gửi đến khiemegold nhờ up lai HD
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  1. #1
    Thành Viên
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    Jan 2009
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    gửi đến khiemegold nhờ up lai HD

    links HD cua ong die roi lam ơn up lai huong dan di ko co hd tui cha biet lam gi het.thanks
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng letuandi1988 xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  2. #2
    ^^Nu*~ + Nhu*o*ng^^ anhnhuong's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Aug 2007
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    Ðề: gửi đến khiemegold nhờ up lai HD

    cái HD đó tiếng anh pác biết làm thì về chơi làm sao ha?, Quest toàn tiếng anh lun mừ.
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  3. #3
    Thành Viên
    Ngày tham gia
    Dec 2008
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    Ðề: gửi đến khiemegold nhờ up lai HD

    help đây, link die ngã gì ???? tôi vào ầm ầm
    Mún có full tiếng việt thì kiếm cái TGHM VN 1.2.6 là ok

    [SHARE] Perfect World Server coLinux Image (and guide)

    Since there's so many people who have no clue how to set up Perfect World server, I decided to put together working server.

    If for some reason it doesn't work, post screen shots and and logs here. Maybe If I'm still around I will help [IMG]file:///E:/coLinux/huongdan_files/smile.gif[/IMG] If I'm not, then someone else can.

    Fixes and changes
    March 24, 2008 : IMPORTANT: A Matter of Security (Q&A: 3.11)
    March 24, 2008 : IMPORTANT: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] (Fixed problems with registration page.)

    Part 1: [[Only registered and activated users can see links. ]] [RS] [MU] (100Mb)
    Part 2: [[Only registered and activated users can see links. ]] [RS] [MU] (100Mb)
    Part 3: [[Only registered and activated users can see links. ]] [RS] [MU] (100Mb)
    Part 4: [[Only registered and activated users can see links. ]] [RS] [MU] (100Mb)
    Part 5: [[Only registered and activated users can see links. ]] [RS] [MU] (4Mb)
    * Freaking university blocked all file sharing services except few, so no mirrors.

    Package contains
    • coLinux (with Fedora 5) (In case you need to know)
    • Installed Perfect World server compatible with 1.2.6
    • Registration page

    What you need to have and know
    1. Perfect World Client (1.2.6)
    2. coLinux and WinPCap (included in archive "/install/")
    3. Microsoft SQL Server (guide for installation included)
    4. Few minutes of your time to patch up Perfect World client (patch included)
    5. I don't care if your house burns down as a result of running this server. I'm not responsible.
    6. This set up was created as free. This means, you can not sell it, rent it, or get any profit (like selling cubi-gold). Although I can not stop you from doing this.
    7. It was build with one playing in mind, so you most likely will have to edit some files in order to make it public. (I don't know if it can be used as public server, since I have no ability to test it.)
    8. Jakarta was removed. You can install it yourself if you desperately need it.

    1. Install MSSQL (Use guide/mssql_installation.html if you need help)
    2. Configure MSSQL (Use guide/mssql_configure.html)
    3. Install WinPcap (install/WinPcap_4_0_2.exe)
    4. Install coLinux (install/coLinux-0.7.2.exe) to "C:\coLinux\". During installation, do not download any additional Linux images.
    5. Copy/Move files from "pwserver" folder to coLinux ("C:\coLinux\pwserver\")
    6. Launch "C:\coLinux\PWServer\PWServer.bat"
    7. User "root" to login into linux
    8. Edit hosts (type: nano /etc/hosts) and replace with your DB IP, press Ctrl+W, then Enter. * See Q&A 3.7 for details.
    9. Type ./start.sh and choose one of the options
    10. Install client patch by copying files from /patch/ to your PW folder

    Q & A
    Q (3.1): What user name do I use for Linux login?
    A: Username: root (there's no password)

    Q (3.2): How do I find user ID?
    A: Open Enterprise Manager (Start->All Programs->Microsoft SQL Server->Enterprise Manager). Follow this path:
    "Console Root->Microsoft->SQL Server Group->{(Local) (Windows NT}->Databases->dbTables"
    Right click on "users" table, and then "Open Table->Return all rows". Find desired user name, ID is on it's left.

    Q (3.3): How to add GM powers?
    A: Open "Query Analyzer" (Start->All Programs->Microsoft SQL Server->SQL Query Analyzer). Connect to database server, select "dbo" as your database and type:
    exec addGM ID, ZONEID
    (ID = user id, ZONEID = zone id, use 1). Press F5.
    ~ Thanks to Bear

    Q (3.4): How to get cubi-gold?
    A: Open "Query Analyzer" (Start->All Programs->Microsoft SQL Server->SQL Query Analyzer). Connect to database server, select "dbo" as your database and type:
    DECLARE @error integer
    exec usecash ID,1,0,1,0,500000,1,@error
    (ID = user id)
    Press F5. This will give you 5000 cubi gold. Procedure takes some time, and may require you to relogin.
    ~ Thanks to shazbomb

    Q (3.5): Server is OK, but I can not log in.
    A: Server takes some time to load completely. So wait a little longer.

    Q (3.6): How do I check if my DB IP address and account is right?
    A: Try to connect to it. In coLinux box type:
    /opt/lampp/bin/tsql -S IP_ADR:1433 -U sa
    Where IP_ADR is your IP address and "sa" is login. Enter password when needed. If you see "1>" then connection is OK. If you don't, then try disabling firewall and restarting Windows.

    Q (3.7): How do I find database IP?
    A: During your Windows session, go to Start->Run, type "cmd", then type "ipconfig", find your primary internet connection, then find "IP Address.....: IP" (where IP is your IP address)

    Q (3.8): How do I access registration page?
    A: There was a mess up, in order to access registration page, follow [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] guide. Then your registration page would be accessible on [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Q (3.9): How do I change exp, sp, drop rate?
    A: During your coLinux session, type:
    nano /home/gamed/ptemplate.conf
    and change exp_bonus, drop_bonus, sp_bonus, money_bonus to your desire.

    Q (3.10): I don't want to use disk C: for my set up...
    A: You will have to modify PWServer.conf (located in /pwserver/). Change values of cobd0 and cobd1 accordingly to your changes in path. For example if you installed coLinux on disk D: then change:
    Q (3.11): How secure is this set up?
    I did not pay any attention to security, mainly because it was build as a private (only for you alone) server. All security matters are your responsibilities.

    On another hand, some of the web server features can be secured by typing
    /opt/lampp/lampp security
    in your coLinux console and following directions.
    Additional: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] - follow this guide to remove eth1 interface. After that, coLinux will have only 29000 and 80 ports open, which are accessible on your Windows machine.
    There may be other openings which I don't know of.

    1. Install MSSQL (Use guide/mssql_installation.html if you need help) remember your SApassword, exampl set as SAPASSWORD.
    2. Configure MSSQL (Use guide/mssql_configure.html)
    3. Install WinPcap (install/WinPcap_4_0_2.exe)
    4. Install coLinux (install/coLinux-0.7.2.exe) to "C:\coLinux\". During installation, do not download any additional Linux images.
    5. Copy/Move files from "pwserver" folder to coLinux ("C:\coLinux\pwserver\")
    6. Launch "C:\coLinux\PWServer\PWServer.bat"
    7. User "root" to login into linux
    8. Edit hosts (type: nano /etc/hosts) and replace with your DB IP, press Ctrl+W, then Enter. * See Q&A 3.7 for details.
    Edit table.xml add your SA password.
    in Colinux:
    nano /etc/table.xml
    look for:
    !-- MSSQL -->
    driver name="com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver "/>
    connection name="auth0" poolsize="8" url="jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://dbserver:1433;databasename=dbo"
    username="sa" password="SAPASSWORD"/>

    Edit core.php add SA password.
    nano /opt/lampp/htdocs/register/core.php
    look for:

    Hope it helped.... I also had the same problems... Restarting is good too...^^
    Soft nối file Trích:
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng khiemegold xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  4. #4
    ^^Nu*~ + Nhu*o*ng^^ anhnhuong's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Aug 2007
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    Ðề: gửi đến khiemegold nhờ up lai HD

    Mún có full tiếng việt thì kiếm cái TGHM VN 1.2.6 là ok
    là client hay patch vậy. mà hem có cái ông nói đó thì Q tiếng anh hay tiếng việt.
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