View Full Version : Shop Việt Hóa 99%!

04-03-10, 09:09 PM
Đây là một webshop việt hóa có thể nói là đến 99%(Còn 1% chưa tìm ra và đang khắc phục ^^!).Mình đã việt hóa tất cả item và bỏ bớt những tính năng khác của bachcotsau.
Và đây là giao diện webshop dành cho Administrator:

<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>
Còn đây là giao diện webshop dành cho Member:

<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>
<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>
<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>
Pass Giải Nén:
Link download:
<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>
Hướng dẫn cài đặt:
Bạn open file wshconf.php bằng Notepadd++ rồi tìm dòng:
/************************************************** ***

The MuOnline Web Shop Configuration
Creator: savoy (at) vachev (d0t) net

************************************************** ***/

/************************************************** ***

SQL Settings
Critical Settings

************************************************** ***/

$webshop['mssq']['host'] = ''; // Server Address (Host\ip)
$webshop['mssq']['user'] = 'sa'; // Username used for a connection
$webshop['mssq']['pass'] = '123456'; // Username's password
$webshop['mssq']['db'] = 'MuOnline'; // Database name
$webshop['mssq']['dbacc'] = 'MuOnline'; // If you are using 6databases - set this to 'Me_MuOnline' or whatever your account database is named. (v0.4)
$webshop['mssq']['use_md5'] = false; // Use md5 encrypted passwords (true/false)

/************************************************** ***

Global Announcer v0.9
JoinServer connection settings

************************************************** ***/

$webshop['globalmsg']['jsip'] = ''; // Ip/Hostname of your joinserver (must allow traffic from teh webserver)
$webshop['globalmsg']['jsport'] = '55970'; // The port your JS is using (Default: 55970)

/************************************************** ***

Credit requirements settings
Create a balance shoping enviorment

************************************************** ***/

$webshop['credits']['reset'] = 60; // Amount of credits required for a single reset (0 to disable reset shoping)
$webshop['credits']['classchg'] = 6000; // Amount of credits required for a class change (0 to disable class shoping)
$webshop['credits']['itemexl'] = 15; // Amount of credits required for each extra excellent item option added to an item
$webshop['credits']['itemluck'] = 15; // Amount of credits required to put luck on an item
$webshop['credits']['itemskill'] = 13; // Amount of credits required to put skill on an item
$webshop['credits']['itemlvl'] = 4; // Amount of credits required for each item level increased
$webshop['credits']['itemopt'] = 5; // Amount of credits required for each item option increased
$webshop['credits']['ancient1'] = 13; // Amount of credits required to put ancient option on your item (5 stamina)
$webshop['credits']['ancient2'] = 20; // Amount of credits required to put ancient option on your item (10 stamina)
$webshop['credits']['zencasino'] = 60; // Amount of credits required to tryout the zen casino (0 to disable the zen casino)
$webshop['credits']['creditcasino'] = 20; // Amount of credits required to tryout the credit casino (0 to disable the credit casino). Recommended to be a low value
$webshop['credits']['unbanchar'] = 3500; // Amount of credits required to unban a banned character (0 to disable removal of bannishment for credits)
$webshop['credits']['points'] = 2; // Credits per 5 points (e.g. -> if this is 10, 20 credits will cost 40 credits) (0 to disable)
$webshop['credits']['vip'] = 5000; // Amount of credits required for an user to buy himself the access to you vip server (0 to disable). Please set the ConnectMember.txt path in the misc settings
$webshop['credits']['multiplier'] = 1; // Item Credits multiplier. Used for a massive promotions on items or permanent configuration. Normal:1
$webshop['credits']['zerocredit'] = 0; // Show/Hide (1/0) Zero Credit items (not for sell) from the shop list
$webshop['credits']['fenrir_destroy'] = 40; // Fenrir + Destroy credit cost (0 to disable)
$webshop['credits']['fenrir_protect'] = 40; // Fenrir + Protect credit cost (0 to disable)
$webshop['credits']['golden_fenrir'] = 45; // Golden Fenrir credit cost (0 to disable) v0.9
$webshop['credits']['zen'] = 700000;// Amount of zen that is bough with "1" credit (0 to disable)
$webshop['credits']['sellback_Q'] = 0.5; // What part of the credits should a user receive for selling back his item (1 = 100% , 0.9 = 90% , ..) (0 to disable item reselling) (Default: 0) Setting this to a higher value than 1 will cause a credit bug !!
$webshop['credits']['announce'] = 100; // Credits required to make an in-game GM-like announcement (Default: 50) (0 to disable global announcements) v0.9
$webshop['credits']['namechg'] = 1000; // Credits required to change a character name (Default: 1000) v0.9
$webshop['credits']['gmarkchg'] = 1000; // Credits required to change a guild's mark (Default: 1000) v0.9

/************************************************** ***

Limiting the item adder

************************************************** ***/

$webshop['limit']['item_level'] = 13; // Max item level that can be added (Default: 13)
$webshop['limit']['item_option'] = 7; // Max item option that can be added (Default: 7) (1=4, 2=8, etc..)
$webshop['limit']['item_excellent'] = 2; // Max excellent options an item can have (Default: 6)
$webshop['limit']['zen_limit'] = 2000000000; // Money that cannot be exceeded in the zen casino and zen shop (Default: 2000000000)

/************************************************** ***

Rate Settings

************************************************** ***/

$webshop['rates']['zc_chance'] = 15; // What is the chance (in percents) for winning money the zen casino
$webshop['rates']['cc_chance'] = 5; // What is the chance (in percents) for winning credits the credit casino
$webshop['rates']['zc_rate'] = 1.5; // What is the winning reward for the zen casino (Default 1.5) which means 1.5 times the users current cash -> must be greater than 1
$webshop['rates']['cc_rate'] = 1.5; // What is the winning reward for the credit casino (Default 1.5) which means 1.5 times the users current credits -> must be greater than 1
$webshop['rates']['cc_part'] = 0.2; // With what part of the users credits can he gamble (Default 0.3) which means that if the users has 30 resets, he will gamble with 9 of them -> CANNOT be greater than 1. Make sure this is not a high value..

/************************************************** ***

Item image Settings

************************************************** ***/

$webshop['image']['path'] = 'index/items'; // Item image directory ( no trailing slash at the end ) (default is "index/items")
$webshop['image']['whshow'] = true; // Show images in the warehouse display ( true / false )
$webshop['image']['addshow'] = true; // Show images in the item adder ( true / false )

/************************************************** ***

Vip Memberships v0.4

************************************************** ***/

$webshop['vip']['level'] = 3000; // Credits required for a vip level (0 to disable) (Default: 10) (10 credits = 1 level, 20 credits = 2 level, etc..)
$webshop['vip']['maxlevel'] = 5; // Max vip level (Default: 5)
$webshop['vip']['db'] = 'MuOnline'; // Database where the VIP membership table takes place
$webshop['vip']['table'] = 'MEMB_INFO'; // Table where the VIP membership column takes place
$webshop['vip']['column'] = 'vip'; // The VIP user level column name (set data type = int)
$webshop['vip']['column1'] = 'memb___id'; // The VIP user account column name

/************************************************** ***

Uncategorised Settings

************************************************** ***/

$webshop['misc']['title'] = 'Chao mung ban den sieu thi Mu Nghiep Du'; // The Web Index's <title>
$webshop['misc']['admins'] = 'admin,123456,1234'; // Administrator accounts. Seperate by coma's e.g. Admin1,Admin2, ..
$webshop['misc']['howtogetcredits'] = 'index.php?sy=howto'; // Link to a guide on getting credits
$webshop['misc']['item_debug'] = 1; // Some item categories have caused some problems, set this to 1 if you are having such problems!! (Default 1)
$webshop['misc']['admin_log_max'] = 200; // Maximum Number Of Logs Shown Per Session (Default 75)
$webshop['misc']['timestamp'] = 'm/d/Y H:i:s'; // Date output format
$webshop['misc']['bannedcode'] = 1; // The ban control code (Default 1)
$webshop['misc']['solidbans'] = '1234, character3'; // Chaaracters that cannot be unbanned by the unban for credit function (seperate by comas)-> all characters must be with lowercase letters !!
$webshop['misc']['servername'] = 'Về trang chủ'; // Your server name
$webshop['misc']['serverlink'] = '<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>'; // URL to your home page
$webshop['misc']['CMPath'] = 'E:/10016bate41/data/ConnectMember.txt'; // The /path to the ConnectMember.txt of your vip server (if you have any)
$webshop['misc']['VipExpire'] = 30; // Days for a vip membership to expire (0 for permanent). Please not that changing this from 0 to something will have all your current users disband from their rights once accounts are pruned!! (Default 31)
$webshop['misc']['topcredits'] = 20; // How many accounts should the shop display in the \\thetop\\ module (admin) (ordered by their account credit balance descending..)
$webshop['misc']['language'] = 'vietnam'; // Place language files in /lang/ directory
$webshop['misc']['encoding'] = 'utf-8'; // Character encoding (Default: Windows-1251 - cyrilic)
$webshop['misc']['chosablelangs'] = 'Tiếng Việt';// Languages that can be picked from the web
$webshop['misc']['s3classes'] = true; // Use Season III Classes ( true / false ) (Default: true) (v0.8)
$webshop['misc']['gmsgfilters'] = '<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b> <b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b> .com .net .org admin fuck shit pussy tits ass screw damn dick'; // Global announcer word filters
$webshop['misc']['LoginTimeOut'] = 31; // Days that the cookies will expire in after the user has logged in (Default: 31) v0.9
$webshop['misc']['feedback'] = true; // users can send feedback ( true / false ) (Default: true) v0.9
$webshop['misc']['fbfloodprot'] = 1024; // Flood Protection (in seconds) for the feedback module (Default: 1024) v0.9
-- End of the configuration --
Những chữ màu xanh là những nơi cần config lại

06-03-10, 08:24 AM
Web này bạn có thể thay thế table đăng nhập = memb_info không ?

06-03-10, 11:55 AM
Mình chưa nguyên cứu đến phần này.Bạn thông cảm:-ss

06-03-10, 12:29 PM
Moved và Changed Prefix! Good site!