150, 34160, 34170, 34180, 34190, 34210, 34220, 34230, 34240, 34250, 34260, 34270, 34310, 34320, 34330, 34340, 34360, 34370, 34380, 34400, 34410, 34420, 34430, 34440, 34450, 34470, 34480, 34490, 34510, 34540, 34590, 34600, 34610, 34620, 34630, 34650, 34660, 34670, 34680, 34690, 34720, 34780, 34790, 36020, 36050, 36090, 36100, 36270, 37030, 37150, 37160, 37210, 37220, 37230);
fhair3 = Array(37160, 37170);
mhair = Array(30000, 30010, 30020, 30030, 30040, 30050, 30060, 30070, 30080, 30090, 30100, 30110, 30120, 30130, 30140, 30150, 30160, 30170, 30180, 30190, 30200, 30210, 30220, 30230, 30240, 30250, 30260, 30270, 30280, 30290, 30300, 30310, 30320, 30330, 30340, 30350, 30360, 30370, 30400, 30410, 30420, 30430, 30440, 30450, 30460, 30470, 30480, 30490, 30510, 30520, 30530, 30540, 30550, 30560, 30570, 30580, 30590, 30600, 30610, 30620, 30630, 30640, 30650, 30660, 30670, 30680, 30690, 30700, 30710, 30720, 30730, 30740, 30750, 30760, 30770, 30780, 30790, 30800, 30810, 30820, 30830, 30840, 30850, 30860, 30870, 30880, 30890, 30900, 30910, 30920, 30930, 30940);
mhair2 = Array(30950, 30990, 33000, 33030, 33040, 33050, 33060, 33070, 33080, 33090, 33100, 33110, 33120, 33130, 33150, 33160, 33170, 33180, 33190, 33210, 33220, 33240, 33250, 33260, 33270, 33280, 33290, 33330, 33350, 33360, 33370, 33380, 33390, 33400, 33410, 33430, 33440, 33450, 33460, 33470, 33480, 33500, 33510, 33520, 33530, 33540, 33550, 33580, 33590, 33600, 33610, 33620, 33630, 33660, 33670, 33680, 33690, 33800, 33930, 33940, 33950, 36010, 36030, 36040, 36060, 36070, 36080, 36100, 36260);
mhair3 = Array(37160, 37170, 37590);
fface = Array(20059, 20061, 20066, 21000, 21001, 21002, 21003, 21004, 21005, 21006, 21007, 21008, 21009, 21010, 21011, 21012, 21013, 21014, 21015, 21016, 21017, 21018, 21019, 21020, 21021, 21022, 21023, 21024, 21025, 21026, 21027, 21028, 21029, 21030, 21031, 21033, 21034, 21035, 21038, 21041, 21042, 21043, 21044, 21045, 21046, 21047, 21048, 21049, 21052, 21053, 21054, 21055, 21058, 21062, 21063, 21064, 21065);
mface = Array(20000, 20001, 20002, 20003, 20004, 20005, 20006, 20007, 20008, 20009, 20010, 20011, 20012, 20013, 20014, 20015, 20016, 20017, 20018, 20019, 20020, 20021, 20022, 20023, 20024, 20025, 20026, 20027, 20028, 20029, 20030, 20031, 20032, 20036, 20037, 20040, 20043, 20044, 20045, 20046, 20047, 20048, 20049, 20050, 20052, 20053, 20055, 20056, 20057, 20058, 20060, 20061, 20062, 20063, 20064, 20065, 20067, 20068, 20069, 20070, 21064); }}
function action(mode, type, selection) { if (status >= 0 && mode == 0) { cm.dispose(); return; } if (mode == 1) status++; else status--; if (status == 0) { /*if (cm.getPlayerStat("GM") == 0) { cm.sendOk("Sorry, but only Game Masters with a GM Level of 5 or more can use this."); cm.dispose(); } else {*/ cm.sendSimple("Hey there! I could change the way you look! What would you like to change?\r\n#L0##bSkin#k#l\r\n#L1##bClassic MS Hairs#k#l\r\n#L2##bRoyal Hairs#k#l\r\n#L3##bV131 & Up Hairs#k#l\r\n#L4##bHair Color#k#l\r\n#L5##bFace#k#l\r\n#L6##bEye Color#k#l"); //} } else if (status == 1) { if (cm.getPlayerStat("GENDER") == 0) { if (selection == 0) { beauty = 1; cm.sendStyle("Pick a skin color that you would like.", skin); } else if (selection == 1) { beauty = 2; hairnew = Array(); for (var i = 0; i < mhair.length; i++) { if (mhair[i] == 30010 || mhair[i] == 30070 || mhair[i] == 30080 || mhair[i] == 33140 || mhair[i] == 33240 || mhair[i] == 33180) { hairnew.push(mhair[i]); } else { hairnew.push(mhair[i] + parseInt(cm.getPlayerStat("HAIR") % 10)); } } cm.sendStyle("Pick a hairstyle that you would like.", hairnew); } else if (selection == 2) { beauty = 2; hairnew = Array(); for (var i = 0; i < mhair2.length; i++) { if (mhair2[i] == 33050 || mhair2[i] == 33060 || mhair2[i] == 33120 || mhair2[i] == 33130 || mhair2[i] == 33150 || mhair2[i] == 33210) { hairnew.push(mhair2[i]); } else { hairnew.push(mhair2[i] + parseInt(cm.getPlayerStat("HAIR") % 10)); } } cm.sendStyle("Pick a hairstyle that you would like.", hairnew); } else if (selection == 3) { beauty = 2; hairnew = Array(); for (var i = 0; i < mhair3.length; i++) { if (mhair3[i] == 33050 || mhair3[i] == 33060 || mhair3[i] == 33120 || mhair3[i] == 33130 || mhair3[i] == 33150 || mhair3[i] == 33210) { hairnew.push(mhair3[i]); } else { hairnew.push(mhair3[i] + parseInt(cm.getPlayerStat("HAIR") % 10)); } } cm.sendStyle("Pick a hairstyle that you would like.", hairnew); } else if (selection == 4) { beauty = 3; haircolor = Array(); var current = parseInt(cm.getPlayerStat("HAIR") / 10) * 10; if (mhair2[i] == 33050 || mhair2[i] == 33060 || mhair2[i] == 33120 || mhair2[i] == 33130 || mhair2[i] == 33150 || mhair2[i] == 33210) { haircolor.push(current); } else { for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { haircolor.push(current + i); } } cm.sendStyle("Pick a hair color that you would like.", haircolor); } else if (selection == 5) { beauty = 4; facenew = Array(); for (var i = 0; i < mface.length; i++) { if (mface[i] == 20015 || mface[i] == 20025 || mface[i] == 20027 || mface[i] == 20029 || mface[i] == 20030 || mface[i] == 20031 || mface[i] == 20032 || mface[i] == 20056 || mface[i] == 20055 || mface[i] == 20048 || mface[i] == 20049) { facenew.push(mface[i]); } else { facenew.push(mface[i] + cm.getPlayerStat("FACE") % 1000 - (cm.getPlayerStat("FACE") % 100)); } } cm.sendStyle("Pick a new face that you would like.", facenew); } else if (selection == 6) { beauty = 5; var current = cm.getPlayerStat("FACE") % 100 + 20000; colors = Array(); if (current == 20015 || current == 20025 || current == 20027 || current == 20029 || current == 20030 || current == 20031 || current == 20032 || current == 20056 || current == 20055 || current == 20048 || current == 20049) { colors = Array(current, current + 100, current + 200, current + 300, current + 400, current + 500, current + 600, current + 700); } else { colors = Array(current, current + 100, current + 200, current + 300, current + 400, current + 500, current + 600, current + 700, current + 800); } cm.sendStyle("Pick a eye color that you would like.", colors); } } else { if (selection == 0) { beauty = 1; cm.sendStyle("Pick a skin color that you would like.", skin); } else if (selection == 1) { beauty = 2; hairnew = Array(); for (var i = 0; i < fhair.length; i++) { if (fhair[i] == 34160) { hairnew.push(fhair[i]); } else { hairnew.push(fhair[i] + parseInt(cm.getPlayerStat("HAIR") % 10)); } } cm.sendStyle("Pick a hairstyle that you would like.", hairnew); } else if (selection == 2) { beauty = 2; hairnew = Array(); for (var i = 0; i < fhair2.length; i++) { if (fhair2[i] == 34160) { hairnew.push(fhair2[i]); } else { hairnew.push(fhair2[i] + parseInt(cm.getPlayerStat("HAIR") % 10)); } } } else if (selection == 3) { beauty = 2; hairnew = Array(); for (var i = 0; i < fhair3.length; i++) { if (fhair2[i] == 34160) { hairnew.push(fhair2[i]); } else { hairnew.push(fhair2[i] + parseInt(cm.getPlayerStat("HAIR") % 10)); } } cm.sendStyle("Pick a hairstyle you would like.", hairnew); } else if (selection == 4) { beauty = 3; haircolor = Array(); var current = parseInt(cm.getPlayerStat("HAIR") / 10) * 10; if (current == 34160) { haircolor.push(current); } else { for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { haircolor.push(current + i); } } cm.sendStyle("Pick a new hair color that you would like.", haircolor); } else if (selection == 5) { beauty = 4; facenew = Array(); for (var i = 0; i < fface.length; i++) { if (fface[i] == 21027 || fface[i] == 21028 || fface[i] == 21029 || fface[i] == 21030 || fface[i] == 21031 || fface[i] == 21053 || fface[i] == 21054 || fface[i] == 21046 || fface[i] == 21047) { facenew.push(fface[i]); } else { facenew.push(fface[i] + cm.getPlayerStat("FACE") % 1000 - (cm.getPlayerStat("FACE") % 100)); } } cm.sendStyle("Pick a new face.", facenew); } else if (selection == 6) { beauty = 5; var current = cm.getPlayerStat("FACE") % 100 + 21000; colors = Array(); if (current == 21027 || current == 21028 || current == 21029 || current == 21030 || current == 21031 || current == 21053 || current == 21054 || current == 21046 || current == 21047) { colors = Array(current, current + 100, current + 200, current + 300, current + 400, current + 500, current + 600, current + 700); } else { colors = Array(current, current + 100, current + 200, current + 300, current + 400, current + 500, current + 600, current + 700, current + 800); } cm.sendStyle("Pick a eye color that you would like.", colors); } } } else if (status == 2) { if (beauty == 1) { cm.setSkin(skin[selection]); } else if (beauty == 2) { cm.setHair(hairnew[selection]); } else if (beauty == 3) { cm.setHair(haircolor[selection]); } else if (beauty == 4) { cm.setFace(facenew[selection]); } else if (beauty == 5) { cm.setFace(colors[selection]); } cm.dispose(); }}
PHP Code:var names = Array("Kerning Square Lobby", "F1/F2: Bubble Tea Shop", "F3/F4: Doll Shop", "F5/F6: Costume & Perfume Shop", "F7/F8: Music Shop & VIP Zone", "Exit Kerning Square");
var mid = Array("103040000", "103040100", "103040200", "103040300", "103040400", "103020020");
function start() {
status = -1;
action(1, 0, 0);
function action(mode, type, selection) {
if (mode == -1) {
} else {
if (mode == 0) {
if (mode == 1)
if (status == 0) {
text = "You can take the elevator to get around quick. Select a destination.\r\n";
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; text += "#L"+i+"##b"+names[i]+"#k\r\n#l", i++);
} else if (status == 1) {
cm.sendNext("Moving to "+names[selection]+". Press Escape to cancel.");
map = mid[selection];
} else if (status == 2) {
cm.warp(map, "enter00");
PHP Code:function enter(pi) {
Nguồn:Ragezone.comLần sửa cuối bởi shell1508, ngày 20-05-13 lúc 03:24 PM.
Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng shell1508 xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!
The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to shell1508 For This Useful Post:
anhduc2012 (14-11-17), satthupro95 (30-04-13), _.JunU._ (02-06-13)
30-04-13, 10:32 PM #2
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Ðề: [117]Sưu tập source, npc, etc...
fix cái NPC đi nó bị gộp lại hết rồi ko xuống dòng nữa
Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng pthinh145 xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!
02-05-13, 06:56 PM #3
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Ðề: [117] Sưu tập source, npc, etc...
cho hỏi cái F-u-ck MS có lệnh rebirth ko vậy, nếu so sánh thì cái server là tốt nhất???
Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng zquyenz xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!
02-05-13, 11:39 PM #4
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Ðề: [117] Sưu tập source, npc, etc...
ko bik cái Timeless sao fix đc đây vào thì bị lỗi ko kết nối
Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng pthinh145 xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!
04-05-13, 02:33 PM #5
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Ðề: [117] Sưu tập source, npc, etc...
Lần sửa cuối bởi shell1508, ngày 04-05-13 lúc 02:43 PM.
Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng shell1508 xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!
04-05-13, 04:12 PM #6
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Ðề: [117] Sưu tập source, npc, etc...
Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng pthinh145 xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!
05-05-13, 08:57 PM #7
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Ðề: [117] Sưu tập source, npc, etc...
Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng shell1508 xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!
13-05-13, 04:52 PM #8
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Ðề: [117] Sưu tập source, npc, etc...
Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng pthinh145 xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!
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