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View Full Version : CSI SAP2000 v15.2.1 Ultimate-LAV | 593MB

23-04-16, 10:01 PM
CSI SAP2000 v15.2.1 Ultimate-LAV | 593MB

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CSI SAP2000 v15.2.1 Ultimate-LAV | 593MB
SAP2000 is general-purpose civil-engineering software ideal for the analysis and design of any type of structural

system. Basic and advanced systems, ranging from 2D to 3D, of simple geometry to complex, may be modeled, analyzed, designed, and optimized using a practical and intuitive object-based modeling environment that simplifies and streamlines the engineering process. The SAPFire Analysis Engine integral to SAP2000 drives a sophisticated finite-element analysis procedure. An additional suite of advanced analysis features are available to users engaging state-of-the-art practice with nonlinear and dynamic consideration. Created by engineers for effective engineering, SAP2000 is the ideal software tool for users of any experience level, designing any structural system. Integrated modeling templates, code-based loading assignments, advanced analysis options, design-optimization procedures, and customizable output reports all coordinate across a powerful platform to make SAP2000 especially useful for practicing professionals. SAP2000 is also an excellent medium for education. Open SAP2000 and follow the CSI Watch & Learn video series to receive not only instruction on software use, but also insight into structural engineering philosophy and practice. SAP2000 15.2.1 Enhancements: - The memory capacity has been increased for the graphical user interface, allowing larger models to be handled. - The analysis of certain non‐symmetrical frame sections now accounts for coupled bending due to the product of inertia, I23, and for the coupling between major shear (V2) and torsion when the shear center is not located at the centroid of the section. Steel frame design and cold‐formed frame design are not affected except as may due to changes in analysis results. Steel frame design was already accounting for the rotated principal axes of bending for angle sections as documented for the various codes. - The number of time steps that can be run in a single linear or nonlinear (FNA) modal time‐history load case has been increased for cases with a large number of link elements. - Italian material property definitions have been added. - Steel frame design using the "AS4100‐1998" and "NZS 3404‐1997" codes have been enhanced to provide more design details. - Mass participation ratios for the rotational acceleration loads (RX, RY,and RZ) have been changed so that they are now reported with respect to the centroid of the structure. Previously they were reported with respect to the global origin. - The import of StruCAD*3D models has been enhanced to allow the import of the Cb, Cm, and unbraced‐length design overwrites.

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