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Fraunhofer Scai Mpcci v4.4.2-1 | 671 MB

Fraunhofer SCAI, a developer innovative methods in Computational Science, has released 4.4.2-1 version of MpCCI, is a software environment which enables the exchange of data between the models of two or more simulation codes at runtime.

MpCCI (Mesh-based parallel Code Coupling Interface) has been developed at the Fraunhofer Institute SCAI in order to provide an application independent interface for the coupling of different simulation codes.

MpCCI allows the exchange of various kinds of data between the coupled codes; e.g. energy and momentum sources, material properties, mesh definitions, or global quantities.

The MpCCI interface has been accepted as a 'de-facto' standard for simulation code coupling. The user can combine codes of different disciplines and from independent software vendors in one multi-disciplinary analysis.

MpCCI 4.4.2-1 Release Infos (October 16, 2015):
MpCCI Co-Simulation

- Fixed issue for a co-simulation between a transient and steady state simulation where both codes are doing a remeshing. Data and simulation code are properly synchronized.
- MpCCI Visualizer provides a new option to open a ccvx file. You can activate the automatic loading of files series having the same stem or the opening of a single file which is the default now.
- Fixed issue with cut plane definition with MpCCI Visualizer. The cut plane edit line supports the two type of decimal mark dot and comma.
- Support pre-release of V2016.
MSC Adams
- Support co-simulation extension for additional product template like MSC.Adams/Car, MSC.Adams/Chassis.
- Enhancement for a co-simulation with MSC.Adams/Car with multiple statements definitions.
- Additional support of user external subroutines for user element within the co-simulation.
Ansys FEA
- Support Distributed Domain Solver feature of ANSYS for the co-simulation.
- For the most supported codes you can find the latest code adapter releases (ANSYS Fluent 16.2, JMAG 14.1, OpenFOAM 2.4, RadTherm 12, etc.)

About Fraunhofer SCAI

Fraunhofer SCAI develops innovative methods in Computational Science and actively supports their take-up in industrial practice. The Institute combines mathematical and computational knowledge with a focus on algorithms - bringing benefits to customers and partners.

Name: Fraunhofer SCAI MpCCI
Version: (64bit) 4.4.2-1
Interface: english
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7even / 8 / 8.1.

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