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22-04-16, 12:07 PM
Adobe InDesign CC 2015 v11.3.0
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Adobe InDesign CC 2015 v11.3.0
Name adobe.indesign.cc.2015.v11.3.0.mac.os.x
Size 810.0 MB


Name: Adobe InDesign CC 2015 Version: 11.3.0 Mac Platform: Intel OS Version: OS X v10.9 Processor type(s) & speed: 64-bit processor Craft elegant layouts at your desk or on the go. The industry-leading page design and layout toolset now helps you work faster and smarter, connecting your desktop and mobile apps with all your creative assets, so you can make beautiful pages for print or digital no matter where you are. Polished pages, faster than ever. Create production-quality page designs and layouts on your mobile devices as well as your desktop. And get immediate access to all your assets � including Adobe Stock images � from right inside InDesign. See how the latest release helps you go from initial comp to finished page layout with incredible speed and precision. Access all your InDesign assets anywhere with CreativeSync. Adobe CreativeSync keeps everything you need up to date and at your fingertips across your desktop, web and mobile apps. It automatically syncs your shapes, colors, graphics, character and paragraph styles, Adobe Stock assets, settings, metadata and more. It also powers your Creative Cloud Libraries, giving you instant access to your favorite assets right from within InDesign. With CreativeSync, you can start your project in any app on any device, pick it up where you left off and finish it on your desktop. Millions of high-quality images. Right inside InDesign. Find the perfect photo or graphic to jump-start your next project and make it amazing. The new Adobe Stock service offers 40 million curated, royalty-free assets that are all available from InDesign CC in just a few clicks. And Creative Cloud members get special pricing � 40% off Adobe Stock when you add it to your membership. It's the industry's **** value. What's new in Adobe InDesign CC 2015: Edit once, update everywhere Assets in Creative Cloud Libraries can now be linked so that when a change is made, you and your team members have the option of updating the asset across any InDesign, Illustrator or Photoshop projects where it's used. Integrated with Adobe Comp CC Create layouts for print, web or mobile anywhere on your iPad. Pull creative assets into Comp from your or your team's shared Creative Cloud Libraries, then instantly send your layouts to InDesign. All your text, images and graphics are live and fully editable. Place images into tables Now, along with text, you can add graphics directly into tables and it's quick and easy to do. Simply use the Place Gun or drag and drop images from Finder/Explorer or the Content Collector. Easily publish documents online Publish Online (Preview) lets you effortlessly publish and distribute documents online where they can be viewed without the need for a plug-in. Plus, you can include buttons, slideshows, animation, audio and video. Find the perfect image or graphic, fast The new Adobe Stock marketplace lets you find, license and manage royalty-free images and videos from within InDesign CC. Select from 40 million assets, save your selection to your Creative Cloud Libraries and then drag it into your project to use. Mercury Performance System advancements Work more than twice as fast zooming in and out, scrolling with a mouse wheel or paging up and down complex documents. Page thumbnails redraw more quickly when editing, too. Add borders and shading to paragraphs Quickly and easily add borders and shading to paragraphs without manual workarounds. Highlights adjust automatically as you edit text, even if it flows across columns. Plus, you have controls for offsets and more. More Acrobat PDF defaults New options in the export to PDF print dialog box give you the ability to set the default view settings. InDesign CC. Todas las novedades de 2015. Crea elegantes dise�os en tu escritorio o sobre la marcha. El conjunto de herramientas de dise�o y maquetaci�n de p�ginas l�der del sector ahora te ayuda a trabajar de forma m�s r�pida y m�s inteligente conectando tus aplicaciones de escritorio y para dispositivos m�viles con todos tus activos creativos. De esta manera, puedes crear preciosas p�ginas para su publicaci�n impresa o digital est�s donde est�s. P�ginas de gran calidad m�s r�pido que nunca. Crea dise�os de p�ginas de gran calidad en tus dispositivos m�viles y en tu ordenador de sobremesa. Adem�s, accede de inmediato a todos tus activos, incluidas las im�genes de Adobe Stock, directamente desde InDesign. Mira c�mo la versi�n m�s reciente te ayuda a avanzar desde la composici�n inicial hasta el dise�o de p�gina terminado con una incre�ble velocidad y precisi�n. InDesign en cualquier parte. Aplicaciones para dispositivos m�viles como las nuevas Adobe Comp CC, Shape CC y Color CC llevan toda la potencia de InDesign a tus dispositivos. De esta manera, puedes crear dise�os de p�ginas excepcionales en cualquier lugar que trabajes. Bonitos dise�os de eBook con el aspecto que deseas. Crea libros en formato EPUB con dise�o fijo y texto interactivo, as� como ilustraciones, fotos, audio y animaciones, y que la maquetaci�n y el dise�o no cambien independientemente del tama�o de la pantalla donde se visualicen. Las tareas diarias aceleradas. Gracias a las mejoras de Mercury Performance System, puedes acercar, alejar, mover hacia arriba, hacia abajo y generar miniaturas de la p�gina m�s r�pido que nunca. Fuentes a tu alcance. Accede a la amplia biblioteca de fuentes de escritorio de Adobe Typekit directamente desde el men� de fuentes de InDesign. �Tienes un documento en el que faltan fuentes? La aplicaci�n encuentra coincidencias en Typekit y solicita que las sincronices con un solo clic. Procesador Intel multin�cleo. Mac OS X v10.9 o posterior. 4 GB de RAM (se recomiendan 8 GB). 4 GB de espacio disponible en el disco duro para la instalaci�n; se requiere espacio libre adicional durante la instalaci�n (no se puede instalar en un volumen que utilice un sistema de archivos con distinci�n entre may�sculas y min�sculas, ni en dispositivos de almacenamiento flash extra�bles). Resoluci�n de pantalla de 1024 x 768 (se recomienda 1280 x 800) con tarjeta de v�deo de 32 bits. Compatible con pantallas Retina. Se requiere el software Adobe Flash Player 10 para exportar archivos SWF.

Password: mojado or coz45

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