View Full Version : Help!! Giúp em với
24-09-10, 01:57 PM
ai biết chỉnh đi BC trả quest nó ra box off kundun +5 với lại đi CC nó rớt đồ thần ở chỗ nào không. Em tìm mãi mà không có
ai biết thì giúp em với nhá
em đang dùng bản Mu+Server+SCFMTRepackV1.03
24-09-10, 02:00 PM
ai biết thì chỉ em với hix tội nghiệp em quá :((
24-09-10, 02:02 PM
CC ra đồ thần đã là mặc định
30 charrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
24-09-10, 02:05 PM
trả quest bc ra box kundun 5 thì vào Data > Commonserver.cfg
tìm dòng
SCFBCRewardItemType = 12
SCFBCRewardItemID = 15
thay = code box kundun 5 là ok
24-09-10, 02:17 PM
cái commonserver của em tìm không thấy dòng đấy :(
cụ thể nó có như này :
;// System
Language = 0 ; 0:Korea, 1:English, 2:Japan, 3:China, 4:Taiwan, 5:Thailand, 6:Phillipine, 7:Vietnam
ServerType = 0 ; 0:MainServer, 1:TestServer, 2:Internal Server
Partition = 0 ; Partition Number : 0, except for china
ItemSerialCheck = 1
SpeedHackPlayerBlock = 0
AddExperience = 200
StalkProtocol = 0
StalkProtocolId = gundalz2
CharacterDeleteMinLevel = 80
CreateCharacter = 1
NumberOfMaxUser = 200
NumberOfCastleSiegeMaxUser = 200
;// guild option
GuildCreateLevel = 400
GuildCreate = 1
GuildDestroy = 1
;// Common Game Option
PersonalShopOpen = 1
Trade = 1
ChaosBox = 1
EventManagerOn = 1
CastleDeepEvent = 1
ChaosEvent = 1
ChaosEventServer =
DevilSquareEventServer =
DevilSquareEventConnect = 0
AttackEventRegenTime = 10
PKItemDrop = 0
MonsterHp = 0
ItemDropPer = 80
ZenDurationTime = 30
;// event chip
EventChipServerConnect = 1
EventChipServerIp =
EventChipEvent = 1
BoxOfGoldDropRate = 300 ; box of gold drop rate - N/10000
ItemDropRateForBoxOfGold = 10 ; item drop rate from box of gold - N/20
EventChipDropRateForBoxOfGold = 40 ; event chip drop rate from box of gold- N/100
;// common event
HappyPouchBlueDropRate = 500 ; drop rate of blue pouch - N/10000 (80)
HappyPouchRedDropRate = 500 ; drop rate of red pouch - N/10000 (80)
EVENT1 = 0 ; lovelove event switch - 0/1 (Guarda falando)
Event1ItemDropTodayMax = 0 ; lovelove event item drop count per day
Event1ItemDropTodayPercent = 0
MerryXMasTalkNpc = 0 ; npc say 'merry christmas' switch - 0/1
HappyNewYearTalkNpc = 0 ; npc say 'happy new year' switch - 0/1
ApplyHeroSystem = 1 ; apply hero system switch - 0/1 (not use)
EnableEventNPCTalk = 1 ; event npc talk switch - 0/1 (not use)
XMasEvent = 1 ; christmas event switch - 0/1
XMasEvent_StarOfXMasDropRate = 300 ; christmas event item drop rate - 0/10000
XMasEvent_ItemDropRateForStarOfXMas = 10 ; item drop rate from start of X-mas- N/10
FireCrackerEvent = 1 ; fire cracker event switch - 0/1
FireCrackerDropRate = 100 ; fire cracker drop rate - N/10000
ItemDropRateForFireCracker = 200 ; item drop rate from fire cracker - N/10
HeartOfLoveEvent = 1 ; heart of love event switch - 0/1
HeartOfLoveDropRate = 100 ; heart of love drop rate - N/10000
ItemDropRateForHeartOfLove = 200 ; item drop rate from heart of love - N/20
MedalEvent = 1 ; medal event switch - 0/1
GoldMedalDropRate = 100 ; medal of gold drop rate - N/10000
SilverMedalDropRate = 200 ; medal of silver drop rate - N/10000
ItemDropRateForGoldMedal = 10 ; item drop rate from medal of gold - N/10
ItemDropRateForSilverMedal = 5 ; item drop rate from medal of silver - N/10
;// Devil Square
DevilSquareEvent = 1 ; devil square event switch - 0/1
EyesOfDevilSquareDropRate = 10 ; eyes of devil square drop rate - N/10000
KeyOfDevilSquareDropRate = 10 ; key of devil square drop rate - N/10000
;DS Ticket Rate
DQChaosSuccessRateLevel1 = 100
DQChaosSuccessRateLevel2 = 100
DQChaosSuccessRateLevel3 = 100
DQChaosSuccessRateLevel4 = 100
DQChaosSuccessRateLevel5 = 100
DQChaosSuccessRateLevel6 = 100
;// Eldorado event
IsEledoradoEvent = 1
EledoradoGoldGoblenItemDropRate = 100 ; item drop rate from +1 gold box drop (gold goblin - eldorado event) - N/100
EledoradoGoldGoblenExItemDropRate = 100 ; ex-item drop rate from +1 gold box drop (gold goblin - eldorado event) - N/100
EledoradoTitanItemDropRate = 100 ; item drop rate from +2 gold box drop (gold titan - eldorado event) - N/100
EledoradoTitanExItemDropRate = 100 ; ex-item drop rate from +2 gold box drop (gold titan - eldorado event) - N/100
EledoradoGoldDerconItemDropRate = 100 ; item drop rate from +3 gold box drop (gold dercon - eldorado event) - N/100
EledoradoGoldDerconExItemDropRate = 100 ; ex-item drop rate from +3 gold box drop (gold dercon - eldorado event) - N/100
EledoradoDevilLizardKingItemDropRate = 100 ; item drop rate from +4 gold box drop (gold lizard king - eldorado event) - N/100
EledoradoDevilLizardKingExItemDropRate = 100 ; ex-item drop rate from +4 gold box drop (gold lizard king - eldorado event) - N/100
EledoradoDevilTantarosItemDropRate = 100 ; item drop rate from +5 gold box drop (gold tantaros - eldorado event) - N/100
EledoradoDevilTantarosExItemDropRate = 100 ; ex-item drop rate from +5 gold box drop (gold tantaros - eldorado event) - N/100
;// Food (heart de dark lord)
IsDropGemOfDefend = 1 ; gem of defend drop switch - 0/1
GemOfDefendDropRate = 5 ; gem of defend drop rate - N/10000
GemOfDefendDropLevel = 65 ; gem of defend drop monster level
;// Vip Map
IsDropSetItemInCastleHuntZone = 1 ; set-item drop switch - 1
SetItemInCastleHuntZoneDropRate = 25 ; set-item drop rate - N/10000
SetItemInCastleHuntZoneDropLevel = 102 ; set-item drop monster level (monstro que dropa guardian)
;// Castle Siege
CastleSiegeRun =1
CastleCycleStartYear =0
CastleCycleStartMonth =0
CastleCycleStartDay =0
MarkOfTheLord = 100; ; mark of the lord drop rate - N/10000
; castle siege state explanation (run as sequence)
; 1 - register castle siege state
; 2 - idle state
; 3 - register mark of the lord state
; 4 - idle state
; 5 - castle attack guild notification state
; 6 - ready for castle siege state
; 7 - castle siege start state
; 8 - castle siege end state
; 9 - end of cycle (restart from state 1, automaticaly)
CastleSpecificState =0
CastleStateStartYear =0
CastleStateStartMonth =0
CastleStateStartDay =0
CastleStateStartHour =0
CastleStateStartMinute =0
;// Blood Castle & Chaos Castle
BloodCastleEvent = 1 ; blood castle event switch - 0/1
BloodCastleStartHour = 1 ; blood castle open hour (1:1/hour, 2:1/2hour)
AngelKingsPaperDropRate = 10 ; AngelKingsPaperDropRate / 10000
BloodBoneDropRate = 10 ; BloodBoneDropRate / 10000
StoneDropRate = 30 ; StoneDropRate/ 10000
ChaosCastleEvent = 1 ; chaos castle event switch - 0/1
;// White Mage Attack Event
RingAttackEvent = 1 ; white mage attack event switch - 0/1
RingOrcKillGiftRate = 3000 ; white mage attack event offline prize win rate when kill orc - 1/N (not use)
RingDropGiftRate = 200 ; white mage attack event offline prize win rate when drop ring - 1/N (not use)
;// Kalima
KundunMarkDropRate = 5 ; mark of the kundun drop rate - N/10000
KundunRefillHPSec = 200 ; regenerate HP / sec
KundunRefillHP = 300 ; regenerate HP / sec - when HP is going down 1/25 (4%)
KundunRefillHPTime = 300 ; regenerate HP term (SEC)
;// Dark Lord Settings
IsDropDarkLordItem = 1 ; drop dark lord item switch - 0/1
SleeveOfLordDropRate = 100 ; sleeve of the lord drop rate - N/10000 (monarch)
SleeveOfLordDropLevel = 80 ; sleeve of the lord drop monster level
SoulOfDarkHorseDropRate = 10 ; soul of the dark horse drop rate - N/10000
SoulOfDarkHorseropLevel = 102 ; soul of the dark horse drop monster level
SoulOfDarkSpiritDropRate = 10 ; soul of the dark spirit drop rate - N/10000
SoulOfDarkSpiritDropLevel = 96 ; soul of the dark spirit drop monster level
DarkLordHeartDropRate = 0 ; heart of the dark lord (event item) drop rate - N/10000
DarkLoadHeartOffEventRate = 1500 ; heart of the dark lord (event item) offline event win rate - N/60000 (not use)
;// Regenerate HP system
UseCharacterAutoRecuperationSystem = 1 ; regenerate HP system switch - 0/1
CharacterRecuperationMaxLevel = 100 ; maximum level to adjust regenerate HP system
;// prohibite hack system
AttackSpeedTimeLimit = 99999 ; attack speed hack check maximum limit
MinimumAttackSpeedTime = 10 ; attack speed hack check minimum limit
IsIgnorePacketHackDetect = 1 ; ignore hack detect packet from client - 0/1
HackCheckCount = 0 ; (not use)
DecTimePerAttackSpeed = 0 ; (not use)
SpeedHackPenalty = 0 ; speed hack penalty value when detected (not use)
IsKickDetecHackCountLimit = 0 ; do kick when hack detect count reach limit switch - 0/1
DetectedHackKickCount = 9999 ; detect hack kick limit count
EnableServerDivision = 0 ; server divide option switch - 0/1 (not use)
HackLogServer = ; hack-log server Ip Address (not use)
WriteChatLog = 0 ; Chat/Siege/Deep write log - 0/1
DisconnectHackUser = 0 ; disconnect hack user switch - 0/1 (not use)
UseNPGGChecksum = 0 ; use game guard checksum
EnableCheckPenetrationSkill = 1
IsItemDropRingOfTransform = 0
ItemDropRingOfTransform = 0
QuestNPCTeleportTime = 600 ;marlon Npc moving(teleporting) time (sec)
EnableBattleSoccer = 1
DarkSpirit = 1
DarkSpiritAddExperience = 1
;// CryWolf MVP
CrywolfApplyMvpBenefit = 0 ; 0 none /1 use
CrywolfPlusChaosRateBenefit = 5 ; ??
CrywolfMonHPRateBenefit = 100
CrywolfApplyMvpPenalty = 0
CrwyolfGemDropPenaltyRate = 70
CrwyolfGettingExpPenaltyRate = 100
CrywolfMonsterDarkElfItemDrop = 1
CrywolfMonsterDarkElfItemDropRate = 10000 ;N/ 10000
CrywolfMonsterDarkElfDropZenRate = 4000 ;N/ 10000
CrywolfMonsterDarkElfDropZen = 10000
CrywolfBossMonsterItemDrop = 1
CrywolfBossMonsterItemDropRate = 10000 ;N/ 10000
CrywolfBossMonsterDropZenRate = 4000 ;N/ 10000
CrywolfBossMonsterDropZen = 30000
;// Fenrir
FenrirStuffItemDrop = 1
FenrirStuff_01_DropLv_Min = 0
FenrirStuff_01_DropLv_Max = 117
FenrirStuff_01_DropMap = 34
FenrirStuff_01_DropRate = 10 ; (x/10000)
FenrirStuff_02_DropLv_Min = 0
FenrirStuff_02_DropLv_Max = 117
FenrirStuff_02_DropMap = 34
FenrirStuff_02_DropRate = 10 ; (x/10000)
FenrirStuff_03_DropLv_Min = 118
FenrirStuff_03_DropLv_Max = 400
FenrirStuff_03_DropMap = 34
FenrirStuff_03_DropRate = 10 ; (x/10000)
FenrirRepairRate = 4000
FenrirDefaultMaxDurSmall = 200
FenrirElfMaxDurSmall = 100
;// 1.00.08
ServerGroupGuildChatting = 1 ; 0 off / 1 on
ServerGroupUnionChatting = 1
VtmPlayTimeLimitOn = 0 ; ON/OFF
VtmPlayTimeLimitNoticeTime = 60
VtmNewPlayTimeLimitOnLevel = 3
VtmPlayTimeLimitLevel1Exp = 50
VtmPlayTimeLimitLevel1Time = 180
VtmPlayTimeLimitLevel1NoticeTime = 30
VtmPlayTimeLimitLevel1ItemDrop = 50
VtmPlayTimeLimitLevel2Exp = 0
VtmPlayTimeLimitLevel2Time = 300
VtmPlayTimeLimitLevel2NoticeTime = 15
VtmPlayTimeLimitLevel2ItemDrop = 0
Fenrir_01Level_MixRate = 70
Fenrir_02Level_MixRate = 60
Fenrir_03Level_MixRate = 50
;// 1.00.16
GSInfoSendToCSS = 0
MuteServerMessage = 0
MacroMakeStop = 0
ServerGroupGuildChatting = 1
ServerGroupUnionChatting = 1
EventManagerOn1 = 0
Japan1StAnivItemDropRate = 0
MysteriouseBeadDropRate1 = 1 ;[eventitembag20.txt] [N / 10000], (60)
MysteriouseBeadDropRate2 = 1 ;[N / 10000], (120)
HiddenTreasureBoxOfflineRate = 1
ChnOfflineGiftEvent = 0
ChnOfflineGiftEventDropRate = 1000
EnableCheckPenetrationSkill = 1
CastleOwnerGuildDestroyLimit = 1
PKLevelIncreaseOff = 0
SkillDistanceCheck = 0
SkillDistanceCheckTemp = 2
SkillDistanceKick = 0
SkillDistanceKickCount = 20
SkillDistanceKickCheckTime = 0
ShieldSystemOn = 1
DamageDevideToSD = 90
DamageDevideToHP = 10
SuccessAttackRateOption = 20000
SDChargingOption = 1
ConstNumberOfShieldPoint = 20
ShieldAutoRefillOn = 1
ShieldAutoRefilOnSafeZone = 1
ShieldComboMissOptionOn = 0
ShieldPotionLv1MixSuccessRate = 50
ShieldPotionLv1MixMoney = 100000
ShieldPotionLv2MixSuccessRate = 30
ShieldPotionLv2MixMoney = 500000
ShieldPotionLv3MixSuccessRate = 30
ShieldPotionLv3MixMoney = 1000000
ShieldGageConstA = 12
ShieldGageConstB = 30
CompoundPotionDropOn = 1
CompoundPotionLv1DropRate = 100 ;[N / 10000]
CompoundPotionLv2DropRate = 80 ;[N / 10000]
CompoundPotionLv3DropRate = 50 ;[N / 10000]
CompoundPotionLv1DropLevel = 68
CompoundPotionLv2DropLevel = 96
CompoundPotionLv3DropLevel = 118
PurityHarmonyJewel = 1
MixSmeltingStoneItem = 1
RestoreStrengthenItem = 1
StrengthenItem = 1
SmeltItemBySmeltingStone = 1
PuritySuccessRate = 80
PurityNeedZen = 1000000
SmeltingStoneSuccesRateNormal = 20
SmeltingStoneSuccesRateExcellent = 50
SmeltingNeedZen = 1000000
StrengthenSuccessRate = 60
SmeltingItemSuccessRateNor = 20
SmeltingItemSuccessRateExt = 80
System380ItemSystem = 1
CountOfJewelOfHarmonyForMix = 1
CountOfSuhoOfHarmonyForMix = 1
NeedZenForMix = 10000000
MixRateForGrade1 = 50
MixRateForGrade2 = 60
MixRateForGrade3 = 70
BlockCastleSiegeMapEnter = 0
;// Ribbon Box Event
RibbonBoxEvent = 1
RedRibbonBoxDropLv_Min = 12 ;eventitembag21.txt
RedRibbonBoxDropLv_Max = 49
RedRibbonBoxDropRate = 5 ;[N / 10000]
RedRibbonBoxDropZenRate = 1 ;[N / 10000]
RedRibbonBoxDropZen = 100000
GreenRibbonBoxDropLv_Min = 50 ;eventitembag22.txt
GreenRibbonBoxDropLv_Max = 69
GreenRibbonBoxDropRate = 5 ;[N / 10000]
GreenRibbonBoxDropZenRate = 1 ;[N / 10000]
GreenRibbonBoxDropZen = 400000
BlueRibbonBoxDropLv_Min = 70 ;eventitembag23.txt
BlueRibbonBoxDropLv_Max = 97
BlueRibbonBoxDropRate = 5 ;[N / 10000]
BlueRibbonBoxDropZenRate = 1 ;[N / 10000]
BlueRibbonBoxDropZen = 800000
;// Chocolate Event
ChocolateEvent = 1
PinkChocolateBoxDropLv_Min = 12 ;[eventitembag24.txt]
PinkChocolateBoxDropLv_Max = 49
PinkChocolateBoxDropRate = 5 ;[N / 10000]
PinkChocolateBoxDropZenRate = 1 ;[N / 10000]
PinkChocolateBoxDropZen = 100000
RedChocolateBoxDropLv_Min = 50 ;[eventitembag25.txt]
RedChocolateBoxDropLv_Max = 69 ;
RedChocolateBoxDropRate = 5 ;[N / 10000]
RedChocolateBoxDropZenRate = 1 ;[N / 10000]
RedChocolateBoxDropZen = 400000
BlueChocolateBoxDropLv_Min = 70 ;[eventitembag26.txt]
BlueChocolateBoxDropLv_Max = 97 ;
BlueChocolateBoxDropRate = 5 ;[N / 10000]
BlueChocolateBoxDropZenRate = 1 ;[N / 10000]
BlueChocolateBoxDropZen = 800000
;// Candy Box Evento
CandyBoxEvent = 1
LightPurpleCandyBoxDropLv_Min = 12 ;[eventitembag27.txt]
LightPurpleCandyBoxDropLv_Max = 49
LightPurpleCandyBoxDropRate = 70 ;[N / 10000]
LightPurpleCandyBoxDropZenRate = 1 ;[N / 10000]
LightPurpleCandyBoxDropZen = 100000
VermilionCandyBoxDropLv_Min = 50 ;[eventitembag28.txt]
VermilionCandyBoxDropLv_Max = 69
VermilionCandyBoxDropRate = 50 ;[N / 10000]
VermilionCandyBoxDropZenRate = 1 ;[N / 10000]
VermilionCandyBoxDropZen = 400000
DeepBlueCandyBoxDropLv_Min = 70 ;[eventitembag29.txt]
DeepBlueCandyBoxDropLv_Max = 97 ;
DeepBlueCandyBoxDropRate = 30 ;[N / 10000]
DeepBlueCandyBoxDropZenRate = 1 ;[N / 10000]
DeepBlueCandyBoxDropZen = 800000
;// Kanturu Evento
KanturuEvent = 1
KanturuMayaHandItemDrop = 1
KanturuMayaHandItemDropRate = 10000 ;[N / 10000]
KanturuMayaHandDropZenRate = 6800 ;[N / 10000]
KanturuMayaHandDropZen = 500000
KanturuNightmareItemDrop = 1
KanturuNightmareItemDropRate = 10000 ;[N / 10000]
KanturuNightmareDropZenRate = 2500 ;[N / 10000]
KanturuNightmareDropZen = 1000000
BlockKanturuMapEnter = 0
KanturuSpecialItemDropOn = 1
KanturuMoonStoneDropRate = 10 ;[N / 10000]
KanturuJewelOfHarmonyDropRate = 3 ;[N / 10000]
TamaJJangEvent = 0
TamaJJangKeepTime = 180
TamaJJangDisappearTime = 3420
TamaJJangDisappearTimeRandomRange = 100
; Illusion Temple
IllusionEnabled = 1
; Hallowin Event
HallowinEventOn = 1 ;
HallowinEventPumpkinOfLuckDropRate = 100 ;
HallowinEventJOLBlessDropRate = 10 ;
HallowinEventJOLAngerDropRate = 15 ;
HallowinEventJOLScreamDropRate = 15 ;
HallowinEventJOLFoodDropRate = 30 ;
HallowinEventJOLDrinkDropRate = 25 ;
HallowinEventJOLPolymorphRingDropRate = 5 ;
24-09-10, 02:26 PM
ai biết chỉnh kô giúp mình với
mà huandz1102 ơi cho mình YH đi để mình hỏi 1 chút
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