DarksTeam Official Season 4.5
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  1. #1
    Thành Viên
    Ngày tham gia
    Dec 2010
    Bài viết
    Thanked 11 Times in 6 Posts

    DarksTeam Official Season 4.5

    Beta 3 Changelog
    PK Clear Command - Added
    Skin Command - Added
    Enable/Disable Personal ID Check Option - Added
    Messages.ini - Reconstructed
    News System - Added
    Jewels Success Rate - Added
    SD Potion Bug - Fixed
    Beta 2 Changelog
    [SP]RankingServer Disconnected - Fixed
    Enable = 1    ; 1 - Enabled, 0 - Disabled
    MinLevel = 1    ; Minimum level to use post command
    OnlyForGM = 0    ; Of set to 1, only game masters will be able to use it, 0 - all
    NeedZen = 1    ; 1 - Require zen, 0 - doesnt require
    Price = 100000    ; Price per message
    Enable = 1    ; 1 - Enabled, 0 - Disabled
    MinLevel = 1    ; Minimum level to use add command
    NeedZen = 1    ; 1 - Require zen, 0 - doesnt require
    Price = 100000    ; Price per add
    FixGoldenRabbitRespawn = 1    ; This will fix golden rabbit respawn
    FixDisconnectOnMaxStats = 1    ; This will prevent from disconnecting characters with max stats
    FixSocketSerial = 1        ; This will fix socket serial
    AllowExlAncientItems = 0    ; This will allow excellent options on ancient items
    AllowJOHOnAncientItems = 0    ; This will allow jewel of harmony on ancient items
    AllowExlSocketItems = 0        ; This will allow excellent options on socket items
    MSG1 = "Post command is disabled."
    MSG2 = "Only Game Masters can use this command."
    MSG3 = "You dont have the required level."
    MSG4 = "You need %ld zen."
    MSG5 = "Add command is disabled."
    MSG6 = "The required level is %d."
    MSG7 = "Write the number of points after the command."
    MSG8 = "You don't have enough points."
    MSG9 = "You cannot add %s points. The limit is %d."
    MSG10 = "Only Dark Lords & Lord Emperors can use /addcmd."
    MSG11 = "You need %ld zen."
    MSG12 = "%d Point/s added. %d left."
    ManaShieldSMAgility = 50    ; Manashield Agility
    ManaShieldSMEnergy = 200    ; Manashield Energy
    BKBuffAgility = 100        ; Greater fortitude Agility
    BKBuffEnergy = 20        ; Greater fortitude Energy

    Some tested features:
    Chaos Machine Mixes - 100%
    Socket System - 100% - Hot
    Skills - 100%
    Elf Buffer - 100%
    Marlon Quest - 100%
    Devin - 100%
    Lahap (+ anti dupe) - 100%
    Duel - 100%
    Personal Store - 100%
    Friends Menu - 100%
    Pet Trainer - 100%
    Battle Soccer - 100%
    Guild Alliance - 100%
    Skill Tree - 100% - Hot

    Some tested events:

    Devil Square - 100%
    Blood Castle - 100%
    Chaos Castle - 100%
    Kalima - 100%
    Deep Loren - 100%
    Castle Siege - 100%
    Tama Japan Jang - 100%
    Raklion - 100%

    Supported OS's: Windows XP, Windows Server 2003,
    Windows Server 2008, Vista, Windows Server 2008 R2 & Windows 7

    Screens by testers:

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] [Only registered and activated users can see links. ][Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    MuServer Beta 3:
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Server Update Beta 3:
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Full Client:
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    IP in main: darksteam.net

    Credits: WebZen & DarksTeam only.
    Lần sửa cuối bởi Holy God, ngày 22-12-10 lúc 11:58 AM.
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng Holy God xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  2. Các thành viên gởi lời cảm ơn đến Holy God vì bài viết này !

    Van_Bom (25-12-10)



Các Chủ đề tương tự

  1. Official Season 5 Patch for MU
    Bởi KhuongCK_Dev trong diễn đàn Releases
    Trả lời: 7
    Bài viết cuối: 31-08-09, 08:34 PM
  2. MU 1.03C+Official 2009
    Bởi eddy trong diễn đàn Development
    Trả lời: 21
    Bài viết cuối: 17-03-09, 06:20 PM

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