View Full Version : Mu Server Season II (Eng) Developer MMT

23-02-11, 01:29 AM
Work good on winxp sp2 ( 2k3 not work :D )
GSCS work good

File server download : <b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>
Main Download :
<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>

Client Full download :
<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>

Version 2.00.05:

Recent Updates
- Added drop command for gm
- GM can now use warp normal and can use gm move /move
- Fixed using of bought jewels
- Disable Hack messages config and fix
- Fixed chaos card mix and dupe
- Fixed assigning of guild member status
- /online fixed
- Added GM command /firecracker
- Added GM command /KundunLife : Useable only when you are next to kundun
- Added GM command /KundunSetLife : Useable only when you are next to kundun
- Added GM command /RefillKundunHp
- Added GM command /RefillKundunHpSec
- Added GM command /RefillKundunHpTime
- Fixed chaos castle bug

To fix seals saving run the sql query fix located in the SQL Fixes folder

//================================================== ===================================
//Project: MMTeam - Season III & Season II - Emulator
//Version: GameServer 2.00.05
//Information: Development Log
//================================================== ===================================

// Compile Version: Visual C++ Proffesional 2005.
// Leaks: No program leaks so far.
// Warnings: Library warning LIBCMT because some librarys not built with multi-threaded /MT
// Compile Errors: None

//Log Date:June 17 1:40 pm GMT+12 New Zealand
//Coder: Wingsofhell
- Merged project to build successfuly in Visual Studio 2005
- Cleaned files ready for further development

//Log Date:July 12 8:20 pm GMT+12 New Zealand
//Coder: Wingsofhell
- Added option for +28 addition damage and defence
- Changed system for jewel of soul and life success rates
now it goes from 0 - 100% which loads values from ini file.
- Added new wings from season 3 and correct excellence bonuses as well as jewel increment ability
- Added new classes from season 3
- Added new golden fenrir and correct bonuses.
- Gold Multiplier configuration. Now the experience multiplier is seperated from the gold multiplier

//Log Date:July 14 7:05 pm GMT+12 New Zealand
//Coder: Wingsofhell
- Fixed same skill already exist and his class is not able to use that skill when first login

//Log Date:July 14 10:00 am GMT+2 Finland
//Coder: Shatter
- Added season 3 maps
- Added new rings from season 3
- Added Feather of Condor drop in Barrack' Balgass (MapNumber 41)
- Added season 3 chaos mixes

//Log Date:July 17 10:37 pm GMT+12 New Zealand
//Coder: Wingsofhell
- Integrated the third class quest system decompiled from 1.00.90 WZ gameservers
- Successfuly load quest information from tables and dataserver
Notes: Need to only finish the hook for monster kill function.

//Log Date:July 18 11:57 pm GMT+12 New Zealand
//Coder: Wingsofhell
- Fully finished Season 3 Quest Functions with new Get Item Request system
and npc teleport.
- Finished monster kill hook function
- Began work on dataserver, process now running at only 4 mb memory!
Notes: Need to fix random attack errors in Barracks and need to work on custom Joinserver because
the webzen joinserver runs at over 200mb memory which is more than the GameServer.

//Log Date:July 18 5:32 pm GMT+12 New Zealand
//Coder: Wingsofhell
- Fixed small warp bug when index is 23 on move system
- Fixed MMT Multi-serves now moving siege is working
Notes: SQL inject in the Exdb still. JoinServer no auto disconnect

//Log Date:October 18 9:58 am GMT+12 New Zealand
//Coder: Wingsofhell
- Added new MMT_ItemDropRate.txt system fully working and optimized
- Changed protocol back to Season II for ragezoners, need to fix my old season II release.
- Added Transformation rings configs
- Increased gates limit to 512
- Added advanced Soul Barrier configuration
- Added advanced Greater Fortitude configuration
- Added Summoning orbs configs

//Log Date:October 19 7:35 pm GMT+12 New Zealand
//Coder: Wingsofhell
- Added Max Level configurations
- Added Max Elf Soldier buff level and settings

//Log Date:October 20 9:55 pm GMT+12 New Zealand
//Coder: Wingsofhell
- Added alliance required members config
- added level up point configs
- Fixed golden invasion message
- Red dragon jewel durability fix.
- Added switch to enable or disable Red Dragon Item Bag
- Protected Exdb inject serverside to stop invalid commands reaching the Exdb
- Protected Multi-Servers Exdb for those who do not wish to use the MMT Gameserver.

//Log Date:October 21 7:50 pm GMT+12 New Zealand
//Coder: Wingsofhell
- Fixed loading of Period Item Effect
- Fixed buying and updating of user cashshop points
- Fixed buying of items in the cashshop
- Fixed moving siege with guild - Was causing crash

//Log Date:October 22 12:45 pm GMT+12 New Zealand
//Coder: Wingsofhell
- Added config to check if guild alliance is required for siege
- Fixed moving to the tower castle owner and alliance members
- Fixed registering siege
- Fixed +28 item option
- Added senior mix configs
- Added new system for Excellent item drop rate config.
- Added Item configs
- Added MMT configurations
Note: Need ragezone community to fully test siege event

//Log Date:October 24 11:15 pm GMT+12 New Zealand
//Coder: Wingsofhell
- Fixed disconnect on skills (Important Update Necessary)
- Fixed potion bug
Note: New update soon

//Log Date:October 25 11:39 am GMT+12 New Zealand
//Coder: Wingsofhell
- Fixed Event entrance for all
- Fixed Land Of Trials entering from NPC

//Log Date:October 26 8:38 pm GMT+12 New Zealand
//Coder: Wingsofhell
- Created new EvenItemBag system fixed loading of some bags
- Fixed addstats commands

//Log Date:October 28 9:44 pm GMT+12 New Zealand
//Coder: Wingsofhell
- Added drop command for gm
- Added new GM System
Note: need to work more on gm system

//Log Date:October 30 9:16 pm GMT+12 New Zealand
//Coder: Wingsofhell
- GM can now use warp normal and can use gm move /move
- Fixed using of bought jewels
- Disable Hack messages config and fix
- Fixed chaos card mix and dupe

//Log Date:October 31 10:48 am GMT+12 New Zealand
//Coder: Wingsofhell
- Fixed assigning of guild member status
- /online fixed
- Added GM command /firecracker
- Added GM command /KundunLife : Useable only when you are next to kundun
- Added GM command /KundunSetLife : Useable only when you are next to kundun
- Added GM command /RefillKundunHp
- Added GM command /RefillKundunHpSec
- Added GM command /RefillKundunHpTime
- Fixed chaos castle bug

//================================================== ===================================
//Server-side Protections
//================================================== ===================================
Chaos Card Item Dupe fix
Lahap Trade Packets Dupe Fix
CheckSum System fully working (Also switches on/off)
Warning Hack Messages and checks(on/off)

//================================================== ===================================
//In-game Commands
//================================================== ===================================
/Add (Add stats)
/Skin (Skin any Mob)
/Zen (Add Zen )
/Pkset (Set Player PK Status from 1-6 )
/Drop (Drop Items Have option to Drop Ancient)

//================================================== ===================================
//Custom MMT Features
//================================================== ===================================
Change Gameserver Protocol Switch (Support English, Korea, Japan)
MMT Data folder with many configurations
New MoveReq system support more warps
DropRate System add any of your own items
Message.ini for your translation of any MMT texts
Configurations for many aspects of the game such as
->Delete Character require password
->Delete Guild require password
->Leave Guild require password
->Zen system conversion
->Disable Hack Messages
->Potion Number
->Level Up points
->Greater Fortitude and Mana Shield
->Siege Server Configs
->Event Configs
->Item Drop rates, Chaos Machine Rates, prices and many more
->Summon skill monster changes

//================================================== ===================================
//Features from full Season II
//================================================== ===================================
Kanturu Event
Crywolf Event
Season II Monsters
Season II Maps
Season II Items and many more featuring
->Platina Wing Staff
->Ashcrow Armor
->Eclipse Armor
->Iris Armor
->Valiant Armor
->Glorious Armor
Season II Skills
->FireScream (Dark Lord)
->Infinity Arrow (Muse Elf)

//================================================== ===================================
//Unique Features of English Version
//================================================== ===================================
In-game comprehensive Cash Shop
Unique seals purchased from the Cash Shop include
->Seal of Ascension (Increase Experience Rate)
->Seal of Sustenance (Disables Experience Gain)
->Seal of Wealth (Increases Experience Rate and Item Drop Rate)
->Seal effect visible for all players
Chaos Card Master Lottery System
Complete English client no translation required

//================================================== ===================================
//**Terms of Use**
//================================================== ===================================
Don't spam the same problems, trust me Im well aware of what needs to be fixed.
Don't spam that you can't set up a server, theres help sections for that.
Don't spam that I am not helping you or not satisfying your needs, its free release don't like it then don't use it.
Give credits if you decide to post it somehwere else lol, well atleast just dont call it your own work.
Don't ask me to set up your server for you.
Before posting make sure you have tryed all possibilities and actually read through all of my configurations that I made.

And have fun hope these files are useful to you

23-02-11, 07:19 PM
bác Quy làm 1 tằng dài thê lê toàn "inh líc"
ngồi dịch cũng hơi lười :(
cái này có gì đỉnh hả bác ^^

30-03-11, 12:06 PM
sao thấy bảo work trên xp sp2 mà mình cà khi chạy GSi bị dont send nhỉ , ENC ss5 vẫn chạy mà :(.
<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>

01-04-11, 12:51 PM
net fam hok có :| thì được = răng ak

04-04-11, 10:44 AM
cũng không biết có dùng được không

07-07-11, 01:42 PM
down cai client o joystiq kieu j` the,an download hoai ma k dc