Webshop Việt Hóa 99%
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    Thành Viên Tâm Huyết SnowBlood™'s Avatar
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    Jan 2010
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    Webshop Việt Hóa 99%

    Đây là một webshop việt hóa có thể nói là đến 99%(Còn 1% chưa tìm ra và đang khắc phục ^^!).Mình đã việt hóa tất cả item và bỏ bớt những tính năng khác của bachcotsau.
    Và đây là giao diện webshop dành cho Administrator:
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    Còn đây là giao diện webshop dành cho Member:

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    Hướng dẫn cài đặt:
    Bạn open file wshconf.php bằng Notepadd++ rồi tìm dòng:
    /************************************************** ***

    The MuOnline Web Shop Configuration
    Creator: savoy (at) vachev (d0t) net

    ************************************************** ***/

    /************************************************** ***

    SQL Settings
    Critical Settings

    ************************************************** ***/

    $webshop['mssq']['host'] = ''; // Server Address (Host\ip)
    $webshop['mssq']['user'] = 'sa'; // Username used for a connection
    $webshop['mssq']['pass'] = '123456'; // Username's password
    $webshop['mssq']['db'] = 'MuOnline'; // Database name
    $webshop['mssq']['dbacc'] = 'MuOnline'; // If you are using 6databases - set this to 'Me_MuOnline' or whatever your account database is named. (v0.4)
    $webshop['mssq']['use_md5'] = false; // Use md5 encrypted passwords (true/false)

    /************************************************** ***

    Global Announcer v0.9
    JoinServer connection settings

    ************************************************** ***/

    $webshop['globalmsg']['jsip'] = ''; // Ip/Hostname of your joinserver (must allow traffic from teh webserver)
    $webshop['globalmsg']['jsport'] = '55970'; // The port your JS is using (Default: 55970)

    /************************************************** ***

    Credit requirements settings
    Create a balance shoping enviorment

    ************************************************** ***/

    $webshop['credits']['reset'] = 60; // Amount of credits required for a single reset (0 to disable reset shoping)
    $webshop['credits']['classchg'] = 6000; // Amount of credits required for a class change (0 to disable class shoping)
    $webshop['credits']['itemexl'] = 15; // Amount of credits required for each extra excellent item option added to an item
    $webshop['credits']['itemluck'] = 15; // Amount of credits required to put luck on an item
    $webshop['credits']['itemskill'] = 13; // Amount of credits required to put skill on an item
    $webshop['credits']['itemlvl'] = 4; // Amount of credits required for each item level increased
    $webshop['credits']['itemopt'] = 5; // Amount of credits required for each item option increased
    $webshop['credits']['ancient1'] = 13; // Amount of credits required to put ancient option on your item (5 stamina)
    $webshop['credits']['ancient2'] = 20; // Amount of credits required to put ancient option on your item (10 stamina)
    $webshop['credits']['zencasino'] = 60; // Amount of credits required to tryout the zen casino (0 to disable the zen casino)
    $webshop['credits']['creditcasino'] = 20; // Amount of credits required to tryout the credit casino (0 to disable the credit casino). Recommended to be a low value
    $webshop['credits']['unbanchar'] = 3500; // Amount of credits required to unban a banned character (0 to disable removal of bannishment for credits)
    $webshop['credits']['points'] = 2; // Credits per 5 points (e.g. -> if this is 10, 20 credits will cost 40 credits) (0 to disable)
    $webshop['credits']['vip'] = 5000; // Amount of credits required for an user to buy himself the access to you vip server (0 to disable). Please set the ConnectMember.txt path in the misc settings
    $webshop['credits']['multiplier'] = 1; // Item Credits multiplier. Used for a massive promotions on items or permanent configuration. Normal:1
    $webshop['credits']['zerocredit'] = 0; // Show/Hide (1/0) Zero Credit items (not for sell) from the shop list
    $webshop['credits']['fenrir_destroy'] = 40; // Fenrir + Destroy credit cost (0 to disable)
    $webshop['credits']['fenrir_protect'] = 40; // Fenrir + Protect credit cost (0 to disable)
    $webshop['credits']['golden_fenrir'] = 45; // Golden Fenrir credit cost (0 to disable) v0.9
    $webshop['credits']['zen'] = 700000;// Amount of zen that is bough with "1" credit (0 to disable)
    $webshop['credits']['sellback_Q'] = 0.5; // What part of the credits should a user receive for selling back his item (1 = 100% , 0.9 = 90% , ..) (0 to disable item reselling) (Default: 0) Setting this to a higher value than 1 will cause a credit bug !!
    $webshop['credits']['announce'] = 100; // Credits required to make an in-game GM-like announcement (Default: 50) (0 to disable global announcements) v0.9
    $webshop['credits']['namechg'] = 1000; // Credits required to change a character name (Default: 1000) v0.9
    $webshop['credits']['gmarkchg'] = 1000; // Credits required to change a guild's mark (Default: 1000) v0.9

    /************************************************** ***

    Limiting the item adder

    ************************************************** ***/

    $webshop['limit']['item_level'] = 13; // Max item level that can be added (Default: 13)
    $webshop['limit']['item_option'] = 7; // Max item option that can be added (Default: 7) (1=4, 2=8, etc..)
    $webshop['limit']['item_excellent'] = 2; // Max excellent options an item can have (Default: 6)
    $webshop['limit']['zen_limit'] = 2000000000; // Money that cannot be exceeded in the zen casino and zen shop (Default: 2000000000)

    /************************************************** ***

    Rate Settings

    ************************************************** ***/

    $webshop['rates']['zc_chance'] = 15; // What is the chance (in percents) for winning money the zen casino
    $webshop['rates']['cc_chance'] = 5; // What is the chance (in percents) for winning credits the credit casino
    $webshop['rates']['zc_rate'] = 1.5; // What is the winning reward for the zen casino (Default 1.5) which means 1.5 times the users current cash -> must be greater than 1
    $webshop['rates']['cc_rate'] = 1.5; // What is the winning reward for the credit casino (Default 1.5) which means 1.5 times the users current credits -> must be greater than 1
    $webshop['rates']['cc_part'] = 0.2; // With what part of the users credits can he gamble (Default 0.3) which means that if the users has 30 resets, he will gamble with 9 of them -> CANNOT be greater than 1. Make sure this is not a high value..

    /************************************************** ***

    Item image Settings

    ************************************************** ***/

    $webshop['image']['path'] = 'index/items'; // Item image directory ( no trailing slash at the end ) (default is "index/items")
    $webshop['image']['whshow'] = true; // Show images in the warehouse display ( true / false )
    $webshop['image']['addshow'] = true; // Show images in the item adder ( true / false )

    /************************************************** ***

    Vip Memberships v0.4

    ************************************************** ***/

    $webshop['vip']['level'] = 3000; // Credits required for a vip level (0 to disable) (Default: 10) (10 credits = 1 level, 20 credits = 2 level, etc..)
    $webshop['vip']['maxlevel'] = 5; // Max vip level (Default: 5)
    $webshop['vip']['db'] = 'MuOnline'; // Database where the VIP membership table takes place
    $webshop['vip']['table'] = 'MEMB_INFO'; // Table where the VIP membership column takes place
    $webshop['vip']['column'] = 'vip'; // The VIP user level column name (set data type = int)
    $webshop['vip']['column1'] = 'memb___id'; // The VIP user account column name

    /************************************************** ***

    Uncategorised Settings

    ************************************************** ***/

    $webshop['misc']['title'] = 'Chao mung ban den sieu thi Mu Nghiep Du'; // The Web Index's <title>
    $webshop['misc']['admins'] = 'admin,123456,1234'; // Administrator accounts. Seperate by coma's e.g. Admin1,Admin2, ..
    $webshop['misc']['howtogetcredits'] = 'index.php?sy=howto'; // Link to a guide on getting credits
    $webshop['misc']['item_debug'] = 1; // Some item categories have caused some problems, set this to 1 if you are having such problems!! (Default 1)
    $webshop['misc']['admin_log_max'] = 200; // Maximum Number Of Logs Shown Per Session (Default 75)
    $webshop['misc']['timestamp'] = 'm/d/Y H:i:s'; // Date output format
    $webshop['misc']['bannedcode'] = 1; // The ban control code (Default 1)
    $webshop['misc']['solidbans'] = '1234, character3'; // Chaaracters that cannot be unbanned by the unban for credit function (seperate by comas)-> all characters must be with lowercase letters !!
    $webshop['misc']['servername'] = 'Về trang chủ'; // Your server name
    $webshop['misc']['serverlink'] = 'http://mund.servegame.org/'; // URL to your home page
    $webshop['misc']['CMPath'] = 'E:/10016bate41/data/ConnectMember.txt'; // The /path to the ConnectMember.txt of your vip server (if you have any)
    $webshop['misc']['VipExpire'] = 30; // Days for a vip membership to expire (0 for permanent). Please not that changing this from 0 to something will have all your current users disband from their rights once accounts are pruned!! (Default 31)
    $webshop['misc']['topcredits'] = 20; // How many accounts should the shop display in the \\thetop\\ module (admin) (ordered by their account credit balance descending..)
    $webshop['misc']['language'] = 'vietnam'; // Place language files in /lang/ directory
    $webshop['misc']['encoding'] = 'utf-8'; // Character encoding (Default: Windows-1251 - cyrilic)
    $webshop['misc']['chosablelangs'] = 'Tiếng Việt';// Languages that can be picked from the web
    $webshop['misc']['s3classes'] = true; // Use Season III Classes ( true / false ) (Default: true) (v0.8)
    $webshop['misc']['gmsgfilters'] = 'http:// www. .com .net .org admin fuck shit pussy tits ass screw damn dick'; // Global announcer word filters
    $webshop['misc']['LoginTimeOut'] = 31; // Days that the cookies will expire in after the user has logged in (Default: 31) v0.9
    $webshop['misc']['feedback'] = true; // users can send feedback ( true / false ) (Default: true) v0.9
    $webshop['misc']['fbfloodprot'] = 1024; // Flood Protection (in seconds) for the feedback module (Default: 1024) v0.9
    -- End of the configuration --
    Những chữ màu xanh là những nơi cần config lại
    Lần sửa cuối bởi SnowBlood™, ngày 04-03-10 lúc 09:00 PM.
    Nhận cài đặt, hướng dẫn cài đặt, config chuẩn Mu Online/ Offline FREE cho anh em
    Anh em nào cần pm yahoo dưới nhé
    Yahoo: jongkidz

  2. Các thành viên gởi lời cảm ơn đến SnowBlood™ vì bài viết này !

    webzen (23-04-12)

  3. #2
    أبجدية عربية ’ huntersun's Avatar
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    Ðề: Webshop Việt Hóa 99%

    Có add thêm Item SS4 - SS5 chưa bạn


  4. #3
    Thành Viên Tâm Huyết SnowBlood™'s Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Jan 2010
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    Ðề: Webshop Việt Hóa 99%

    Chỉ là việt hóa thui mà
    30 charrrrrrrrrrrrrr
    Nhận cài đặt, hướng dẫn cài đặt, config chuẩn Mu Online/ Offline FREE cho anh em
    Anh em nào cần pm yahoo dưới nhé
    Yahoo: jongkidz

  5. #4
    Vi phạm quy định
    Ngày tham gia
    Dec 2007
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    Ðề: Webshop Việt Hóa 99%

    ?? design chỗ nào ?? .............
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng membering xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  6. #5
    Thành Viên Tâm Huyết SnowBlood™'s Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Jan 2010
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    Ðề: Webshop Việt Hóa 99%

    Trích dẫn Gửi bởi membering [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    ?? design chỗ nào ?? .............
    Down bản gốc và bản này về so sánh sẽ thấy thôi
    Nhận cài đặt, hướng dẫn cài đặt, config chuẩn Mu Online/ Offline FREE cho anh em
    Anh em nào cần pm yahoo dưới nhé
    Yahoo: jongkidz

  7. #6
    Vi phạm quy định
    Ngày tham gia
    Dec 2007
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    Ðề: Webshop Việt Hóa 99%

    Trích dẫn Gửi bởi nh0ckvjp9x [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Down bản gốc và bản này về so sánh sẽ thấy thôi
    ?? cho hỏi bạn định nghĩa ntn nào là "design"
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng membering xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  8. #7
    Thành Viên tu4n4nhn01's Avatar
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    Ðề: Webshop Việt Hóa 99%

    có cài đc bằng easyphp1-8_setup không thế hả chủ pic
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng tu4n4nhn01 xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  9. #8
    Thành Viên
    Ngày tham gia
    Mar 2010
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    Ðề: Webshop Việt Hóa 99%

    cho e hoi dang nhap admin the nao vay
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng ngdungqn xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  10. #9
    Thành Viên
    Ngày tham gia
    Sep 2010
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    Ðề: Webshop Việt Hóa 99%

    dùng cái này có 2 lỗi khá lớn cách fix thì mình mới fix đc 1 lỗi. Mà theo đó các admin sẽ thất thu khá nhiều
    ai quan tâm thì pm tớ chỉ cho:
    Y!M: mu_cuchuoi
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng chutieudatinh xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  11. #10
    -=-=Vô Danh=-=- nhactre8x's Avatar
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    Ðề: Webshop Việt Hóa 99%

    thank for share nhưng up bằng galaxyz thì potay ko down đc
    Ko Có Người Đàn Ông Xấu
    Chỉ Có Những Người Phụ Nữ Ko Thấy Được Cái Đẹp Của Người Đàn Ông Đó


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