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27-04-16, 04:00 AM
Adobe After Effects CC 2015 v13.7
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Adobe After Effects CC 2015 v13.7
Name adobe.after.effects.cc.2015.v13.7
Size 2.16 GB


Name: Adobe After Effects CC 2015
Version: 13.7
Includes: Patch
OS Version: Mac OS X v10.9 or later
Multicore Intel processor with 64-bit support
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After Effects CC. All new in 2015. Create incredible motion graphics and visual effects. The industry-standard motion graphics and visual effects toolset now brings you better ways to work, connecting your desktop and mobile apps with all your creative assets, so you can create your most stunning visuals yet.
Bold new ways to put your ideas in motion.
Create production-quality graphics and Looks on your mobile devices as well as your desktop. And get immediate access to all your assets � including Adobe Stock images � from right inside After Effects. See how the latest release helps you go from initial concept to finished composition faster than ever.
Access all your After Effects assets anywhere with CreativeSync.
Adobe CreativeSync keeps everything you need up to date and at your fingertips across your desktop, web and mobile apps. It automatically syncs your Looks, colors, images, Adobe Stock assets, settings, metadata and more. It also powers your Creative Cloud Libraries, giving you instant access to your favorite assets right from within After Effects. With CreativeSync, you can start your project in any app on any device, pick it up where you left off and finish it on your desktop.
Millions of high-quality images. Right inside After Effects.
Find the perfect photo or graphic to jump-start your next project and make it amazing. The new Adobe Stock service offers 40 million curated, royalty-free assets that are all available from After Effects CC in just a few clicks. And Creative Cloud members get special pricing � 40% off Adobe Stock when you add it to your membership. It's the industry's **** value.
Find the perfect image or graphic for your project
Save time finding, licensing and managing royalty-free stock images and graphics now that After Effects CC integrates with the new Adobe Stock service. Once you save an image to your Creative Cloud Libraries, it's immediately available for use in your compositions and other creative projects.
Your assets, available anywhere
Access and share important creative assets � like Looks and graphics � via Creative Cloud Libraries that are available in After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, Photoshop and Illustrator; mobile apps like Shape; and services like Adobe Stock.
Preview without interruptions
Adjust a composition's properties and even resize panels without interrupting playback. Uninterrupted preview keeps up with your creativity.
Track faces with greater accuracy
The Face Tracker makes it easy to apply effects to select areas of faces. Use simple tracking to color correct or blur a face; track specific points to change eye color or mouth movements; or track measurements, such as how wide an eye is open. You can even export data to Adobe Character Animator.
Easily animate 2D characters
Give life to characters you create in Illustrator or Photoshop by acting out their movements in front of a webcam. Adobe Character Animator tracks your facial movements, lets you record dialogue or a voice performance and enables you to trigger actions with your keyboard.
Preview the way that works **** for you
Preview compositions, layers and footage based on your experience and preferences. Choose intuitive default behaviors, create customized previews for different triggers or revert to legacy preview behaviors with a few clicks.
Adapt the UI to your preferences
Navigate panels faster thanks to streamlined panel groups. Adjust the brightness of interactive controls to get the contrast just right.
Optimize the UI for touch
In the first steps toward a more touch-friendly compositing environment, After Effects makes it easier to navigate between panels in a group by letting you choose and activate panels with touch-optimized controls.
And so much more
Also includes: Enhancements that save time when working with expressions, the ability to import JPEG 2000 files and more.
Multilenguaje (incluido espa�ol)
Crea incre�bles gr�ficos animados y efectos visuales.
El conjunto de herramientas de gr�ficos animados y efectos visuales l�der del sector ofrece ahora una manera de trabajar m�s agilizada conectando tus aplicaciones de escritorio y para dispositivos m�viles con tus activos creativos. De esta manera, puedes crear tus efectos visuales m�s impresionantes.
Nuevas y atrevidas maneras de poner tus ideas en movimiento.
Crea gr�ficos y apariencias de gran calidad en tus dispositivos m�viles y en tu ordenador de sobremesa. Adem�s, accede de inmediato a todos tus activos, incluidas las im�genes de Adobe Stock, directamente desde After Effects. Mira c�mo la versi�n m�s reciente te ayuda a avanzar desde el concepto inicial hasta la composici�n inicial m�s r�pido que nunca.
Captura la inspiraci�n en cualquier lugar.
Captura la inspiraci�n y crea activos en cualquier lugar usando aplicaciones para dispositivos m�viles como las nuevas Adobe Hue CC y Adobe Shape CC. Despu�s, lleva tus activos a After Effects para crear efectos y gr�ficos animados sofisticados.
Perfecciona mientras previsualizas.
Crea sin interrupciones ahora que After Effects te permite ajustar las propiedades de una composici�n e incluso modificar el tama�o de los paneles sin detener la reproducci�n.
Seguimiento facial m�s preciso.
Usa la nueva funci�n de seguimiento facial para aplicar efectos a las zonas del rostro seleccionadas. Corrige el color, desenfoca o realiza un seguimiento de las medidas o de los puntos para cambiar cosas como el color de los ojos.
Disfruta de verdaderos gr�ficos en 3D dentro de After Effects.
Importa objetos en 3D y util�zalos en tus escenas en 3D gracias al desarrollo 3D en directo con Cinema 4D. Sin repetir la representaci�n y sin esperar. Podr�s dedicar m�s tiempo a la creatividad.

Password: mojado or coz45

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