28-10-10, 08:37 PM
New UPDATE : 4.1.6 GameServer1.00.87
Developer : caothuphutho - Net4Viet Team
Infor Share :
File "caothuphutho.ini" New UPDATE 133 Option:
;================================================= =============================================
;|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*| Project 1.00.87 JPN FULL SEASON 4.5 |*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|
;|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*| Develop by caothuphutho [Net4Viet Team] |*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|
;================================================= =============================================
; NEW UPDATE : 4.1.6
; NOTICE : Config Default
;================================================= =============================================
; UDPPort Server
UDPPort = 60006 ;[Default = 60006]
; Messenge System
GuardSay = ThãÌng naÌo Hack tao hoaòn daìi =)) !!!
ConnectNotice = Project 1.00.87 FULL SEASON 4.5 Ðýõòc phaìt triêÒn bõÒi caothuphutho - Net4Viet Team
; Common
;Protocol = 1 ;[0 = JPN, 1 = CHS, 3 = VTM]
GM_Move_Type = 8 ;[Default = 8]
ChaosCastleStartMinUser = 1 ;[Default = 2]
IllusionTempleStartMinUser = 1 ;[Default = 4]
Item_Duration_Time = 10 ;[Default = 120]
MaxLevel = 400 ;[Default = 400, Max level no exp = MaxLevel+1]
MathExp = 255 ;[Default = 255]
; Notice : Work 100%
UseCheckSum = 0 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
ArenaCanPVP = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
SMBerserker65DMG = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
GMCanUseMKey = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
Enable_CS_Skill = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
CashShopSellExcItem = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
Allow_Extra_Option_Item = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
BattleSoccerFix = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
Serial_0_Fix = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
Enable_Life28Op = 0 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
GM_Can_Kill = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixGoldenDragon = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixGoldenLosTowerMSG = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixPartyZenBug = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixPKPartyKill = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixPKPartyMembersMove = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixGetQueuedCompletionStatus = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
Fix40RingLevel = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixDeleteChar = 0 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixDeleteGuild = 0 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixLeaveGuild = 0 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixPoitions255 = 0 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixMarlonQuest = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
Enable_MaxStats65K = 0 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
; Fix Drop item with Luck
; Notice : Original JAPAN is off
FixSelupanDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixKundunDropSetItemLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixMayaHandDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixNightMareDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixBossCrywolfDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixDarkElfCrywolfDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixGreenRibbonBoxDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixBlueRibbonBoxDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixRedChocolateBoxDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixBlueChocolateBoxDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixVermilionBoxDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixDeepBlueBoxDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixGMBoxDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixGreenChaosBoxDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixRedChaosBoxDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixPupleChaosBoxDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixBOXExcellentDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
; Fix all Goldens |
; Notice : Fix All Goldens |
; GoldenBudgeDragon |
; GoldenTitan |
; GoldenSoldier |
; GoldenLizardKing |
; GoldenTantalos |
; Golden Vepar ->Delete drop |
; Golden Wheel ->Delete drop |
; Golden Golem ->Delete drop |
FixAllGoldens = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
; Points level, Quest
LevelPoint_MG = 7 ;[Default = 7]
LevelPoint_DL = 7 ;[Default = 7]
LevelPoint_DK_DW_ELF_SM = 5 ;[Default = 5]
MarlonQuestPoint = 1 ;[Default = 1]
; Prices Item in shop config
BlessPrice = 9000000 ;[Default = 9000000]
SoulPrice = 6000000 ;[Default = 6000000]
ChaosPrice = 810000 ;[Default = 810000]
LifePrice = 45000000 ;[Default = 45000000]
CreationPrice = 36000000 ;[Default = 36000000]
BlueFeatherPrice = 180000 ;[Default = 180000]
FruitsPrice = 33000000 ;[Default = 33000000]
MonarchPrice = 7500000 ;[Default = 7500000]
GuardianPrice = 60000000 ;[Default = 60000000]
DarkHorsePrice = 5000000 ;[Default = 5000000]
DarkSpiritPrice = 1000000 ;[Default = 1000000]
; Zen Config
DroppingBundleOfZenCount = 6 ;[Default = 6]
MaxZenInventory = 2000000000 ;[Default = 2000000000]
MaxZenVault = 1000000000 ;[Default = 1000000000]
; Darklord pets Rate
DarkHorseRate = 60 ;[Default = 60]
DarkSpiritRate = 60 ;[Default = 60]
; Jewel rate normal Item. Notice : Life rate -> Number min Success Rate is High
SoulRate = 100 ;[Default = 40]
SoulLuckRate = 100 ;[Default = 60]
LifeRate = 1 ;[Default = 50]
; Mix item +10 -> +13 rate, chaos Noria
; Notice : MixRate = Min% ~ Max%
; : Normal Item = Normal items + wings
; : 380 Item = Excellent, Set, 380(with applied option) items
; : Wing Item = Probably socket items(with applied option)
MixItemSupportUP = 13 ;[Default = 13]
MixNormalItemRate10 = 100 ;[Default = 60]
MixNormalItemRate11_12 = 100 ;[Default = 60]
MixNormalItemRate13 = 100 ;[Default = 55]
Mix380ItemRate10 = 100 ;[Default = 50]
Mix380ItemRate11_12 = 100 ;[Default = 50]
Mix380ItemRate13 = 100 ;[Default = 45]
MixWingItemRate10 = 100 ;[Default = 40]
MixWingItemRate11_12 = 100 ;[Default = 40]
MixWingItemRate13 = 100 ;[Default = 35]
MixMinRate = 45 ;[Default = 45]
MixHighRate = 100 ;[Default = 75]
; Mix Wings High max rate
MixCapeOfLordHighRate = 90 ;[Default = 90]
MixWing1HighRate = 100 ;[Default = 100]
MixWing2HighRate = 90 ;[Default = 90]
MixWing3Level1HighRate = 60 ;[Default = 60]
MixWing3Level2HighRate = 40 ;[Default = 40]
Wing3MixDiv = 100 ;[Default = 100]
CondorMixDiv = 100 ;[Default = 100]
; Item drop rate
; Notice : ItemNormal = Item Normal + Item Socket
ExcellentItemDropRate = 1 ;[Default = 2000]
ExcellentSkillItemDropRate = 100 ;[Default = 75]
ExcellentLuckItemDropRate = 100 ;[Default = 1]
ItemNormalSkillDropRate = 6 ;[Default = 6]
ItemNormalLuckDropRate = 4 ;[Default = 4]
; Elf Summon monter
SummonOrb1 = 26 ;[Default = 26]
SummonOrb2 = 32 ;[Default = 32]
SummonOrb3 = 21 ;[Default = 21]
SummonOrb4 = 20 ;[Default = 20]
SummonOrb5 = 10 ;[Default = 10]
SummonOrb6 = 150 ;[Default = 150]
SummonOrb7 = 151 ;[Default = 151]
; Transformation Ring
TransFormationRing1 = 2 ;[Default = 2]
TransFormationRing2 = 7 ;[Default = 7]
TransFormationRing3 = 14 ;[Default = 14]
TransFormationRing4 = 8 ;[Default = 8]
TransFormationRing5 = 9 ;[Default = 9]
TransFormationRing6 = 41 ;[Default = 41]
; ManaShield Config
ManaShieldAgi = 50 ;[Default = 50]
ManaShieldEne = 200 ;[Default = 200]
ManaShieldTime = 40 ;[Default = 40]
; BKSwelLife config
BKSwelLifeVit = 100 ;[Default = 100]
BKSwelLifeEne = 20 ;[Default = 20]
BKSwelLifeTime = 10 ;[Default = 10]
; Level min can use Skill
SkillTwistingSlashUseMinLV = 80 ;[Default = 80]
SkillRagefulBlowUseMinLV = 170 ;[Default = 170]
SkillDeathStabUseMinLV = 160 ;[Default = 160]
SkillImpaleUseMinLV = 28 ;[Default = 28]
SkillInnerUseMinLV = 120 ;[Default = 120]
SkillPenetracionUseMinLV = 130 ;[Default = 130]
; Kundun event
KundunSetItemDropRate = 2500 ;[Default = 2500, N/10000]
KundunSetItemDropSkill = 6 ;[Default = 6]
KundunSetItemDropLuck = 4 ;[Default = 4]
; Exp Party config
NormalExpParty2 = 160 ;[Default = 160]
NormalExpParty3 = 180 ;[Default = 180]
NormalExpParty4 = 200 ;[Default = 200]
NormalExpParty5 = 220 ;[Default = 220]
SetExpParty3 = 230 ;[Default = 230]
SetExpParty4 = 270 ;[Default = 270]
SetExpParty5 = 300 ;[Default = 300]
File "N4V_Style.ini" New UPDATE 9 Option:
; STYLE GameServer FOR YOU
; Text Default = [ - Common - ]
; ColorText = BlueGreenRed [Default = FAFAFA(16) = 16448250(10)]
; Ex : Blue = 250(Hex = FA), Green = 110(6E), Red = 250(FA)
; BlueGreenRed = FA6EFA = 16412410(Base 10)
Style_Text = |* caothuphutho *|
Style_ColorText = 16448250
; Style Copyright
Style_Text_GS1 = ==========================
Style_Text_GS2 = WebZen GameServer 1.00.87
Style_Text_GS3 = ==========================
Style_Text_GS4 = FULL SeaSon 4.5 JPN
Style_Text_GS5 = Developer by caothuphutho
Style_Text_GS6 = -=-= ClbGamesVN.COM =-=-
Style_Text_GS7 = ==========================
Download OLD UPDATE 4.0.2 Kick here! (<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>)
Mọi ý kiến đóng góp cũng như giúp đỡ liện hệ Y!M: ngocdung.xl_lt
Thank for ALL
New UPDATE : 4.1.6 GameServer1.00.87
Developer : caothuphutho - Net4Viet Team
Infor Share :
File "caothuphutho.ini" New UPDATE 133 Option:
;================================================= =============================================
;|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*| Project 1.00.87 JPN FULL SEASON 4.5 |*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|
;|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*| Develop by caothuphutho [Net4Viet Team] |*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|
;================================================= =============================================
; NEW UPDATE : 4.1.6
; NOTICE : Config Default
;================================================= =============================================
; UDPPort Server
UDPPort = 60006 ;[Default = 60006]
; Messenge System
GuardSay = ThãÌng naÌo Hack tao hoaòn daìi =)) !!!
ConnectNotice = Project 1.00.87 FULL SEASON 4.5 Ðýõòc phaìt triêÒn bõÒi caothuphutho - Net4Viet Team
; Common
;Protocol = 1 ;[0 = JPN, 1 = CHS, 3 = VTM]
GM_Move_Type = 8 ;[Default = 8]
ChaosCastleStartMinUser = 1 ;[Default = 2]
IllusionTempleStartMinUser = 1 ;[Default = 4]
Item_Duration_Time = 10 ;[Default = 120]
MaxLevel = 400 ;[Default = 400, Max level no exp = MaxLevel+1]
MathExp = 255 ;[Default = 255]
; Notice : Work 100%
UseCheckSum = 0 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
ArenaCanPVP = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
SMBerserker65DMG = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
GMCanUseMKey = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
Enable_CS_Skill = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
CashShopSellExcItem = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
Allow_Extra_Option_Item = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
BattleSoccerFix = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
Serial_0_Fix = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
Enable_Life28Op = 0 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
GM_Can_Kill = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixGoldenDragon = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixGoldenLosTowerMSG = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixPartyZenBug = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixPKPartyKill = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixPKPartyMembersMove = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixGetQueuedCompletionStatus = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
Fix40RingLevel = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixDeleteChar = 0 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixDeleteGuild = 0 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixLeaveGuild = 0 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixPoitions255 = 0 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixMarlonQuest = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
Enable_MaxStats65K = 0 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
; Fix Drop item with Luck
; Notice : Original JAPAN is off
FixSelupanDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixKundunDropSetItemLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixMayaHandDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixNightMareDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixBossCrywolfDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixDarkElfCrywolfDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixGreenRibbonBoxDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixBlueRibbonBoxDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixRedChocolateBoxDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixBlueChocolateBoxDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixVermilionBoxDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixDeepBlueBoxDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixGMBoxDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixGreenChaosBoxDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixRedChaosBoxDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixPupleChaosBoxDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
FixBOXExcellentDropLuck = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
; Fix all Goldens |
; Notice : Fix All Goldens |
; GoldenBudgeDragon |
; GoldenTitan |
; GoldenSoldier |
; GoldenLizardKing |
; GoldenTantalos |
; Golden Vepar ->Delete drop |
; Golden Wheel ->Delete drop |
; Golden Golem ->Delete drop |
FixAllGoldens = 1 ;[Default = 0, 0 = off, 1= on]
; Points level, Quest
LevelPoint_MG = 7 ;[Default = 7]
LevelPoint_DL = 7 ;[Default = 7]
LevelPoint_DK_DW_ELF_SM = 5 ;[Default = 5]
MarlonQuestPoint = 1 ;[Default = 1]
; Prices Item in shop config
BlessPrice = 9000000 ;[Default = 9000000]
SoulPrice = 6000000 ;[Default = 6000000]
ChaosPrice = 810000 ;[Default = 810000]
LifePrice = 45000000 ;[Default = 45000000]
CreationPrice = 36000000 ;[Default = 36000000]
BlueFeatherPrice = 180000 ;[Default = 180000]
FruitsPrice = 33000000 ;[Default = 33000000]
MonarchPrice = 7500000 ;[Default = 7500000]
GuardianPrice = 60000000 ;[Default = 60000000]
DarkHorsePrice = 5000000 ;[Default = 5000000]
DarkSpiritPrice = 1000000 ;[Default = 1000000]
; Zen Config
DroppingBundleOfZenCount = 6 ;[Default = 6]
MaxZenInventory = 2000000000 ;[Default = 2000000000]
MaxZenVault = 1000000000 ;[Default = 1000000000]
; Darklord pets Rate
DarkHorseRate = 60 ;[Default = 60]
DarkSpiritRate = 60 ;[Default = 60]
; Jewel rate normal Item. Notice : Life rate -> Number min Success Rate is High
SoulRate = 100 ;[Default = 40]
SoulLuckRate = 100 ;[Default = 60]
LifeRate = 1 ;[Default = 50]
; Mix item +10 -> +13 rate, chaos Noria
; Notice : MixRate = Min% ~ Max%
; : Normal Item = Normal items + wings
; : 380 Item = Excellent, Set, 380(with applied option) items
; : Wing Item = Probably socket items(with applied option)
MixItemSupportUP = 13 ;[Default = 13]
MixNormalItemRate10 = 100 ;[Default = 60]
MixNormalItemRate11_12 = 100 ;[Default = 60]
MixNormalItemRate13 = 100 ;[Default = 55]
Mix380ItemRate10 = 100 ;[Default = 50]
Mix380ItemRate11_12 = 100 ;[Default = 50]
Mix380ItemRate13 = 100 ;[Default = 45]
MixWingItemRate10 = 100 ;[Default = 40]
MixWingItemRate11_12 = 100 ;[Default = 40]
MixWingItemRate13 = 100 ;[Default = 35]
MixMinRate = 45 ;[Default = 45]
MixHighRate = 100 ;[Default = 75]
; Mix Wings High max rate
MixCapeOfLordHighRate = 90 ;[Default = 90]
MixWing1HighRate = 100 ;[Default = 100]
MixWing2HighRate = 90 ;[Default = 90]
MixWing3Level1HighRate = 60 ;[Default = 60]
MixWing3Level2HighRate = 40 ;[Default = 40]
Wing3MixDiv = 100 ;[Default = 100]
CondorMixDiv = 100 ;[Default = 100]
; Item drop rate
; Notice : ItemNormal = Item Normal + Item Socket
ExcellentItemDropRate = 1 ;[Default = 2000]
ExcellentSkillItemDropRate = 100 ;[Default = 75]
ExcellentLuckItemDropRate = 100 ;[Default = 1]
ItemNormalSkillDropRate = 6 ;[Default = 6]
ItemNormalLuckDropRate = 4 ;[Default = 4]
; Elf Summon monter
SummonOrb1 = 26 ;[Default = 26]
SummonOrb2 = 32 ;[Default = 32]
SummonOrb3 = 21 ;[Default = 21]
SummonOrb4 = 20 ;[Default = 20]
SummonOrb5 = 10 ;[Default = 10]
SummonOrb6 = 150 ;[Default = 150]
SummonOrb7 = 151 ;[Default = 151]
; Transformation Ring
TransFormationRing1 = 2 ;[Default = 2]
TransFormationRing2 = 7 ;[Default = 7]
TransFormationRing3 = 14 ;[Default = 14]
TransFormationRing4 = 8 ;[Default = 8]
TransFormationRing5 = 9 ;[Default = 9]
TransFormationRing6 = 41 ;[Default = 41]
; ManaShield Config
ManaShieldAgi = 50 ;[Default = 50]
ManaShieldEne = 200 ;[Default = 200]
ManaShieldTime = 40 ;[Default = 40]
; BKSwelLife config
BKSwelLifeVit = 100 ;[Default = 100]
BKSwelLifeEne = 20 ;[Default = 20]
BKSwelLifeTime = 10 ;[Default = 10]
; Level min can use Skill
SkillTwistingSlashUseMinLV = 80 ;[Default = 80]
SkillRagefulBlowUseMinLV = 170 ;[Default = 170]
SkillDeathStabUseMinLV = 160 ;[Default = 160]
SkillImpaleUseMinLV = 28 ;[Default = 28]
SkillInnerUseMinLV = 120 ;[Default = 120]
SkillPenetracionUseMinLV = 130 ;[Default = 130]
; Kundun event
KundunSetItemDropRate = 2500 ;[Default = 2500, N/10000]
KundunSetItemDropSkill = 6 ;[Default = 6]
KundunSetItemDropLuck = 4 ;[Default = 4]
; Exp Party config
NormalExpParty2 = 160 ;[Default = 160]
NormalExpParty3 = 180 ;[Default = 180]
NormalExpParty4 = 200 ;[Default = 200]
NormalExpParty5 = 220 ;[Default = 220]
SetExpParty3 = 230 ;[Default = 230]
SetExpParty4 = 270 ;[Default = 270]
SetExpParty5 = 300 ;[Default = 300]
File "N4V_Style.ini" New UPDATE 9 Option:
; STYLE GameServer FOR YOU
; Text Default = [ - Common - ]
; ColorText = BlueGreenRed [Default = FAFAFA(16) = 16448250(10)]
; Ex : Blue = 250(Hex = FA), Green = 110(6E), Red = 250(FA)
; BlueGreenRed = FA6EFA = 16412410(Base 10)
Style_Text = |* caothuphutho *|
Style_ColorText = 16448250
; Style Copyright
Style_Text_GS1 = ==========================
Style_Text_GS2 = WebZen GameServer 1.00.87
Style_Text_GS3 = ==========================
Style_Text_GS4 = FULL SeaSon 4.5 JPN
Style_Text_GS5 = Developer by caothuphutho
Style_Text_GS6 = -=-= ClbGamesVN.COM =-=-
Style_Text_GS7 = ==========================
Download OLD UPDATE 4.0.2 Kick here! (<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>)
Mọi ý kiến đóng góp cũng như giúp đỡ liện hệ Y!M: ngocdung.xl_lt
Thank for ALL