[MU] Repack zTeam eX802 Exclusivo PZ
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  1. #1
    Thành Viên
    Ngày tham gia
    Dec 2009
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    Thanked 7 Times in 2 Posts

    Repack zTeam eX802 Exclusivo PZ

    Bueno, Esto y mi primer artículo Crear Repack que actualmente estoy en mi ultilizado prueba le gusta ...


    PT:O repack foi elaborado com base nessa source na qual foi feito vários fix, muitos deles com a ajuda dos gringos e de alguns BR. Peço que ao invés de perguntar se funciona isso ou aquilo,que baixem e façam os teste, e caso encontre algum bug, postem o problema para que possamos buscar soluções já que com a source fica mais fácil de tentar resolver.

    ES:El repack se basó en esa fuente en la que se hizo varias corrección, muchos de ellos con la ayuda de los gringos y algunos BR. Les pido que en lugar de preguntar si funciona esto o lo otro, caen y hago la prueba, y si encuentras un error, al publicar el problema para que podamos buscar soluciones en cuanto a la fuente es más fácil de tratar de resolver.

    EN:The repack is based on the source in which several correction, many with the help of the Americans and some BR was made. I ask that instead of asking whether this works or that fall and get tested, and if you find a mistake, to publish the problem so we can find solutions as to the source is easier than trying to solve.


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    Update 1:
    Friends, I made this little update on gameserver just for you to edit the phrase when the Game Master logs in the game to your liking, the file Message.xml
    Update 2:
    Unification of Multiserver (just use only 1, not 2 as before)
    Add the command / reset without relog
    Add effect of the third quest when the char reset
    Add new lines in Message.xml for editing the NPCTalk and strings of Reset
    Update 3:
    Add command /evo
    Add Command /Online
    fix the Master Seed Extract
    Update 4
    - Fixed Summons Golden skill
    - Fixed reset system without character reload
    - Removed Message dialog at /reset system command
    - Fixed GM Connect message
    - Fixed guard say from NpcTalk Event
    - Added evo command
    - Fixed Seed extraction fail
    - Added /autoReset system
    - Added /reset sem relogar
    - Added /Online
    - Added efeito da terceira quest quando o char resetar
    - Fixed some strings at ResetSystem
    - Added /autoadd command (/autoadd <str|dex|vit|ene|cmd|[off]> <value>)
    - Fixed GameServer Interface
    - Fixed a Creation of Log directory
    - Fixed Ranking Server Connection protocol
    - Fixed Summons the demon Level 5
    - Fixed Pet's and Rings experience
    - Added Pet's and Rings experience configuration at CommonServer.cfg
    - Fixed Personal Shop open only in Safe zone
    - Added /invisible Command


    MuServer All Updates 4 =>[Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Cliente=>Cliente Season8 Repack by Mentor

    Lần sửa cuối bởi bambu, ngày 23-08-15 lúc 09:57 AM.
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng bambu xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  2. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to bambu For This Useful Post:

    booms (08-11-15), hoangphan1 (11-09-15), thanhluan_lndh (07-07-16), yoobian (26-08-15), YoungKeno (18-08-15)



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