19-05-11, 08:38 AM
Hiện tại mình đăng ký Víp nhưng mà cứ thay đổi sẻver nó lại ngắt kết nối . Tài khoản thưởng không bị
Bạn nào biết fix ở đâu không
//================================================== =================================================
//SCF VIP System Configuration file
//DaRKav Revision
//<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>
//================================================== =================================================
//SCFVipServer - Disconnect non vip accounts when login to the server
//SCFVipIsApplyCWExpPenalty - Apply CryWolf Experience Penalty to VIP users (1 - on/0 - off)
//SCFVipIsApplyResetExpPenalty - Apply reset experience penalty to vip users (1 - on/0 - off)
//SCFVipExperience - VIP user experience (replaces normal server experience)
//SCFVipBuy - Allow ppl to buy VIP with commands)
//SCFVipRenewPoints - Renewal points per day, Points Req = SCFVipRenewPoints x Days
//================================================== =================================================
//If Server uses ConnectMember.txt as its VIP system, you may setup server to auto-reload the TXT
//================================================== =================================================
//SCFConnectMemberReloadEnabled - Enable ConnectMember.txt auto reloading
//SCFConnectMemberReloadMins - Reload ConnectMember.txt every X minutes
//================================================== =================================================
AllowVIPSwitchServer = 0
[VIP System]
SCFVipServer = 0
SCFVipIsApplyCWExpPenalty = 0
SCFVipIsApplyResetExpPenalty = 1
SCFVipExperience = 160
SCFVipBuy = 0
SCFVipRenewPoints = 50
SCFConnectMemberReloadEnabled = 0
SCFConnectMemberReloadMins = 60
Không biết chỗ nào
Bạn nào biết fix ở đâu không
//================================================== =================================================
//SCF VIP System Configuration file
//DaRKav Revision
//<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>
//================================================== =================================================
//SCFVipServer - Disconnect non vip accounts when login to the server
//SCFVipIsApplyCWExpPenalty - Apply CryWolf Experience Penalty to VIP users (1 - on/0 - off)
//SCFVipIsApplyResetExpPenalty - Apply reset experience penalty to vip users (1 - on/0 - off)
//SCFVipExperience - VIP user experience (replaces normal server experience)
//SCFVipBuy - Allow ppl to buy VIP with commands)
//SCFVipRenewPoints - Renewal points per day, Points Req = SCFVipRenewPoints x Days
//================================================== =================================================
//If Server uses ConnectMember.txt as its VIP system, you may setup server to auto-reload the TXT
//================================================== =================================================
//SCFConnectMemberReloadEnabled - Enable ConnectMember.txt auto reloading
//SCFConnectMemberReloadMins - Reload ConnectMember.txt every X minutes
//================================================== =================================================
AllowVIPSwitchServer = 0
[VIP System]
SCFVipServer = 0
SCFVipIsApplyCWExpPenalty = 0
SCFVipIsApplyResetExpPenalty = 1
SCFVipExperience = 160
SCFVipBuy = 0
SCFVipRenewPoints = 50
SCFConnectMemberReloadEnabled = 0
SCFConnectMemberReloadMins = 60
Không biết chỗ nào