View Full Version : [MU] Xin danh sách ID của Map
05-03-12, 06:56 PM
Như tiêu đề, ai có dnah sách ID của từng Map thì cho minh nhé! THANKKKKKKKKKKKKKK :-*
05-03-12, 07:03 PM
xem ở SCFdata ấy.30charrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
05-03-12, 07:14 PM
0 = Lorencia
1 = Dungeon (Dungeon1, Dungeon2, Dungeon3)
2 = Devias
3 = Noria
4 = LostTower (LostTower1, LostTower2, LostTower3, LostTower4, LostTower5, LostTower6, LostTower7)
5 = Exile
6 = Arena
7 = Atlans
8 = Tarkan
9/32 = Devil Square (9 = DS 1, DS2, DS3, DS4) (32 = DS5, DS6)
10 = Icarus
11 = Blood Castle 1
12 = Blood Castle 2
13 = Blood Castle 3
14 = Blood Castle 4
15 = Blood Castle 5
16 = Blood Castle 6
17 = Blood Castle 7
18 = Chaos Castle 1
19 = Chaos Castle 2
20 = Chaos Castle 3
21 = Chaos Castle 4
22 = Chaos Castle 5
23 = Chaos Castle 6
24 = Kalima 1
25 = Kalima 2
26 = Kalima 3
27 = Kalima 4
28 = Kalima 5
29 = Kalima 6
36 = Kalima 7 (Lost Kalima)
30 - Valley of Loren
31 = Land of Trials
33 = Aida
34 = Crywolf Fortress
37 = Kantru
38 = Kantru 2
39 = Kantru 3
40 = Silent Map
41 = Barracks of Balgass
42 = Balgass Refuge
45 = Illusion Temple 1
46 = Illusion Temple 2
47 = Illusion Temple 3
48 = Illusion Temple 4
49 = Illusion Temple 5
50 = Illusion Temple 6
51 = Elbeland
52 = Blood Castle 8
53 = Chaos Castle 7
56 = Swamp of Calmness
57 = Raklion
58 = Raklion Boss
62 = Village´s Santa
63 = Vulcanus
64 = Duel Arena
65~69 = Doppelganger (Double Gear)
69~ 72 = Empire Fortress
Nguồn RGZ.....................
05-03-12, 07:17 PM
ID Moster luôn đây..
0 BullFighter
1 Hound
2 BudgeDragon
3 Spider
4 EliteBullFighter
6 Lich
7 Giant
14 SkeletonWarrior
5 HellHound
8 PoisonBull
9 ThunderLich
10 DarkKnight
11 Ghost
12 Larva
13 HellSpider
15 SkeletonArcher
16 EliteSkeleton
17 Cyclops
18 Gorgon
19 Yeti
20 EliteYeti
21 Assassin
22 IceMonster
23 Hommerd
24 Worm
25 IceQueen
26 Goblin
27 ChainScorpion
28 BeetleMonster
29 Hunter
30 ForestMonster
31 Agon
32 StoneGolem
33 EliteGoblin
34 CursedWizard
35 DeathGorgon
36 Shadow
37 Devil
38 Balrog
39 PoisonShadow
40 DeathKnight
41 DeathCow
64 OrcArcher
65 EliteOrc
66 CursedKing
67 MetalBalrog
20 0SoccerBall
45 Bahamut
46 Vepar
47 Valkyrie
48 LizardKing
49 Hydra
50 SeaWorm
51 GreatBahamut
52 SilverValkyrie
57 IronWheel
58 Tantallos
59 Zaikan
60 BloodyWolf
61 BeamKnight
62 Mutant
63 DeathBeamKnight
68 Molt
69 Alquamos
70 QueenRainer
71 MegaCrust
72 PhantomKnight
73 Drakan
74 AlphaCrust
75 GiantDrakan
76 DarkPhoenixShield
77 DarkPhoenix
84 OrcWarrior
85 OrcArcher
86 EliteOrc
87 SpiritBeast
88 SpiritKnight
89 SpiritSorcerer
90 OrcWarrior
91 OrcArcher
92 EliteOrc
93 SpiritBeast
94 SpiritKnight
95 SpiritSorcerer
96 OrcWarrior
97 OrcArcher
98 EliteOrc
99 SpiritBeast
111 SpiritKnight
112 SpiritSorcerer
113 OrcWarrior
114 OrcArcher
115 EliteOrc
116 SpiritBeast
117 SpiritKnight
118 SpiritSorcerer
119 OrcWarrior
120 OrcArcher
121 EliteOrc
122 SpiritBeast
123 SpiritKnight
124 SpiritSorcerer
125 OrcWarrior
126 OrcArcher
127 EliteOrc
128 SpiritBeast
129 SpiritKnight
130 SpiritSorcerer
138 KingOrc
139 OrcArcher
140 SpiritSoldier
141 SpiritBeast
142 SpiritKnight
143 SpiritSorcerer
131 CastleGate
132 StatueofSaint
133 StatueofSaint
134 StatueofSaint
162 ChaosCastle1
163 ChaosCastle1
164 ChaosCastle2
165 ChaosCastle1
166 ChaosCastle2
167 ChaosCastle2
168 ChaosCastle3
169 ChaosCastle3
170 ChaosCastle4
171 ChaosCastle4
172 ChaosCastle5
173 ChaosCastle5
152 Magicstoneof%s
153 Magicstoneof%s
154 Magicstoneof%s
155 Magicstoneof%s
156 Magicstoneof%s
157 Magicstoneof%s
158 Magicstoneof%s
144 DeathAngel
145 DeathCenturion
146 BloodySoldier
147 Aegis
148 LordCenturion
149 Necron
160 Schriker
161 ShadowofKundun
174 DeathAngel
175 DeathCenturion
176 BloodySoldier
177 Aegis
178 LordCenturion
179 Necron
180 Schriker
181 ShadowofKundun
182 DeathAngel
183 DeathCenturion
184 BloodySoldier
185 Aegis
186 LordCenturion
187 Necron
188 Schriker
189 ShadowofKundun
190 DeathAngel
191 DeathCenturion
192 BloodySoldier
193 Aegis
194 LordCenturion
195 Necron
196 Schriker
197 ShadowofKundun
260 DeathAngel
261 DeathCenturion
262 BloodySoldier
263 Aegis
264 LordCenturion
265 Necron
266 Schriker
267 ShadowofKundun
268 DeathCenturion
269 DeathAngel
270 BloodySoldier
271 Aegis
272 LordCenturion
273 Necron
274 Schriker
338 ShadowofKundun
331 Aegis
332 LordCenturion
333 BloodySoldier
334 DeathAngel
335 Necron
336 DeathCenturion
337 Schriker
275 IllusionofKundun
42 RedDragon
43 GoldenBudgeDragon
44 GoldenDragon
55 DeathKing
56 DeathBone
78 GoldenGoblin
54 GoldenSoldier
53 GoldenTitan
81 GoldenVepar
83 GoldenWheel
79 GoldenDragon
80 GoldenLizardKing
82 GoldenTantallos
150 Bali
151 Soldier
135 WhiteWizard
136 OrcSoldierofDoom
137 OrcArcherofDoom
100 Lance
101 IronStick
102 Fire
103 Meteorite
226 Trainer
229 Malron
230 Alex
231 ThomsonCannel
232 Archangel
233 SpiritofArchangel
234 GoblinGate
235 PriestSevina
236 GoldenArcher
237 Charon
238 ChaosGoblin
239 StadiumGuard
240 Baz,StorageGuard
241 Lawrence,Commander
242 ElfLala
243 Eo,Craftsman
244 Lumen,Barmaid
245 Isabel,Wizard
246 Zienna,WeaponMerchant
247 CrossbowGuard
248 Martin,Wandering
249 BerdyshGuard
250 Harold,Wandering
251 Hanzo,Blacksmith
252 monstro252
253 Amy,PotionGirl
254 Pasi,Wizard
255 Liaman,Barmaid
256 Lahap
257 ElfSoldier
258 Leo,theHelper
259 PriestReira
296 NPC296
367 CoreGate
368 Elpis
369 Osborne
370 Jerridon
297 PKDarkKnight
371 EliteSoldier
372 SilverSkeleton
104 Trap
105 CanonTrap
106 LaserTrap
215 Shield
216 Crown
217 CrownSwitch1
218 CrownSwitch2
219 CastleGateSwitch
220 Guard
221 SlingshotAttack
222 SlingshotDefense
223 Senior
224 Guardsman
277 CastleGate
278 LifeStone
283 GuardianStatue
284 monstro284
285 Guardian
286 Archer
287 Spearman
288 CanonTower
290 LizardWarrior
291 FireGolem
292 QueenBee
293 PoisonGolem
294 AxeWarrior
295 Erohim
300 MutantHero
301 OmegaWing
302 AxeWarriorHero
303 GigasGolem
304 WitchQueen
305 BlueGolem
306 DeathRider
307 ForestOrc
308 DeathTree
309 HellMaine
340 DarkElf
341 Soram
344 Balram
345 DeathSpirit
348 Ballista
349 Balgass
310 HammerScout
311 LanceScout
312 BowScout
313 Werewolf
314 ScoutHero
315 WerewolfHero
316 Valam
317 Solam
204 WolfStatue
205 WolfAltar1
206 WolfAltar2
207 WolfAltar3
208 WolfAltar4
209 WolfAltar5
350 Berserk
351 SprinterWolf
352 IronRider
353 Satyros
354 BladeHunter
355 Kentauros
356 Gigantis
357 Genocider
358 Persona
359 TwinTail
360 Dreadfear
361 Nightmare
362 LeftHandsofMaya
363 RightHandsofMaya
364 Maya
318 monstro318
319 monstro319
365 FortunePouch
373 Halloween
374 SantaGirl
375 ChaosCardMaster
376 DrinkSellerHillary
377 DrinkSellerLindsay
378 GameMaster
379 FireworksGirl
380 StoneHenge
381 SwordGuard
382 IllusionGuard
383 PedestalSpiral
384 Pedestal
385 Alchemist
386 HumpBackRed
387 HumpBackViolet
388 Liliputan
389 HumpBackRed
390 HumpBackViolet
391 Liliputan
392 HumpBackRed
393 HumpBackViolet
394 Liliputan
395 HumpBackRed
396 HumpBackViolet
397 Liliputan
398 HumpBackRed
399 HumpBackViolet
400 Liliputan
401 HumpBackRed
402 HumpBackViolet
403 Liliputan
404 IllusionBlue
405 IllusionYellow
406 PriestDevin
407 WerewolfQuarrel
408 Keepergate
409 BalramHero
410 DeathSpiritHero
411 SoramHero
412 SylverDarkElf
413 RabbiT
414 EleganceAllen
415 Sivia
416 Leah
417 Marseille
418 BizarneRabbit
419 DirtyButterfly
420 Rabbits
421 WolfMan
422 CurserRich
423 TotemGolem
424 Beasty
425 CaptainBeasty
426 ChaosCastledk
427 ChaosCastledw
428 KingOrc
429 OrcArcher
430 SpiritSoldier
431 SpiritBeast
432 SpiritKnight
433 SpiritSorcerer
434 Gigantis
435 Berserk
436 Balram(Trainee)
437 Soram(Trainee)
438 Persona
439 Dreadfear
440 Dark_Elf
441 Safi-Duoh
442 Safi-Tresses
443 VonShadows
444 ShadowKnight
445 Rookshadows
446 ThunderNeyipin
447 GhostsNeyipin
448 BlazeNeyipinn
449 FireNeyipinn
450 GovernorBlossom
451 BlossomsTree
452 HourMastering
453 HourResearch
454 Ice
455 GiantMammoth
456 IceGiant
457 Cooler
458 IronKnight
459 Slurpan
460 SpiderEgg
461 SpiderEgg
462 SpiderEgg
465 SantaClaus
466 EvilGoblin
467 Snowman
468 LittleSantaYellow
469 LittleSantaGreen
470 LittleSantaRed
471 LittleSantaBlue
472 LittleSantaWhite
473 LittleSantaBlack
474 LittleSantaOrange
475 LittleSantaPink
476 EvilSantaClaus
477 EvilSnowman
478 LuckyCoins
479 GatekeerperTitus
480 zombiefighter
481 zombiefighter
482 resurgentgladiator
483 resurgentgladiator
484 ashesbutcher
485 ashesbutcher
486 Bloodyassassin
487 cold-blooded
488 cold-blooded
489 burninglavagiant
490 outrageousgiantlava
491 outrageousgiantlava
492 MossMerchant
493 GoldenDarkKnight
494 TheGoldenDevil
495 GoldenStoneMonster
496 GoldenCrust
497 GoldenSatyr
498 GoldenTwinTail
499 GoldenIronKnight
500 GoldenEP
501 GreatGoldenDragon
502 goldenrabbit
503 EvilPanda
504 GayionTheGladiator
505 Jerry
506 Raymond
507 Lucas
508 Fred
509 Hammerize
510 DualBerserker
511 DevilLord
512 QuarterMaster
513 CombatInstructor
514 Aticle'sHead
515 DarkGhost
516 Banshee
517 HeadMounter
518 Defender
519 Forsaker
520 OcelottheLord
521 ErictheGuard
522 JerryTheAdviseru
523 Trap
524 EvilGate
525 LionGate
526 Statue
527 StarGate
528 RushGate
529 TerribleButcher
530 MadButcher
531 IceWalker
532 Caterpillars
533 DoppleGanger
534 DoppleFairy
535 DoppleHunter
536 DoppleJudiciary
537 DoppleBerserker
538 DoppleWanderer
539 DoppleFea
540 SartigantheAngel
541 SilverTresaure
542 GoldenTresaure
05-03-12, 07:22 PM
Ẹc.... nta xin ID maps mà :D...........
05-03-12, 07:24 PM
Ẹc.... nta xin ID maps mà :D...........
pít đâu xin id map rồi chưa thỏa mãn xin típ id moster luôn sao., share trước luôn cho rồi :D..........
05-03-12, 08:29 PM
pít đâu xin id map rồi chưa thỏa mãn xin típ id moster luôn sao., share trước luôn cho rồi :D..........
Hehe, tui đang nghiên cưu gate.txt khổ nỗi không hiểu sao di chuyển thủ công từ devias lên raklion hoài mà ko dc? Sẵn tiện, nhất định share hàng của tui, hehe, full 6.2 config FPT, chuẩn all y chanh FPT! :-$
05-03-12, 09:55 PM
Nguồn RGZ.....................
Có id map karutan ko bạn? 8-> 30 charrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
05-03-12, 10:13 PM
ID map karutan = 80
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