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Golden Software Surfer v13.3.493 (x86/x64) | 156 MB

Surfer is a full-function 3D visualization, contouring and surface modeling package that runs under Microsoft Windows. Surfer is used extensively for terrain modeling, bathymetric modeling, landscape visualization, surface analysis, contour mapping, watershed and 3D surface mapping, gridding, volumetrics, and much more.

Surfer's sophisticated interpolation engine transforms your XYZ data into publication-quality maps. Surfer provides more gridding methods and more control over gridding parameters, including customized variograms, than any other software package on the market. You can also use grid files obtained from other sources, such as USGS DEM files or ESRI grid files. Display your grid as outstanding contour, 3D surface, 3D wireframe, watershed, vector, image, shaded relief, and post maps. Add base maps and combine map types to create the most informative display possible. Virtually all aspects of your maps can be customized to produce exactly the presentation you want. Generating publication quality maps has never been quicker or easier.

Who should use Surfer?
Hydrologists, engineers, geologists, archeologists, oceanographers, biologists, foresters, geophysicists, medical researchers, climatologists...

What's New in This Release:
A divide by 0 error occurred when trying to print an empty document using Fit to Page
The area/length calculations were incorrect when converting a polygon from WGS84 to projected system
Limits became huge and map disappeared when changing the coordinate system of a file that contained invalid objects
Internal Error occurred when gridding collinear data with Minimum Curvature
Incorrect measure window contents were displayed when switching between plot windows
Pasting objects inside a map layer were not located consistently
Locking a drawn object did not always prevent moving that object
MIF Import: Internal error occurred when the MIF file contained one or more 'arc' objects with degenerate parameters
Saving and loading grids in the ADF file format may have size/dimension discrepancies vs. ESRI
SID/ECW Import: Specifying pixel reduction with full resolution option resulted in bad coordinates
Internal Error occurred when using statistics on some XLS data
KMZ import: Error sometimes occurred "Error while attempting to extract KMZ archive: Failed extracting"
MIF Import: Added support for MULTIPOINT and COLLECTION objects
Internal Error occurred when a large amount of data was cut in the worksheet
Internal Error in GridMove.cpp occurred when inserting cells in the worksheet when the entire sheet is selected
Internal Error in WksApi1.cpp occurred when transposing columns for some XLSX files
The worksheet crashed when pasting large amounts of data
PDF Raster Export: coordinates could be shifted when exporting a GeoPDF
Formatted Text Grid Import: an error that the coordinates were non-uniform sometimes occurred with large files
Downloading Online Maps: the default servers were not recreated after the file storing the server information was deleted or renamed
Internal Error in XlsxImportFilter.cpp occurred when opening an XLSX file
The worksheet crashed after using the Transform command
Surfer crash after opening SQL server database
TIF Import: Error sometimes occurred "TIFF file contains an image that is tiled but not DCT/JPEG compressed"
Internal error in WKSAPI1.cpp occurred after clearing data
JP2 Import: The wrong coordinate system information (easting/northing) was loaded
Crash occurred when importing an EMF file
Netherlands: RD New CS coordinates were shifted
Geotiff imported incorrectly with pixel coordinates
TIF Import: blanking was not working with TIFF files that intentionally used NaNs as blanked node values
XLSX Import: some XLSX files imported with extra columns
KML Import: Error sometimes occurred "Expected numeric value for fill flag"
Changing the cell alignment in the worksheet for a date/time column with a text header changed the date/time formatting

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