View Full Version : Vindictus Server + Client v1.69 - Cài sẵn chỉ việc chơi
30-06-18, 12:10 PM
1. DOWNLOAD - Pass Nếu có: ProKenDy
- CLIENT DOWNLOAD (<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>)
- PATCH CLIENT (<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>)
- SERVER DOWNLOAD (<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>)
- VMware:
<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>
Key Code:
2. HD Client:
- Tải client về cài đặt rồi chép Patch
- Xóa tất cả file có trong media folder trừ những file có đuôi *ending.avi
- Đổi tên file:
Trong thư mục "hsf" thành tên bất kỳ
- Chạy start.bat để vào game
3. HD start Server:
- Thông tin server, config IP mạng mình để bên ngoài máy ảo nên sẽ ko ghi ở đây
<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>
30-06-18, 12:51 PM
Tks chủ thớt .
Cảm ơn bác đã share.
Test thấy chạy ok, mà cái này raid dungeon nhóm chơi solo dc ko bác ?
30-06-18, 08:24 PM
Hóng ai đó việt hóa cho quẩy ahihi :D
30-06-18, 10:09 PM
Cảm ơn bác đã share.
Test thấy chạy ok, mà cái này raid dungeon nhóm chơi solo dc ko bác ?
bạn test thử xem chứ mình mới thì test sơ sơ vào game đc vs test phó bản đầu game vào đánh thấy ok là thôi up lên luôn :D
01-07-18, 10:29 PM
bạn test thử xem chứ mình mới thì test sơ sơ vào game đc vs test phó bản đầu game vào đánh thấy ok là thôi up lên luôn :D
Bạn biết cách thêm đồ không? đọc trên forum không hiểu cái creatercharacter db tìm ở đâu nữa T_T
01-07-18, 10:54 PM
Sao chọn nhân vật hiện bảng lỗi rồi văng ra nhỉ?:-<:-<:-<:-<
02-07-18, 06:02 AM
add item sao vậy bác. e tìm mãi trong sql manager k thấy :v
02-07-18, 09:29 AM
Bạn biết cách thêm đồ không? đọc trên forum không hiểu cái creatercharacter db tìm ở đâu nữa T_T
add item sao vậy bác. e tìm mãi trong sql manager k thấy :v
Bạn có thể chỉ mình cách thêm đồ và cách add tiền trong này được không?
Dùng Navicat để mở file heroesContent.db3 trong Server
How To Send items to your character. Edit them. Add titles
If you're like me and you played Vindictus for a while you probably want to play dress-up with your character now that you set up your own local server, I'm here to teach you how to do that.
Go to your HeroesOpTool.exe and click the third button from the left, then select Push Items(Item Festival) , this is the same tool Nexon uses for attendance events.
Select your server ( should be Test server )
Insert your desired items class into the item field (Note : Inserting Gold into the Item field sends gold) .To get the item classes load up heroesContent.db3 from the Bin folder into sqliteBrowser or navicat or whatever you prefer and go to the ItemClassInfo table.
Should look a little like this :
Note you can filter by value in the top fields, I suggest using class filtering when looking for stuff for your character, hint, Arisha is 256, Lann is 1, you can find the others.
You can also run sql queries for general item names to find items as such :
select * from itemclassinfo where itemclass like '%kadan%'
This query returns all the keaghan avatar items and a bit more.
Moving on, Count value is self-explanatory, and you need to input a message for it to be delivered, once you're done with all that press Run.
You should have received your items in inventory by now.
Now you want to edit these items.
Load up the Item table in SSMS, you'll find all the items and gold for all the characters, you need their ID if you want to edit them later, to find a list of all your character items you can run :
select * from heroes..item where ownerid=yourcID
Find the ItemID that you wish to edit, run
select * from heroes..ItemAttribute where ItemID = youritemsID
The result should be empty or have at maximum a count of 1.If it doesn't check what stats your item already has and update accordingly.
If the result is empty run :
insert into heroes..itemattribute (itemid,Attribute,Value,Arg,arg2) values (youritemID,'type','value',0,0)
Types I tested so far :
'ENHANCE' : Enhances the items upgrade level, values possible : 0-15.
'SUFFIX' : Adds a suffix enchant ( scrolls ).
'PREFIX' : Adds a prefix enchant ( scrolls ).
You can find suffix and prefix values inside heroesContent.db3 in the bin folder, table name EnchantInfo, looks like this - > <b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b> , grab the EnchantClass for the value name.
You must run an insert statement for each new attribute you're adding to the item.
Once you're done it should look a little like this : <b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>
Remember, the changes won't show up until you relog your character.
Adding titles :
You can find a list of possible titles inside heroesContent- > table TitleInfo, they start with ID 410001 and end at 420580, you could add the ones you're missing one by one or you could run an insert statement like I did, code is :
[T-SQL] add titles - (<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>) ( I had to move the code to pastebin cause Incapsula was throwing Error Code 15 - security error when I tried to post this )
This should add roughly 500 titles for the desired red title effect. Modify the max count for your desired amount.
If you are still missing some or have incomplete titles run
Update heroes..title set Acquired=1 where cid = yourCID
02-07-18, 05:51 PM
thanks bác. bác chỉ e nốt cái cuối là add NX coin kiểu gì đi bác :v
02-07-18, 07:37 PM
Dùng Navicat để mở file heroesContent.db3 trong Server
How To Send items to your character. Edit them. Add titles
If you're like me and you played Vindictus for a while you probably want to play dress-up with your character now that you set up your own local server, I'm here to teach you how to do that.
Go to your HeroesOpTool.exe and click the third button from the left, then select Push Items(Item Festival) , this is the same tool Nexon uses for attendance events.
Select your server ( should be Test server )
Insert your desired items class into the item field (Note : Inserting Gold into the Item field sends gold) .To get the item classes load up heroesContent.db3 from the Bin folder into sqliteBrowser or navicat or whatever you prefer and go to the ItemClassInfo table.
Should look a little like this :
Note you can filter by value in the top fields, I suggest using class filtering when looking for stuff for your character, hint, Arisha is 256, Lann is 1, you can find the others.
You can also run sql queries for general item names to find items as such :
select * from itemclassinfo where itemclass like '%kadan%'
This query returns all the keaghan avatar items and a bit more.
Moving on, Count value is self-explanatory, and you need to input a message for it to be delivered, once you're done with all that press Run.
You should have received your items in inventory by now.
Now you want to edit these items.
Load up the Item table in SSMS, you'll find all the items and gold for all the characters, you need their ID if you want to edit them later, to find a list of all your character items you can run :
select * from heroes..item where ownerid=yourcID
Find the ItemID that you wish to edit, run
select * from heroes..ItemAttribute where ItemID = youritemsID
The result should be empty or have at maximum a count of 1.If it doesn't check what stats your item already has and update accordingly.
If the result is empty run :
insert into heroes..itemattribute (itemid,Attribute,Value,Arg,arg2) values (youritemID,'type','value',0,0)
Types I tested so far :
'ENHANCE' : Enhances the items upgrade level, values possible : 0-15.
'SUFFIX' : Adds a suffix enchant ( scrolls ).
'PREFIX' : Adds a prefix enchant ( scrolls ).
You can find suffix and prefix values inside heroesContent.db3 in the bin folder, table name EnchantInfo, looks like this - > <b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b> , grab the EnchantClass for the value name.
You must run an insert statement for each new attribute you're adding to the item.
Once you're done it should look a little like this : <b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>
Remember, the changes won't show up until you relog your character.
Adding titles :
You can find a list of possible titles inside heroesContent- > table TitleInfo, they start with ID 410001 and end at 420580, you could add the ones you're missing one by one or you could run an insert statement like I did, code is :
[T-SQL] add titles - ( I had to move the code to pastebin cause Incapsula was throwing Error Code 15 - security error when I tried to post this )
This should add roughly 500 titles for the desired red title effect. Modify the max count for your desired amount.
If you are still missing some or have incomplete titles run
Update heroes..title set Acquired=1 where cid = yourCID
tks bạn :v để test thử, mò được edit lv, AP rồi, chưa biết add item, tir icon or nexon, add được là chơi quá ngon rồi
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