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25-04-16, 01:49 PM
DxO Optics Pro
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DxO Optics Pro
Name DxO_Optics_v10.5.4
Size 287.5 MB


Thanks to DxO OpticsPro's exclusive technologies, instantly correct all the optical defects of your equipment, remove digital noise even at high sensitivities, recover fine details and textures in dark or burnt areas, and bring out all the nuances of color in your images. With DxO OpticsPro's outstanding performance, bring out the **** in your RAW and JPEG photos in just a few clicks, regardless of shooting conditions. Main Features: - Stunningly detailed images, even at the highest ISO values: PRIME technology is designed to let you achieve optimal image quality. - The exclusive new ClearView feature automatically eliminates haze from landscape photos and smog from urban photos. - DxO Smart Lighting intelligently reveals details in each light range by brightening dark areas and retrieving image data in burnt areas. - Thanks to the scientific laboratory calibration of each camera model, DxO OpticsPro corrects all the optical flaws in your photos with an unrivaled level of quality. Technical specifications: DxO OpticsPro is available in English, French, German, and Japanese for both Mac and PC. Apple� OS X�: - Intel Core� i5 or higher - 4w GB of RAM (6 GB recommended) - 2 GB of available disk space (6 GB recommended) - OS X� 10.8 (Mountain Lion), 10.9 (Mavericks), 10.10 (Yosemite) - Graphics card with 512 MB of video memory to handle GPU acceleration ??????????????????????? DxO Optics Pro mejora autom�ticamente la calidad de la imagen y empuja los l�mites de las c�maras corrigiendo todos los fallos relacionados con la lente y el sensor, incluyendo la eliminaci�n de ruido. Puedes utilizar este programa f�cil de usar para mejorar tus im�genes en un instante. Basado en un amplio conocimiento de las propiedades de las c�maras y lentes, este programa galardonado ofrece calidad excepcional de la imagen incluso en ultra alta sensibilidad ISO y se ejecuta en archivos JPEG o RAW. La singularidad de DxO Optics Pro radica en su capacidad de realizar las correcciones de la m�s alta calidad sin intervenci�n humana. Si deseas mejorar tus fotograf�as con un s�lo clic sin tener que configurar controles deslizantes o si deseas configurar manualmente tus propios par�metros de correcci�n, DxO Optics Pro satisfar� tu necesidad. Requiere Intel Mac OS X 10.8 o posterior.

Password: mojado or coz45

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