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  1. #571
    Đang tìm rau để chăn btbaotrung90's Avatar
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    Ðề: Source full gunny

    Link vẫn download bình thường mà bạn, kiểm tra lại xem
    Cái này là project C# mà nhỉ
    Yeubxa comback [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

  2. #572
    Ngày tham gia
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    Ðề: Source full gunny

    Trích dẫn Gửi bởi MuVietGroup [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] or ai đó dịch dùm cái file word hướng dẫn đó qua Eng dùm mình với. máy mình ko có Ms Office. đọc tiếng việt ko quen
    dịch = google cũng đc.
    đây nè pro, made in google ^^
    Central server (DB) to deploy

    1, the server D drive new dandantang, packaging, Ga meLog, software, Db_Tank_Back, tank, six paper clip.
    2, download "db server", "software" file DB server.
    3, "db server" contains "center", "db", "data storage", "Business Data Form" four folders.
    1) the center folder to d: \ dandantang directory
    2) in d: \ dandantang new data directory under the directory
    3) the db folder in the three databases f, Db_Membership.mdf, Db_Tank.mdf copied to d: \ dan dantang \ data \ directory
    4) the business data table to the d: \ tank directory
    4, install SQL (x64 installation methods)
    64-bit operating system to install this application, please make the following steps:
    Navigate to the SQL Server 2000 installation point
    Install SQL Server 2000:
    Double-click the "x86 \ setup" sub-folder setupsql.exe
    Install SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services:
    Double-click "msolap \ install" sub-folder setup.exe
    Install SQL Server 2000 English Query:
    Double-click "mseq \ x86" sub-folder setup.exe
    5, playing SQL SP4 patch
    6, change the SQL port] for the [Port_Db
    Method: Start - Programs - Microsoft SQL Server-Server Network Utility -TCP/IP- properties - the default port [Port_Db] - Confirmation
    7, additional database
    Method: Start - Programs - Microsoft SQL Server-Enterprise Manager - Database - all tasks - Additional Database - Select (d: \ dandantang \ data) directory under the three databases (Db_Count.mdf, Db_Membership.mdf, Db_Tank.mdf to attach.
    8, create a database account tank77, count77
    Method: Start - Programs - Microsoft SQL Server-Enterprise Manager - Security - Login - New Login - input (tank77 or count77) select SQL server authentication.
    9, set tank77 and count77 access to the database
    Method: Start - Programs - Microsoft SQL Server-Enterprise Manager - Security - Login - Double (tank77 or count77) account.
    tank77 account and Db_Tank two data corresponding to Db_Count
    count77 account corresponding Db_Count and Db_Membership and Db_Tank three databases
    Database role allows you to select "pubil, db_datare ader, db_datawriter" three rights
    10, three database users to modify the stored procedure permissions
    Method: Start - Programs - Microsoft SQL Server-Enterprise Manager - Database (Db_Count and Db_Membership and Db_Tank) - User (count77 and tank77) Double-click - permissions

    Note: Db_Count database count77, tank77 account stored procedure check all (dt_ beginning not checked)
    Db_Tank database count77, tank77 account over the stores to (Ddt_ beginning check all) (Sp_sys_ beginning uncheck) (Dt_ beginning not checked)
    Db_Membership count77 account database stored procedure check all (dt_ not start)
    11, open storage of data
    Method: Start - Programs - Microsoft SQL Server-Enterprise Manager - Data Transformation Services (right) - to open the package - Select (storage of data. Dts) - selected data storage - OK - Double (Excel Data) - file name - Select (D: \ tank \ business data table. xls) - Package - Save - Location (choose SQL Server) - confirmed
    12, runs a local package
    Method: Start - Programs - Microsoft SQL Server-Enterprise Manager - Data Transformation Services - Local pack - storage of data (right) - Executive Package
    13, building a database operation
    Method: Method: Start - Programs - Microsoft SQL Server-Enterprise Manager - Management-SQL Server Agent - Job (right) - New Job
    1) New Section 1 job DB_Count_Pull_Info
    Name: DB_Count_Pull_Info
    Description: DB_Count_Pull_Info
    New -
    Step name: Pull_Info
    Database: Db_Count
    exec SP_Tank_Count_Active 1, [Parter_ID]
    exec SP_Tank_Count_Charge 1, [Parter_ID], 1
    exec SP_Tank_Count_Login 1, [Parter_ID]

    Note: Parter_ID ID number for the agent

    Successful operation: Quit the job reporting success
    Failure of the operation: Quit the job reporting failure
    New -
    Name: Pull_Info
    Scheduling type select "Change"
    Frequency: daily
    Daily frequency: 6:00:00

    -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------

    2) New 2nd Job Db_Tank_Back_Restore
    Name: Db_Tank_Back_Restore
    Automatic backup Db_Tank
    Restore a file to Db_Tank_Copy
    New -
    Step name: Back
    Database: master
    Declare @ flag varchar (10)

    - Save Path
    Declare @ PathAll Varchar (200)
    Set @ PathAll = 'd: \ Db_Tank_Back \ Db_Tank_Copy' + Cast (Day (g etdate ()) As Varchar (20 ))+'. bak '

    - Exec Back Database
    EXEC [Db_Count]. [Dbo]. [Sp_backup_db] @ flag OUTPUT, 'Db_Tank', @ PathAll

    Successful operation: Go to the next step
    Failure of the operation: Quit the job reporting failure

    -------------------------------------------------- -------------------
    New -
    Step name: Resore
    Database: master
    DECLARE @ flag varchar (10)

    Declare @ PathAll Varchar (200)
    Set @ PathAll = 'd: \ Db_Tank_Back \ Db_Tank_Copy' + Cast (Day (g etdate ()) As Varchar (20 ))+'. bak '

    EXEC [Db_Count]. [Dbo]. [Sp_restore_db] @ flag OUTPUT, 'Db_Tank_Copy', @ PathAll

    Successful operation: Go to the next step
    Failure of the operation: Quit the job reporting failure

    -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------

    New -
    Step name: Auto_DataRun
    Database: Db_Count
    exec Ddtc_AutoRun_Sto

    Successful operation: Quit the job reporting success
    Failure of the operation: Quit the job reporting failure

    New -
    Name: Call
    Scheduling type select "Change"
    Frequency: daily
    Daily frequency: 5:00:00

    -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

    3) new third operation DB_Tank_DaySort
    Name: DB_Tank_DaySort
    Description: DB_Tank_DaySort
    New -
    Step name: SP_Sys_Update_Consortia_DayList
    Database: Db_Tank

    Successful operation: Go to the next step
    Failure of the operation: Go to the next step
    -------------------------------------------------- ----------

    New -
    Step name: SP_Sys_Update_Users_DayList
    Database: Db_Tank

    Successful operation: Quit the job reporting success
    Failure of the operation: Quit the job reporting failure

    New -
    Name: SP_Sys_Update_Users_DayList
    Scheduling type select "Change"
    Frequency: daily
    Daily frequency: 1:00:00

    -------------------------------------------------- ------------------

    4) New 4th job DB_Tank_User_Sort
    Name: DB_Tank_User_Sort
    Description: DB_Tank_User_Sort
    New -
    Step name: DB_Tank_User_Sort
    Database: Db_Tank
    exec SP_Sys_Update_Users_List
    exec SP_Sys_Update_Consortia_List
    exec SP_Sys_Update_Consortia_Honor
    exec SP_Sys_Update_OfferList

    Successful operation: Quit the job reporting success
    Failure of the operation: Quit the job reporting failure
    New -
    Name: DB_Tank_User_Sort
    Scheduling type select "Change"
    Frequency: daily
    Daily frequency: 5:00:00

    -------------------------------------------------- -------------

    5) the fifth operating DB_Tank_WeekSort New
    Name: DB_Tank_WeekSort
    Description: DB_Tank_WeekSort
    New -
    Step name: SP_Sys_Update_Consortia_WeekList
    Database: Db_Tank

    Successful operation: Go to the next step
    Failure of the operation: Go to the next step

    New -
    Step name: SP_Sys_Update_Users_WeekList
    Database: Db_Tank

    Successful operation: Quit the job reporting success
    Failure of the operation: Quit the job reporting failure

    New -
    Name: SP_Sys_Update_Users_WeekList
    Scheduling type select "Change"
    Frequency: Weekly (Monday)
    Daily frequency: 1:30:00
    -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------

    14, modifying agents information
    Method: Start - Programs - Microsoft SQL Server-Enterprise Manager - Database-Db_count-table-Count_Application_Sub (right) - Open table - return all rows
    SubId fill agent ID number, default is "[Parter_ ID]"
    SubName fill in agency name, the default is "Bouncing"

    15, the new game channel agents
    Method: Start - Programs - Microsoft SQL Server-Enterprise Manager - Database-Db_Tank-table-Server_List (right) - Open table - return all rows
    [ID] [Channel_ID]
    [Name] [Channel_Name]
    [IP] [Channel_IP] (Note: The single server with the IP write, fill out the two-server domain name) such as
    ddtgame1 .*.*
    [Port] [Channel_Port] (a game server 8,000,806,080,708,090 port open four lines)
    [State] state channel, filled automatically by the server
    [Online] online, the server automatically save 5 minutes a deposit
    [Total] the maximum number, usually set to 1200
    [Room] room ceiling
    [Remark] Remarks
    [RSA] is currently useless
    [MustLevel] to enter the highest level
    [LowestLevel] to enter the lowest level.
    Can refer to:

    After completing run

    16, modified central server (DB) configuration file
    1) Open the D: \ dandantang \ center \ config right click Open With - Notepad
    <Port> 9202 </ Port>
    <IP> [IP_Db] </ IP>
    <logconfig> logconfig.xml </ logconfig>
    </ Server>
    Note: the red marker to modify the Office 9202 as default port number, do not need to be modified. [IP_Db]
    Db server for the network IP, corresponding to the DB server IP into the changes within the network.

    2) Open the D: \ dandantang \ center \ Center.Service.exe.config right click Open With - Notepad
     Set Sql connection within the network IP, port and connection account: to <add key = "conString" value = "Data Source = [IP_db], [Port_db]; Initial Catalog = Db_Tank; Persist Security Info = True; User ID = tank77; Password = [Pass_Tank77] "/>
     Setting agent code: find <add key="AreaID" value=" Parter_ID"/>
     Set up a connection within the network Sql IP: Port: find
    <add baseAddress="http:// 【IP_Db】:8731/CenterService/" />
    <endpoint address="net.tcp:// 【IP_Db】:8733/" binding="netTcpBinding" bindingConfiguration="CenterService" contract="Center.Server.ICenterService">
    2, start to configure serverconfig.xml file (path D: \ dandantang \ Center \ config)
     Set up a connection within the IP and port Sql: find <Port> 9202 </ Port> <IP> [IP_Db] </ IP>

    IIS server deployment

    Note: first, the installation of IIS and then install. Net
    1, the server D drive new dandantang, packaging, Ga meLog, software, and four folders.
    2 Download "IIS server", "software" file DB server.
    3, "IIS server" included under "dandantang", "File1", "GameAdmin" three folders. Solution pressure, the cover to D under the root directory.
    4, the distribution of the D drive access
    Method: D drive right - sharing and security - security - Add -
    Internet Guest Account (IUSR_)
    Privileges in addition to "Full Control, Traverse Folder / run file, change permissions, take ownership" he selected

    Administrators group
    SYSTEM group
    Rights for all

    4, create a gaming Web site
    1) Create the flash site: the site is created in IIS path to the file path (D: \ dandantang \ flash), the domain name []
    2) Create a request site: the site is created in IIS. Path to the file path (D: \ dandantang \ reques t), the domain name []
    3) Create a resource site: the site is created in IIS. Path to the file path (D: \ dandantang \ resou rce), the domain name []

    5, modify the configuration file
    1) Configuration d: \ dandantang \ flash site, the web.config file
     Set the version number of the game: find <add key="Edition" value="【Version】" />
     Set landing tests address: Find
    <add key="LoginUrl" value="http://【】/CreateLogin.aspx"/>
     Set landing address:
    Find <add key="FlashUrl" value="【LoginPage】"/>
    <add key="LoginOnUrl" value=""/>

    2) Configuration d: \ dandantang \ flash site, the config.xml file
     set of resources, landing address: Find
    <SITE Value = "http://【】/" />
    <FIRSTPAGE Value = "【MainPage】"/>
    <REGISTER Value = "【RegistePage】"/>
    <REQUEST_PATH Value = "http://【】/" />
    <LOGIN_PATH Value = "【LoginPage 】"/>
    <FILL_PATH Value = "【PayPage】"/>
    <file value="http://【】/crossdomain.xml" />
    <PARTER_ID Value="【Parter_ID】" />

    3) Configuration d: \ dandantang \ request site, the web.config file
     Set Sql intranet IP, port and connection account: find
    <add key="countDb" value="Data Source=【IP_db】,【Port_db】;Initial Catalog=Db_Count;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=count77;Password= 【Pass_Count77】"/>
    <add key="conString" value="Data Source=【IP_db】,【Port_db】;Initial Catalog=Db_Tank;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=tank77;Password= 【Pass_Tank77】"/>
     Set landing Key and recharge Key: find
    <add key="LoginKey" value="【Pass_LoginKey】"/>
    <add key="LoginIP" value="" />
    <add key="LoginUrl" value="【LoginPage】"/>
    <add key="ChargeKey" value="【Pass_ChargeKey】"/>
    <! - DIdID ->
    <add key="DId" value="【Parter_ID】" />
    <! - SIdID ->

     Set Sql intranet IP, port and connection account: find
    <Add name = "RoadDatabase.Properties.Settings.Db_TankConn ectionString4"
    connectionString = "Data Source = [IP_db], [Port_db]; Initial Catalog = Db_Tank; Persist Security Info = True; User ID = tank77; Password = [Pass_Tank77]"
    providerName = "System.Data.SqlClient" />
     set CentServer the wcf service IP (the same database IP), port: find
    <Endpoint address = "net.tcp: / / [IP_db]: 8733 /" binding = "netTcpBinding"
    bindingConfiguration = "NetTcpBinding_ICenterService" contract = "CenterService.ICenterService"
    name = "NetTcpBinding_ICenterService" />

    GM background deployment

    1, GM created the background site
    1) Create a background site: the site is created in IIS path to the file path (D: \ dandantang \ GameAdm in), the domain name [gameadmin.]
    2) create a template site: the site is created in IIS. Path to the file path (D: \ dandantang \ File1), the domain name [file1.]

    2, modify the configuration file
    1) Configuration d: \ dandantang \ GameAdmin site files under web.confi g
     set user authentication path: find <! - User authentication address -> the identity, configuration, the path is <add key = "LoginServer" value = "http://
    [Gameadmin] / Flash_Port / PassPort.asmx "/>

    <add key="conString" value="Data Source=【IP_Db】2433;Initial Catalog=Db_Tank;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=count77;Password=【Pass_Count77】" />

     set Bouncing Church Sign: find <! - Bouncing Church created the game landing -> The logo, configure the path <add key = "CreateLogin" value = "http:// [ ]
    / Createlogin.aspx "/>
     set Bouncing Church key: find <! - Bouncing Hall game keys -> The logo, configure the path to <add key="Loginkey" value="【Pass_LoginKey】"/>
     set after landing Jump Bouncing Church Address: find <! - Bouncing Church after a successful jump landing address -> the identity, configuration, the path is <add key = "LoginReturn" value = "http:// [] / default.aspx "/>
     <add key="ActivList" value=""/>
     <! - For Bouncing Hall game fatigue is enabled ->
     <add key="ASS_State" value=""/>
     <! - Set Bouncing Hall game fatigue state ->
     <add key="ASS_Update" value=""/>
     <! - Bouncing Church address key file is stored ->
     <add key="ScreenKeyWords" value="D:\dandantang\flash\zhan.txt"/>
     <! - Bouncing Church map update address ->
     <add key="Map_Update" value=""/>
     <! - Define where the game area ->
     <add key="SubName" value="【Parter_ID】" />
     set the template site path: find <! - Set up the server -> the logo, configure the path to <add key="WebfileServer" value="http:// 【File】" />
     Set the physical path to the template file: find <! - Set the physical path -> the logo, configure the path to <add key="TemplateDir" value="D:\File1\vm" />

    <Add name = "GameAdmin_Model.Properties.Settings.Db_TankC onnectionString"
    connectionString = "Data Source = [IP_Db] 2433; Initial Catalog = Db_Tank; Persist Security Info = True; User ID = tank77; Password = [Pass_Tank77]" providerName = "System.Data.SqlClient" />

    <Add name = "GameAdmin_Model.Properties.Settings.Db_Count ConnectionString"
    connectionString = "Data Source = [IP_Db] 2433; Initial Catalog = Db_Count; Persist Security Info = True; User ID = count77; Password = [Pass_Count77]" providerNam e = "System.Data.SqlClient" />

    <Add name = "Membership_Model.Properties.Settings.Db_Memb ershipConnectionString"
    connectionString = "Data Source = [IP_Db] 2433; Initial Catalog = Db_Membership; User ID = count77; Password = [Pass_Count77]" providerNam e = "System.Data.SqlClient" />

    <Endpoint address = "net.tcp: / / [IP_Db] 8733 /" binding = "netTcpBinding"
    bindingConfiguration = "NetTcpBinding_ICenterService" contract = "CenterService.ICenterService"
    name = "NetTcpBinding_ICenterService" />

     on the D: \ GameAdmin \ App_Data inside PayWay.xml and Serv erConfig.xml to add a new entry.
    Are input to the PayWay.xml
    <subid name="【代理商名称】" value="【Parter_ID】" />
    <payid name="网银充值" value="1"> </ payid>
    <payid name="手机充值" value="2"> </ payid>
    </ Subid>
    Are input to the ServerConfig.xml
    <subid name="【代理商名称】" value="【Parter_ID】" />
    <lineid name="全部服务器" value="0"> </ lineid>
    <lineid name="一号服务器" value="1"> </ lineid>
    <lineid name="二号服务器" value="2"> </ lineid>
    <lineid name="三号服务器" value="3"> </ lineid>
    <lineid name="四号服务器" value="4"> </ lineid>
    </ Subid>

    3, the site generates a static XML request
    1) Open IIS, see the request site visit site CreateAllXml.ashx, this page is generated pieces of the game need some static xml file.
    Method: Open IIS, select the Right View
    Generation (Build: ActiveList.xml, Success! Build: BallLi st.xml, Success! Build: LoadMapsItems.xml, Success! Bui ld: QuestList.xml, Success! Build: TemplateAlllist.xml, Success! Build: LoadItemsCategory.xml, Success! Build: ItemStrengthenList.xml, Success! Build: MapServerLis t.xml, Success! Build: ConsortiaLevelList.xml, Success!
    ) Normal

    Game server deployment

    1, the server D drive new dandantang, packaging, Ga meLog, software, and four folders.
    2, download "game server", "software" text to the DB server.
    3, "Game Server" under included "gameserver" folder. Unzip FlashPolicyService and serve r1 folder to d: \ dandantang directory.
    4, registration FlashPolicyService
    Method: Start - Run-cmd-OK -
    1) Cd C: \ WINDOWS \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework64 \ v2.0.50727 \
    2) installutil.exe D: \ dandantang \ FlashPolicyService \ FlashPolicyServic e.exe
    3) Open FlashPolicy Services (Start - Settings - Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services - Select (FlashPolicyService) set the startup type to "Automatic" and start the service.
    5, modify the configuration file (d: \ dandantang \ server1 directory Road.Service.exe.config file)
     Set Sql intranet IP, port and connection account: find
    <add key="ServerID" value="1"/> 1 channel for the 1st game
    <add key="Port" value="8000"/> 8000 for the game port
    <add key="IP" value=""/>
    <add key="ServerName" value="7Road Server"/>
    <add key="ServerNameShort" value="7Road"/>
    <add key="conString" value="Data Source=【IP_db】,【Port_db】;Initial Catalog=DB_Tank;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=tank77;Password= 【Pass_Tank77】"/>
    <add key="countDb" value="Data Source=【IP_db】,【Port_db】;Initial Catalog=Db_Count;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=count77;Password= 【Pass_Count77】"/>
     Set Sql intranet IP, port
    <add key="LoginServerPort" value="9202"/>
    <add key="LoginServerIp" value="【IP_db】"/>
    <add key="ScriptCompilationTarget" value=".\lib\GameServerScripts.dll"/>
    <add key="ScriptAssemblies" value="Game.Base.dll,Road.Database.dll,Game.Server .dll"/>
    <add key="LogConfigFile" value=".\config\logconfig.xml"/>
    <add key="MaxClientCount" value="8000"/>
     Set the ID number and version number of agents
    <add key="AppID" value="1"/>
    <add key="SubID" value="【Parter_ID】"/>
    <add key="GameType" value="1"/>
    <add key="AreaID" value="【Parter_ID】"/>
    <add key="LogPath" value="【LogPath】"/>
    <add key="CountRecord" value="true"/>
    <add key="SaveRecordInterval" value="5"/>
    <add key="TxtRecord" value="true"/>
    <add key="Edition" value="10910"/>
     set the Sql connection within the network ip and port
    <Endpoint address = "http:// [IP_db] / Flash_Port / PassPort.asmx"
    binding = "basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration = "PassPortSoap"
    contract = "WebLogin.PassPortSoap" name = "PassPortSoap" />
    <Endpoint address = "net.tcp: / / [IP_db]: 8733 /" binding = "netTcpBinding"
    bindingConfiguration = "NetTcpBinding_ICenterService" contract = "CenterService.ICenterService"
    name = "NetTcpBinding_ICenterService" />

    6, configure multiple game servers
    1) With reference to configure Server1 as copy Server1 to d: \ dan dantang \ directory and change the name to Server2
    2) modify the configuration file Road.Service.exe.config
    <add key="ServerID" value="2"/> 2 channels for the first two games
    <add key="Port" value="8060"/> 8060 for the game port


    1, start the central server (d: \ dandantang \ center \ Cen ter.Service.exe)
    2, start the game server (d: \ dandantang \ server1 \ Ro ad.Service.exe)
    3, test GM Manage [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng jxvietnam xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  3. Các thành viên gởi lời cảm ơn đến jxvietnam vì bài viết này !

    MuVietGroup (24-07-11)

  4. #573
    Thành Viên Tâm Huyết kelalung's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Oct 2009
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    Thanked 336 Times in 102 Posts

    Ðề: Source full gunny

    phiên cho hỏi,file rar gốc ông giải nén ra rồi lại part rar lại à, sao mà nhiều virus quá vậy, ông có thể ko giải nén bản rar gốc mà hãy dùng hjslipt cắt nó ra nhiều phần rồi reup lại đc ko, virus nhiều ngán quá đi
    Server MU Origin 2.6, 3.0 và 7.0 đầy đủ Liên Server!
    Nhận gộp DB luôn!

  5. #574
    Thành Viên
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    Jun 2009
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    Ðề: Source full gunny

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    chém nào các thým
    em chưa setup IIS nên chưa load web nha các bác
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng MuVietGroup xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  6. #575
    Kevin D Reaper cá mập xám's Avatar
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    Feb 2008
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    ♣ Deep Blue Sea ♣
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    Ðề: Source full gunny

    bạn trẻ bên trên sửa lại bà, dùng thẻ hide đi ... ai post dài như này
    A human action, once taken, can never be changed!

  7. #576
    Thành Viên
    Ngày tham gia
    Jun 2009
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    Ðề: Source full gunny

    tks bro [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] =d>
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng MuVietGroup xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  8. #577
    Thành Viên GameZone
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    Mar 2010
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    Ðề: Source full gunny

    @@ Phải đụng đến cả SQL Agent 30charrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng boyz4 xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  9. #578
    Đang tìm rau để chăn btbaotrung90's Avatar
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    Ðề: Source full gunny

    Trích dẫn Gửi bởi MuVietGroup [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    chém nào các thým
    em chưa setup IIS nên chưa load web nha các bác
    Làm dc thì làm ơn GUID AE vớ i
    Yeubxa comback [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

  10. #579
    Thành Viên nhoxpk2707's Avatar
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    Ðề: Source full gunny

    Trích dẫn Gửi bởi MuVietGroup [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    chém nào các thým
    em chưa setup IIS nên chưa load web nha các bác
    cậu làm được guide phát mò mãi k dc gỉ
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng nhoxpk2707 xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  11. #580
    Thành Viên Tâm Huyết
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    Ðề: Source full gunny

    đã có người p0st.
    ông MuVietGroup cho tui xin Yahoo
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng Mr.Phát xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!


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Các Chủ đề tương tự

  1. Xin source game Gunny
    Bởi sanelsad trong diễn đàn Hỏi Đáp/ Yêu Cầu
    Trả lời: 26
    Bài viết cuối: 02-09-11, 01:25 PM
  2. cần xin link gunny hay chỉ cách để cài gunny off or online
    Bởi phieubat297 trong diễn đàn Hỏi Đáp/ Yêu Cầu
    Trả lời: 1
    Bài viết cuối: 20-06-11, 02:58 PM
  3. Source Không Full
    Bởi thanh159 trong diễn đàn Võ Lâm Truyền Kỳ (Jx Server)
    Trả lời: 29
    Bài viết cuối: 09-06-11, 06:32 PM

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