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View Full Version : NAVIGON v5.4.7 + Map of Europe Q3.2015

23-03-16, 09:15 PM
NAVIGON v5.4.7 + Map of Europe Q3.2015

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NAVIGON v5.4.7 + Map of Europe Q3.2015 | 4.06 GB
Maps of Europe Q3 2015 (Albaniya, Andora, Belgium, Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, France, Gibraltar, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Croatia, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Makedoniya, Moldaviya, Monako, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Vatican, Great Britain, Ukraine, Belarus, Turkey).

Map of Russia is only in the "iron" browsers and versions Garmin For Sony Xperia (in the hand is missing).
Description: Download the map (size, depending on your program), and support files of about 600MB.
Additional Information:
On some devices (primarily on kitayfonah) may be a problem connecting to a WLAN at the time of registering. This is a well-known bug.
For this case, there is an alternative version of the program - NAVIGON select, with the same functionality, but with a more complex installation.
Instructions for installing the program from scratch NAVIGON Select
How to reduce the size of the service files to save ~ 300Mb internal memory
How to find out the release downloaded software Navigon, Maps
Information for the owners of devices with Android KitKat
Information for the owners of "iron" navigators Navigon
Installed at the instructions in the NAVIGON Select, without dancing with a tambourine updated Market
After the installation, download files and maps will be the basic version of the program without additional services (relief, urban transport, traffic, etc.). Since program cured, then buy them out of the basket in the interface will not be possible (there is the possibility of buying in version NAVIGON select).
The distribution map contains Q3 2015 (the folder "map") of the Navigon Fresh for Android and all support files for maps Q3 2015 (the folder "data") from Navigon Fresh for Android. Available resolution screens - ldpi, mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi, xxxhdpi. You can replace an entire folder on your device to the files of the distribution (the program will pick up needed) or to save space, only the files that it contains. As well as radar in September and for the Clever Parking ADAC in August 2015 in the folder "poi"
In ./Navigon/map folders and files ./Navigon/poi replace with new ones.
Updated files: for "iron" added navigator map Russia Q3 2015 (in the folder "Additional nfs for iron navigators Navigon")
Developer: NAVIGON
Language: Multilingual (Russian present)
Medicine: Cured
System Requirements: Android 2.3 or higher
Coverage: Depending on the installed program:
NAVIGON Europe 5.4.7 (Europe)
NAVIGON select 5.4.8 (Europe Q3 2010 - desirable replacement cards on the current and nfs)
NAVIGON North America 5.2.2 (Mexico, USA, Canada)
NAVIGON Australia & New Zealand 5.3.0 (Australia and New Zealand)
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