View Full Version : [MU] ACTeaM 97d Classic Original

06-12-19, 11:32 PM
| ==============================================
| - (C) 2019 ACT-Network (R)
| -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
| - <b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>
| -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
| - Copyright Advanced CoderZ MU DevelopmenT 2019
| ==============================================

| ==============================================
| - GameServerInfo - Common
| ==============================================
| -> Welcome Message System When Logging In
| -> SQL Connection System
| -> Server Level Limit System
| -> Item Time System on Floor
| -> Time System for Select Char and Exit Game
| -> VIP Room Special Room System [NEW]
| -> Bonus XP System by VIP Type [NEW]
| -> VIP-type Infinite Pet System [NEW]
| -> Infinite Potions System by vip Type [NEW]
| -> Infinite Flex System by vip type [NEW]
| -> Potions Delay System for Each Pot [NEW]
| -> Shadow Phantom Soldier BOT System [NEW]
| -> LevelUp Points System by Classes
| -> Elfsummon System
| -> Transformation Ring System
| -> Jewel Rate System
| -> Original Drops Rate System
| -> ChaosMachine System Rate Settings
| -> Golden Monster System per map
| -> Pot Percentage System (Life and Mana)

| ==============================================
| - GameServerInfo - CalCharacter
| ==============================================
| -> CalCharacter On / Off System
| -> Item System + 15 Added
| -> Splitter System for all classes
| -> Fully Configurable PVP System

| ==============================================
| - GameServerInfo - Skill
| ==============================================
| -> Complete ManaShield Skill Formula
| -> Greater Life Skill Formula (Blade Knight Buff)
| -> Defense (Elf Buff) Skill Time System [NEW]
| -> Attack (Elf Buff) Skill Time System [NEW]
| -> Healing Life (Elf Buff) Skill Formula [NEW]
| -> Monster Definition System of Each Summoning Orb
| -> Level Skills Definition System

| ==============================================
| - GameServerInfo - Party
| ==============================================
| -> Party Level System
| -> Party Players EXP System
| -> Party EXP System by Class
| -> Party Players EXP System on DevilSquare
| -> Party EXP System by Class on DevilSquare

| ==============================================
| - GameServerInfo - Attack [BETA TEST]
| ==============================================
| -> Time limit system in minutes use auto attack [NEW]
| -> Minimum Level System [NEW]
| -> System Accepts Command with Offline Mode [NEW]
| -> Map System Prohibited from Using Auto Attack [NEW]

| ===============================================
| - GameServerInfo - Commands
| ===============================================
| -> Command / Post // With 3-color flood protection system
| -> Command / PKClear // Clear Player Pk
| -> Command / HeroClear // Clear Player's Hero
| -> Command / AddPK // Add pk to the level the player wants
| -> Command / Zen // Add the Zen the player wants
| -> Command / ClearInv // Clear Player Inventory in 3 Ways
| -> Commando / Chest // Changing dupe-protected chests
| -> Command / add // Aadd Player Points
| -> Command / Attack // Player Attacks Automatically
| -> Command / AttackOff // Turn Off Automatic Atack
| -> Command / OffAttack // Player Strikes ONLIME Even As He Leaves The Game

| ===============================================
| - GameServerInfo - GameMaster
| ===============================================
| -> Command / Drop // Command for Creating Items
| -> Command / Skin // Transform Monsters Command
| -> Command / MoveAll // Move All Players
| -> Command / MoveGuild // Move Entire Guild
| -> Command / Disconnect // Disconnect Player
| -> Command / Trace // Go to player
| -> Command / Track // bring the player
| -> Command / Block // Block Player
| -> Command / UnBlock // Unlock Player
| -> Command / Ban // Ban Account
| -> Command / UnBan // Unban Account

| ================================================
| - GameServerInfo - Reset
| ================================================
| -> Added key to turn on the system
| -> Added 2 types of punctual / cumulative reset
| -> Added Configurable Zen Requirement
| -> Added check for cannot reset with items
| -> Added resets maximum limit check
| -> Added move check for source map
| -> Added level check to reset from 0 to 1000
| -> Added HP / MP / SD Balance
| -> Added Check for 3 types of vips
| -> Added level After reset
| -> Added points for reset
| -> Added Points After Force Reset
| -> Added Points After Agility Reset
| -> Added Points After Vitality Reset
| -> Added Points After Power Reset
| -> Added Configurable Syntax / Reset

| =================================================
| - New Map System
| =================================================
| -> Limit up to 25 maps on server
| -> pvp on new maps Fixed
| -> Monster respawn error on new maps
| -> Item Drop Error on New Maps
| -> Monster read error on new maps
| -> Player respawn error on new maps [NEW]

| =================================================
| - New Duel System
| =================================================
| -> New Map for Duel Configurable [HOT]
| -> Duel Invitation System [HOT]
| -> Invitation Deny Return [HOT]
| -> Return of Invitation Time [HOT]
| -> Move to Duel Rooms [HOT]
| -> Global Duelist Announcement [HOT]
| -> Duelist Fujão Global Announcement [HOT]
| -> Configurable Invitation Time System [HOT]
| -> Checks of (opponent) trade chaosbox zen etc .. [HOT]
| -> Duel Ranking System [HOT]
| -> (4) Simultaneous duels on the same map [HOT]
| -> Duel Rooms Automatic Release [HOT]
| -> Check Rooms for Next Duel [HOT]
| -> Map (x) Coordinate (x) Configurable Coordinate (y) [HOT]
| -> Non-VIP Restrictions Configurable [HOT]
| -> Duelist Scoreboard Information [HOT]
| -> Configurable Duel Round Configuration [HOT]
| -> Room Random Respawn System [HOT]
| -> Spectator System [HOT]
| -> Spectator Room Information System [HOT]
| -> Configurable Viewer Skins System [HOT]
| -> Duel Command Syntax Configurable (/ Duel / yes / Room) [HOT]

| =================================================
| - GameServerInfo - Jewels
| =================================================
| -> Rate Jewel Success System [HOT]
| -> Jewelry Item System [HOT]
| -> Add Level System [HOT]
| -> Luck Add System [HOT]
| -> Add System Option [HOT]
| -> Excelent Add System [HOT]
| -> System for Adds ExcelentOption [HOT]
| -> Add System for MaximoOptions [HOT]

| =================================================
| - Golden Summoning Scroll
| =================================================
| -> Golden Goblin Scrolll [HOT]
| -> Golden Taikan Scrolll [HOT]
| -> Golden Dragon Scrolll [HOT]
| -> Golden Lizard Scrolll [HOT]
| -> Golden Tantalo Scrolll [HOT]

| =================================================
| - Basic Protection
| =================================================
| -> Trade Hack Protection.
| -> Dupe hacker protection.
| -> Disconnect hacker protection.
| -> Flood Protection.
| -> Unicode protection create char.
| -> Unicode create guild protection.

| =================================================
| - Main 97d
| =================================================
| -> Changeable IP Exchange System
| -> Changeable Version Exchange System
| -> Changeable Serial Exchange System
| -> In-Game CPU Consumption Reduction System
| -> Monster Hp Bar System [HOT]
| -> 32 item system by category
| -> Item Brightness System + 15
| -> ANTIALIASED Graphic System
| -> Static Effect System for Items and Wings [HOT]
| -> Lightweight 3D System without Graphic Errors
| -> Agility System
| -> MiniMap System
| -> FPS Control System
| -> Animated Select Char System [HOT]
| -> Fog System
| -> Glow System
| -> New Jewelry System [HOT]
| -> New Scrolls System [HOT]
| -> Extremely easy main management system [GetMain] [HOT]

<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>!vxVFVYLS!pEmeGTPqz5LomgSmU6-K7w

12-12-19, 04:16 AM
/Attack không sử dụng được
HP bar cũng không có.

03-01-20, 08:54 PM
/Attack không sử dụng được
HP bar cũng không có.

xin cai client di ban. toan bao licensed khi mo main

03-01-20, 10:30 PM
xin cai client di ban. toan bao licensed khi mo main
<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>!vxVFVYLS!pEmeGTPqz5LomgSmU6-K7w

03-01-20, 10:38 PM
<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>!vxVFVYLS!pEmeGTPqz5LomgSmU6-K7w
Cũng vậy ông ơi.nó khóa licensed ko bật đc main