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28-06-12, 09:50 PM
Mình mới dow thục sơn off về chơi nhưng kô dow được file lệnh GM về. Đang cần lệnh GM ai có cho mình với!!!!!!!!!!!!(:|
18-11-12, 12:15 PM
#hide from oter players (Use it where no1 else arround or wont work on them)
#show to others players
#teleport to coordenates X Y
-moveto X Y
*Carefull with this command, u can get stuck somewhere in the map.
if u do get stuck just try
-moveto 110 600
and u´ll be teleported to sky village free to move arround.
#recover HP and Mana
#World Message
-bulletin -bulletin {MESSAGE HERE} -all
*1-text must be inside {} not () or []
2- -n repeat number
3- -c color like ffff1111 (google color code map) ..
4- -all make sure no space like - all or will show just all word
#Disconnect player
-kick playername
#clear ur PK value
#set the server to maintainence ONLY CAN LOG GM and MOD.
-accept off
to put it back on
-accept on
to chek server status
#Chek login server status
#Create NPC
-createnpc xxxxx
(Where xxxxx is the number id of the item. for ex: -createnpc 412
*this will add a warehouse man right next to you*)
#set a general welcome message that will show up in world when a person logins (like a bulletin)
-setentertip MESSAGE HERE
*it can have spaces between words, not like the -bulletin command.
#Clear enter tip so it doesnt post anything
#Chek what´s the current enter tip being displayed
#Start Blood Palace War Event (BPW)
-startwar 1
*use the fully command ¨-startwar 1¨ to begin war. YES it needs the ¨1¨ its a parameter.
#To end the Blood Palace War Event (BPW)
-endwar 1
*use the fully command ¨-endwar 1¨ to end current war. YES it needs the ¨1¨ its a parameter.
#Set or Update a Specific War Time!
-updatewartime 1 weekday hour min
*For Ex
-updatewartime 1 saturday 18 00
#Set ur level
-setlev X
where ¨X¨ will be ur new level. it doesnt matter if its higher or lower than ur current level.
#Enchance to ¨X¨ level ur current weapon
-wsetlev ¨X¨
*the weapon u are currently using will be enchanced to that ¨X¨ level.´
IF u want to enchance an ASISTANT TALISMAN u need to take weapon and other talismans
and only leave on ur char the one u want to enchance and use the comand
-wsetlev ¨X¨
#add experience.. (I dont really see the point on this since u can set whatever level u want)
-addexp ¨X¨
*where ¨X¨ is the ammount of experience u earn when use this command.
#Add energy to ur character
Điểm tinh lực
-addnimbus ¨X¨
*where ¨X¨ is the ammount of energy u earn when use this command.
Tip- Chars can only get energy up to level 99, on level 100 plus energy goes to 0. unless u edit that.
#Add skills
-addskill ¨X¨
*where ¨X¨ is the number id of the skill u want to add.
#Remove an especific skill
-removeskill ¨X¨
#Remove all skills u have added with the command ¨addskill¨
#Add effects (Like extra hp, extra dmg, extra def, etc)
-addeffect ¨X¨
¨X¨ = number id of effect.
#Clear all effects
*Caution: this command will clear ALL effects, pet effects, buff all. u can summon ur pet again to get pet effects back.
#Set Little Pet Level
-setsmallpetlev ¨X¨
X = any number from 1 to 10. 10 is the max level u can edit with this command.
#Add experience to your little pet
-setsmallpetexp ¨X¨
¨X¨ is the ammount of experience u want to add to ur little pet.
#Destroy guild?
this command will work after the guild leader uses the comand ¨Disband guild¨. so instead of waiting 7 days
it will only take like 1 minute.
-guilddestroy ¨X¨
*where ¨X¨ is the name of the guild. (After succesfully use of this command wait around 1 min and guild
will be destroyed)
#Set the max ammount of user allowed to enter the server at the same time.
-setmaxuser ¨X¨
*where ¨X¨ is the max ammount of users u want to be online on ur server.
*after using this command u might wanna run an -info to chek ur server status.
#Shutdown server message and shutdown the server.
*Running this command will automaticlly shut down ur server within 3 minutes.
#add urself money
-addmoney ¨X¨
*where ¨X¨ is the ammount of money u want to recieve.
TIP: 50.000 = 5gold
#Add items to your inventory
-additem (item_ID) (Ammount) (Class) (plus_RANK)
*item id = the numer id of the specific item u want to add
*ammount = ammount in numbers of quantity of that item
*Class = classes are White, Blue, Green, whiteplus(platinum), Greenplus(Jadegreen), Blueplus(Skyblue)
*plus_rank= 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.... up to 20(depending on ur config.)
for example:
-clearitem -all //XÓA TẤT CẢ ITEM - dell all item
-additem 567 1 whiteplus 10
will add a BlackFire Dagger (ammount of 1) Class WHITEPLUS +10
-additem 1200 1 plus 10
will add a Divine Tiger +10
#Add item to inventory to everyone that´s online on your server.
-worldadditem (Minimun Required Lvl) (Item ID) (Ammount)
-worldadditem 90 5539 2 = all player lvl 90+ online will get x2 gold bag 5k
(Tặng tất cả các account cấp 90 trở lên đc tặng 2 quà là 5k Vàng)
Thx to "frfooosh"
*will add the specific item to everyone online.
#Activate or Desactivate the auction House.
-auction on *to activate
-auction off *to desactivate
*When desactive auction. the items being auctioned wont be lost or moved. they´ll remain in the auction house.
when auction is turned on again, the items will still be there.
-moveuser XX
where ¨XX¨ is the name of the char..
if u dont know the name of the char but u know his account..
just use
-moveacct XX
where ¨XX¨ is the account name
and the player conencted on that account will be teleported to u.
01-12-12, 02:17 AM
#hide from oter players (Use it where no1 else arround or wont work on them)
#show to others players
#teleport to coordenates X Y
-moveto X Y
*Carefull with this command, u can get stuck somewhere in the map.
if u do get stuck just try
-moveto 110 600
and u´ll be teleported to sky village free to move arround.
#recover HP and Mana
#World Message
-bulletin -bulletin {MESSAGE HERE} -all
*1-text must be inside {} not () or []
2- -n repeat number
3- -c color like ffff1111 (google color code map) ..
4- -all make sure no space like - all or will show just all word
#Disconnect player
-kick playername
#clear ur PK value
#set the server to maintainence ONLY CAN LOG GM and MOD.
-accept off
to put it back on
-accept on
to chek server status
#Chek login server status
#Create NPC
-createnpc xxxxx
(Where xxxxx is the number id of the item. for ex: -createnpc 412
*this will add a warehouse man right next to you*)
#set a general welcome message that will show up in world when a person logins (like a bulletin)
-setentertip MESSAGE HERE
*it can have spaces between words, not like the -bulletin command.
#Clear enter tip so it doesnt post anything
#Chek what´s the current enter tip being displayed
#Start Blood Palace War Event (BPW)
-startwar 1
*use the fully command ¨-startwar 1¨ to begin war. YES it needs the ¨1¨ its a parameter.
#To end the Blood Palace War Event (BPW)
-endwar 1
*use the fully command ¨-endwar 1¨ to end current war. YES it needs the ¨1¨ its a parameter.
#Set or Update a Specific War Time!
-updatewartime 1 weekday hour min
*For Ex
-updatewartime 1 saturday 18 00
#Set ur level
-setlev X
where ¨X¨ will be ur new level. it doesnt matter if its higher or lower than ur current level.
#Enchance to ¨X¨ level ur current weapon
-wsetlev ¨X¨
*the weapon u are currently using will be enchanced to that ¨X¨ level.´
IF u want to enchance an ASISTANT TALISMAN u need to take weapon and other talismans
and only leave on ur char the one u want to enchance and use the comand
-wsetlev ¨X¨
#add experience.. (I dont really see the point on this since u can set whatever level u want)
-addexp ¨X¨
*where ¨X¨ is the ammount of experience u earn when use this command.
#Add energy to ur character
Điểm tinh lực
-addnimbus ¨X¨
*where ¨X¨ is the ammount of energy u earn when use this command.
Tip- Chars can only get energy up to level 99, on level 100 plus energy goes to 0. unless u edit that.
#Add skills
-addskill ¨X¨
*where ¨X¨ is the number id of the skill u want to add.
#Remove an especific skill
-removeskill ¨X¨
#Remove all skills u have added with the command ¨addskill¨
#Add effects (Like extra hp, extra dmg, extra def, etc)
-addeffect ¨X¨
¨X¨ = number id of effect.
#Clear all effects
*Caution: this command will clear ALL effects, pet effects, buff all. u can summon ur pet again to get pet effects back.
#Set Little Pet Level
-setsmallpetlev ¨X¨
X = any number from 1 to 10. 10 is the max level u can edit with this command.
#Add experience to your little pet
-setsmallpetexp ¨X¨
¨X¨ is the ammount of experience u want to add to ur little pet.
#Destroy guild?
this command will work after the guild leader uses the comand ¨Disband guild¨. so instead of waiting 7 days
it will only take like 1 minute.
-guilddestroy ¨X¨
*where ¨X¨ is the name of the guild. (After succesfully use of this command wait around 1 min and guild
will be destroyed)
#Set the max ammount of user allowed to enter the server at the same time.
-setmaxuser ¨X¨
*where ¨X¨ is the max ammount of users u want to be online on ur server.
*after using this command u might wanna run an -info to chek ur server status.
#Shutdown server message and shutdown the server.
*Running this command will automaticlly shut down ur server within 3 minutes.
#add urself money
-addmoney ¨X¨
*where ¨X¨ is the ammount of money u want to recieve.
TIP: 50.000 = 5gold
#Add items to your inventory
-additem (item_ID) (Ammount) (Class) (plus_RANK)
*item id = the numer id of the specific item u want to add
*ammount = ammount in numbers of quantity of that item
*Class = classes are White, Blue, Green, whiteplus(platinum), Greenplus(Jadegreen), Blueplus(Skyblue)
*plus_rank= 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.... up to 20(depending on ur config.)
for example:
-clearitem -all //XÓA TẤT CẢ ITEM - dell all item
-additem 567 1 whiteplus 10
will add a BlackFire Dagger (ammount of 1) Class WHITEPLUS +10
-additem 1200 1 plus 10
will add a Divine Tiger +10
#Add item to inventory to everyone that´s online on your server.
-worldadditem (Minimun Required Lvl) (Item ID) (Ammount)
-worldadditem 90 5539 2 = all player lvl 90+ online will get x2 gold bag 5k
(Tặng tất cả các account cấp 90 trở lên đc tặng 2 quà là 5k Vàng)
Thx to "frfooosh"
*will add the specific item to everyone online.
#Activate or Desactivate the auction House.
-auction on *to activate
-auction off *to desactivate
*When desactive auction. the items being auctioned wont be lost or moved. they´ll remain in the auction house.
when auction is turned on again, the items will still be there.
-moveuser XX
where ¨XX¨ is the name of the char..
if u dont know the name of the char but u know his account..
just use
-moveacct XX
where ¨XX¨ is the account name
and the player conencted on that account will be teleported to u.
bạn có thể chỉ mình từng lệnh dùng để làm gì ko
mình tập tành cái này lên ko bít nhìu lắm:D:D
01-12-12, 10:31 AM
pm yahoo
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