View Full Version : [Hướng dẫn] CÔNG THÀNH CHỈ CẦN 1 NGƯỜI-MuServer1.02N
24-03-07, 06:58 PM
Bạn vào theo đường dẫn sau : Enterprise -->
- >MuOnline DB ---> procedure ---> WZ_CS_ReqRegAttackGuild -->nhấp chuột phải chọn Properties
-->sau đó tìm dòng :
<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>
SELECT 5 As QueryResult
<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>
SELECT 8 As QueryResult
- với : 200 : Là cấp độ tối thiểu mà để chủ hội đang ký công thành và nộp rena,bạn chỉnh bao nhiêu tùy.
- Còn 20 : Là số thành viên tối thiểu đang online để có thể công thành,bạn chỉnh thành số 1 .
- Sau đó restart Sever vào đăng thử xem kết quả.Nếu các bạn không chỉnh thì không thề công thành trong mạng Lan,Wan. Chúc Vui !!
24-03-07, 11:45 PM
Hihi thế là có nghĩa chơi offline ở nhà cũng công thành đc phải ko PINOCHIO?
25-03-07, 08:55 AM
hehe, nhà tui có 2 máy tha hồ mà ....HOT HOT ^^
01-04-07, 05:49 PM
Sao ko cho bai viết có chất lượng này lên chú ý hả các bác!Có nhiều thành viên cần cái này lắm!
Quá hay, sẽ làm thử ngay hii. Vậy bạn có biết đi CC chỉ cần 1 người không? Có thể tăng sức khỏe và máu của bọn cc thì đánh 1 người cũng hay chứ nhỉ:D
09-04-07, 10:31 PM
-Cám ơn nha.Tuyệt vời thật.......
18-04-07, 05:41 PM
Bạn oi làm ơn chỉ giúp mình với,ình dang choi phiên bản MU 1.02k,muốn chỉnh phần công thành mà ko biết chỉnh thế nào bạn biết thì làm ơn chỉ cho mình với,đây là file Commonserver của CTC bạn chỉnh dùm mình để mình coppy vào file của mình:
;Translate & Edit by Gladius [v. 1.2k]
; Ustawienia CS'a WebZenu:
IP =
PORT = 44405
; Ogolne ustawienia:
Language = 3 ; [ 0=Korea, 1=English, 2=Japan, 3=China, 4=Taiwan ]
ServerType = 0 ; 0:MainServer, 1:TestServer, 2:Internal Server
Partition = 0 ; Numer partycji : 0, except for china
ItemSerialCheck = 0 ; Sprawdza numery seryjne przedmiotow [ duplikatow ] [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
AddExperience = 300 ; Doswiadczenie za potwora [ Mnoznik ]
StalkProtocol = 0
StalkProtocolId = gundalz2
CharacterDeleteMinLevel = 100 ; Maxymalny level kasowania postaci [ Pomiedzy 1 a 350 ]
CreateCharacter = 1 ; Tworzenie nowych postaci [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
NumberOfMaxUser = 90 ; Maksymalna liczba graczy na serwerze
NumberOfCastleSiegeMaxUser = 60 ; Maksymalna liczba graczy w Castle Siege
MonsterHp = 0 ; HP Potworow [ 0=100% / 10=90% / itd. ]
ItemDropPer = 20 ; Procent wypadania przedmiotow z potworow [ nie dotyczy zenow ]
LootingTime = 20 ; Czas do zalogowania na serwer (w sekundach)
EnableBattleSoccer = -1 ; Pilka nozna na Arenie [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
QuestNPCTeleportTime = 3600 ; Czas teleportac Marlona miedzy miasta
PersonalShopOpen = 1 ; Prywatny sklep [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
Trade = 1 ; Handlowanie [ /trade ] [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
ZenDurationTime = 30 ; Czas lezenia zenow na ziemi (w sekundach)
; Wersja klienta <--> gameservera
ClientExeVersion = 10212
ClientExeSerial = 99.6X_by_Gravers
; SpeedHack:
SpeedHackPlayerBlock = 0 ; Blokuje konto za uzywanie SpeedHackow [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
AttackSpeedTimeLimit = -2200 ; Limit szybkosci ataku
MinimumAttackSpeedTime = -2200 ; Minimalna szybkosc ataku
IsIgnorePacketHackDetect = 9999 ; Ignorowanie pakietow SpeedHacka
HackCheckCount = 5 ; Ilosc powtorzen sprawdzania
DecTimePerAttackSpeed = 0.01 ; Sredni czas przez sekunde ataku
SpeedHackPenalty = 3 ; speed hack penalty value when detected (not use)
IsKickDetecHackCountLimit = 0 ; Kickowanie za Hack [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
DetectedHackKickCount = 0 ; Kickowanie wykrytego po "x" wykryciu SpeedHacka
EnableServerDivision = 0 ; Serwer rozdziela przelacznik wyboru [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
DisconnectHackUser = 0 ; Rozlaczenie gracza za Hack
UseNPGGChecksum = 0 ; Sprawdzaj Checksum GameGuarda
; Logi:
WriteSkillLog = 0 ; Logi Skillow tworzone przez GS'a [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
WriteChatLog = 0 ; Zapis logow chata przez GS'a [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
HackLogServer =
; PenetrationSkill:
EnableCheckPenetrationSkill = 1 ; ELF Skill Penetration [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
; Gildia:
GuildCreateLevel = 150 ; Minimalny level tworzenia gildii [ Pomiedzy 1 a 350 ]
GuildCreate = 1 ; Tworzenie gildii [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl.
GuildDestroy = 1 ; Niszczenie gildii [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
; Eventy:
CastleDeepEvent = 1 ; Deep Of Loren Event [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
ChaosCastleEvent = 1 ; Chaos Castle Event [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
; Chaos Machine (pralka w Nori):
ChaosBox = 1 ; Pralka w Nori - [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
DQChaosSuccessRateLevel1 = 75
DQChaosSuccessRateLevel2 = 75
DQChaosSuccessRateLevel3 = 75
DQChaosSuccessRateLevel4 = 75
DQChaosSuccessRateLevel5 = 75
DQChaosSuccessRateLevel6 = 75
; Player Killer [ PK ]:
ApplyHeroSystem = 1 ; Status Hero (zabicie gracza z PK) [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
PKTIME = 60 ; Ilosc czasu dla statusu PK (w min.)
PKItemDrop = 1 ; Upuszczanie przedmiotow do +5 przez PK [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
; NPC:
EnableEventNPCTalk = 1 ; NPC gadaja o Eventach [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
MerryXMasTalkNpc = 0 ; Pozwala NPC rozmawiac o Swietach [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
HappyNewYearTalkNpc = 0 ; NPC mowia "Happy New Year" [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
; Hear:
EVENT1 = 0 ; Dropowanie Hear[ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
Event1ItemDropTodayMax = 200 ; Max dropnietych Hear przez jeden dzien [ilosc]
Event1ItemDropTodayPercent = 80 ; Drop na jeden dzien [%]
; Sztuczne Ognie:
FireCrackerEvent = 0 ; Wlacza / Wylacza Event "Sztucznych Ogni" [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
FireCrackerDropRate = 50 ; Drop dla Sztucznych Ogni [ x/10000 np. 500/10000=3% ]
ItemDropRateForFireCracker = 8 ; Drop ze Sztucznych Ogni [ x/10 np. 5/10=50% ]
OnlyFireCrackerEffectUse = 0
; Gwiazdka:
XMasEvent = 0 ; Wlacza / Wylacza "Swiateczny Event" [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
XMasEvent_StarOfXMasDropRate = 1 ; Drop z gwiazdki - 0/10000
XMasEvent_ItemDropRateForStarOfXMas = 1 ; Drop dla gwiazdki- N/10
; Medale:
MedalEvent = 0 ; Wlacza / Wylacza Event "Medal" [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
GoldMedalDropRate = 5 ; Drop dla "Gold Medal" [ x/1000 np. 100/1000=10% ]
SilverMedalDropRate = 6 ; Drop dla "Silver Medal" [ x/1000 np. 100/1000=10% ]
ItemDropRateForGoldMedal = 700 ; Drop z "Gold Medal" [ x/1000 np. 100/1000=10% ]
ItemDropRateForSilverMedal = 800 ; Drop z "Silver Medal" [ x/1000 np. 100/1000=10% ]
; Box of Heaven:
EventChipServerConnect = 0
EventChipServerIp =
EventChipEvent = 1 ; Wlacza / Wylacza "BOH" [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
BoxOfGoldDropRate = 5 ; Drop dla "Box of Heaven" [ x/100 np. 20/100=20% ]
ItemDropRateForBoxOfGold = 75 ; Drop z "Box of Heaven" [ x/100 np. 50/100=50% ]
EventChipDropRateForBoxOfGold = 0 ; Drop "Rena" z "Box of Heaven" [ x/100 np. 90/100=90% ]
; Heart of Love:
HeartOfLoveEvent = 0 ; Wlacza / Wylacza "Heart of Love" [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
HeartOfLoveDropRate = 40 ; Drop dla "Heart of Love" [ x/10000 np. 3000/10000=30% ]
ItemDropRateForHeartOfLove = 7000 ; Drop z "Heart of Love" [ x/10000 np. 3000/10000=30% ]
; Devil Square:
DevilSquareEventServer =
DevilSquareEventConnect = 0 ; Podlaczanie do Serwera [Ranking] [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
DevilSquareEvent = 1 ; Wlacza / Wylacza Devil Square [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
EyesOfDevilSquareDropRate = 1 ; Drop dla "Devil Eye" [ x/10 np. 2=20% ]
KeyOfDevilSquareDropRate = 1 ; Drop dla "Devil Key" [ x/10 np. 2=20% ]
; Blood Castle:
BloodCastleEvent = 1 ; Wlacza / Wylacza Blood Castle [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
BloodCastleStartHour = 1 ; Czas rozpoczecia Blood Castle [ 1=30min, 2=1godzina, 3=2godziny ]
AngelKingsPaperDropRate = 2 ; Drop dla "Blood Scroll" [ x/1000 np. 100/1000=10% ]
BloodBoneDropRate = 2 ; Drop dla "Blood Fang" [ x/1000 np. 100/1000=10% ]
StoneItemDrop = 0 ; Dropowac "Stone" [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
StoneDropRate = 0 ; Drop dla "Stone" [ x/10000 np. 3000/10000=30% ]
;Castle Siege:
MarkOfTheLord = 30 ; mark of the lord drop rate - N/10000
CastleSiegeRun = 1 ; castle siege run switch - 0/1
CastleCycleStartYear =0
CastleCycleStartMonth =0
CastleCycleStartDay =0
; castle siege state explanation (run as sequence) ;
; ;
; 1 - register castle siege state ;
; 2 - idle state ;
; 3 - register mark of the lord state ;
; 4 - idle state ;
; 5 - castle attack guild notification state ;
; 6 - ready for castle siege state ;
; 7 - castle siege start state ;
; 8 - castle siege end state ;
; 9 - end of cycle (restart from state 1, automaticaly) ;
CastleSpecificState =0
CastleStateStartYear =0
CastleStateStartMonth =0
CastleStateStartDay =0
CastleStateStartHour =0
CastleStateStartMinute =0
; Golden Budge Dragon [ zloty smok w Norii ]:
ChaosEvent = 1 ; Zloty smok w Norii [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
ChaosEventServer =
AttackEventRegenTime = 60 ; Czas do odnowienia Eventa [ w minutach ]
; Golden Troops Event:
IsEledoradoEvent = 1 ; Zlote potwory [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
; Golden Goblin [ zloty goblin ]:
;EledoradoGoldGoblenRegenTime = 180 ; Czas odrodzenia [ w minutach ] (dziala po wylaczeniu EventManager'a)
EledoradoGoldGoblenItemDropRate = 100 ; Drop przedmiotow [ x/200 np. 200/200=100%]
EledoradoGoldGoblenExItemDropRate = 100 ; Drop excellentow [ x/200 np. 200/200=100%]
; Golden Titan [ zloty tytan ]:
;EledoradoTitanRegenTime = 180 ; Czas odrodzenia [ w minutach ] (dziala po wylaczeniu EventManager'a)
EledoradoTitanItemDropRate = 100 ; Drop przedmiotow [ x/200 np. 200/200=100%]
EledoradoTitanExItemDropRate = 100 ; Drop excellentow [ x/200 np. 200/200=100%]
; Golden Dercon [ zloty smok ]:
;EledoradoGoldDerconRegenTime = 180 ; Czas odrodzenia [ w minutach ] (dziala po wylaczeniu EventManager'a)
EledoradoGoldDerconItemDropRate = 100 ; Drop przedmiotow [ x/200 np. 200/200=100%]
EledoradoGoldDerconExItemDropRate = 100 ; Drop excellentow [ x/200 np. 200/200=100%]
; Golden Lizard King [ zloty krol jaszczor]:
;EledoradoDevilLizardKingRegenTime = 180 ; Czas odrodzenia [ w minutach ] (dziala po wylaczeniu EventManager'a)
EledoradoDevilLizardKingItemDropRate = 100 ; Drop przedmiotow [ x/200 np. 200/200=100%]
EledoradoDevilLizardKingExItemDropRate = 100 ; Drop excellentow [ x/200 np. 200/200=100%]
; Golden Tantalos [ zloty tantalos ]:
;EledoradoDevilTantarosRegenTime = 180 ; Czas odrodzenia [ w minutach ] (dziala po wylaczeniu EventManager'a)
EledoradoDevilTantarosItemDropRate = 100 ; Drop przedmiotow [ x/200 np. 200/200=100%]
EledoradoDevilTantarosExItemDropRate = 100 ; Drop excellentow [ x/200 np. 200/200=100%]
; Event Manager:
EventManagerOn = 1 ; Event Manager [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ] (Ustawienia wszystkich Inwazji czyta z EventManagement.dat)
; Happy Pouch:
HappyPouchBlueDropRate = 1 ; Drop z "blue pouch" [ x/10000 np. 3000/10000=30% ]
HappyPouchRedDropRate = 1 ; Drop z "red pouch" [ x/10000 np. 3000/10000=30% ]
;Drop Ancientow w Land of Trials:
IsDropGemOfDefend = 1 ; Dropowanie ancientow [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
GemOfDefendDropRate = 10 ; Dropowanie z jaka czestotliwoscia ancienty [ x/10000 np. 3000/10000=30% ]
GemOfDefendDropLevel = 75 ; Z jakich mobow (ich level)
;Castle Hunt Zone:
IsDropSetItemInCastleHuntZone = 1 ; Dropowanie ancient itemow [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
SetItemInCastleHuntZoneDropRate = 1 ; Drop ancient-itemu [ x/10000 np. 3000/10000=30% ]
SetItemInCastleHuntZoneDropLevel = 75 ; Drop ancient-itemu z mobow wzglendem poziomu
;White Mage Attack Event:
RingAttackEvent = 1 ; White Mage Attack Ewent [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
RingOrcKillGiftRate = 3000 ; Drop na to ze otrzymiemy nagrode po zabiciu orc'a [ x/10000 np. 3000/10000=30% ]
RingDropGiftRate = 300 ; Drop na to ze otrzymiemy nagrode w postaci pierscienia [ x/1000 np. 300/1000=30% ]
;Dark Lord Setting:
IsDropDarkLordItem = 1 ; Dropowanie itemow dla dark lorda [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
SleeveOfLordDropRate = 10 ; Drop itemow dla dark lorda [ x/10000 np. 3000/10000=30% ]
SleeveOfLordDropLevel = 86 ; Sleeve of the lord drop monster level
SoulOfDarkHorseDropRate = 1 ; Soul of the dark horse drop rate [N/10000]
SoulOfDarkHorseropLevel = 102 ; Soul of the dark horse drop monster level
SoulOfDarkSpiritDropRate = 5 ; Soul of the dark spirit drop rate [N/10000]
SoulOfDarkSpiritDropLevel = 96 ; Soul of the dark spirit drop monster level
DarkLordHeartDropRate = 0 ; Heart of the dark lord (event item) drop rate [N/10000]
DarkLoadHeartOffEventRate = 0 ; Heart of the dark lord (event item) offline event win rate [N/60000] (not use)
DarkSpiritAddExperience = 800 ; Oddzielny exp dla ptaka
;Kundun w Kalimie:
KundunMarkDropRate = 40 ; Drop dla "mark of the kundun" [ x/10000 np. 3000/10000=30% ]
KundunRefillHPSec = 400 ; regenerowanie HP / przez 1 sekunde
KundunRefillHP = 15000 ; regenerowanie HP / przez 1 sekunde - Kiedy HP obniza sie 1/25 (4%)
KundunRefillHPTime = 600 ; regenerowanie HP oznaczajac 1 sekunde
;System regeneracji HP:
UseCharacterAutoRecuperationSystem = 1 ; System regeneracji HP [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
CharacterRecuperationMaxLevel = 180 ; Maksymalny poziom zrownajacy systemu regeneracji HP
;Ringi transformacji:
IsItemDropRingOfTransform = 1 ; Dropowanie Ringow [ 1=Wl. / 0=Wyl. ]
ItemDropRingOfTransform = 10 ; Drop Rate Ringow [X/1000]
còn đây là file MuCastleData :
// << Castle Siege Settings >>
7 // how many days cycle includes
// Setting of castle periods..
// Period ID Day Hour Minute
1 0 0 0 // register period
2 1 23 59 // idle state
3 2 0 0 // register mark of the lord state
4 5 0 0 // idle state
5 5 12 0 // castle attack guild notification state
6 5 19 0 // ready for castle siege state
7 6 19 0 // castle siege start state
8 6 21 0 // castle siege end state
9 7 0 0 // end of cycle (restart from state 1, automaticaly)
// Settings of NPC located in loren
// NPC number Index Store in DB(0/1)?? Def Recover HP Start HP SX SY DX DY DIR
// Guardian Statue
283 1 1 1 0 0 400000 94 227 -1 -1 1
283 2 1 1 0 0 400000 94 182 -1 -1 1
283 3 1 1 0 0 400000 82 130 -1 -1 1
283 4 1 1 0 0 400000 107 130 -1 -1 1
// Castle Gate
277 1 1 1 0 0 500000 93 204 -1 -1 1
277 2 1 1 0 0 500000 81 161 -1 -1 1
277 3 1 1 0 0 500000 107 161 -1 -1 1
277 4 1 1 0 0 500000 67 114 -1 -1 1
277 5 1 1 0 0 500000 93 114 -1 -1 1
277 6 1 1 0 0 500000 119 114 -1 -1 1
// Canon Tower
288 1 0 1 0 0 800000 75 130 -1 -1 1
288 2 0 1 0 0 800000 88 130 -1 -1 1
288 3 0 1 0 0 800000 99 130 -1 -1 1
288 4 0 1 0 0 800000 114 130 -1 -1 1
288 5 0 1 0 0 800000 94 151 -1 -1 1
288 6 0 1 0 0 800000 88 182 -1 -1 1
288 7 0 1 0 0 800000 100 182 -1 -1 1
288 8 0 1 0 0 800000 94 221 -1 -1 1
288 9 0 1 0 0 800000 94 233 -1 -1 1
// Tower Shield
215 1 0 1 0 0 10000 94 242 -1 -1 1
// Slingshot defense
222 1 0 1 0 0 10000 80 188 -1 -1 1
222 2 0 1 0 0 10000 105 188 -1 -1 1
// Slingshot attack
221 1 0 2 0 0 10000 63 19 -1 -1 5
221 2 0 2 0 0 10000 119 19 -1 -1 5
Bạn chỉnh cho mình CTC vào ngày thứ 7 lúc 19h00 tối,hoặc bạn có thể chỉnh cho mình CTC một mình với các NPC thì càng tốt.
<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>
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