Titans Tech 10.07.62 Cracked
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  1. #1
    Thành Viên
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    Jun 2010
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    Titans Tech 10.07.62 Cracked

    Bài này bên hastlegames do pro pinkof cracked , mới thấy sáng nay .
    Change log :
    //================================================== ====//
    // Titans Tech - UPDATE [10.07.62] //
    //================================================== ====//
    Files Changed on this update:
    Executable files:
    Configuration Files Changed:
    //================================================== ====//
    // Titans Tech - Changelog [10.07.62] //
    //================================================== ====//
    . [Event] Illusion Temple Must Hold CTRL to attack the other player
    . [Event] Illusion Temple fixed timer value on NPC click
    . [Event] Illusion Temple fixed timer value on Invitation right-click
    . [Event] Illusion Temple fixed right-click on Invitation
    . [Event] Illusion Temple add check if can register with statue if inventory is full
    . [Event] Illusion Temple timer is going up not down (must be a 15 or 20 min countdown)
    . [Event] Illusion Temple statue positioning and direction error
    . [Event] Illusion Temple statue and its NPCs can not be killed
    . [Item] Fixed durability reduction of Rage Fighters gloves
    . [Event] Kalima level entrance fix for Rage Fighter
    . [Move] Fixed warp level for Rage Fighter
    . [Gate] Fixed entrance level for Rage Fighter
    . [SCFDS] Fixed error in parameter conversion when calling WZ_CS_ModifyCastleSchedule
    . [Server] Fixed lock of ItemAddOption.txt by Load380ItemOptionInfo function
    . [Monster] Add Hell Maine box drop (Aida Boss)
    . [Event] Auto Allow PvP on Halloween Event
    . [Event] Halloween Custom Event <<< Turn players in to Halloween Mobs (make others kill them)
    . [Skill] Rage Fighters Dark Side skill Wind Attribute check
    . [Skill] Rage Fighters Dragon Slayer skill Wind Attribute check
    . [Skill] Rage Fighters Dragon Lore skill Earth Attribute check
    . [Skill] Rage Fighters Fitness visual Fix for character panel
    . [Skill] Rage Fighters Deffence Success Rate visual Fix for character panel
    . [Skill] Rage Fighters Chain Drive skill Ice Attribute check
    . [Monster] Mobs of Season 4 to Season 6 dont do the original skills, or animation.
    . [Event] CryWolf Altar players can not be moved by range skills
    . [Warning] Here must be somthing to put the Name [CJewelOfHarmonySystem::LoadScriptOfSmelt]
    . [Warning] !!! : Sacrefice Skill Missing Proper ViewSkill State
    . [Items] Joh works on weapon, SD and DD on armor doesnt
    . [Event] Illusion Temple Added Gold Fenrir Reward
    . [Resistance] Implement R_WATER (6) resistance to skills with: water element
    . [Resistance] Implement R_WIND (5) resistance to skills with: wind element
    . [Resistance] Implement R_EARTH (4) resistance to skills with: earth element
    . [Resistance] Implement R_FIRE (3) resistance to skills with: fire element
    . [Resistance] Implement R_LIGHTNING (2) resistance to skills with: light element
    . [Event] Illusion Temple Added when event finish warp to Team Base
    . [Event] Illusion Temple Fixed Pedestal issue
    . [Event] Illusion Temple Added Random Position for Statue
    . [Skill] Added Sacrifice skill VS Ice Resistance implementation
    . [Resistance] Recoded resistance implementation for all resistance types
    . [Items] Fixed add mana and add life on gObjCalCharacter for Item Effect
    . [Skill] Mana Swell skill fixed on gObjCalCharacter
    . [Skill] Add Life skill fixed on gObjCalCharacter
    . [BotPet] Not complete, but added talk dialog of botpets talking to attract players
    . [Server] Reduced player structure memory usage (BOOL => bool or byte)
    . [Skills] Rewriten attack behaviour for all poison type skills (ObjUseSkill.cpp)
    . [Event] CryWolf Altar players can not be killed by other users addon
    . [GMSystem] GM cant drop nonexisting items (prevent constant empty drop)
    . [Items] Added elite Mana,Health,SD potions usage (14,70)(14,71)(14,133)
    . [ChaosBox] Cleaned and reduced size of chaosmachine structures, less memory consumption (.h)
    . [MonsterAI] Cleaned and reduced size of MonsterAI structures, less memory consumption (.h)
    . [Event] Cleaned and reduced size of all event structures and variables (.h)
    . [EventItemBag] Added better tracing logs to see how the system behaves
    . [EventItemBag] Increased drop rate random value for better drop configuration of boxes
    . [CastleSiege] Fixed iterator warning in GetNpcData function
    . [Event] Double Goer monster count fix during spawn
    . [Event] Imperial Guardian gate kill for friday fix
    . [Event] Imperial Guardian trap spawn instant (to increase mob count inside event)
    . [Event] Imperial Guardian trap fix (acting like traps from 100 to 110)
    . [Event] Imperial Guardian monster count fix during spawn (if cant spawn 1 or 2 monsters)
    . [Event] Double Goer gate entrance fix for one of the rooms
    . [Event] Double Goer doesnt drop excellent items FIX
    . [RageFighter] Dark Raven doesnt hit him FIX
    . [JoinServer] Doesnt Allow Join Banned Account FIX
    Files Probados en:

    Windows XP Service Pack 2 32 Bits
    Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 32 Bits ( ACTUAL 8 DIAS )
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bits
    SQL Server 2000

    Titans Tech 10.07.62 Cracked
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    Titans Tech
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng LionKing113 xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  2. #2
    Vi phạm quy định
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    Feb 2011
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    Ðề: Titans Tech 10.07.62 Cracked

    chưa crack mày đem về làm gì thế
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng firefox xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  3. #3
    Thành Viên GameZone
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    Ðề: Titans Tech 10.07.62 Cracked

    Files Probados en:

    Windows XP Service Pack 2 32 Bits
    ko tin được demo đi bạn 30charrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng boyz4 xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  4. #4
    Thành Viên
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    Ðề: Titans Tech 10.07.62 Cracked

    Cracked? :S

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng danilxd xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  5. #5
    Thành Viên Tâm Huyết
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    Ðề: Titans Tech 10.07.62 Cracked

    cái này hình như là hàng fake rồi ^_^ !
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng LHB_LOVE xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  6. #6
    Thành Viên Tâm Huyết huandz1102's Avatar
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    Ðề: Titans Tech 10.07.62 Cracked

    Trích dẫn Gửi bởi boyz4 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    ko tin được demo đi bạn 30charrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
    có gì mà không tin, bản 10.07.35 work tốt trên XP sp2
    nhưng cái này là chưa crack
    Đến thì đón…

  7. Các thành viên gởi lời cảm ơn đến huandz1102 vì bài viết này !

    boyz4 (02-03-11)

  8. #7
    Thành Viên GameZone
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    Ðề: Titans Tech 10.07.62 Cracked

    Trích dẫn Gửi bởi huandz1102 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    có gì mà không tin, bản 10.07.35 work tốt trên XP sp2
    nhưng cái này là chưa crack
    uhm...bay h mới biết đó thế có ai crack đc win xp chưa bạn
    Cái này chắc chắn fake roài
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng boyz4 xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  9. #8
    2022 thecong's Avatar
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    Ðề: Titans Tech 10.07.62 Cracked

    các bạn ơi cho mình xin toàn bộ code item mới của SS6 nhé, ko phải code item của char7 đâu mà các char kia kìa
    Ký cái gì?



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