[MU] Cần Hướng dẫn về GG - Trang 3
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  1. #21
    Thành Viên xom1b's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Jul 2006
    Đang ở
    void main()
    Bài viết
    Thanked 116 Times in 61 Posts

    Ðề: Cần Hướng dẫn về GG

    đây là cách crack main, muốn cho về nguyên bản thì làm ngc. lại
    005F41F7 /75 55 jnz short 005F424E ; main_104.005F424E
    005F41F9 |68 10A47E00 push 7EA410
    005F41FE |68 E0EEF507 push 7F5EEE0
    005F4203 |E8 E99F0B00 call 006AE1F1 ; main_104.006AE1F1
    005F4208 |83C4 08 add esp,8
    005F420B |68 209E7E00 push 7E9E20 ; ASCII "mu.exe"
    005F4210 |8D95 14FEFFFF lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-1EC]  
    The first offset, replacing JNZ by JMP. This will disable the Mu.exe. Save it and open the file again.
    2 - Then look for "config.ini read error" and then find the offsets below:
    005F44E6 68 C8A47E00 push 7EA4C8 ; ASCII "config.ini read error",CR,LF
    005F44EB 68 E0EEF507 push 7F5EEE0
    005F44F0 E8 FC9C0B00 call 006AE1F1 ; main_104.006AE1F1
    005F44F5 83C4 08 add esp,8
    005F44F8 C785 3CF2FFFF 0000>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-DC4],0
    005F4502 8D8D 40FFFFFF lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C0]
    005F4508 E8 D3140000 call 005F59E0 ; main_104.005F59E0
    005F450D 8B85 3CF2FFFF mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-DC4]
    005F4513 E9 C3130000 jmp 005F58DB ; main_104.005F58DB
    005F4518 6A 01 push 1
    005F451A E8 DB4F1900 call 007894FA ; main_104.007894FA
    005F451F 83C4 04 add esp,4
    005F4522 8985 34F2FFFF mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-DCC],eax
    005F4528 83BD 34F2FFFF 00 cmp dword ptr ss:[ebp-DCC],0
    005F452F 74 19 je short 005F454A ; main_104.005F454A =================> change JE by JNZ
    005F4531 A1 1C9E7E00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[7E9E1C]  
    Replacing JE by JMP. This will disable the GuameGuard. Save it and open the file again.
    3 - Look for "gg init error":
    005F4576 85C0 test eax,eax
    005F4578 0F85 89000000 jnz 005F4607 ; main_104.005F4607
    005F457E 68 E0A47E00 push 7EA4E0 ; ASCII "gg init error",CR,LF
    005F4583 68 E0EEF507 push 7F5EEE0
    005F4588 E8 649C0B00 call 006AE1F1 ; main_104.006AE1F1
    005F458D 83C4 08 add esp,8
    005F4590 E8 AFCFFFFF call 005F1544 ; main_104.005F1544  
    The first offset, replacing JNZ by JMP. This will disable the GuameGuard. Save it and open the file again.
    4 - Look for ResourceGuard Error:
    0061FB67 /74 47 je short 0061FBB0 ; main_104.0061FBB0
    0061FB69 |B9 B02DF607 mov ecx,7F62DB0
    0061FB6E |E8 CD0C0300 call 00650840 ; main_104.00650840
    0061FB73 |8D9424 8C090000 lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+98C]
    0061FB7A |52 push edx ; ntdll.KiFastSystemCallRet
    0061FB7B |68 64B47E00 push 7EB464 ; ASCII "> ResourceGuard Error!!(%s)",CR,LF
    0061FB80 |68 E0EEF507 push 7F5EEE0
    0061FB85 |E8 67E60800 call 006AE1F1 ; main_104.006AE1F1
    0061FB8A |83C4 0C add esp,0C
    0061FB8D |8D4C24 54 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+54]  
    The first offset, replacing JE by JMP. This will disable the ResourceGuard. Save it.
    bài này mình lưu = text, các bạn thông cảm
    muốn crack main bắt buộc phải crack ResourceGuard Error nếu ko sẽ ko vào đc game
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

  2. Các thành viên gởi lời cảm ơn đến xom1b vì bài viết này !

    membermoi (31-03-12)

  3. #22
    Thành Viên Tâm Huyết bistro007_hp's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Jun 2011
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    Hải Phòng
    Bài viết
    Thanked 703 Times in 388 Posts

    Ðề: Cần Hướng dẫn về GG

    Trích dẫn Gửi bởi xom1b [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    đây là cách crack main, muốn cho về nguyên bản thì làm ngc. lại
    005F41F7 /75 55 jnz short 005F424E ; main_104.005F424E
    005F41F9 |68 10A47E00 push 7EA410
    005F41FE |68 E0EEF507 push 7F5EEE0
    005F4203 |E8 E99F0B00 call 006AE1F1 ; main_104.006AE1F1
    005F4208 |83C4 08 add esp,8
    005F420B |68 209E7E00 push 7E9E20 ; ASCII "mu.exe"
    005F4210 |8D95 14FEFFFF lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-1EC]  
    The first offset, replacing JNZ by JMP. This will disable the Mu.exe. Save it and open the file again.
    2 - Then look for "config.ini read error" and then find the offsets below:
    005F44E6 68 C8A47E00 push 7EA4C8 ; ASCII "config.ini read error",CR,LF
    005F44EB 68 E0EEF507 push 7F5EEE0
    005F44F0 E8 FC9C0B00 call 006AE1F1 ; main_104.006AE1F1
    005F44F5 83C4 08 add esp,8
    005F44F8 C785 3CF2FFFF 0000>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-DC4],0
    005F4502 8D8D 40FFFFFF lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C0]
    005F4508 E8 D3140000 call 005F59E0 ; main_104.005F59E0
    005F450D 8B85 3CF2FFFF mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-DC4]
    005F4513 E9 C3130000 jmp 005F58DB ; main_104.005F58DB
    005F4518 6A 01 push 1
    005F451A E8 DB4F1900 call 007894FA ; main_104.007894FA
    005F451F 83C4 04 add esp,4
    005F4522 8985 34F2FFFF mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-DCC],eax
    005F4528 83BD 34F2FFFF 00 cmp dword ptr ss:[ebp-DCC],0
    005F452F 74 19 je short 005F454A ; main_104.005F454A =================> change JE by JNZ
    005F4531 A1 1C9E7E00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[7E9E1C]  
    Replacing JE by JMP. This will disable the GuameGuard. Save it and open the file again.
    3 - Look for "gg init error":
    005F4576 85C0 test eax,eax
    005F4578 0F85 89000000 jnz 005F4607 ; main_104.005F4607
    005F457E 68 E0A47E00 push 7EA4E0 ; ASCII "gg init error",CR,LF
    005F4583 68 E0EEF507 push 7F5EEE0
    005F4588 E8 649C0B00 call 006AE1F1 ; main_104.006AE1F1
    005F458D 83C4 08 add esp,8
    005F4590 E8 AFCFFFFF call 005F1544 ; main_104.005F1544  
    The first offset, replacing JNZ by JMP. This will disable the GuameGuard. Save it and open the file again.
    4 - Look for ResourceGuard Error:
    0061FB67 /74 47 je short 0061FBB0 ; main_104.0061FBB0
    0061FB69 |B9 B02DF607 mov ecx,7F62DB0
    0061FB6E |E8 CD0C0300 call 00650840 ; main_104.00650840
    0061FB73 |8D9424 8C090000 lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+98C]
    0061FB7A |52 push edx ; ntdll.KiFastSystemCallRet
    0061FB7B |68 64B47E00 push 7EB464 ; ASCII "> ResourceGuard Error!!(%s)",CR,LF
    0061FB80 |68 E0EEF507 push 7F5EEE0
    0061FB85 |E8 67E60800 call 006AE1F1 ; main_104.006AE1F1
    0061FB8A |83C4 0C add esp,0C
    0061FB8D |8D4C24 54 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+54]  
    The first offset, replacing JE by JMP. This will disable the ResourceGuard. Save it.
    bài này mình lưu = text, các bạn thông cảm
    muốn crack main bắt buộc phải crack ResourceGuard Error nếu ko sẽ ko vào đc game
    tks a nhá :X mặc dù e k hiểu gì
    Lần sửa cuối bởi bistro007_hp, ngày 31-03-12 lúc 08:11 PM.
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  4. #23
    Thành Viên
    Ngày tham gia
    Aug 2011
    Bài viết
    Thanked 7 Times in 6 Posts

    Ðề: Cần Hướng dẫn về GG

    Trích dẫn Gửi bởi xom1b [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    đây là cách crack main, muốn cho về nguyên bản thì làm ngc. lại
    005F41F7 /75 55 jnz short 005F424E ; main_104.005F424E
    005F41F9 |68 10A47E00 push 7EA410
    005F41FE |68 E0EEF507 push 7F5EEE0
    005F4203 |E8 E99F0B00 call 006AE1F1 ; main_104.006AE1F1
    005F4208 |83C4 08 add esp,8
    005F420B |68 209E7E00 push 7E9E20 ; ASCII "mu.exe"
    005F4210 |8D95 14FEFFFF lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-1EC]  
    The first offset, replacing JNZ by JMP. This will disable the Mu.exe. Save it and open the file again.
    2 - Then look for "config.ini read error" and then find the offsets below:
    005F44E6 68 C8A47E00 push 7EA4C8 ; ASCII "config.ini read error",CR,LF
    005F44EB 68 E0EEF507 push 7F5EEE0
    005F44F0 E8 FC9C0B00 call 006AE1F1 ; main_104.006AE1F1
    005F44F5 83C4 08 add esp,8
    005F44F8 C785 3CF2FFFF 0000>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-DC4],0
    005F4502 8D8D 40FFFFFF lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C0]
    005F4508 E8 D3140000 call 005F59E0 ; main_104.005F59E0
    005F450D 8B85 3CF2FFFF mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-DC4]
    005F4513 E9 C3130000 jmp 005F58DB ; main_104.005F58DB
    005F4518 6A 01 push 1
    005F451A E8 DB4F1900 call 007894FA ; main_104.007894FA
    005F451F 83C4 04 add esp,4
    005F4522 8985 34F2FFFF mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-DCC],eax
    005F4528 83BD 34F2FFFF 00 cmp dword ptr ss:[ebp-DCC],0
    005F452F 74 19 je short 005F454A ; main_104.005F454A =================> change JE by JNZ
    005F4531 A1 1C9E7E00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[7E9E1C]  
    Replacing JE by JMP. This will disable the GuameGuard. Save it and open the file again.
    3 - Look for "gg init error":
    005F4576 85C0 test eax,eax
    005F4578 0F85 89000000 jnz 005F4607 ; main_104.005F4607
    005F457E 68 E0A47E00 push 7EA4E0 ; ASCII "gg init error",CR,LF
    005F4583 68 E0EEF507 push 7F5EEE0
    005F4588 E8 649C0B00 call 006AE1F1 ; main_104.006AE1F1
    005F458D 83C4 08 add esp,8
    005F4590 E8 AFCFFFFF call 005F1544 ; main_104.005F1544  
    The first offset, replacing JNZ by JMP. This will disable the GuameGuard. Save it and open the file again.
    4 - Look for ResourceGuard Error:
    0061FB67 /74 47 je short 0061FBB0 ; main_104.0061FBB0
    0061FB69 |B9 B02DF607 mov ecx,7F62DB0
    0061FB6E |E8 CD0C0300 call 00650840 ; main_104.00650840
    0061FB73 |8D9424 8C090000 lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+98C]
    0061FB7A |52 push edx ; ntdll.KiFastSystemCallRet
    0061FB7B |68 64B47E00 push 7EB464 ; ASCII "> ResourceGuard Error!!(%s)",CR,LF
    0061FB80 |68 E0EEF507 push 7F5EEE0
    0061FB85 |E8 67E60800 call 006AE1F1 ; main_104.006AE1F1
    0061FB8A |83C4 0C add esp,0C
    0061FB8D |8D4C24 54 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+54]  
    The first offset, replacing JE by JMP. This will disable the ResourceGuard. Save it.
    bài này mình lưu = text, các bạn thông cảm
    muốn crack main bắt buộc phải crack ResourceGuard Error nếu ko sẽ ko vào đc game
    em dùng main 1.03.52 mà tìm mu.exe k thấy toàn báo ko có các pro giúp với
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng membermoi xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  5. #24
    Thành Viên xom1b's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Jul 2006
    Đang ở
    void main()
    Bài viết
    Thanked 116 Times in 61 Posts

    Ðề: Cần Hướng dẫn về GG

    trc' khi crack main phải check xem main có bị pack ko, cách check thì dùng PEID hoặc RDG packer detector check xem có bị pack ko, nếu bị pack thì phải unpack mới làm việc đc
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

  6. #25
    Thành Viên
    Ngày tham gia
    Mar 2012
    Bài viết
    Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts

    Ðề: Cần Hướng dẫn về GG

    nhìn cứ như tung hỏa mù ấy nhỉ.chưa hiểu gì hết T_T
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng sxyken xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!


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