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04-08-09, 01:43 PM #11
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Ðề: MuServer SCFMT 7.11.56 Cracked !!!
Ya. Thiz'z Gud Realease. Thank 4 shared
@: MuOnline lại chuẩn bị mọc ra như nấmKhách viếng thăm hãy cùng cena_hiphop_12 xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!
04-08-09, 01:46 PM #12
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Ðề: MuServer SCFMT 7.11.56 Cracked !!!
có GS không mọc ra làm gì, mọc nhiều thì nhiều chứ tìm đc 1 ser ngon, ổn định hơi khó
04-08-09, 01:55 PM #13
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Ðề: MuServer SCFMT 7.11.56 Cracked !!!
quả là rất khó để ổn định nếu thì trường có quá nhiều admin.
tê hại hơn là họ còn quá non kém.
vì quá non kém nên Muonline càng ngày càng...
gần như người ta goi là lão hóa đóhehe
Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng GooglePro xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!
04-08-09, 01:55 PM #14
04-08-09, 01:59 PM #15
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Ðề: MuServer SCFMT 7.11.56 Cracked !!!
em hỏi cái bản này thông tin thế nào nó là ss4 ah chay clinet nào vào bản pack cho client đâu em hơi gà hj
Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng linkent_lonely xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!
04-08-09, 02:03 PM #16
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Ðề: MuServer SCFMT 7.11.56 Cracked !!!
Info Server :
Code:[Skill Effects] Soul Potion effect added [GS/GSCS] . [Skill Effects] Bless Potion effect added [GS/GSCS] . [Castle Siege] Castle Gates show with proper states [GS/GSCS] . [Castle Siege] Castle Crown unlocks and locks in real time [GS/GSCS] . [Castle Siege] Castle Crown announcement sent when shield Enabled/Disabled [GS/GSCS] . Masters Exp Fix After Die [GS/GSCS] . New Gate Moves, added random number padding, so ppl show up random place [GS/GSCS] . [Duel System] Implemented winning announcement + Room + Score [GS/GSCS] . [Duel System] At the end of Duel, duelers have 10 seconds to move [GS/GSCS] . [Duel System] On login if player in Duel Map => moves to Volcanus [GS/GSCS] . [Duel System] Sometime not all Duel parties get warped to the new map [GS/GSCS] . [Duel System] Winning Duelere doesnt receive Gladiators Buf Fix [GS/GSCS] . [Duel System] Duelers can not move until the duel is over [GS/GSCS] . [Duel System] Request 'Only in Lorencia' fix [GS/GSCS] . [Duel System] Spectator move = delete from the room [GS/GSCS] . [Duel System] Fixed spectator move bug (stays invisible) [GS/GSCS] . [Duel System] Spectators are not shown with correct invisible state fix [GS/GSCS] . 3rd Level Wings ignore damage and attack rate % fix [GS/GSCS] . 3rd Level Wings 5% damage return probability fix [GS/GSCS] . Fixed Summoner Quest Item deletion (added level of quest item) [GS/GSCS] . Increased Summoner Quest drop: Emperror, Ring of Glory and Churchil's Eye [GS/GSCS] . Fixed Season 3 Quest Drop rate error for Feather, Horn and Flame [GS/GSCS] . Removed OPTIONS: SCFS3DropInAllMaps, SCFS3MapDrop from SCF_Season3.ini [GS/GSCS] . Removed unnecessary loglines from scf new logs, for easier bug tracking [GS/GSCS] . Crywolf Background of altar doesnt change in real time fix [GS/GSCS] . 3rd Level Wings ignore damage and attack rate % fix [GS/GSCS] . 3rd Level Wings 5% damage return probability fix [GS/GSCS] . Player on login visual effects/gm sign fix, duel spectator fix [GS/GSCS] . Implemented realtime engine for switch of monster and NPC states [GS/GSCS] . Castle Crown announcement now sent when shield Enabled/Disabled [GS/GSCS] . [ExtraExp] Separate ExtraExp for Party's [GS/GSCS] . [ExtraExp] Now works with party too [GS/GSCS] . /add Command Limited by Stat Limit by Character [GS/GSCS] . [Calc Character] Attack Damage Edition for all classes [GS/GSCS] . [Calc Character] Defense Edition for all classes [GS/GSCS] . [Calc Character] Successful Blocking for all classes [GS/GSCS] . [Calc Character] Attack Speed for all classes [GS/GSCS] . [Calc Character] Magic Speed for all classes [GS/GSCS] . Auto Add Exp -1 Value FIXED [GS/GSCS] . [ExtraExp] Exp FIXED [GS/GSCS] . [ExtraExp] Added by Maps [GS/GSCS] . [ExtraExp] Added by VIP (New System) [GS/GSCS] . [ExtraExp] Added by Resets [GS/GSCS] . [Command] /playerinfo "playername" ADDED [GS/GSCS] . Need Resets Option for create guild ADDED [GS/GSCS] . BC 8 LIMIT BUG by exit and enter FIXED [GS/GSCS] . Marry Position FIX [GS/GSCS] . Skill Tree Effects now work 100% [GS/GSCS] . Skill Tree Icons for Skills no longer dissapear [GS/GSCS] . New Messages added om SCF_Message.ini [GS/GSCS] . Player Stat Add Limit by Class [GS/GSCS] . 3rd Wings z28 Options (Wizzardy and HP recovery) added [GS/GSCS] . 3rd Wings Excellent Options Added [GS/GSCS] . Fix on Mana and HP recovery options in Soket System + Wings [GS/GSCS] . Golden Fernir Options Added [GS/GSCS] . ConnectMember AutoReloader [GS/GSCS] . ConnectMember Reload Console Command (/cmemberload) [GS/GSCS] . Soket Options Effects completed 100% [GS/GSCS] . Added symbol states to global character calculation formula, works now [GS/GSCS] . Fixed Soket Option for min/max skill attack power and magic deffence [GS/GSCS] . Fixes to Summoner Life refill Send [GS/GSCS] . Changes Sleep Skill resistance calculation [GS/GSCS] . Master Evil Spirit of MG FIX [GS/GSCS] . Magic Circle ReCast FIX [GS/GSCS] . New Duel System [GS/GSCS] . Soket Options Additional Stats Fix [GS/GSCS] . MISSING INFORMATION Error Message Fix during server transfer [GS/GSCS] . Anti-Hack for 3rd Class Quest changed and minor fixes were done [GS/GSCS] . Added support for more MAPS, up to 255 maps [GS/GSCS] . SkyEvent Fixed ID storage error (KillCount, InEvent and Win Prize) [GS/GSCS] . SkyEvent Mobs do not appear when event starts FIX [GS/GSCS] . Anti-Hack System for Skill Learning, Dropping Fake Boxes and more [GS/GSCS] . Fix on Learning skill 230 (Item 7707) Had wrong Item [GS/GSCS] . Changes to the EXC option generation method of the eventitembags [GS/GSCS] . [Custom Events] SkyEvent getting Stuck after running once Fix [GS/GSCS] . Fix for EventItem bags (min, max level, zOption random) [GS/GSCS] . Fix for Reset System info Re-Request [GS/GSCS] . Guild SQL Injection Fix [GS/GSCS] . BC 8 LIMIT [GS/GSCS] . Auto Add Exp FIXED [GS/GSCS] . Suspicious merchant Moss Event [GS/GSCS] . Excellent Shops [GS/GSCS] . Raklion Event [GS/GSCS] . Marry Square System [GS/GSCS] . [Command] /getmarry [GS/GSCS] . Player Class ofwerflow auto fix (on login & on logout) [GS/GSCS] . Mastering Info Receive Check [GS/GSCS] . Marry Info Receive Check [GS/GSCS] . Resets Info Receive Check [GS/GSCS] . PCPoints Info Receive Check [GS/GSCS] . Auto Add Exp in Safe-Zone Option [GS/GSCS] . Allow JOH Ancient Item Option [GS/GSCS] . Allow Excellent Ancient Item Option [GS/GSCS] . Reset Master Option Add for Remove previous resets [GS/GSCS] . Reset SP System Doesnt read FIX [GS/GSCS] . Item Move Limit FIX [GS/GSCS] . Enter VIP Server without be VIP FIX [GS/GSCS] . Skill Tree Level Up Points (Reading INI) FIX [GS/GSCS] . SCFDB v3.4 FINAL VERSION - With Unicode Support . Warehouse vs Move Anti-Hack implemented, prevent duping [GS/GSCS] . Magic Circle Skill Fully Works [GS/GSCS] . Season 3 Quest Item Req Count opt Added [GS/GSCS] . Random game DC [Caused by: It's not his magic [ACCOUNT][CHAR] . ] [GSCS] . Quest Anti-Hack fix against gaining points [GS/GSCS] . Added new ini file for SkillTree System SCF_SkillTree.ini [GS/GSCS] . Barraks and Refuge Quests killcount loading through SCF_Season3.ini [GS/GSCS] . Dont add Event monsters if the events are Dissabled [GS] . SCFdb Fixed [GS/GSCS] . Extra Exp for VIP users in normal GS Fixed [GS/GSCS] . Item Socket Recovery option fixed [GS/GSCS] . BC Crash FIX [GS] . Quest Anti-Hack implemented against paket editing and item check added [GS/GSCS] . [Spawn] Monsters dont Reappear when died FIX [GS/GSCS] . [Custom Events] Monsters dont appear FIX [GS/GSCS] . [Custom Quest] Profession Change! - ADDED [GS/GSCS] . Reset System for Masters different of Normal Characters [GS/GSCS] . Master Skill tree server move visual bug fix [GS/GSCS] . Season 4 Soket System 'RECOVERY' from old system included [GS/GSCS] . Fixed Quest Class overflow (for multireset servers, that reset quests) [GS/GSCS] . Character looses exp at max level if he is not 3rd Class [GS/GSCS] . After LevelUP summoner has wrong HP [GS/GSCS] . Summoner DC if DL uses firescream not far away [GS/GSCS] . Summoner HP inconsistancies during DIE, Login, Warp [GS/GSCS] . Kalima Gates Fixed for DL and MG (could not move to kalima 2 to 7) [GS/GSCS] . Explotion Skill Drink FIX [GS/GSCS] . Magic Circle Skill Drink FIX [GS/GSCS] . Reduce Dmg Shield Skill Drink FIX [GS/GSCS] . Five Shot Skill Drink FIX [GS/GSCS] . Sword Slash Skill Drink FIX [GS/GSCS] . Lighting Storm Skill Drink FIX [GS/GSCS] . Birds Skill Drink FIX [GS/GSCS] . After LevelUP summoner has wrong HP [GS/GSCS] . Summoner DC if DL uses firescream not far away [GS/GSCS] . Summoner HP inconsistancies during DIE, Login, Warp [GS/GSCS] . Kalima Gates Fixed for DL and MG (could not move to kalima 2 to 7) [GS/GSCS] . Item Move Limit FIX [GS/GSCS] . Master SkillTree Skills dmg fix [GS/GSCS] . Master SkillTree MaxLife Show Fine on Connect FIX [GS/GSCS] . Master IceStorm much damage fixed [GS/GSCS] . Mastering Level fix, no more going over the Max Level [GS/GSCS] . Mastering Level fix, no more levelup points after max level [GS/GSCS] . If CryWolf event has been lost, NPC doesnt dissapear [GSCS] . Visual Effect for altar user missing [GSCS] . Fixed CryWolf Altar visual States [GSCS] . ChaosCardProbability FIX [GS/GSCS] . Monster AI Element FIX [GS/GSCS] . Destroy GIOCP FIX [GS/GSCS] . Rebuilt Mastering Level-Up system, no more levelup after max level [GS/GSCS] . Socket System Mix of Spear Seed Level Fix [GS/GSCS] . Anti-Hack System for Lehap improved -> added trade states [GS/GSCS] . Anti-Hack System for Warp and Gate Moves added against item duping [GS/GSCS] . When kill a pk you become a pk [GS/GSCS] . Socket System Box-To-Box GS crash issue fixed [GS/GSCS] . Added Switch to Enable/Disable EXC drop of Socket Items (default: off) [GS/GSCS] . When u try to upgrade the socket item in chaos goblin machine, sockets vanish [GS/GSCS] . Fixed item delition from Socket machine if moved from-to same position [GS/GSCS] . Fixed EventItemBag names messup, added new EventItemBags [35-39] [GS/GSCS] . New Transformation Ring of Snow Man [GS/GSCS] . Summoner First wings with PET Visual BUG on Selection Screen FIX [GS/GSCS] . Summoner First wings with PET Visual BUG on Game FIX [GS/GSCS] . Map Move FIX [GS/GSCS] . Reset Mail Send and Check FIX [GS/GSCS] . Santa's NPC (468 to 475) Shops Added [GS/GSCS] . Santa Invitation Warp to Santa Map [GS/GSCS] . GS Packets recv from SCFdb fixes for SCFdb3 [GS/GSCS] . [Command] /addbuff fixes [GS/GSCS] . Marry bad field FIX [GS/GSCS] . Doesnt load Marry settings FIX [GS/GSCS] . Doesnt save the sometimes SkillTree [GS/GSCS] . Does not Increase damage by +11 [item with any type of sockets] [GS/GSCS] . VipMoney Recv FIX [GS/GSCS] . Reset System send mail with req items in reset level [GS/GSCS] . Reset System add luck, opt, skill, level on item req. [GS/GSCS] . DL Cant equip rings, pendants, and accesories FIX [GS/GSCS] . Item(kor).txt added Summoner Row [GS/GSCS] . Item(kor).txt can add 3 value for masters example (1 dw 2 sm 3 gm) [GS/GSCS] . Map Move Server in GS does not support maps with index over 50 [GS/GSCS] · Cant dissable shield protecting the crown in castle siege event [GSCS] . Visual effects do not show on monsters and characters when seen on screen [GS/GSCS] . Night Skill Addition Fix (on Monster die, complete structure clean) [GS/GSCS] . PCPoint Shop Dupe FIX [GS/GSCS] . SCF_EventManagement.dat new system [GS/GSCS] . Illusion Temple Skins [GS/GSCS] . Married People cant TRACE inside Events FIX [GS/GSCS] . Happy Hour Exp FIX [GS/GSCS] . Checksum Main FIX [GS/GSCS] . Quest DarkElf FIX [GS/GSCS] . Fixed Improper CheckSum combination for delete socket option [GS/GSCS] . On Item Bless, JOH, JOL and so on... Socket options visually dissapear [GS/GSCS] . GM Logo Icon Fix on top of the players head [GS/GSCS] . Lehap Trade-Dupe Method [GS/GSCS] · Have to hold control down to attack players [GSCS] · Not allowed to switch char while in CS [NOT A BUG!!!][WEBZEN PROTECTION] [GSCS] . Transformation Ring buffs and effects during equip fix [GS/GSCS] . Socket System Mix: Remove Option, item delition FIX [GS/GSCS] . Socket System Engine change [crash fix, mem fix, options dissapear fix] [GS/GSCS] . Season 4 Socket Item drop added + new options SCF_Season4.ini [GS/GSCS] . 75% Less Memory usage implementation [New exe + dll tech] [GS/GSCS] . Season 4 Chaos Box Mix Delete option from item [GS/GSCS] . Season 4 Chaos Box Mix Insert option in item [GS/GSCS] . Implemented SCF_SocketItems.txt to read Socket Items [GS/GSCS] . Season 4 Chaos Box Mix Seed Spear (Success/Fail) [GS/GSCS] . Season 4 Chaos Box Mix Seed Jewel (Success/Fail) [GS/GSCS] . Item Dissapear from inventory fix (move item function) [GS/GSCS] . Season 4 Socket Options work on Equip [GS/GSCS] . Season 4 Chaos Box created [item move inv<->box] [GS/GSCS] . Season 4 Item Move on same spot crash fix [GS/GSCS] . New Player Global Structure (crash/delay fix for some cases) [GS/GSCS] . Anti-ALT-F4 Bug System [Rollback Fix][On Chaos Mix] [GS/GSCS] . Anti-ALT-F4 Bug System [Rollback Fix][On Server Move] [GS/GSCS] . Can not Sell to NPC equipped items, anti-disapear of items [GS/GSCS] . Season 4 Options Warehouse Load & Save [GS/GSCS] . Season 4 Items with new options drop and pickup Fix [GS/GSCS] . Season 4 Options Inventory Load & Save [GS/GSCS]
04-08-09, 02:06 PM #17
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Ðề: MuServer SCFMT 7.11.56 Cracked !!!
her không cần pack cho clinet ạ! mà ip của nó thía nào her
Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng linkent_lonely xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!
04-08-09, 02:09 PM #18
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Ðề: MuServer SCFMT 7.11.56 Cracked !!!
ah nhân tiện em hỏi cái trong server có 1 cái server con mot cái servercs hai cái này khác nhau gì vậy
Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng linkent_lonely xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!
04-08-09, 02:23 PM #19
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Ðề: MuServer SCFMT 7.11.56 Cracked !!!
đÂY LÀ gs MỚI À !?
04-08-09, 03:04 PM #20
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Ðề: MuServer SCFMT 7.11.56 Cracked !!!
các bác cài win xp test bản này thấy sao nhỉ em dùng win server nên không test được. bác nào test rồi cho ít ý kiến đi
Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng Olala xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!
Các Chủ đề tương tự
Scfmt 10.07.65
Bởi gauandy trong diễn đàn Hỏi Đáp/ Yêu CầuTrả lời: 0Bài viết cuối: 04-06-11, 06:26 AM -
Lỗi BC 8 - SCFMT 10.07.65
Bởi gauandy trong diễn đàn Hỏi Đáp/ Yêu CầuTrả lời: 1Bài viết cuối: 01-06-11, 10:03 AM -
SCFMT 7.04.02 Cracked (by Plasma32) !
Bởi tomatoes trong diễn đàn ReleasesTrả lời: 112Bài viết cuối: 17-04-09, 08:35 AM -
SCF Cracked 6.40.04 ^^!
Bởi KhuongCK_Dev trong diễn đàn ReleasesTrả lời: 4Bài viết cuối: 13-03-09, 04:15 PM -
SCFMT 5.21.06 Full cracked by Regnal(GS and GS_CS)
Bởi vietpro8x trong diễn đàn ReleasesTrả lời: 18Bài viết cuối: 26-08-08, 12:03 AM