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  1. #1
    Thành Viên
    Ngày tham gia
    Apr 2010
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    Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts

    Icon10 WZTSeason4 Server [LOSTPROJECT]

    Good morning friends Warning Zone Team, after a hard work with the LOSTPROJECT Season4, we decided to make delivery of a packet is its stable both GS / GS-CS, of course as always we do not give any full premium, but if they We improved server stability, currently uses the data of "Shatter" adapted for a large server config.
    Hopefully they will enjoy it, and thank you very much for your time and dedication to the community.

    -> Season 1: Working
    -> Season 2: Working
    -> Season 3: Working
    -> Season 4: 99% Working
    Custom Features v1.00.00:
    -> IlusionTemple Event 100%
    -> BloodCastle Event 100%
    -> DevilSquared Event 100%
    -> Kalima Event 100%
    -> Santa Village Event 100%
    -> ChaosCastle Event 100%
    -> Maya Kantru Event 100%
    -> Master SKill Tree 100%
    -> Quest 3era Evolution 100%
    -> BatleSoccer 100%
    -> CherryBlossom 100%
    -> Guild Create/Deleted 100%
    -> Character Deleted 100%
    -> Skill Summoner 100%
    -> Friends/Mail Server 100%
    -> BK ComboSkill AllPJ 100%
    -> Allianze Guild 100%
    -> Chaos Machine Rate MIX 100%
    -> Combination Wing Lvl3 100%
    -> Bug Item Visual 100%
    -> Jewel Up Option 100%
    -> Pets "Rudolf,Guardian,Devil" 100%
    -> Duel Return to Vulcanus Map 100% Work
    -> DuelSystem 100% Work
    -> Maps Season5 80% Work
    -> Cashshop 100% work (Soporta items exc)
    -> Guardia PK Clear 100%
    -> Comandos /Post - /Reload - /Drop - /Add Work
    -> Sistema de Log para el /post Work
    -> Sistema de DROP personalisado 100% Work
    -> Soporte 65 K en puntos 100% Work
    -> Soporta Item Sock+Acc+Exe 100% Work
    -> Seals CashShop Save 100% Work
    -> Bloqueo de IPWork
    -> Nuevos Mapas Work
    -> Pet Panda 90% Work
    Features For next Version "v1.00.01":
    -> News System
    -> Movereq Personalizado
    -> Reset NPC
    -> Comandos Personalizados
    -> Sistema de VIP
    -> Comandos /Post - /Reload - /Drop - /Add [GS-CS]
    -> Panda 100% Work

    DOWNLOAD : [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng CLBGAMES.ORG xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  2. #2
    Thành Viên Tâm Huyết
    Ngày tham gia
    Sep 2008
    Bài viết
    Thanked 636 Times in 213 Posts

    Ðề: WZTSeason4 Server [LOSTPROJECT]

    bản này share lâu rồi mà ??
    quảng cáo ko đúng chổ rồi
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng LHB_LOVE xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!



Các Chủ đề tương tự

  1. WZTSeason 4 Server [LOSTPROJECT]
    Bởi godhoang trong diễn đàn Releases
    Trả lời: 128
    Bài viết cuối: 01-11-10, 10:47 PM

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