View Full Version : Raklion Project - Full Season IV + Custom Options (GS+G

22-10-09, 09:27 PM
RaklionProject Season IV - DimensionGamers
Version: 3
GS_CS BETA Not fully tested

//[UPDATE - 3] Server Files - RaklionProject 1.00.90
Files - MegaUpload

<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b> - GameServer GameServerCS are ORIGINALS and they WASNT packed or unpacked
NEW - WzAG.dll by fedee
NEW - Data folder are MuJapan Original ones
NEW - 37 new commonserver lines found on GS text strings

//[UPDATE - 3] - Client Patch:
Patch - MegaUpload

<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>

<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b> dgmt.ath.cx
Serial: MuLegendFreeRlSs
Version: 1.02.40

//DataBases and ODBCs ORIGINALS:

MegaUpload Download

<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>
//Some programs

Microsoft SQL 2005

MSSQL2005 EXPRESS EN (<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>):
SQLEXPR.EXE - for 64bit OS.
SQLEXPR32.EXE - for 32bit OS.
MSSQL2005 DB Manager EN (<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>):
SQLServer2005_SSMSEE.msi - for 32bit OS.
SQLServer2005_SSMSEE_x64.msi - for 64bit OS

Account Creator:


<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>
//Config Files


//====== Project: RaklionProject ==============
//====== File: GameServer.ini ==============
//====== Date: 10-08-09 =======================

FR-ConnectNotice = Bienvenido:
FR-UDPPort = 60099
FRBienvenida = RaklionProject : FoReVeRoNe Para: DimensionGamers
FR-CheckSum = 0 ;(1 = Uso CheckSum - 0 = No Quiero usar eso!)


//====== Project: RaklionProject ==============
//====== File: GameServerCS.ini ==============
//====== Date: 10-08-09 =======================


FR-ConnectNotice = %s Bienvenido/a GSCS.
FRBienvenida = RaklionProject By: FoReVeRoNe Para: DimensionGamers
FR-UDPPort = 60010

//====== Project: RaklionProject ==============
//====== File: ForeverComm ====================
//====== Date: 23/09/09 =======================

//************************************************** **********************************
//************************ Configuracion [/post] *************************************
//************************************************** **********************************

FRShowPost = 0 ;(Muestra mensaje "Se cobro taza de zen por mandar el mensaje. 1=Habilitado ; 0=Desabilitado)
FRPost = 1 ;(Habilita el comando)
FRPostLvL = 100 ;(Configura el lvl requerido para enviar un mensaje)
FRCobroPost 1 ;(Habilita el sistema de cobro por mensaje)
FRCostoPost = 100000 ;(Define el precio que se paga por cada mensaje)

//************************************************** **********************************
//************************ Configuracion [/add] **************************************
//************************************************** **********************************

FRShowCobro = 1 ;(Muestra mensaje "Se cobro taza de zen por Agregar Stats. 1=Habilitado ; 0=Desabilitado )
FRisAdd = 1 ;(Habilita el comando)
FRAddLevel = 10 ;(Configura el lvl requerido para Agregar Stats)
FRCuestaAdd = 1 ;(Habilita el sistema de cobro por carga)
FRCostoAdd = 1000 ;(Define el precio que se paga por cada carga)
PuntosMax = 200 ;(Cantidad de Puntos por /add que pueden cargar)

//************************************************** **********************************
//************************ Configuracion [/drop] *************************************
//************************************************** **********************************

FRisDrop = 1 ;(habilita el comando)

//************************************************** **********************************
//************************ Configuracion [/PKClear] **********************************
//************************************************** **********************************

PKClear = 1 ;(Habilita el comando)
PKClearCosto = 10000000 ;(Define zen requerido para utilizarlo)
PKBajar = 1 ;(Define cantidad de nivelPK que bajara)

//************************************************** **********************************
//************************ Sintaxis [/add] *******************************************
//************************************************** **********************************


FR-AddFuerza = /addstr
FR-AddAgilidad = /addagi
FR-AddVitalidad = /addvit
FR-AddEnergia = /addene
FR-AddComando = /addcmd


//====== Project: RaklionProject ==============
//====== File: ForeverConfig ==================
//====== Date: 23/09/09 =======================


//************************************************** **********
//********************* Orb De Elf ***************************
//************************************************** **********

FR-Orb0 = 26
FR-Orb1 = 32
FR-Orb2 = 21
FR-Orb3 = 20
FR-Orb4 = 10
FR-Orb5 = 150
FR-Orb6 = 151

//************************************************** **********
//***************** Anillos Transformacion *******************
//************************************************** **********

FR-Ring1 = 2
FR-Ring2 = 7
FR-Ring3 = 14
FR-Ring4 = 8
FR-Ring5 = 9
FR-Ring6 = 41

//************************************************** **********
//************ Precio de las joyas ***************************
//************************************************** **********

FR-BlessPrice = 9000000
FR-SoulPrice = 6000000
FR-ChaosPrice = 810000
FR-LifePrice = 45000000
FR-CreationPrice = 36000000
FR-GuardianPrice = 60000000

//************************************************** **********
//**************** Trainer Mix Rate **************************
//************************************************** **********

FR-HorsiMix = 60
FR-SpiritMixRate = 80

//************************************************** **********
//*********************** DinorantMix ************************
//************************************************** **********

FR-DinorantMix = 60

//************************************************** **********
//********************* Skills Lvl ***************************
//************************************************** **********

FR-LevelTwistingSlash = 80
FR-LevelRagefulBlow = 170
FR-LevelDeathStab = 160
FR-LevelImpale = 28
FR-LevelInner = 120
FR-LevelPenetracion = 130

//************************************************** **********
//********************** LvL UpPoints ************************
//************************************************** **********

FR-DLPoints = 7
FR-MGPoints = 7
FR-NormalPoints = 20

//************************************************** **********
//****************** Blood Castle Drop ***********************
//************************************************** **********

FR-BCIndex = 15
FR-BCGroup = 12

//************************************************** **********
//******************* Chaos Machine Mix **********************
//************************************************** **********

FR-LuckMixAdd = 0
FR-MixItems10 = 0
FR-MixItems11 = 0
FR-MixItems12 = 0
FR-MixItems13 = 0
FR-DefaultMixRate = 45
FR-DefaultMaxRate = 100
FR-Win3Mix = 64

//************************************************** **********
//****************** Usuarios en Eventos *********************
//************************************************** **********

FR-MinPLatersIT = 2
FR-MinPlayesCC = 1

//************************************************** **********
//****************** Configuracion Mana Shiel ****************
//************************************************** **********

FR-ManaAgility = 65000
FR-ManaEnergy = 65000

//************************************************** **********
//************************ InnerBK ***************************
//************************************************** **********

FR-InnerBKVit = 32000
FR-InnerBKEne = 32000

//************************************************** **********
//************************ DropItems *************************
//************************************************** **********

FR-ExItemDropRate = 100
FR-ExItemDropSkillRate = 100
FR-ExItemDropLuckRate = 1
FR-NormalItemDropSkillRate = 6
FR-NormalItemDropLuckRate = 4

//************************************************** **********
//************************ GlobalsFix ************************
//************************************************** **********

FR-GlobalFixes = 1 //Elimina Codigo de seguridad para: GUILD,BorrarPJ

//************************************************** **********
//********************* JewelRates ***************************
//************************************************** **********

FR-SoulRate = 0 ;(0 = 100% ; 100 = 0%;)
FR-SoulLuckRate = 100
FR-LifeRate = 50
ItemDrop.ini NOT TESTED! (we are busy, VERY busy sorry we are 2 persons)

Last 2 files are from GS and GS_CS


Update 3
- CRASHES GameServer/CS √
- Switch Checksum GameServer √
- Soul Rates GameServer/CS √
- Golden Invasion Message GameServer/CS √
- White Wizzard GameServer/CS √
- Minor Bugs √
Cliente Patch (Legend) 3
- Traductions √
- Main Fixed (Master level and MOVE) √
- Added 3 client&server Armor Sets of Summoner √
- Added Mu Japan new Mixes √
Update 2
- CRASH GameServerCS - Solucionado √
- Comando PK - GameServer Normal √
- WingsLvL3Mix - √
- UDP Port GameServer.ini & GameserverCS.ini √
- Configuracion del Comando ADD mediante .ini √
- Bugs menores √
- Move sin requerir Seal √ (Requiere parche UPDATE - 2 ) √

//Installation Update - 3
- You must replace Data, RaklionProject, Gameserver & GameServerCS


Webzen - ServerFiles
Forever18 - Coding
Ares - Helping with offsets and functions
fedee - WzAG, Crack GameServers, Test(little xD) All Client Patch
DimensionGamers - Mi community and test
Gembrid RZ - Offsets and structure

22-10-09, 09:30 PM
Edit Posted:
Raklion Project - Full Season IV + Custom Options

23-10-09, 11:59 AM
bạn ơi, chỉnh lại bài đi, màu chữ trắng xóa ko nhìn rõ được...bạn edit lại bài 1 tý đi..khó nhìn quá....có nhiều chỗ chắng xóa chả thấy gì...cả...

23-10-09, 06:04 PM
GS này là JPN à mọi người?
vậy cũng hơi rắc rối nhỉ?

25-10-09, 06:47 PM
vậy thì xài client gì bây giờ . cho mình cái crack luôn :)
ọc ọc thấy rồi . xóa hộ :(