View Full Version : MU ConnectServer (c) 2011 S@nek[BoR]

01-07-11, 11:10 PM
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# Name: MU Connect Server
# Version:
<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>
[B]# Creation date: 01.08.2007
# Last Update: 07.07.2011
# License: Freeware
# Language: English
# Operating System: Windows NT/XP/2003/Vista
# Programming language: C++
# Description: Alternative 'ConnectServer[WebZen]'.

Supported protocols: '20021022', '20040304', '20050502';
Files of a configuration: "BoR_Config.ini", "BoR_ServerList.dat";
The program listens to ports of all network interfaces;
Opportunity of change 'TCP/UDP' ports:
The statistics of congestion of Servers is included;
-- For the correct display of busy servers, it is necessary to value 'ServerCode' in 'BoR_ServerList.dat' and 'ServerInfo.dat' match;
Ability to change protocol:
-- If ProtocolMode=0, used protocol version '20021022'; (0.74.*)
-- If ProtocolMode=1, used protocol version '20040304'; (0.97.*)
-- If ProtocolMode=2, used protocol version '20050502'; (0.98.* - 1.05.*)
All changes in the program inure without restart programs;
Opportunity of clearing of broad gullies in 'ConnectServer';
Using IOCP system.
- Used for asynchronous methods.
- Sending a package is minuyu caching.
Protection from multiple connections.
- Ability to enable / disable the protection.
- Ability to specify the maximum number of connections per IP-address.
Protection soketov simplicity.
- Ability to specify the maximum number of seconds the socket easily.
Added special system Crash Dump
- If a program crashes, the folder with the program, a special diagnostic file.

# Thanks to:

Dos.Ninja - For the spur for this release =)
WakeUp - for providing a server for testing.
Sweng - Testing program.
Simp1e - Testing program.

# Notes:

This version is not final!
The main slope was on speed and stability.
Above the GUI still being worked on.

Block config file BoR_Config.ini
MultipleConnections = 1 / / on / off system of multiple connections from one IP-addresses.
MaxConnections = 10 / / Maximum number of simultaneous connections per IP-addresses.
WaitTime2Omission = 10 / / Maximum number of seconds the socket / connection is simple.

# What this program differs from analogue:

First: The ring trick my File-> Move to Folder =)
- The banality, but very nice and comfortable =)
Second: Stability at high load.
- Namely, this version stands a 10k connection, then you can go with ease to the server.
Third: a miserly use of resources and flows.
Fourth: An asynchronous connection without using a separate thread.
- In order speeds up the connection and reduces the load on the system.
Fifthly: Asynchronous shutdown.
- In order speeds up the connection and reduces the load on the system.
Sixthly: Sending data minuyu caching.
- Significantly faster transfer of data to the client.
The seventh: A unique system administration log / log.
- Log_Date_start-i_ # part-i.log
- If the file is larger than 10KB then creates a new file with the prefix _ # part-i;
- If the program is run on the same day, it creates a prefix _start-i
- If a new day, then to the file name prefix as the date for a new day.

Log_01.04.2011_ # part-01.log
Log_01.04.2011_-_02.04.2011_ # part-01.log
Log_01.04.2011_-_02.04.2011_ # part-02.log
Log_01.04.2011_start-02_ # part-01.log
Log_01.04.2011_start-02_-_02.04.2011_ # part-01.log

# Download:

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01-07-11, 11:31 PM
lần đầu tiên phá triz..................

Mr.Noob: Phạt thẻ và nhắc nhở bạn đổi lại chữ ký.

01-07-11, 11:31 PM
Có Chức năng mới nhỉ :P .................. bóc tem

01-07-11, 11:34 PM
chứ kí Anh_Zai đc đấy =))

01-07-11, 11:50 PM
Nghĩ sao nó là bố tui :))
30 charrrrrrrrrrr

02-07-11, 03:57 AM
:o Cool :D Thank's 30 charrrrrrrrrrr

02-07-11, 08:35 AM
de nghi clbgames xem lai chuc nang chu ki nha
Mac dinh account nao vao` xem la thay' het, vd:
tao la cha xyz (xyz la ten tai khoan thay' duoc chu ki)
xem xet lai nha !

02-07-11, 08:54 AM
de nghi clbgames xem lai chuc nang chu ki nha
Mac dinh account nao vao` xem la thay' het, vd:
tao la cha xyz (xyz la ten tai khoan thay' duoc chu ki)
xem xet lai nha !

Cái đó là Mod [ You ] :D đâu phải riêng chữ kí mới có đâu. trong bài viết cũng có đấy chứ

n2t168 là bê đê :D

02-07-11, 09:35 AM
Cái này dùng như nào vậy bạn................

02-07-11, 11:44 AM
bạn muốn người khác thấy tên họ khi đọc. bạn dùng [ rồi you rồi ] khi ấy (you) Sẽ là tên của người đọc

VD: Chào [you] . [you] Thiếu mình 2 Triệu đó nha

02-07-11, 12:13 PM
Cụ thể là fix đượ những gì thế bác.

02-07-11, 02:27 PM
Cái này có gì hơn mấy bản cũ hok bác !!!

02-07-11, 03:49 PM
changlog ổng để ở đầu topic k bik đi dịch ak :-"

09-07-11, 09:10 PM
Sao lấy tui ra làm trò gì thế này?

11-07-11, 07:32 PM
Sao mình ko chạy được nhỉ? Nó báo lỗi config!!!

11-07-11, 07:40 PM

31-07-11, 02:56 PM
Updated: Version:

1. The design of the program.
2. Changed drawing logs.
3. Changed client connections.
4. Added protection on the number of requests for a list of servers and data on a server.
5. Added additional protection against multiple connections.
- I recommend to use the Windows 7 / 2008, since on these operating systems is an additional mechanism of protection.
6. Several different versions of which I have forgotten myself.