12-08-19, 06:08 PM
x300084_g_scriptId = 300084
x300084_ItemList = 30008080
x300084_GiftList = {}
x300084_GiftList[1] = { {item = 30008060, num = 1}, {item = 30308021, num = 1}}
x300084_GiftList[2] = { {item = 30008061, num = 1}, {item = 10124153, num = 1}, {item = 30008066, num = 1}}
x300084_GiftList[3] = { {item = 30008062, num = 1}, {item = 30607002, num = 1}, {item = 31000006, num = 1}, {item = 20309010, num = 24}}
x300084_GiftList[4] = { {item = 30008063, num = 1}, {item = 30008027, num = 1}, {item = 20309018, num = 32}}
x300084_GiftList[5] = { {item = 30008064, num = 1}, {item = 31000005, num = 1}, {item = 30008027, num = 1}}
x300084_GiftList[6] = { {item = 30008065, num = 1}, {item = 30008027, num = 1}, {item = 20309012, num = 50}}
x300084_GiftList[7] = { {item = 30504113, num = 1}, {item = 30008027, num = 1}, {item = 30504038, num = 10}, {item = 20309012, num = 8}, {item = 20310000, num = 15}}
x300084_GiftList[8] = { {item = 30504114, num = 1}, {item = 20309013, num = 24}, {item = 20310000, num = 15}}
x300084_GiftList[9] = { {item = 30504115, num = 1}}
x300084_GiftList[10] = { {item = 30504116, num = 1}, {item = 20310000, num = 60}}
x300084_GiftList[11] = { {item = 30504117, num = 1}, {item = 20310000, num = 60}}
x300084_GiftList[12] = { {item = 30505192, num = 1}, {item = 20310000, num = 60}}
x300084_GiftList[13] = { {item = 30505192, num = 1}, {item = 20310000, num = 60}}
x300084_BindGiftList = {}
x300084_BindGiftList[1] = {30308035, 10141805}
x300084_BindGiftList[2] = {}
x300084_BindGiftList[3] = {}
x300084_BindGiftList[4] = {}
x300084_BindGiftList[5] = {}
x300084_BindGiftList[6] = {}
x300084_BindGiftList[7] = {30309056}
x300084_BindGiftList[8] = {30504055, 50313004}
x300084_BindGiftList[9] = {30504055, 20500001, 20501001, 20502001}
x300084_BindGiftList[10] = {30504055, 30504055, 10141108}
x300084_BindGiftList[11] = {30504055, 30504055}
x300084_BindGiftList[12] = {50313004, 50313004}
x300084_BindGiftList[13] = {30504055, 30504055, 20500001, 20501001, 20502001, 50313004}
x300084_FreeSpaceList = {
{4, 0}, --1
{3, 0}, --2
{3, 2}, --3
{2, 2}, --4
{3, 0}, --5
{2, 3}, --6
{5, 2}, --7
{2, 4}, --8
{2, 3}, --9
{4, 2}, --10
{4, 2}, --11
{1, 4}, --12
{3, 6}, --13
x300084_SheliziID = 30900058
x300084_SheliziExp = 300000
x300084_SheliziExp65 = 6558342
x300084_MaxBagID = 13
function x300084_OnDefaultEvent(sceneId, selfId, bagIndex)
function x300084_IsSkillLikeScript(sceneId, selfId)
return 1;
function x300084_CancelImpacts(sceneId, selfId)
return 0;
function x300084_OnConditionCheck(sceneId, selfId)
if (1 ~= LuaFnVerifyUsedItem(sceneId, selfId)) then
return 0
local bagId = LuaFnGetBagIndexOfUsedItem(sceneId, selfId)
if LuaFnLockCheck(sceneId, selfId, bagId, 0) < 0 then
x300084_MsgBox(sceneId, selfId, "#{Item_Locked}")
return 0
local itemIndex = LuaFnGetItemIndexOfUsedItem(sceneId, selfId);
if x300084_ItemList ~= itemIndex then
x300084_MsgBox(sceneId, selfId, "Vật phẩm không tồn tại.")
return 0
local CurLevel = LuaFnGetLevel(sceneId, selfId)
if CurLevel < 10 then
x300084_MsgBox(sceneId, selfId, "#{GMTripperObj_Resource_Info_Level_Not_Enough}")
return 0
local FreeSpace = LuaFnGetPropertyBagSpace(sceneId, selfId)
if (FreeSpace < 14) then
x300084_MsgBox(sceneId, selfId, "Yêu cầu ô đạo cụ cần để trông 13 Ô, xin quay lại sau")
return 0
if LuaFnGetMaterialBagSpace(sceneId, selfId) < 1 then
x300084_MsgBox(sceneId, selfId, "Yêu cầu ô nguyên liệu cần để trông 1 Ô, xin quay lại sau.")
return 0
if GetMenPai(sceneId, selfId) == 9 then
x300084_MsgBox(sceneId, selfId, "Yêu cầu gia nhập môn phái.")
return 0
return 1
function x300084_OnDeplete(sceneId, selfId)
if (0 < LuaFnDepletingUsedItem(sceneId, selfId)) then
return 1;
return 0;
function x300084_OnActivateOnce(sceneId, selfId)
local itemIndex = LuaFnGetItemIndexOfUsedItem(sceneId, selfId);
if itemIndex == 30008080 then
local q = {10553090, 10553091, 10553092, 10553093, 10553094, 10553095, 10553096, 10553097, 10553098, 10553098, 10553099, 10553099, 10100000} -- hỏa
for i = 1, 13 do
ibagidx1 = TryRecieveItem(sceneId, selfId, q[i], 1)
if ibagidx1 ~= -1 then
LuaFnItemBind(sceneId, selfId, ibagidx1)
x300084_yiqianaddbiaoshi(sceneId, selfId)
return 1;
function x300084_yiqianaddbiaoshi(sceneId, selfId)
local mybiaoshilist_g_Gem =
{50621106, 50602005, 50603001, 50604002, 50613004, 50614001, 50611001, 50612005}, -- Thiếu Lâm 0 huyền
{50621306, 50602007, 50603001, 50604002, 50613004, 50614001, 50611001, 50612006}, -- Minh giáo 1 hỏa
{50621406, 50602008, 50603001, 50604002, 50613004, 50614001, 50611001, 50612008}, -- Cái Bang 2 độc
{50621206, 50602006, 50603001, 50604002, 50613004, 50614001, 50611001, 50612005}, -- Võ Đang 3 băng
{50621206, 50602006, 50603001, 50604002, 50613004, 50614001, 50611001, 50612007}, -- Nga Mi 4 băng
{50621406, 50602008, 50603001, 50604002, 50613004, 50614001, 50611001, 50612008}, -- tinh túc 5 độc
{50621106, 50602005, 50603001, 50604002, 50613004, 50614001, 50611001, 50612005}, -- Thiên Long 6 huyền
{50621206, 50602006, 50603001, 50604002, 50613004, 50614001, 50611001, 50612007}, -- Thiên Sơn 7 băng
{50621306, 50602007, 50603001, 50604002, 50613004, 50614001, 50611001, 50612006}, -- Tiêu Dao 8 hỏa
{50621106, 50602005, 50603001, 50604002, 50613004, 50614001, 50611001, 50612005}, -- không môn phái 9 huyền
{50621106, 50602005, 50603001, 50604002, 50613004, 50614001, 50611001, 50612005}, -- Mộ Dung 10 huyền
{50621406, 50602008, 50603001, 50604002, 50613004, 50614001, 50611001, 50612008}, -- Đường Môn 11 độc
{50621106, 50602005, 50603001, 50604002, 50613004, 50614001, 50611001, 50612005}, -- Quỷ Cốc 12 huyền
local tEquipGemTable = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18}
local Bore_Count = GetBagGemCount(sceneId, selfId, 0)
local nLevel = GetBagItemLevel(sceneId, selfId, 0)
local EquipType = LuaFnGetBagEquipType(sceneId, selfId, 0)
local find = 0
local bagbegin = GetBasicBagStartPos(sceneId, selfId)
local bagend = GetBasicBagEndPos(sceneId, selfId)
for i = bagbegin, bagend do
local itemIndex = LuaFnGetItemTableIndexByIndex(sceneId, selfId, i)
if itemIndex > 0 then
local ret = LuaFnIsItemLocked(sceneId, selfId, i)
if ret ~= 0 then
local EquipType = LuaFnGetBagEquipType(sceneId, selfId, i)
local find = 0
for i, gem in tEquipGemTable do
if gem == EquipType then
find = 1
if find == 1 then
local equipMaxGemCount = GetBagGemCount(sceneId, selfId, i)
while equipMaxGemCount < 3 do
local ret = AddBagItemSlot(sceneId, selfId, i)
equipMaxGemCount = GetBagGemCount(sceneId, selfId, i)
local can = 0
local EquipType = LuaFnGetBagEquipType(sceneId, selfId, i)
local equipEmbededGemCount = 0
equipMaxGemCount = 0
if EquipType >= 0 and EquipType ~= 16 then
equipMaxGemCount = GetBagGemCount(sceneId, selfId, i)
equipEmbededGemCount = GetGemEmbededCount(sceneId, selfId, i)
if equipMaxGemCount > equipEmbededGemCount and equipMaxGemCount ~= 0 then
can = 1
if can == 1 then
if EquipType == 0 or EquipType == 6 or EquipType == 7 or EquipType == 11 or EquipType == 12 or EquipType == 13 or EquipType == 14 or EquipType == 17 or EquipType == 18 or EquipType == 10 then
local nMenpai = GetMenPai(sceneId, selfId)
local Gem = mybiaoshilist_g_Gem[nMenpai + 1]
local gemEmbededIdx = -1
local gemYi = 0
for j = 1, 4 do
local gemType = LuaFnGetItemType(Gem[j])
for k = 0, equipMaxGemCount - 1 do
gemEmbededIdx = GetGemEmbededType(sceneId, selfId, i, k)
local Type = LuaFnGetItemType(gemEmbededIdx)
if Type == gemType then
gemYi = 1
if gemYi == 0 then
local BagIndex = TryRecieveItem(sceneId, selfId, Gem[j], QUALITY_MUST_BE_CHANGE)
GemEnchasing(sceneId, selfId, BagIndex, i)
elseif EquipType == 1 or EquipType == 2 or EquipType == 3 or EquipType == 4 or EquipType == 5 or EquipType == 15 or EquipType == 9 then
local nMenpai = GetMenPai(sceneId, selfId)
local Gem = mybiaoshilist_g_Gem[nMenpai + 1]
local gemEmbededIdx = -1
local gemYi = 0
for j = 5, 8 do
local gemType = LuaFnGetItemType(Gem[j])
for k = 0, equipMaxGemCount - 1 do
gemEmbededIdx = GetGemEmbededType(sceneId, selfId, i, k)
local Type = LuaFnGetItemType(gemEmbededIdx)
if Type == gemType then
gemYi = 1
if gemYi == 0 then
local BagIndex = TryRecieveItem(sceneId, selfId, Gem[j], QUALITY_MUST_BE_CHANGE)
GemEnchasing(sceneId, selfId, BagIndex, i)
x300084_MsgBox(sceneId, selfId, "Nhận vật phẩm thành công.")
LuaFnSendSpecificImpactToUnit(sceneId, selfId, selfId, selfId, 18, 0)
function x300084_OnActivateEachTick(sceneId, selfId)
return 1;
function x300084_MsgBox(sceneId, selfId, msg)
AddText(sceneId, msg)
DispatchMissionTips(sceneId, selfId)
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