06-07-10, 08:47 AM
Tình hình là em đang sử dụng bản SCFMuTeam nhưng các sự kiện như Hỗn Nguyên Lâu. Huyết lâu đều là tiếng anh, ai biết chỉnh các sự kiện đó thành Tiếng mẹ đẻ thì em thanks cho 100 phát nè
06-07-10, 09:35 AM
Mình share của sv mình. Việt hóa 95%
0 0 100 - 200 He thong tin nhan
0 1 201 - 400 Loi tin nhan
0 2 401 - 500 Game server message (Guide messge)
0 3 Above 1000 Message inside game
0 110 Memory allocation error
0 111 error2 : %s %d
0 112 File not found %s
0 113 Thread create error %s %d
0 114 Please input authentication server address and port number.
0 210 No check on speed hack.
1 142 Game server run fail
1 143 DataServer connect fail
1 144 LoginServer connect fail
1 145 LoginServer connect IP( %s )
1 146 DataServer connect IP( %s ) PORT ( %d )
1 147 DataServer connect fail IP( %s ) PORT ( %d )
1 148 GameServer create PORT ( %d )
1 149 Game server closed because Authentication server is closed.
1 150 Gamer server closed because Data server is closed.
1 151 (Option) Trade on
1 152 (Option) Trade off
1 153 (Option) Required time to decrease Murderer-level : %d(s)
1 154 (Option) Monster HP %d%% Down
1 155 (Option) Dropping item when killed by Murderer
1 156 (Option) No dropping item when killed by Murderer
1 157 (Option) Item drop rate : %d %%
1 158 (Option) Connect Server IP(%s) / PORT(%d)
1 159 [%s]%s (TestServer) - %c.%c%c.%c%c [%s] [%s]
1 160 [%s]%s (Full Season 5) %c.%c%c.%c%c [%s] [%s]
1 161 Using test server! Used data can be exposed if you use at real service
1 162 Connection allowed only inside the company
1 163 Script file not found.
1 164 Total %d count IP load
1 165 Requested character list doesn't match the user. (%s)%s
1 166 error-L2 : User who is not authenticated requested character list?? %s %d
1 167 error-L2 : ID doesn't exist. %s %d
1 168 Request to create character doesn't match the user. %s
1 169 Request to delete character doesn't match the user. %s
1 170 Request to receive character information doesn't match the user. %s
1 171 error : %s Character data setting fail %s
1 172 error : %s Character data setting fail
1 173 Index number error %s %d
1 174 %s Character save fail
1 175 error-L1 : Request to receive Warehouse information doesn't match the user. (%s)(%d)
1 176 warehouse item not found (%s)
1 177 guild war state : %d %d %s
1 178 guild delete : %s guild member delete
1 179 (%s) guild delete ( Master:%s )
1 180 Request to delete guild member caused to send 53 %s
1 181 %s Not connected.
1 182 User is ejected from guild %d %s
1 183 (%s)Failed to delete from guild Result : %d
1 184 [%s][%s] GuildName : (%s)
1 185 error : Failed to receive guild information while connectting
1 186 Guild score send : %s %d
1 187 (%s) Cap nhat diem guild (%d)
1 188 Tin nhan (%s) : %s
1 189 (%d)(%d) Character save fail
1 190 (%d)(%d) Character save success
1 191 %s is forced to disconnect.
1 192 Item information load
1 193 May chu da tat
1 194 May chu se dong sau %d giay
1 195 Gate information exceeds %d (%s %d)
1 196 Gate information error : -1 (%s %d)
1 197 Data file read error %s
1 198 %s Item Load Complete
1 199 (%s) Skill information load error
1 200 (%s) Skill information data load complete
1 201 Limit error : (%s %d)
1 202 Damage value doesn't exist.(%s %d)
1 203 No space to add. %s %d
1 204 error : Can't find the locatin. %s %d
1 205 Error : Can't throw away the item. %s %d
1 206 error : Item number error %s/%d
1 207 Map Number error %s %d (%d) %s
1 208 error : Item doesn't exist. %s %d
1 209 Shop data load complete
1 210 Authentication error from authentication server
1 211 ***0467*** login : (%s)[%s] number:%d/ db:%d
1 212 Both user number and DB number are 0 (%s) %d %d
1 213 File read error who forced to disconnect %s
1 214 (%s)(%s) Time synchronization poorness caused to block connection %d
1 215 Thong Bao :%s %s %s
1 216 Thong bao trong hoi: %s %s
1 217 error-L2 : Login time is over. (%d)(%s)
1 218 error-L2 : Authentication is allowed after connected. (%d)(%s)
1 219 error : It's after authentication information is sended. (%d)(%s)(%s)
1 220 Requestd to create character before authentication. (%d) (%s)
1 221 ***0477*** [%s][%s] (%d)%d/%d Get serial:%d (%s)(%d)(%d)(%d)(%d)(%d) Ex:(%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d) Set : (%d)
1 222 [%s][%s] (%d)%d/%d Used box of luck Serial:%d (%s:%d/level:%d/skill:%d/op2:%d/op3:%d)
1 223 ***0479*** [%s][%s] (%d)%d/%d Throw away Serial:%d (%s)(%d)(%d)(%d)(%d)(%d) Ex:(%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d) Set : (%d)
1 224 ***0480*** [%s][%s] (%d)%d/%d Throw away (Drop) Serial:%d (%s)(%d)(%d)(%d)(%d)(%d) Ex:(%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d) Set : (%d)
1 225 Doesn't have item to throw away
1 226 [%s][%s] (%d)Shop buy (%d)(%s)
1 227 Item location value exceeds : %d
1 228 Invalid item index. %s %d (%s)Pos:%d
1 229 ***0485*** [%s][%s] Shop(%d) Item Sell Money:%d %s:%d/%d/%d/%d/%d Dur:%d Ex:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d] Set : (%d)
1 230 Yeu cau giao dich [%s][%s][%s] to [%s][%s][%s]
1 231 error : [%s][%s] Trade broken by disconect
1 232 error : Trade failed because the opposite doesn't exist [%s][%s] (%d)
1 233 error : Trade failed because the opposite is disconnecting [%s][%s] [%s][%s] .
1 234 Error on declaring war : %d %d %s
1 235 Error on declaring war : 0x05 %s %s
1 236 Declared guild war [%s][%s] sGuild:(%s) TargetGuild:(%s)
1 237 (%s) guild declared guild war
1 238 Declared guild war against (%s)
1 239 It's not his magic [%s][%s] .
1 240 Too long time passed after casting magic. [%s][%s] .
1 241 error : Location is over the range. %s/%d
1 242 error-L1:(%s/%s)Received reconnect message while playing game. Forced to disconnect
1 243 error : Invalid place to be located causes modifying location
1 244 [%s][%s] Ability Point Error (%d)(%d)
1 245 [%s][%s] Administrator setting
1 246 (%d)[%s][%s] Character select
1 247 [%s][%s] Skill Save Complete. %d %d
1 248 ***0504*** [%s][%s] SI(%d,%s,%d,%d,%d,%d)serial:(%d) dur:(%d) Ex:(%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d) Set : (%d)
1 249 ***0505*** [%s][%s] Item Save Complete. Money ( %d )
1 250 ***0506*** [%s][%s] SW (%d,%s,%d,%d,%d,%d)serial:(%d) dur:(%d) Ex:(%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d) Set : (%d)
1 251 ***0507*** [%s][%s] Store Save Complete. wMoney(%d)
1 252 error : Monster location setting error %s %d
1 253 Warning! : Can't find monster attribute. %d (%s %d)
1 254 Monster level can't be 0
1 255 error : Can't add any more. %s %d
2 0 Whole connection closed
2 1 Opposite canceled trade : [%s][%s] .
2 2 Huy bo giao dich : [%s][%s] .
2 3 Invalid character type causes failure to close (%s/%s)
2 4 (%d)[%s][%s] Character closed
2 5 %s %d %d %d Invalid location causes to force to move
2 6 error-L2 : (%d) User(%s) is not connected. DBNumber:%d %s %d
2 7 error : %s didn't request to authenticate.
2 8 Level Up [%s][%s] (%d)
2 9 error-L1: Levelup point value error %s %s %s %d
2 10 [%s][%s] %s+%d Item is broken because durability is exhausted
2 11 Self-defense count exceeds
2 12 error2 : %s's level is 0
2 13 [%s][%s] (%d) Experience Overflow %d (%s)
2 14 [%s][%s] (%d) Party Experience Overflow %d (%s)
2 15 error : Item doesn't exist %s %d
2 16 error-L2: It's not his class
2 17 error-L1:CopyItem Id[%s] Char[%s] Item(%s) InventoryPos(%d) serial(%d)
2 18 error-L1:CopyItem Id[%s] Char[%s] Item(%s) warehousepos(%d) sirial(%d)
2 19 Nhân vâòt không sýÒ duòng thùng ðôÌ. [%s][%s] .
2 20 Mon do khong ton tai. [%s][%s] %d
2 21 Item information doesn't not match. %x %x %x %x %x/ %x %x %x %x %x
2 22 Using transformation ring : %s : %d
2 23 Return, because trade canceled while game is not working [%s][%s] .
2 24 Return, because trade canceled while it's not (in-trade1) [%s][%s] .
2 25 Return, because trade canceled while it's not (in-trade2) [%s][%s] .
2 26 ***0538*** [%s][%s] (%d,%d,%d) Trade Item Opposite :[%s][%s] (%d,%d,%d) (Item:%s/Serial:%d (%d)(%d)(%d)(%d) Ex:(%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d) Set : (%d)
2 27 error : The opposite to trade is not me. [%s][%s] Target:(%d) (%d)
2 28 [%s][%s] , [%s][%s] Money trade (%d) (%d)
2 29 Trade ended whild I'm not in viewport of the opposite. Me:%d Opposite:%d
2 30 Game working response error causes conclusion (%d)(%s)(%s)(%s)
2 31 Response error after connection causes conclusion (%d)(%s)(%s)(%s)
2 32 [%s][%s] %s+%d %d Item broken because durability exhausted
2 33 Khong the tim ra so cong. %d (%s %d)
2 34 Number of magic exceeds. (%s %d)
2 35 Buffer overflow : %s %d
2 36 error-L2: Doesn't have the skill
2 37 error-L2: Skill energy not enough
2 38 error-L2: Nhan vat nay khong cho phep su dung ki nang
2 39 Skill index error (%s %d)
2 40 Ky nang da duoc hoc
2 41 Phep thuat da duoc hoc %s %d
2 42 Khong con khoang trong de them phep thuat. %s %d
2 43 Ky nang nay da co. %d %d
2 44 ***0556*** [%s][%s] Truoc khi su dung Ngoc Uoc Nguyen : (%s)serial:(%d)(%d)
2 45 [%s][%s]Sau khi su dung Ngoc Uoc Nguyen(%d) : (%s) serial:(%d)(%d)
2 46 ***0558*** [%s][%s] Before using Jewel of Soul : (%s)serial:(%d)(%d)
2 47 [%s][%s]After using Jewel of Soul (%d) : (%s) serial:(%d)(%d)
2 48 error2: No user in the loser guild is in game.. %s %d
2 49 error2: No user in the winner guild is in game
2 50 Damage value is already set.(%s %d)
2 51 Attribute file exceeds maximum size
2 52 Map attribute reading error
2 53 Error in creating item at shop %s %d
2 54 Error in getting item size in shop %s %d
2 55 bind error (Server can be launched twice. Please terminate game server and restart.
2 56 [%s][%s] Instant move command reduces money %d - %d
2 57 Guild creation option %d
2 58 Guild delete option %d
2 59 Ban phai dat cap do %d moi co the lap Hoi
2 60 (Option) Christmas NPC speaks
2 61 (Option) Happy-new-year NPC speaks
2 62 [%s][%s] Death reduces money %d - %d
2 63 [%s][%s] Death reduces money in Warehouse %d - %d
2 64 ***0576*** [%s][%s] Before using Jewel of Life : (%s)serial:(%d)(%d)
2 65 [%s][%s]After using Jewel of Life (%d) : (%s)serial:(%d)(%d)
2 95 [%s][%s] CBMix (%d,%s,%d,%d,%d,%d)serial:(%d)(%d)(%d) Ex:(%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)
2 188 Party
2 189 Restricted level for the party is %d
2 190 Ban khong the vao vung dat nay neu mang Unicrom
2 191 [QuaÒng TrýõÌng QuyÒ] CôÒng QuaÒng TrýõÌng QuyÒ ðang mõÒ!
2 192 QuaÒng TrýõÌng QuyÒ seÞ mõÒ sau %d phuìt!
2 193 [QuaÒng TrýõÌng QuyÒ] seÞ bãìt ðâÌu sau %d phuìt
2 194 [QuaÒng TrýõÌng QuyÒ] seÞ ðoìng sau %d phuìt
2 195 [QuaÒng TrýõÌng QuyÒ] ðaÞ bãìt ðâÌu
2 196 [QuaÒng TrýõÌng QuyÒ] ðaÞ ðoìng. HaÞy thýÒ laòi lâÌn sau.
2 197 Thâìt baòi. ÐiêÒm cuÒa baòn laÌ %d. HaÞy thýÒ laòi lâÌn sau.
2 198 Chaos combination is ongoing.
2 199 Khong duoc phep dich chuyen trong QuaÒng TrýõÌng QuyÒ.
13 232 Test1 ¸ó½ºÅÍ ±º´ÜÀÌ ¹Â ¿ùµå¿¡ ÃâÇöÇß½À´Ï´Ù !!!
13 233 Test2ÀÇž¿¡ ¾ÇÀÇ ¼¼·ÂÀÌ ¼ÒȯµÇ¾ú½À´Ï´Ù !!!!
4 76 Mon do da bien mat(%s:%d/level:%d/skill:%d/serial:%d)
4 77 %s da thoat khoi game. Giao dich huy bo.
4 78 Ban dang su dung mon do bat hop phap, xin vui long bao cao GM.
4 79 You have %d hour(s) %02d second(s) to get rid of the outlaw status.
4 80 You have registered No.%d heart item(s)
4 81 Xin loi, chuc ban may man lan sau.
4 82 %s is the lucky winner of the Love Pangpang event.
4 83 Gui yeu cau tao nhom den %s
4 84 %s ðaÞ õÒ trong Nhoìm.
4 85 %s ðaÞ õÒ trong Nhoìm.
4 86 You have %d minute(s) remaining for IP usage
4 87 This account is valid until %2d %2d %4d
4 88 This IP is valid until %2d %2d %4d
4 89 You have logged in with a postpaid account
4 90 He thong phong thu %s duoc xac lap !!
4 91 He thong phong thu %s da duoc huy bo.
4 92 Baòn coÌn %d giây trýõìc khi thoaìt khoÒi troÌ chõi.
4 93 Ban phai dat cap do %d de vao vung dat nay..
4 94 Ban khong the nhat mon do nay
4 95 Ban khong the tao them Guild.
4 96 Ban chap nhan moi loi yeu cau tu nhan vat khac.
4 97 Ban tu choi moi loi yeu cau tu nhan vat khac.
4 98 Bien di ten sat nhan!!!
4 99 Khong bao gio
4 100 Hay cut di!
4 101 Sat nhan khong duoc phep su dung lenh /warp.
4 102 Ban co qua it Zen
4 103 Enable party to warp
4 104 May chu se tu dong tat trong 5 phut nua.
4 105 May chu se tu dong tat trong 3 phut nua.
4 106 May chu se tu dong tat trong 1 phut nua.
4 107 Canh bao ! Ai do dang co gang truy cap vao tai khoan cua ban. !!
4 108 Ban khong the roi khoi
4 109 Cai dat che do phong thu
4 110 Dong cua so giao dich va thoat
4 111 Dong thung do va thoat
4 112 Baòn ðaÞ ðaòt câìp ðôò tôìi ða
4 113 Canh bao! Ban se tro thanh sat nhan neu ban giet nguoi trong 3 gio toi.
4 114 Giao dich bi huy bo
4 115 Con %d giay de thoat truoc khi may chu tat
4 116 Ban dang o trong Hoi
4 117 Ban phai dat cap do 100
4 118 Tat ca cac mon do ban dang mac phai dat cap do +7
4 119 Chung toi khong ban ruou o day!
4 120 Tough times are putting us out of business.
4 121 Toi khong ban gi cho ban ca
4 122 Toi khong giup ke sat nhan!
4 123 Giaìng sinh vui veÒ!
4 124 Chuìc mýÌng nãm mõìi!
4 125 He thong giao dich bi tat trong 1 phut
4 126 Vui long cho trong giay lat. He thong giao dich se mo lai.
4 127 Dong may quay Chaos truoc khi ban thoat khoi Game
4 128 Mon do nay khong thuoc ve ban, %s
4 129 Boi vi loi yeu cau cua %s, Tran dau se tu dong ngung trong 10 giay
4 130 Tran dau se tu dong bat dau sau 10 giay
4 131 Your play time has expired. You have %d second(s) left before disconnection.
4 132 Rong tan cong !!
4 133 Ban khong the di chuyen khi dang dien ra tran dau
4 134 RôÌng VaÌng tâìn công!
4 136 CoÌn %d phuìt trýõìc khi býõìc vaÌo Huyêìt Lâu.
4 137 Nhiêòm vuò Huyêìt Lâu %d ðaÞ bãìt ðâÌu!
4 138 Infiltration into Huyêìt Lâu has failed!
4 139 Nhiêòm vuò Huyêìt Lâu %d bãìt ðâÌu sau %d giây.
4 140 Nhiêòm vuò Huyêìt Lâu %d has gained you a total of %d EXP.
4 141 Nhiêòm vuò Huyêìt Lâu has been successfully completed by %s!
4 142 Nhiêòm vuò Huyêìt Lâu has been successfully concluded.
4 143 Ban thu duoc %d diem kinh nghiem, %d Zen ca %d diem point.
4 144 ÐaÞ ðuÒ lýõòng quaìi yêu ââÌu!! HaÞy tiêìn vaÌo phaì côÒng thaÌnh!!
4 145 Cong Huyêìt Lâu da duoc pha huy !!!
4 146 Týõòng ThâÌn ðaÞ biò phaì huÒy!!!
4 147 Baòn ðaÞ tham gia vaÌo Huyêìt Lâu %d
4 148 Huyêìt Lâu ðang diêÞn ra. Baòn không thêÒ rõÌi boÒ Nhoìm.
4 149 Huyêìt Lâu ðang diêÞn ra. Baòn không thêÒ gia nhâòp Nhoìm.
4 150 %s ðaÞ nhãòt ðýõòc Gâòy Thiên Sýì.
4 151 %s ðaÞ nhãòt ðýõòc Kiêìm Thiên Sýì.
4 152 %s ðaÞ nhãòt ðýõòc Cung Thiên Sýì.
4 153 Ban da co %d hon da duoc khoi tao.
4 154 %s ðaÞ phaì huÒy côÒng thaÌnh!
4 155 %s ðaÞ phaì huÒy týõòng ðaì thâÌn !
4 156 Da giet du quai Kundun! HaÞy tiêìn vaÌo phaì huÒy týõòng!
4 157 Baòn không thêÒ giao diòch khi ðang trong Huyêìt Lâu.
4 158 Trang biò ðaÞ biò thay ðôÒi.
4 159 Ban da thach thuc ai do.
4 160 Ban dang o trong tran thach dau
4 161 De chap nhan thach dau, Hay huy bo loi yeu cau truoc.
4 162 Ten nhan vat thach dau khong ton tai
4 163 Loi yeu cau thach dau cua ban bi tu choi.
4 164 Ban khong the thach dau khi dang dien ra Guild War.
4 165 Doi thu cua ban khong the chap nhan thach dau khi dang WarGuild.
4 166 Baòn không thêÒ Quyêìt ðâìu khi ðang trong Huyêìt Lâu.
4 167 Baòn không thêÒ Quyêìt ðâìu khi ðang giao diòch.
4 168 %s ðang giao diòch.
4 169 %s da chap nhan thach dau.
4 170 %s dua ra loi thach dau voi ban.
4 171 %s ðang quyêìt ðâìu.
4 172 Thaìch ðâìu võìi %s.
4 173 You are already issuing a Duel challenge.
4 174 Dueling is not allowed in NON-PK servers.
4 175 Sat nhan khong duoc gui yeu cau thach dau.
4 176 Ban khong the thach dau voi Sat nhan.
4 177 Restart the game and if the same error persists
4 178 attach erl files in GameGuard folder with your contact details
<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>
4 180 Không ðýõòc pheìp quyêìt ðâìu trong QuaÒng TrýõÌng QuyÒ.
4 181 %s ðaÞ ðaình baòi Binh ðoaÌn PhuÌ ThuÒy Trãìng
4 182 Binh doan Phu Thuy dang dan duong cho quai vat tan cong luc dia MU %d phut.
4 183 Binh doan Phu Thuy va quai vat dang tap hop!
4 184 PhuÌ ThuÒy Trãìng vaÌ Binh ðoaÌn QuyÒ ðaÞ tâìn công chuìng ta!
4 185 PhuÌ ThuÒy Trãìng ðaÞ ruìt lui.
4 186 Ban dang deo nhan Phu Thuy
4 187 Baòn phaÒi trên câìp ðô 40 mõìi coì thêÒ quãng NhâÞn.
4 188 Baòn không thêÒ giao diòch khi ðang trong Huyêìt Lâu.
4 189 He thong phong thu duoc xac lap. Ban khong the Thach dau.
4 190 You currently have %d Stone(s) of Friendship registered.
4 191 Ban phai dat cap do 80 moi nem duoc nhan
4 192 You emerge triumphant over %s!
4 193 %s da danh bai ban!
4 194 Baòn không thêÒ sýÒ duòng Maìy eìp Chaos khi ðang mõÒ CýÒa haÌng caì nhân.
4 195 Tâìt caÒ moìn ðôÌ trong CýÒa haÌng caì nhân cuÒa baòn ðaÞ ðýõòc baìn!
4 196 Không thêÒ giao diòch trong HôÞn Nguyên Lâu.
4 197 Không thêÒ mõÒ CýÒa haÌng caì nhân trong HôÞn Nguyên Lâu.
4 198 Không thêÒ mõÒ CýÒa haÌng caì nhân trong HôÞn Nguyên Lâu.
4 199 Guild War cannot be waged within HôÞn Nguyên Lâu.
4 200 Baòn không thêÒ tham gia HôÞn Nguyên Lâu týÌ ðây.
4 201 Tôòi phaòm không ðýõòc pheìp tham gia HôÞn Nguyên Lâu.
4 202 Baòn không thêÒ býõìc vaÌo HôÞn Nguyên Lâu khi ðang giao ðâìu.
4 203 Baòn không thêÒ býõìc vaÌo HôÞn Nguyên Lâu khi ðang War Guild.
4 204 You cannot enter HôÞn Nguyên Lâu while riding a beast.
4 205 Baòn không thêÒ býõìc vaÌo HôÞn Nguyên Lâu khi ðang mang NhâÞn Diòch ChuyêÒn.
4 206 Baòn ðaÞ býõìc vaÌo HôÞn Nguyên Lâu %d.
4 207 Khong duoc phep thach dau trong HôÞn Nguyên Lâu.
4 208 CoÌn %d phuìt trýõìc khi HôÞn Nguyên Lâu mõÒ.
4 209 HôÞn Nguyên Lâu %d ðaÞ bãìt ðâÌu!
4 210 The Spirits of the Guardsmen have been exorcised. Quest complete!
4 211 You have failed to complete the Quest. Summon more courage and try again.
4 212 Không ðuÒ lýõòng Chiêìn Binh ðêÒ bãìt ðâÌu nhiêòm vuò HôÞn Nguyên Lâu.
4 213 HôÞn Nguyên Lâu %d: %s has been granted entry for a fee of %d Zen.
4 214 Ky nang nay da duoc su dung trong nhom
4 215 Xin vui long dong cua hang ca nhan dang mo
4 216 Magic skill cast will remain for %d minute(s).
4 217 Chatting block has been lifted.
4 218 The Critical Damage spell has diminished.
4 219 Ban se duoc trieu tap trong %d phut nua.
4 220 %d nhan vat se duoc trieu tap.
4 221 Exp is unobtainable because you are unable to command the Raven.
4 222 Exp is unobtainable because you are unable to command the Raven.
4 223 Chat Block: %d minute(s) remaining.
4 224 Hon da ma thuat da duoc su dung.
4 225 Baòn không thêÒ sýÒ duòng KiÞ nãng công ThaÌnh trong vuÌng naÌy.
4 226 Baòn ðaÞ ðaòt lýõòng Zen tôìi ða.
4 227 You have exceeded the amount of Zen you can possess.
4 228 Không thêÒ diòch chuyêÒn.
4 229 Disconnect only after closing the Training window.
4 230 Trieu tap bi huy bo
4 231 Ban khong the su dung ky nang nay
4 232 Test3¿ Ä®¸®¸¶ ¸í·É¾î µÚ¿¡ ÀÔÀåÇÒ Ä®¸®¸¶ÀÇ µî±ÞÀ» ÀÔ·ÂÇØÁÖ¼¼¿ä. ¿¹) /À̵¿ Ä®¸®¸¶3
4 233 %s Test4½ºÄ³½½ÀÇ ÀÔÀå ½Ã°£ÀÌ %d ºÐ ³²¾Ò½À´Ï´Ù.
5 220 You have %d points remaining. You next payment period is on %s.%s.%s at %s:%s.
5 221 You can play DSGN until %s.%s.%s with your current balance.
5 222 ChaÌo mýÌng ðêìn võìi Luòc Ðiòa MU Teen CP!
6 64 Su kien
6 65 [%s] da chien thang [%s]. Xin chuc mung!
6 66 Tai khoan cua ban da het han. Ban se tu dong thoat khoi game.
6 67 You are currently being disconnected. Please check your account credits.
6 68 You are currently not able to warp.
6 69 Ban can %d Zen de su dung thung do.
6 70 Thung do da bi khoa
6 71 Your account is locked by the mobile account lock.
6 72 Test01
6 73 Test02
6 74 %s has won the %s
6 75 1st warning for using a hack tool
6 76 2nd warning for using a hack tool
6 77 Warping to that specific location is unavailable at the moment.
6 78 Siege Warfare registration period commences.
6 79 All participating guilds for Siege Warfare: please register your Emblem of Lord.
6 80 The Guild selection period for Siege Warfare commences.
6 81 Hoi da duoc chon cho tran chien Cong Thanh
6 82 Tran chien Cong Thanh chuan bi bat dau, Tat ca cac thanh vien cua Lien minh hay chuan bi
6 83 Tran chien Cong Thanh dang dien ra!
6 84 Tran chien Cong Thanh da ket thuc.
6 85 It is not the designated time to man the castle.
6 86 Chi co chu thanh moi co the su dung cac lenh cua Thanh.
6 87 Thong tin ve Thanh khong duoc hien thi vao luc nay.
6 88 Tuong bao ve van dang con! Ban khong the vao trong..
6 89 Chi co nhung nguoi tham gia tran Cong thanh moi duoc phep vao.
6 90 Chi co thanh vien cua hoi chu Thanh moi duoc phep vao
6 91 This is not a map of the Offensive Alliance.
6 92 Chi co lanh dao tran chien moi co the duoc trieu tap
6 93 Chi co chu Hoi hoac Pho hoi moi co the trieu tap duoc Cung thu.
6 94 Binh linh co the duoc trieu tap sau khi dien ra su kien Cong thanh
6 95 So luong chien binh da vuot qua gioi han cho phep.
6 96 Trieu tap binh linh thanh cong!
6 97 Trieu tap binh linh that bai!
6 98 Tac dung cua dung dich Uoc Nguyen da het.
6 99 Tac dung cua dung dich Tam Linh da het
6 100 Ma thuâòt ðaÞ hêìt hiêòu lýòc.
6 101 The Brand of Skill's effects have diminished.
6 102 Invisibility has diminished.
6 103 Mana Swell has diminished.
6 104 Summon Guardian
6 105 Chi co the su dung boi lien minh tan cong.
6 106 Hon da Sinh Menh da duoc trieu tap
6 107 Hon da Sinh Menh da duoc su dung %d lan.
6 108 Ban khong the su dung Hon da Sinh Menh de trieu tap ben trong Thap Rong
6 109 Ban khong the su dung Hon da Sinh minh sau khi tran chien bat dau.
6 110 Treu tap Hon da Sinh Menh thanh cong!
6 111 Treu tap Hon da Sinh Menh that bai!
6 112 Thong tin tan cong cua vu khi khong tim ra
6 165 Ban da gia nhap Lien Minh %s .
6 166 The Hostile status against %s has been concluded.
6 167 Chuc mung Hoi %s da gia nhap lien minh %s .
6 168 Hoi da roi khoi lien minh.
6 169 Hoi %s se roi khoi lien minh %s .
6 170 Roi khoi lien minh %s .
6 171 Che do doi dich voi Hoi %s da duoc huy bo
6 172 Lien Minh %s da bi giai tan.
6 184 %s duoc chi dinh lam Pho Hoi.
6 185 %s duoc chi dinh lam Lanh Dao Tran Chien.
6 186 %s duoc chi dinh lam thanh vien cua Hoi.
6 187 Ten Hoi %s da duoc thay doi thanh %d
6 188 Su kien Cong Thanh Chien se dien ra trong %d nua.
6 189 Test 6
6 194 Loren Deep event 01
6 195 Loren Deep event 02
6 196 Loren Deep event 03
6 197 Hoi %s da thanh cong trong viec bao ve Thanh.
6 198 Hoi %s da chien thang trong trang chien Cong Thanh
6 199 Chu thanh khong duoc chi dinh.
6 200 Test 7
6 201 Test 8
7 108 Dark Wizard
7 109 Dark Knight
7 110 Elf
7 111 Magic Gladiator
7 112 Dark Lord
7 206 /
7 207 //
7 208 Lorencia
7 209 Dungeon
7 210 Devias
7 211 Noria
7 212 Lost Tower
7 213 Atlans
7 214 Arena
7 215 Lost Tower3
7 216 Tarkan
7 217 QuaÒng TrýõÌng QuyÒ
7 218 Dungeon3
7 219 Lost Tower5
7 220 Lost Tower7
7 221 Icarus
7 222 Huyêìt Lâu
7 228 Lorencia
7 229 Dungeon
7 230 Devias
7 231 Noria
7 232 LostTower
7 233 Atlans
7 234 Arena
7 235 LostTower3
7 236 Tarkan
7 237 QuaÒng TrýõÌng QuyÒ
7 238 Dungeon3
7 239 LostTower5
7 240 LostTower7
7 241 Icarus
7 242 Huyêìt Lâu
11 184 /test
11 185 /Warp
11 186 /Transform
11 187 /Block settin
11 188 /Cancel block
11 189 /Chatting ban
11 190 /Cancel chatting ban
11 191 /Warp guild
11 192 /End guild
11 193 /End battle
11 194 /Start battle
11 195 /Stop battle
11 196 /Create
11 197 /Time left
11 198 /Battle
11 199 /Battle Soccer
11 200 /Request
11 201 /Connection status
11 202 /Track
11 203 /Monitor
11 204 /Disconnect
11 205 /Move
11 206 /Trans
11 207 /SetBlock
11 208 /UnsetBlock
11 209 /DisableChat
11 210 /EnableChat
11 211 /GuildMove
11 212 /GuildDisconnect
11 213 /GuildWarEnd
11 214 /GuildWarStart
11 215 /GuildWarStop
11 216 /Make
11 217 /RemainTime
11 218 /GuildWar
11 219 /BattleSoccer
11 220 /Request
11 221 /ConnectionState
11 222 /trace
11 223 /UserWatching
12 128 The process of changing the defender guild has failed
12 129 Changing of defender's side: %s
12 130 Castle siege registration - Fail
12 131 Castle siege registration - Success
12 132 The process of marking the seal - Success
12 133 Announcement of castle siege - Success
12 134 Castle siege - Begin
12 135 Castle siege Finish - Victory
12 136 Castle siege Finish - Fail
12 137 There is currently no guild defending the castle
12 138 Current defender guild is: %s
12 139 Status of castle siege - Not Available
12 140 Status of castle siege - The sealing time has not started yet.
12 141 Status of castle siege - The sealing time has %d hours %d minutes left.
12 142 Status of castle siege - The period after sealing (time end) %d hours %d minutes
12 143 Status of castle siege - The Marking of seal time has %d hours %d minutes left.
12 144 Status of castle siege - The period of Marking the seal ( time end ) %d hours %d minutes
12 145 Status of castle siege - %d hours %d minutes till the announcement of castle siege registration
12 146 Status of castle siege - The preparation for castle siege has %d hours %d minutes left.
12 147 Status of castle siege - Castle siege has %d hours %d minutes left.
12 148 Status of castle siege - The castle siege will finish ( time end ) %d hours %d minutes
12 149 Switching between attacker and defender side- Success
12 150 Switching between attacker and defender - Fail
12 151 Switching between attacker and defender - Success
12 152 Test 010
12 153 Cac quai vat dang tan cong thung lung thanh Loren.
12 154 Ban la vi anh hung da giup luc dia MU thoat khoi cuoc tan cong cua cac quai vat Kundun. Chua se luon ben ban!
12 155 %s has pushed back the attack of %s at Loren pass
12 156 The attack of %s has been pushed back at Loren pass
12 157 %s has pushed back the attack of Erohim's army at Loren pass
12 158 The attack of Erohim's army has been pushed back at Loren pass
12 228 Tuong Balgass dang chi huy quan doi cua Kundun chuan bi tan cong Phao Dai Soi
12 229 Quan doi cua Balgass dang tap hop san sang tan cong Phao Dai Soi
12 230 Binh doan Balgass dang bao vay tan cong tuong than Soi
12 231 Binh doan Balgass da bao vay Phao Dai Soi!
12 232 Cac Thanh Nu da roi bo he thong phong thu, buc tuong cua than Soi bi pha vo
12 233 Balgass da khong bi tieu diet
12 234 Viec phong thu that bai! Buc tuong cua than Soi da bi Balgass giam giu
12 235 Viec phong thu da hoan thanh! Buc tuong cua Than Soi da duoc bao ve
12 236 Sau %d giay nua co the ket giao den Be tho
12 237 Sau %d phut nua co the ket giao den Be tho.
12 238 Binh doan Balgass se bat dau tan cong Phao Dai Soi sau %d giay
12 239 Binh doan Balgass se bat dau tan cong Phao Dai Soi sau %d phut
12 240 Cac thanh nu da roi bo he thong phong thu, buc tuong cua than Soi bi pha vo
12 241 Balgass dang tien den! Hay bao ce tuong than Soi
12 242 Binh doan Balgass dang bao vay tan cong tuong than Soi
12 243 Tuong Balgass da bi tieu diet. Nhiem vu hoan thanh
12 244 MvP rank: [%d]
12 245 MvP rank: Diem kinh nghiem [%d]
12 246 Binh doan Balgass dang tan cong vao Be tho
12 247 Chien binh %s da tieu diet duoc tuong Balgass
12 248 Balgass da bi tieu diet
12 249 Nu tu te so [%d] da bi %s tieu diet
12 250 Diem MvP thu duoc la : %d
12 251 Da ket noi den be tho [%d] cua tuong than Soi
12 252 Thanh Nu [%s] da ket giao den Be tho [%d]
12 253 Be tho [%d] cua tuong than Soi da duoc ket giao .
12 254 The connecting time of pedestal [%d] has not started yet
12 255 The time for connecting to pedestal [%d] of the holy wolf is over
13 0 The position to connect to pedestal [%d] of the holy wolf is incorrect. Try again
13 1 Thanh Nu %s dang co gang ket giao den Be tho
13 2 You can start connecting in 5 seconds
13 3 Khong duoc phep di chuyen di da ket giao hoan thanh.
13 4 Chien binh [%d] da huy bo ket giao den Be tho.
13 5 The barrier of the holy wolf statue has dissapeared
13 6 Stats of Muses in the holy wolf statue's barrier is %d, HP: %d
13 7 The barrier of the holy wolf statue has been created.
13 8 Thanh nua cap do 300 tro len moi co the ket giao
13 9 Thanh nu cap do 350 tro len moi co the ket giao
13 10 The Crywolf event will start soon.
13 11 Su kien Phao Dai Soi bat dau !
13 12 Crywolf event has finished.
13 13 Crywolf event is ongoing.
13 14 The life of Fenrir is %d
13 15 The regeneration of life has failed
13 16 Decreasing the base life of Fenrir from %d to %d
13 17 Increasing the base life of Fenrir from %d to %d
13 18 Kalima
13 19 Kalima 1
13 20 Kalima 2
13 21 Kalima 3
13 22 Kalima 4
13 23 Kalima 5
13 24 Kalima 6
13 25 Kalima 7
13 26 Unable to use
13 27 Trading fail
13 28 Unable to move and setup a personal store
13 29 Will lead to tower of the refinement road after 1 hour again seal.
13 30 Because the unlucky strength transmits to tower of the refinement, after 20 minutes will force to return the ridge security area.
13 31 CôÒng vaÌo Thaìp Tinh Luyêòn seÞ mõÒ sau 1 phuìt.
13 32 Trâòn chiêìn võìi Maya seÞ sõìm bãìt ðâÌu.
13 33 Trâòn chiêìn tiêìp theo seÞ bãìt ðâÌu sau 1 phuìt.
13 34 Hay danh bai thu linh Nightmare cung binh doan cua han.Eclips dang bi giam giu!!
13 35 ÐaÞ ðaình baòi truÌm Nightmare. Bây giõÌ baòn coì thêÒ býõìc vaÌo Thaìp Tinh Luyêòn.
13 36 Because will limit the time crossed, will force to return the ridge security area.
13 37 The strengthened goods are unable to sell.
13 38 The strengthened goods are unable the transaction.
13 39 The strengthened goods are unable to use individual store.
13 40 Because the goods rank too is low, is unable to continue to strengthen.
13 41 Suc manh thuc su da duoc gia cuong.
13 42 Khong the dung cho mon do cap do thap..
13 43 The strengthened goods are unable to fall.
13 44 The coverall goods are unable to carry on the strengthening.
13 45 Gia cuong cho Item da that bai.
13 46 Gia cuong tinh nang cho Item da hoan thanh.
13 47 Gia cuong suc manh tu Da tinh luyen that bai.
13 48 Gia cuong suc manh tu Da tinh luyen thanh cong.
13 49 The goods which is not smelts when fossil uses.
13 50 The refinement system is unable to use.
13 51 The evolution system is unable to use.
13 52 The strengthened system is unable to use.
13 53 The smelting system is unable to use.
13 54 The Items return to original state system is unable to use.
13 55 380 Items are unable to use the combination attribute system.
13 56 You already had hang the stone, therefore was unable to pick again.
13 57 Test Kantru 31
13 58 Test Kantru 32
13 59 Test Kantru 33
13 60 Test Kantru 34
13 61 Test Kantru 35
13 62 Hangs the stone to be unable to use individual store.
14 0 [Sýò kiêòn GiõÌ VaÌng] ðaÞ bãìt ðâÌu, Kinh nghiêòm tãng thêm: %d x, TiÒ lêò rõìt trang biò tãng thêm: %d%%
14 1 [Sýò kiêòn GiõÌ VaÌng] kêìt thuìc
14 2 [Sýò kiêòn ThoÒ Trãìng] ðaÞ bãìt ðâÌu
14 3 [Sýò kiêòn ThoÒ Trãìng] kêìt thuìc
14 4 [Sýò kiêòn BossAttack] ðaÞ bãìt ðâÌu
14 5 [Sýò kiêòn BossAttack] kêìt thuìc
14 6 [Sýò kiêòn GreenEvent] ðaÞ bãìt ðâÌu
14 7 [Sýò kiêòn GreenEvent] kêìt thuìc
14 8 [Sýò kiêòn HitAndUp] ðaÞ bãìt ðâÌu
14 9 [Sýò kiêòn HitAndUp] kêìt thuìc
14 10 [Sýò kiêòn ÐêÌn AÒo AÒnh] SeÞ bãìt ðâÌu sau %d phuìt
14 11 [Sýò kiêòn ÐêÌn AÒo AÒnh] ðaÞ ðoìng.
14 12 [Sýò kiêòn ÐêÌn AÒo AÒnh] Sýò kiêòn ÐêÌn AÒo AÒnh ðaÞ bãìt ðâÌu!
14 13 Ai ðoì ðaÞ lâìy mâìt phâÌn thýõÒng
14 14 %s ðaÞ nhâòn ðýõòc phâÌn thýõÒng
14 15 ÐêÌn AÒo AÒnh ðaÞ ðâÌy!
14 16 Veì tham gia ÐêÌn AÒo AÒnh biò thâìt laòc!
14 17 [Sýò kiêòn ÐêÌn AÒo AÒnh] kêìt thuìc, Ðôòi chiêìn thãìng: Ðôòi Xanh
14 18 [Sýò kiêòn ÐêÌn AÒo AÒnh] kêìt thuìc, Ðôòi chiêìn thãìng: Ðôòi Cam
14 19 [Sýò kiêòn ÐêÌn AÒo AÒnh] kêìt quaÒ HoÌa
14 20 Blue Team return the gift to the statue!
14 21 It is not the blue storage!
14 22 Orange Team return the gift to the statue!
14 23 It is not the orange storage!
14 24 Baòn không phaÒi laÌ Anh HuÌng!
14 25 [Thýõng Nhân Moss] ðaÞ xuâìt hiêòn õÒ Elbeland
14 26 [Thýõng Nhân Moss] kêìt thuìc sýò kiêòn
14 27 You need to some items before buy items from moss
14 28 You need %d zen for buy items from moss
14 29 You need to get married before buying items from moss
14 30 You need %d resets to buy items from moss
14 31 You need %d level to buy items from moss
14 32 [Sýò kiêòn Raklion Hatchery] CôÒng seÞ ðoìng sau %d phuìt.
14 33 [Sýò kiêòn Raklion Hatchery] CôÒng ðaÞ ðoìng.
14 35 Raklion Hatchery ðaÞ bãìt ðâÌu!!
14 36 HaÞy tiêu diêòt tâìt caÒ Nhêòn
14 37 Nhanh lên naÌo! tiêu diêòt tâìt caÒ trýìng Nhêòn trýõìc khi truÌm Selupan xuâìt hiêòn!
14 38 TruÌm Selupan seÞ ðêìn sau 20 giây nýÞa! HaÞy chuâÒn biò!
14 39 [Sýò kiêòn Raklion Hatchery] kêìt thuìc, TruÌm Selupan ðaÞ biò ðaình baòi!
14 40 [Sýò kiêòn Raklion Hatchery] Baòn coÌn 30 giây ðêÒ rõÌi khoÒi!
14 41 [Sýò kiêòn Raklion Hatchery] Baòn coÌn 30 giây ðêÒ rõÌi khoÒi!
14 42 [Sýò kiêòn Raklion Hatchery] Baòn coÌn 30 giây ðêÒ rõÌi khoÒi!
14 43 [Sýò kiêòn Raklion Hatchery] thâìt baòi! TruÌm Selupan ðaÞ ruìt lui.
14 44 [Sýò kiêòn Raklion Hatchery] thâìt baòi! PhaÒi tiêu diêòt tâìt caÒ trýìng trýõìc khi truÌm Selupan xuâìt hiêòn!
14 45 CoÌn 30 giây ðêÒ rõÌi khoÒi Raklion Hatchery.
14 46 %s tiêu diêòt 1 trýìng, coÌn laòi %d trýìng!
14 47 %s tiêu diêòt 1 truÌm Selupan, coÌn laòi %d !
14 48 %s ðaÞ tiêu diêòt trýìng cuôìi cuÌng!
14 49 %s ðaÞ tiêu diêòt truÌm Selupan cuôìi cuÌng!
14 50 [Sýò kiêòn Thiên Giõìi] seÞ ðoìng sau %d phuìt
14 51 [Sýò kiêòn Thiên Giõìi] ðaÞ ðoìng!
14 52 [Sýò kiêòn Thiên Giõìi] kêìt thuìc
14 53 %d Seconds to warp to Devias...
14 54 You need %s + %d for enter into Sky Event Level %d!
14 55 [Sýò kiêòn Thiên Giõìi][%d] Room Full!
14 56 [ÐiêÒm Phuìc Duyên] Nhâòn ðýõòc %d ðiêÒm
14 57 VIP Days: %d / Vip Money: %d
14 58 You need more space in your inventory!
14 59 Reseting Character...
14 60 You need some Items before Reset!
14 61 Insuficent Zen
14 62 Insuficent Levels
14 63 Reset System is Dissabled
14 64 Baòn câÌn câìp ðôò %d
14 65 Bay gio ban khong the PK!
14 66 Ban khong the PK!
14 67 Ban can phai co zen!
14 68 [Lêònh côòng ðiêÒm]: LôÞi cuì phaìp
14 69 [Lêònh côòng ðiêÒm]: Không ðuÒ ðiêÒm.
14 70 [Lêònh côòng ðiêÒm]: Baòn haÞy ðãng nhâòp laòi!
14 71 [Lêònh côòng ðiêÒm]: Côòng thêm [%d] vaÌo Sýìc Maònh.
14 72 [Lêònh côòng ðiêÒm]: Côòng thêm [%d] vaÌo Nhanh Nheòn.
14 73 [Lêònh côòng ðiêÒm]: Côòng thêm [%d] vaÌo Sinh Lýòc.
14 74 [Lêònh côòng ðiêÒm]: Côòng thêm [%d] vaÌo Nãng Lýõòng.
14 75 [Lêònh côòng ðiêÒm]: Côòng thêm [%d] vaÌo Mêònh Lêònh.
14 76 [Lêònh côòng ðiêÒm]: ChiÒ Chuìa TêÒ mõìi coì thêÒ sýÒ duòng lêònh /addcmd.
14 77 [Lêònh côòng ðiêÒm]: Không thêÒ côòng hõn %d ðiêÒm!.
14 78 [Lêònh côòng ðiêÒm]: Không thêÒ výõòt quaì sôì ðiêÞm tôìi ða.
14 79 Baòn câÌn ðaòt câìp ðôò cao hõn!
14 80 [Giao Ðâìu] %s ðâìu võìi %s õÒ PhoÌng %d
14 81 May chu da tat chuc nang thach dau!
14 82 You can not Duel yourself!
14 83 Duels are not allowed in ÐêÌn AÒo AÒnh.
14 84 Ban can phai 30 level moi co the thach dau!
14 85 Ban can phai co 30000 zen moi co the thach dau!
14 86 Can't find free Duel room!
14 87 [Giao Ðâìu] %s ðaÞ ðaình baòi %s
14 88 You are now in the duel room.
14 89 Can't move to duel room.
14 90 The duel that you are trying to watch is already filled
14 91 Do you want accept marry with %s?
14 92 You cant marry with some one with the same sex!
14 93 You cant marry in that position!
14 94 %s is already married
14 95 Character %s doesnt exist or is disconnected
14 96 You are already married!
14 97 Thoi gian tra loi da het!
14 98 You cant marry in that position!
14 99 Congratulations you are married with %s
14 100 Congratulations To %s And %s - Newly WED!
14 101 You are already married!
14 102 Character %s doesnt exist or is disconnected
14 103 %s is inside of one event, you cant warp there!
14 104 %s da bi ngat ket noi voi may chu.
14 105 You Get Divorced, your Zen is decreased by %d
14 106 You Get Divorced, your Zen is increase by %d
14 107 You need %d zen to divorce
14 108 You are not married!
14 109 %s is online please use /divorce command
14 110 You need %d zen to force the divorce
14 111 Baòn ðaÞ kêìt hôn võìi %s
14 112 Ông giaÌ Noel xâìu xa vaÌ ðôòi quân ngýõÌi tuyêìt ðaÞ tâìn công chuìng ta!
14 113 Ông giaÌ Noel xâìu xa ðaÞ ruìt lui.
14 114 Only one present for each one!
14 115 HaÞy cuÌng nhau giýÞ giÌn công lyì vaÌ baÒo vêò an toaÌn cho ThaÌnh Phôì
14 116 You can not change warehouse number right now!
14 117 [WarehouseEx] Number: %d
14 118 Extra Warehouse is dissabled!
14 119 Extra Warehouse is only for vip users!
14 120 Extra Warehouse Max exceed!
14 121 Max ware is %d, you have %d extra ware and you try to buy %d ware
14 122 You buy %d warehouses, now you have %d ware
14 123 You need %d vipmoney for buy %d warehouse
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