[MU] ACTeaM 97d Classic Original
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  1. #1
    Thành Viên
    Ngày tham gia
    Jul 2015
    Bài viết
    Thanked 5 Times in 1 Post

    ACTeaM 97d Classic Original

    | ==============================================
    | - (C) 2019 ACT-Network (R)
    | -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
    | - www.actservers.com.br
    | -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
    | - Copyright Advanced CoderZ MU DevelopmenT 2019
    | ==============================================
    | ==============================================
    | - GameServerInfo - Common
    | ==============================================
    | -> Welcome Message System When Logging In
    | -> SQL Connection System
    | -> Server Level Limit System
    | -> Item Time System on Floor
    | -> Time System for Select Char and Exit Game
    | -> VIP Room Special Room System [NEW]
    | -> Bonus XP System by VIP Type [NEW]
    | -> VIP-type Infinite Pet System [NEW]
    | -> Infinite Potions System by vip Type [NEW]
    | -> Infinite Flex System by vip type [NEW]
    | -> Potions Delay System for Each Pot [NEW]
    | -> Shadow Phantom Soldier BOT System [NEW]
    | -> LevelUp Points System by Classes
    | -> Elfsummon System
    | -> Transformation Ring System
    | -> Jewel Rate System
    | -> Original Drops Rate System
    | -> ChaosMachine System Rate Settings
    | -> Golden Monster System per map
    | -> Pot Percentage System (Life and Mana)
    | ==============================================
    | - GameServerInfo - CalCharacter
    | ==============================================
    | -> CalCharacter On / Off System
    | -> Item System + 15 Added
    | -> Splitter System for all classes
    | -> Fully Configurable PVP System
    | ==============================================
    | - GameServerInfo - Skill
    | ==============================================
    | -> Complete ManaShield Skill Formula
    | -> Greater Life Skill Formula (Blade Knight Buff)
    | -> Defense (Elf Buff) Skill Time System [NEW]
    | -> Attack (Elf Buff) Skill Time System [NEW]
    | -> Healing Life (Elf Buff) Skill Formula [NEW]
    | -> Monster Definition System of Each Summoning Orb
    | -> Level Skills Definition System
    | ==============================================
    | - GameServerInfo - Party
    | ==============================================
    | -> Party Level System
    | -> Party Players EXP System
    | -> Party EXP System by Class
    | -> Party Players EXP System on DevilSquare
    | -> Party EXP System by Class on DevilSquare
    | ==============================================
    | - GameServerInfo - Attack [BETA TEST]
    | ==============================================
    | -> Time limit system in minutes use auto attack [NEW]
    | -> Minimum Level System [NEW]
    | -> System Accepts Command with Offline Mode [NEW]
    | -> Map System Prohibited from Using Auto Attack [NEW]
    | ===============================================
    | - GameServerInfo - Commands
    | ===============================================
    | -> Command / Post // With 3-color flood protection system
    | -> Command / PKClear // Clear Player Pk
    | -> Command / HeroClear // Clear Player's Hero
    | -> Command / AddPK // Add pk to the level the player wants
    | -> Command / Zen // Add the Zen the player wants
    | -> Command / ClearInv // Clear Player Inventory in 3 Ways
    | -> Commando / Chest // Changing dupe-protected chests
    | -> Command / add // Aadd Player Points
    | -> Command / Attack // Player Attacks Automatically
    | -> Command / AttackOff // Turn Off Automatic Atack
    | -> Command / OffAttack // Player Strikes ONLIME Even As He Leaves The Game
    | ===============================================
    | - GameServerInfo - GameMaster
    | ===============================================
    | -> Command / Drop // Command for Creating Items
    | -> Command / Skin // Transform Monsters Command
    | -> Command / MoveAll // Move All Players
    | -> Command / MoveGuild // Move Entire Guild
    | -> Command / Disconnect // Disconnect Player
    | -> Command / Trace // Go to player
    | -> Command / Track // bring the player
    | -> Command / Block // Block Player
    | -> Command / UnBlock // Unlock Player
    | -> Command / Ban // Ban Account
    | -> Command / UnBan // Unban Account
    | ================================================
    | - GameServerInfo - Reset
    | ================================================
    | -> Added key to turn on the system
    | -> Added 2 types of punctual / cumulative reset
    | -> Added Configurable Zen Requirement
    | -> Added check for cannot reset with items
    | -> Added resets maximum limit check
    | -> Added move check for source map
    | -> Added level check to reset from 0 to 1000
    | -> Added HP / MP / SD Balance
    | -> Added Check for 3 types of vips
    | -> Added level After reset
    | -> Added points for reset
    | -> Added Points After Force Reset
    | -> Added Points After Agility Reset
    | -> Added Points After Vitality Reset
    | -> Added Points After Power Reset
    | -> Added Configurable Syntax / Reset
    | =================================================
    | - New Map System
    | =================================================
    | -> Limit up to 25 maps on server
    | -> pvp on new maps Fixed
    | -> Monster respawn error on new maps
    | -> Item Drop Error on New Maps
    | -> Monster read error on new maps
    | -> Player respawn error on new maps [NEW]
    | =================================================
    | - New Duel System
    | =================================================
    | -> New Map for Duel Configurable [HOT]
    | -> Duel Invitation System [HOT]
    | -> Invitation Deny Return [HOT]
    | -> Return of Invitation Time [HOT]
    | -> Move to Duel Rooms [HOT]
    | -> Global Duelist Announcement [HOT]
    | -> Duelist Fujão Global Announcement [HOT]
    | -> Configurable Invitation Time System [HOT]
    | -> Checks of (opponent) trade chaosbox zen etc .. [HOT]
    | -> Duel Ranking System [HOT]
    | -> (4) Simultaneous duels on the same map [HOT]
    | -> Duel Rooms Automatic Release [HOT]
    | -> Check Rooms for Next Duel [HOT]
    | -> Map (x) Coordinate (x) Configurable Coordinate (y) [HOT]
    | -> Non-VIP Restrictions Configurable [HOT]
    | -> Duelist Scoreboard Information [HOT]
    | -> Configurable Duel Round Configuration [HOT]
    | -> Room Random Respawn System [HOT]
    | -> Spectator System [HOT]
    | -> Spectator Room Information System [HOT]
    | -> Configurable Viewer Skins System [HOT]
    | -> Duel Command Syntax Configurable (/ Duel / yes / Room) [HOT]
    | =================================================
    | - GameServerInfo - Jewels
    | =================================================
    | -> Rate Jewel Success System [HOT]
    | -> Jewelry Item System [HOT]
    | -> Add Level System [HOT]
    | -> Luck Add System [HOT]
    | -> Add System Option [HOT]
    | -> Excelent Add System [HOT]
    | -> System for Adds ExcelentOption [HOT]
    | -> Add System for MaximoOptions [HOT]
    | =================================================
    | - Golden Summoning Scroll
    | =================================================
    | -> Golden Goblin Scrolll [HOT]
    | -> Golden Taikan Scrolll [HOT]
    | -> Golden Dragon Scrolll [HOT]
    | -> Golden Lizard Scrolll [HOT]
    | -> Golden Tantalo Scrolll [HOT]
    | =================================================
    | - Basic Protection
    | =================================================
    | -> Trade Hack Protection.
    | -> Dupe hacker protection.
    | -> Disconnect hacker protection.
    | -> Flood Protection.
    | -> Unicode protection create char.
    | -> Unicode create guild protection.
    | =================================================
    | - Main 97d
    | =================================================
    | -> Changeable IP Exchange System
    | -> Changeable Version Exchange System
    | -> Changeable Serial Exchange System
    | -> In-Game CPU Consumption Reduction System
    | -> Monster Hp Bar System [HOT]
    | -> 32 item system by category
    | -> Item Brightness System + 15
    | -> ANTIALIASED Graphic System
    | -> Static Effect System for Items and Wings [HOT]
    | -> Lightweight 3D System without Graphic Errors
    | -> Agility System
    | -> MiniMap System
    | -> FPS Control System
    | -> Animated Select Char System [HOT]
    | -> Fog System
    | -> Glow System
    | -> New Jewelry System [HOT]
    | -> New Scrolls System [HOT]
    | -> Extremely easy main management system [GetMain] [HOT]

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    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng screamofheart xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  2. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to screamofheart For This Useful Post:

    anhtuanapt (12-12-19), jkl12345 (09-04-22), kephongluuv (11-12-19), thatislove (09-12-19), Van_Bom (12-12-19)

  3. #2
    Thành Viên
    Ngày tham gia
    May 2010
    Bài viết
    Thanked 2 Times in 2 Posts

    Ðề: ACTeaM 97d Classic Original

    /Attack không sử dụng được
    HP bar cũng không có.
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng kephongluuv xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  4. #3
    Thành Viên
    Ngày tham gia
    Apr 2014
    Bài viết
    Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post

    Ðề: ACTeaM 97d Classic Original

    Trích dẫn Gửi bởi kephongluuv [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    /Attack không sử dụng được
    HP bar cũng không có.
    xin cai client di ban. toan bao licensed khi mo main
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng ntcong295810 xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  5. #4
    Thành Viên Jackieldm's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Aug 2012
    Bài viết
    Thanked 49 Times in 36 Posts

    Ðề: ACTeaM 97d Classic Original

    Trích dẫn Gửi bởi ntcong295810 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    xin cai client di ban. toan bao licensed khi mo main
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng Jackieldm xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  6. #5
    Thành Viên
    Ngày tham gia
    Apr 2014
    Bài viết
    Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post

    Ðề: ACTeaM 97d Classic Original

    Trích dẫn Gửi bởi Jackieldm [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Cũng vậy ông ơi.nó khóa licensed ko bật đc main
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng ntcong295810 xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!



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