SCFDB And SCFCM 6.47.14 Cracked
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    Lục Địa MU LandOfPhi's Avatar
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    SCFDB And SCFCM 6.47.14 Cracked

    Đây là SCFDB và SCFCM của Server SCFMT 6.47.14 được Crack bởi Plasma32
    Hiện tại Plasma32 chỉ Crack được chừng đó thôi ^^!
    Link Download : [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Credits :

    Plasma32 - Cracked
    Raphael89 - Post RZBR
    LandOfPhi - Post Clbgamesvn ^^!
    Lần sửa cuối bởi LandOfPhi, ngày 23-01-09 lúc 05:14 PM.
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  2. #2
    Thành Viên
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    Ðề: SCFDB And SCFCM 6.47.14 Cracked

    Bug dump mu point !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng LoveBol xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  3. #3
    Thành Viên
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    Icon14 Ðề: SCFDB And SCFCM 6.47.14 Cracked

    Wait for more releases by Plasma (GSs)..

    Welcome in IGBR LandOfPhi
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng BERELVIS xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  4. #4
    Thành Viên Tâm Huyết
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    Ðề: SCFDB And SCFCM 6.47.14 Cracked

    Cho ít thông tin về server được ko vậy bạn ?!
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng LHB_LOVE xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  5. #5
    Lục Địa MU LandOfPhi's Avatar
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    Ðề: SCFDB And SCFCM 6.47.14 Cracked

    Trích dẫn Gửi bởi BERELVIS [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Wait for more releases by Plasma (GSs)..

    Welcome in IGBR LandOfPhi
    Hi BERELVIS to Clbgamesvn ^^!
    Trích dẫn Gửi bởi LHB_LOVE [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Cho ít thông tin về server được ko vậy bạn ?!
    Thông tin đây bạn.
    Full Changelog of Files
    This files arent released yet due issues with WinLicense.
    // 1.05D+ ~ 3.00 Versions [SCFMT 6.61 Series]
    . Certain Summoners get DC if DL attacks					[GS/GSCS]
    . Castle owner can not go to Land of Trials [SEASON 4]				[GSCS][CHECK]
    . Battle soccer bug - no soccer ball when it start [SEASON 4]			[GS/GSCS]
    . Doesnt save the sometimes SkillTree						[GS/GSCS]
    . Does not Increase damage by +11 [item with any type of sockets]		[GS/GSCS]
    . VipMoney Recv FIX 								[GS/GSCS]
    . Reset System send mail with req items in reset level 				[GS/GSCS]
    . Reset System add luck, opt, skill, level on item req.				[GS/GSCS]
    . DL Cant equip rings, pendants, and accesories FIX				[GS/GSCS]
    . Item(kor).txt added Summoner Row						[GS/GSCS]
    . Item(kor).txt can add 3 value for masters example (1 dw 2 sm 3 gm)		[GS/GSCS]
    . Map Move Server in GS does not support maps with index over 50		[GS/GSCS]
    · Cant dissable shield protecting the crown in castle siege event		[GSCS]
    . Visual effects do not show on monsters and characters when seen on screen	[GS/GSCS]
    . Night Skill Addition Fix (on Monster die, complete structure clean)		[GS/GSCS]
    . PCPoint Shop Dupe FIX								[GS/GSCS]
    . SCF_EventManagement.dat new system						[GS/GSCS]
    . Illusion Temple Skins								[GS/GSCS]
    . Married People cant TRACE inside Events FIX					[GS/GSCS]
    . Happy Hour Exp FIX								[GS/GSCS]
    . Checksum Main	FIX								[GS/GSCS]
    . Quest DarkElf	FIX								[GS/GSCS]
    . Fixed Improper CheckSum combination for delete socket option			[GS/GSCS]
    . On Item Bless, JOH, JOL and so on... Socket options visually dissapear	[GS/GSCS]
    . GM Logo Icon Fix on top of the players head					[GS/GSCS]
    . Lehap Trade-Dupe Method							[GS/GSCS]
    · Have to hold control down to attack players					[GSCS][CHECK]
    · Sometimes if someone is killed they have to DC because they cant do anything	[GSCS][CHECK]
    · Sometimes entering final room = game freeze or player gets DC			[GSCS][BMD RELATED]
    · Not allowed to switch char while in CS [NOT A BUG!!!][WEBZEN PROTECTION]	[GSCS]
    . Transformation Ring buffs and effects during equip fix			[GS/GSCS]
    . Socket System Mix: Remove Option, item delition FIX				[GS/GSCS]
    . Socket System Engine change [crash fix, mem fix, options dissapear fix]	[GS/GSCS]
    . Season 4 Socket Item drop added + new options SCF_Season4.ini			[GS/GSCS]
    . 75% Less Memory usage implementation [New exe + dll tech]			[GS/GSCS]
    . Season 4 Chaos Box Mix Delete option from item				[GS/GSCS]
    . Season 4 Chaos Box Mix Insert option in item					[GS/GSCS]
    . Implemented SCF_SocketItems.txt to read Socket Items				[GS/GSCS]
    . Season 4 Chaos Box Mix Seed Spear (Success/Fail)				[GS/GSCS]
    . Season 4 Chaos Box Mix Seed Jewel (Success/Fail)				[GS/GSCS]
    . Item Dissapear from inventory fix (move item function)			[GS/GSCS]
    . Season 4 Socket Options work on Equip						[GS/GSCS]
    . Season 4 Chaos Box created [item move inv<->box]				[GS/GSCS]
    . Season 4 Item Move on same spot crash fix					[GS/GSCS]
    . New Player Global Structure (crash/delay fix for some cases)			[GS/GSCS]
    . Anti-ALT-F4 Bug System [Rollback Fix][On Chaos Mix]				[GS/GSCS]
    . Anti-ALT-F4 Bug System [Rollback Fix][On Server Move]				[GS/GSCS]
    . Can not Sell to NPC equipped items, anti-disapear of items			[GS/GSCS]
    . Season 4 Options Warehouse Load & Save					[GS/GSCS]
    . Season 4 Items with new options drop and pickup Fix				[GS/GSCS]
    . Season 4 Options Inventory Load & Save					[GS/GSCS]
    . New GM System Based on ACL Control						[GS/GSCS]
    . /vipbuylist Mail Send FIX							[GS/GSCS]
    . /vipbuy VipMoney Decrease FIX							[GS/GSCS]
    . Happy Hour cannot start FIX							[GS/GSCS]
    . Marry Saves FIX								[GS/GSCS]
    . Explotion Skill Make Crash FIX						[GS/GSCS]
    . Golden Fenrir or Red Fenrir + New Wings = Visual bug FIXED			[GS/GSCS]
    . Visual bug of Golden Fenrir FIXED						[GS/GSCS]
    . Visual bug of Fenrirs FIXED							[GS/GSCS]
    . Visual bug of 1st lvl summoner wings in Selection Character Screen FIXED	[GS/GSCS]
    . Visual bug of 1st lvl summoner wings Ingame FIXED				[GS/GSCS]
    . Minnor Changes on Twisting Slash Weapon Check					[GS/GSCS]
    . Blood Castle Crash FIX							[GS]
    . Chaos Castle Crash FIX							[GS]
    . Crywolf Crash FIX								[GSCS]
    . Summoner to Bloody Summoner QUEST VISUAL BUG FIX				[GS/GSCS]
    . Summoner Scrolls fixed Class usage						[GS/GSCS]
    . Illusion Original Win/Loose Message						[GS]
    . Personal Shop FIX								[GS/GSCS]
    . Explotion Freeze Time FIX							[GS/GSCS]
    . 3/4 Illusion Temple Skills Working						[GS/GSCS]
    . Short Keys Save FIX								[GS/GSCS]
    . NPC 379, NPC 416 DOESNT WORKS	FIX						[GS/GSCS]
    . Warewolf and GateKeeper FIX							[GS/GSCS]
    . Sell, Trade, Personal Shop Options Added					[GS/GSCS]
    . Character Class overflow Fix for quest completion				[GS/GSCS]
    . Multiple Skill Tree Icons when move from one server to other FIX		[GS/GSCS]
    . Crash Fixes									[GS/GSCS]
    . [Summoner] Can buff others with Reflect Skill					[GS/GSCS]
    . [Marry] Just Married Global Annunce 						[GS/GSCS]
    . [Console] Filtter on SpyChat command 						[GS/GSCS]
    . You can change the start hour of Illusion Temple with SCF_EventManagement	[GS/GSCS]
    . Minnor Bugs									[GS/GSCS]
    . PK Map FIX									[GS/GSCS]
    . [Console] New Commands							[GS/GSCS]
    . New Console									[GS/GSCS]
    . New Skill 234 make damage inself FIX						[GS/GSCS]
    . [Skill Tree] Do Much Damage FIX						[GS/GSCS]
    . [Reset System] Reset All Quests FIX						[GS/GSCS]
    . [Marry] [Command] /acceptmarry FIX						[GS/GSCS]
    . [GM Commands] /gmove FIX							[GS/GSCS]
    . [GM Commands] /gmoveall FIX							[GS/GSCS]
    . [SCF Events] Boss Attack Invasion Added					[GS/GSCS]
    . GS-Main CheckSum Enabled/Dissabled						[GS/GSCS]
    . [SCF Events] Happy Hour bassed on AddExperience and ItemDropPer		[GS/GSCS]
    . [SCF Events] All Events Remaked Optimezed - (Less Resources)			[GS/GSCS]
    . [Cherry Blossom] Box (EventItemBag35.txt)					[GS/GSCS]
    . [Cherry Blossom] Wine 							[GS/GSCS]
    . [Cherry Blossom] Dumpling 							[GS/GSCS]
    . [Cherry Blossom] Petal							[GS/GSCS]
    . [Cherry Blossom] Cherry Blossom System Added					[GS/GSCS]
    . [Marry] FIX /forcedivorce - Zen decrease to you				[GS/GSCS]
    . [Marry] FIX /forcedivorce - Zen Increase to your ex wife/husband		[GS/GSCS]
    . [Marry] FIX /forcedivorce - you cant use that if your wife/husband is online	[GS/GSCS]
    . [Marry] [Command] /tracemarry							[GS/GSCS]
    . [Marry] [Command] /forcedivorce						[GS/GSCS]
    . [Marry] [Command] /divorce							[GS/GSCS]
    . [Marry] [Command] /acceptmarry						[GS/GSCS]
    . [Marry] [Command] /marry							[GS/GSCS]
    . [Marry] Marry System - Commands and INI Options Added				[GS/GSCS]
    . Cant enter to Kalima if over level 400					[GS/GSCS]
    . [GM Commands] /clearinv is only for GM with ID=32				[GS/GSCS]
    . [GM Commands] /clearinvall is only for GM with ID=32				[GS/GSCS]
    . Can dissable SkillTree							[GS/GSCS]
    . Summoner Nail and Sahamutt skills have very low damage (increase dmg by 20x)	[GS/GSCS]
    . [GM Commands] /gg  			(global chat with your nick)	[GS/GSCS]
    . [GM Commands] /gmoveall    					[GS/GSCS]
    . Allowed to drop QUEST Items							[GS/GSCS]
    . [GM Commands] /gmove     | and normal /move for GMs		[GS/GSCS]
    . GMs of [gm_list.ini] Now can use the normal GMs Commands			[GS/GSCS]
    . DK Swelling orb settings [single+party][Too much HP]				[GS/GSCS]
    . Summoner Life Fix								[GS/GSCS]
    . Crash Fix									[GS/GSCS]
    . [SCF Events] Hit And Up Event Added						[GS/GSCS]
    . Allowed to sell QUEST Items							[GS/GSCS]
    . When Add Mobs With /Spawn now Monsters Auto-Regenerate			[GS/GSCS]
    . GM System UNIQUE [gm_list.ini - Name, Server_Code, GM_Code]			[GS/GSCS]
    . When you put JOH option, you need to relog to see it				[GS/GSCS]
    . When you dissolve the joh option and all pink colored items you cant add JOH	[GS/GSCS]
    . Neil Skill Simple Attack Fix							[GS/GSCS]
    . Save Short Keys Fix (Q,W,E)							[GS/GSCS]
    . [GM Commands] /fireworks    				[GS/GSCS]
    . Added Symbols Auto-Dissabled in 24 Hours					[GS/GSCS]
    . Extra Vip Experience for Vip Users in Non Vip GameServer			[GS/GSCS]
    . SCF_GMSystem.ini for GM Unique System						[GS/GSCS]
    . Can Load Saved File with Spawn Command	[SCF_SpawnMonsters.txt]		[GS]
    . Can Save File with Spawn Command	[SCF_SpawnMonsters.txt]			[GS/GSCS]
    . [GM Commands] /AddBuff  					[GS/GSCS]
    . [GM Commands] /clearinv  (clear inventory, only the underside)		[GS/GSCS]
    . [GM Commands] /clearinvall  (clear all inventory)			[GS/GSCS]
    . [GM Commands] /AddSkill   				[GS/GSCS]
    . [GM Commands] /Spawn      		[GS/GSCS]
    . Added Symbols Features							[GS/GSCS]
    . PCPoints Monster Give Point configuration [SCF_PCPoint.txt]			[GS/GSCS]
    . PCPoints Shop config reading FIX [sometimes reads 1 item more]		[GS/GSCS]
    . AntiAFK Safe Zone Config reading FIX						[GS/GSCS]
    . NPC 406=Priest Devin, 407=Wolf dissapear [CryWolf State Change related]	[GS/GSCS][S3 FIX]
    . Sleep Skill (sometimes if die monster appear and cant move again)		[GS/GSCS]
    . SkillTree Pasive Skills Finished at 70%					[GS/GSCS]
    . Sleep Skill and Others Fix							[GS/GSCS]
    . NPC 406=Priest Devin, 407=Wolf dissapear [CryWolf State Change related]	[GS/GSCS][Fixed on S4]
    . VIP GS Entry FIX								[GS/GSCS]
    . DS1 to DS6 Enter Fixed							[GS/GSCS]
    . Chain lighting fo summoner is attacking only 1 monster			[GS/GSCS]
    . SCFdb Much CPU Ussage (sometimes) FIX
    . Triple Shot (Skill Tree) FIXED						[GS/GSCS]
    . New SCFdb CS
    . New SCFdb Recv Connection							[GS/GSCS]
    . Fixs on New Skills of Elf and DW in Skill Tree				[GS/GSCS]
    . Remove bad Saves to DB (if u dont add points or recv points)			[GS/GSCS]
    . New Skills									[GS/GSCS]
    . SCFdb Lost Connection wait for Reconnection :)				[GS/GSCS]
    . All SQL to SCFdb								[GS/GSCS]
    . Drink Books (Skills)								[GS/GSCS]
    . Summoner Sleep Skill After Mob Dead Fix					[GS/GSCS]
    . PCPoints Only For GMS Option							[GS/GSCS]
    . SCFdb ProtocolCore								[GS/GSCS]
    . SCFdb Implementation								[GS/GSCS]
    . Summoner Sleep Skill Fix							[GS/GSCS]
    . PCPoint Some Slot Fixs							[GS/GSCS]
    . PCPoint Shop Default file name option FIX					[GS/GSCS]
    . BloodCastle Users Play State crash FIX					[GS]
    . Skill Tree data save on action [LevelUp, AddPoint,Move Server] FIX		[GS/GSCS]
    . Skill Tree SQL Result Set crash FIX						[GS/GSCS]
    . MG and DL wrong Devil Square 1-6 entry levels FIX				[GS/GSCS]
    . MG and DL wrong Blood Castle 1-7 entry levels FIX				[GS/GSCS]
    . Skill Tree after max level stats addition bug fixed				[GS/GSCS]
    . Skill Tree Mastering Experience after Maximum Level added			[GS/GSCS]
    . Skill Tree configuration added [SCF_Common.ini]				[GS/GSCS]
    . Added Player Die function HOOK to Map 56, 57, 58				[GS/GSCS]
    . Added Player Die function HOOK to Map 51					[GSCS]
    . Skill Tree 									[GS/GSCS]
    . PCPointShop System								[GS/GSCS]
    . 3rd lvl Wings Exc options dont work						[GS/GSCS]
    . PK MAP
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]



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